
If You Think Your Ex Will NEVER Come Back, WATCH This (Part 2)

If you're going through a breakup and feel hopeless about ever getting your ex back, this video is for you. Dating/relationship expert Lucia gives more reasons why it's still possible to get your ex back, no matter how bleak the situation seems right now. Phone/Skype coaching: Download the App: Book: Doc Love Book: Get $99 Therapy: Channel Membership: Website: Podcast: or Lucia is an internationally known dating/relationship expert, author of "Lucia's Lessons of Love", former host of "The Art of Love" TV and radio shows, a syndicated columnist and keynote speaker. She has over 100 major national and international TV and radio credits including Dr. Phil, The Tyra Banks Show, E! Entertainment, 60 Minutes Australia, The CBS Early Show, ABC 7 News, Good Day L.A and the KTLA News. Lucia has been interviewed by numerous publications including Details, Business Week, Allure, Elle and media from Italy, France, Germany, Canada, Japan, the UK, Australia, Azerbaijan, Chile and Denmark. Say hi on social: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook:

The Art Of Love with Lucia

11 months ago

[Music] foreign [Music]Hi. This is Lucia with The Art of Love. I'm a dating and relationship expert  specializing in helping you get your ex back or to get over your ex so last week I put out  a video called if you think your ex is never coming back watch this and I didn't think I would  be talking about the same subject so soon however I realized there are a couple of very important  points that I left out of that video and so I said I have to do another video so here we are  again but before I
start I want to welcome back my beautiful no contact Army if you're having trouble  staying in no contact download the Silenzio app the link is underneath every video and podcast  and it will help you to stay in no contact and if you too want to join our army all you have  to do is hit the Subscribe button and the Bell notification and you're in and to read our manual  go to where you can read two free chapters before purchasing the book and  the link to that is under e
very video and podcast okay so let's talk about this subject again it's  so important it needs two videos not one so when you've been broken up with and you want your ex  back but you think that they'll never come back you are in what's called a heightened emotional  state which means that you are more prone to something called catastrophizing I can't even  say it. it's a long word catastrophizing which means that you're experiencing intrusive thoughts  where you're Imagining the worst case scen
ario and according to an article in the guardian these  thoughts are quote rooted deep in our bodies and adaptive trait and evolutionary defense mechanism  that helps us prepare for the worst end quote so this is why you have that negative voice in  your head that's our primitive brain trying to protect us by bringing up the worst case scenario  thanks a lot so when we feel out of control or stressed our primitive coping mechanisms kick in  and this ramps up our fear responses and it shuts off t
he logical part of the brain the prefrontal  cortex so the more stressed you feel the more the stronger the Primitive circuit gets and the more  things feel threatening or sad so literally you are not in your right mind because you're in the  Primitive brain as opposed to The Logical brain and this may have been helpful back in the  day when we were cavemen and there was danger everywhere but that is no longer the case there  isn't danger everywhere and yet our brains have not yet adapted so how
do you get back into your  right mind well the more time you spend in calm environments the more in control you'll feel and  you can do this with taking long walks or even short walks being out in nature deep breathing  calms your nervous system rubbing your hands together also calms your nervous system watching  funny TV shows or movies and exercise which also strengthens the prefrontal cortex so those are  all good things to get to being in a calm state as I've mentioned many times before if
you're  having a difficult time after a breakup whether you're trying to get an ex back or not you have to  take care of you focus on the things that I just mentioned and remember that when you have those  intrusive thoughts that's not you that's your primitive brain so you can say to it thank you  I know you're trying to protect me but I don't need your help right now or you can do what I or  you can say what I say which is I don't know who you're talking to but I am not listening to what  you
have to say okay so that was the first thing now the second thing that I forgot to mention was  faith and I'm going to get a bit religious here often going through no contact is similar to  walking through the valley of the shadow of death and everyone who wants their ex back has to  walk to that Valley there's no escaping it you're afraid that you'll never hear from  your ex despite how many times I've said that 90 of people will hear from their ex it's  called having faith and you need to have
it and you need to believe that you will hear  from your ex and that you will have a chance to get back together and if you think about  it everything in life actually requires faith when we go to sleep at night we have faith  that will actually wake up in the morning or when you go to a restaurant to eat you have  faith that the food is not going to poison you when you turn the light switch on you have  faith at the light is actually going to come on if you start an exercise and diet regimen y
ou have  faith that by sticking to it eventually you'll get to where you want to go so pretty much everything  in life requires some level of faith and it's no different with no contact you have to be able to  live with some level of uncertainty there's no way around it and once you've seen the power of  no contact you will not have any doubt about it but some people need to see before they believe  I understand but why do you think that I'm so adamant about how well no contact works it's  becau
se I've seen it work over and over and over with my clients with the comments that  people leave under my videos and in my own life most people are not dismissive avoidance meaning  that if they leave you will probably hear from them at some point and even if they are dismissive  if their interest level goes up you will hear from them okay so keep those two things in mind the  fact that your primitive brain is messing with you and the fact that no contact requires Faith  now one last thing in th
e video last week I mentioned that after a year and a half I heard  from a guy that I had seen twice and he wrote me a very nice email I said it was the perfect  email and some people are wondering well what is this perfect email so okay I will read it to you  so that if you need to write a perfect email to someone you will have a template okay so he goes  hey Luchia I hope you've been well this is so and so I'm not sure how well you remember me but we  met up a couple of times back in the fall
of 2021 um then he gave me a personal compliment I don't  need to repeat that then he goes first I want to apologize for not keeping in touch with you I  think I felt a bit nervous intimidated at the time I've never connected with a woman like you before  I wasn't sure whether connection would take us I spent a good chunk of the past year traveling  but now I'm back in LA full time I'm running to you in hopes that we may reconnect and spend some  time together um I can't put my finger on it but
you've been on my mind a lot lately I don't know  but if I believe that but that's a good thing to put in uh then another personal compliment and  then shoot me a text if you think if you want to get together blah blah blah um so that's  it that's the perfect letter if you want to reconnect with someone and he found my email  because I he didn't have my email so he had to find me so he put in the effort but I'm still  not interested okay so now I want to hear from you and I want to see if you ha
ve had the thought  that you will never get your ex back and did this video help you in relieving the anxiety  around that comment below and in the meantime if you would like my help personally to get your  ex back contact me at and we will send you the rates the direct link is  below every single video if you found this video helpful please like subscribe and share if  you're listening to this as a podcast remember to rate and review and finally remember that love  inspires
and powers of lives and enlightens
