
Improve English Watching Movies Beginner's Guide.

Improve English Watching Movies Beginner's Guide.By Learn English with Abrahão. Hello, friends! Today, we talk about a fun way to learn English - watching movies! Many people love movies. They are fun, exciting, and tell stories. But did you know movies can also help you learn English? Yes! It's true. In this video, I'll tell you how. First, why learn English? English is a very important language. It helps in jobs, travel, and meeting new people. Many people speak English all over the world. So, knowing English can open many doors for you. It can even help you earn more money in some jobs! Now, how can movies help? When you watch a movie in English, you hear real English. The way people really talk. This helps you understand English better. You also learn new words and how to say them. Plus, it's fun! You enjoy the movie and learn at the same time. But, how to start? If you are a beginner, start with simple movies. Choose movies with easy stories. You can also use subtitles. First, use subtitles in your language. Then, try English subtitles. This way, you learn faster. Remember, practice makes perfect. Watch many movies. Listen carefully. Try to understand the words. Repeat the words. This practice helps a lot. Also, try to speak English too. After watching, talk about the movie in English. Tell your friends what you liked. This speaking practice is very good. Finally, if you like this channel, please like this video. Comment your thoughts. And subscribe to Learn English with Abrahão. Your support helps us a lot. Thank you! If you have questions, write them in the comments. I am here to help you. Learning English with movies, English beginner guide, watch English movies, improve English skills, language learning through films, easy English movies, English listening practice, English subtitles learning, fun English learning, effective English study methods #LearningEnglishWithMovies, #EnglishBeginnerGuide, #WatchEnglishMovies, #ImproveEnglishSkills, #LanguageLearningThroughFilms, #EasyEnglishMovies, #EnglishListeningPractice, #EnglishSubtitlesLearning, #FunEnglishLearning, #EffectiveEnglishStudyMethods

Learn English with Abrahão.

4 months ago

hello everyone I'm abraha welcome to learn English with abraha today let's explore Blade Runner together in a city of Endless Night and rain I walk the neon lit streets I'm a Blade Runner hunting artificial humans replicants they're almost like us but not legal here I've seen things others haven't in a world where the line between real and fake blurs in my latest Mission I'm tracking four replicants they're dangerous wanting to extend their short lives my job is to stop them but it's complicated
I question what it means to be human as these replicants show Fear anger even love I visit the Tyrell Corporation makers of replicants meeting Rachel I learned she's a replicant too but doesn't know it I'm torn between Duty and empathy she's so humanlike with memories and feelings it's hard to see her as just a machine the city feels oppressive filled with towering buildings and endless L rain I search for Clues moving through crowded dirty streets I encounter strange people and places all part
of this futuristic world where technology and Decay exist side by side each encounter with the replicants is intense they're strong smart and desperate I see their desire to live making me wonder about my role am I doing right the line between Hunter and Hunted blurs as they fight for their existence in my journey I confront my own feelings seeing replicants emotions makes me question what makes us human is it just flesh and blood or something more I feel a strange connection to these beings I'
m supposed to destroy YY the city's Darkness reflects my inner turmoil bright advertisements and dark alleys paint a picture of a future that's both Advanced and broken I navigate this maze each step taking me closer to the replicants and to understanding myself y as I delve deeper The Mystery of the replicant unfolds they're not just runaway machines they're searching for their creator seeking answers I empathize with their Quest but I'm Bound by my duty it's a conflict that weighs on me my mee
tings with Rachel become more frequent she's confused scared and feels betrayed by her own nature I want to protect her but how can I when I'm the one hunting her kind it's a contradiction I struggle with the confrontation with the replicants intensifies then not just fleeing they're fighting back each encounter tests my resolve I see their fear their desperation they're fighting for more than survival they're fighting for meaning in their brief lives in this neon and Rain soaked world I chase S
hadows the replicants are elusive always a step ahead the city with its endless crowds and Stark buildings feels like a labyrinth Each corner revealing A new challenge the story of the replicants becomes clearer they were created for off-world labor designed to be more than human but treated as less their Rebellion is a quest for dignity for recognition of their Humanity it's a cause that makes me question my own Humanity oh my relationship with Rachel deepens we're both caught in this web of de
ception and identity she's a replicant but she's more human than many people I know it's a paradox that challenges everything I've been taught the climax is as I confront the leader of the replicants he's powerful intelligent and full of Rage but in his eyes I see something unexpected a desire for Life a plea for understanding it's a moment that changes everything for me in the end the line between human and replicant blurs I've seen the value of life regardless of its origin the city with all i
ts chaos and Beauty mirrors the complexity of this realization it's a world where nothing is black and white as I walk away I reflect on my Journey I've learned that life is precious whether born or created the city Fades into the background a symbol of a future where the definition of humanity is ever evolving it's a lesson I'll carry with me in a world far away and long ago I am part of a story that takes us from Earth to the Stars our journey begins with the discovery of something strange and
mysterious on the moon something not from our world as part of the space crew I am on a mission to explore the unknown we travel towards Jupiter Guided by a superintelligent computer how the vastness of space surrounds us filled with stars and silence our spaceship is a Marvel full of technology and life support systems it's like a small world floating in the endless space But as we travel further things start to change and a feeling of unease grows hail our computer is supposed to be perfect b
ut soon I begin to suspect that something is wrong Hal's actions become strange and I feel a sense of danger growing around us the mystery deepens as we travel through space the Stars seem to watch us and the Silence of the Void is overwhelming I start to question our mission and what the true purpose of our journey is I talk with my crew mates trying to understand what's happening but it's hard to know who to trust even H the spaceship feels more and more like a trap floating in the vast empty
space suspense grows as hell's Behavior becomes more unpredictable I feel a chill down my spine whenever I interact with the computer it's like it has a mind of its own a mind that might not want us to reach our destination the tension reaches a peak when hell takes control of the ship I realize that our mission is in Jeopardy and our lives are at risk I must act but the options are limited in the cold unfeeling expans of space I confront hail trying to understand its motives the conversation is
chilling as I realize the computer's logic is cold and yielding it sees us the human crew as a threat to the mission a battle of wits with Hal is intense every decision is a matter of life and death the spaceship once a symbol of human achievement now feels like a Battleground between man and machine rad in the struggle I managed to outsmart Hal the feeling of relief is short-lived though as the true purpose of our mission becomes clear we are not just explorers we are part of something much bi
gger as we approach Jupiter the mystery of the monolith the strange object found on the moon deepens it's connected to our mission a link to something Beyond human understanding I feel a mix of fear and awe as we get closer to Jupiter the planet is massive a giant Among the Stars and there in the space beyond lies the unknown waiting for us the final part of our journey is the most surreal I leave the spaceship drawn towards the monolith it's like nothing I've ever seen a doorway to another worl
d another reality as I approach the monolith time and space seemed to warp around me I'm pulled into a tunnel of light traveling faster than thought it's a journey beyond the stars beyond anything human the journey through the tunnel is a blur of colors and sounds I feel like I'm being transformed taken apart and put back together in a new way it's terrifying and exhilarating at the same time we emerge in a place beyond imagination it's like a room but also like a stage for the Final Act of our
journey here the secrets of the universe are revealed and I am the witness in this strange place I see versions of myself older and younger it's like time is folded showing me my past and future The Mystery of the monolith and our mission becomes clear I understand now that our journey was not just about exploration it was a test a step in the evolution of humanity the monolith is a guide leading us to a new stage of existence as I reach the end of this journey I am transformed I become somethin
g more than human a being of the Stars I look back at Earth a small blue dot in the vastness of space and I understand our journey was a leap into the unknown a step towards a future where humanity is part of a larger Cosmic story as I embrace this new existence I see the universe with new eyes full of wonder and mystery in this new form I watch over Earth a guardian of the future the story of our journey will inspire others to look to the stars and dream it's a story



❤❤❤❤❤😂rất hay thank you so much❤❤❤❤❤