
Improve the effectiveness of your Artistic Activism!

* Applications Now Open for The Art of Activism Learning Labs! What are Learning Labs? Learning Labs are a place where we offer remote training supported by our tried-and-tested lessons, led by our global team of some of the top practitioners in the world, and in conjunction with The Art of Activism book [ and workbook. The course comprises six weekly meetings, very small class sizes, discussions, and exercises, as well as hands-on activities you will do on your own throughout the week to increase your understanding of the practice of artistic activism. Apply now: Facilitated by an international team of Workshop Leaders, the Learning Labs are designed to be conversational, fun, and dynamic, and the weekly sessions are approachable, practical, and relevant to people at all levels of experience. Our Co-Founder and Artistic Director, Steve Lambert gives us his take about the Labs and their impact.

The Center for Artistic Activism

1 year ago

we don't need any more activists in the world that have started you know with great intentions and then become bitter frustrated cynical like we have enough of that and we also know that culture creativity and Innovation have always been key to effective change and it's been true historically it's true today but finding the information that you needed in order to be effective at that for me was very difficult it spread out all over the place a lot of people are self-taught if you're good at it i
t's because you're either really persistent at seeking out that information or you get kind of Lucky and it's all built on hunches that's not how this practice should be right the practice of artistic activism it shouldn't be a folk art right you should be able to access that information so that's why one of the reasons Steve duncombe and I wrote The Art of activism which is our book that takes the lessons that we learn through all our research and then have been teaching around the world but th
e other problem was that if you wanted to take a workshop with us it was kind of impossible uh because we would do them in all different parts of the world we would work with organizations and if you weren't in that part of the world or part of that organization there really wasn't an easy way for you to get access right so that's has always been frustrating for us and that's why in 2022 we set up the learning labs and learning Labs is a program we created at the center for artistic activism to
give people a place that they could an entryway right anyone from around the world could sign up for a learning lab and they could get the book and and do the book like a workshop two chapters a week for six weeks with other people and with Center for artistic activism trainers in order to share that experience to learn from other people who were in different parts of the world and and struggling with different problems and seeing how they were approaching it and to have the access to the kind o
f resources that we could offer and we did I don't know a dozen of these workshops over the last year uh over six week periods all online people joining from around the world and brought all these alumni through that program that have been asking for access to Center for artistic activism training for years the trainers that we got too are incredible the learning Labs is one of the programs that the center for artistic activism that I am most proud of and I'm really hopeful that in 2023 we can b
ring more people who are motivated and curious and want to improve the effectiveness of their artistic activism in the world and be able to give them this door like to keep that door open for them and that opportunity there so that they can they can benefit from all their research and expertise that we have on our team
