
In 2019, Earth is invaded by Aliens, but it is kept a Secret | Movie Recap Scifi

Following the catastrophe, the girl's life underwent a significant change as she moved away and our perception of the universe was permanently changed. Nevertheless, humanity remains oblivious to the upcoming gathering that will occur in the near future. #filmrecap #movierecap #recapfilms #recapmovie #scifi


1 day ago

Hey there fellow movie lovers welcome back  to film flash I'm Max and today we're diving head first into the thrilling world of  your favorite movies but before we get started if you're new to the channel make  sure to hit that subscribe button and ring the notification Bell so you never  miss a recap of your favorite films In the Baltic Sea off the coast of Finland,  a crew of a fishing boat are busy working and chatting amongst themselves. One of them gazes out  over the water and notices some
thing falling into the sea but keeps it to himself. Soon after,  a small ship is observed gliding underwater. Four months later, Julia, daughter of  a general, is jogging alongside her dog Chara and some guards. As they approach an  apartment complex, Chara slips away, ignoring her calls to return. She turns to her guards,  asking for their assistance in locating him. Later, Julia and her father, general Lebedev, is on their way to a research laboratory  under the Ministry of Defense, where a ro
bot is observed forcefully breaking  through doors and damaging a car. The scientist elaborates that the technology  involved is a form of bio robotics from an alien technology, and the robot is  guided by a human through communication. The scientist explains that Julia has the ability  to comprehend the aliens technology. Meanwhile, within the facility, Julia  participates in an experiment. When questioned about her boyfriend,  Artyom, Julia becomes visibly upset, refusing to respond. Suddenly,
  Artyom is brought into the lab and attempts to engage her in conversation,  causing Julia's distress to escalate. She demands that the scientist terminate  the experiment and release her. That evening, Julia finds herself at a bar,  indulging in drinks. She notices Ivan one of her guards and buys him a drink, prompting him  to join her. As they prepare to depart, their plans are interrupted by the arrival of another  man, Hakon, who insists that Julia accompany him. In the midst of a confronta
tion between Ivan  and Hakon, Julia intervenes by striking Ivan on the head, rendering him unconscious. She and  Hakon swiftly exit the bar and contacts Sol, an alien spaceship, which locates their  position and arranges transportation for them. Soon, they encounter a car with two occupants,  and Sol assumes control of the vehicle's digital systems, initiating its movement.  Communicating with them through the com system, Sol guides them on their journey. Meanwhile,  Ivan catches up to them, but
the car manages to fend him off. Undeterred, Ivan pursues them on  a motorcycle and contacts Lebedev to update him. Lebedev instructs Ivan to tail them closely  while simultaneously initiating the evacuation of the laboratory, citing the return of the  aliens to Earth. As the car accelerates, narrowly avoiding a pedestrian, it stops, prompting the two others to exit the car.  Hakon and Julia remain inside the vehicle. Ivan contacts the general to report  that he has lost track of Hakon and Juli
a. Sol continues driving  to a secluded location deep in the woods. Julia is surprised to  encounter Chara waiting for her. They go inside the house to rest, and share  a passionate kiss and intimate moment, while Sol undergoes a transformation. The  following morning, Julia contacts her father to inform him of her decision to stay with  Hakon. She expresses her belief that she no longer belongs on Earth and requests that  her father keep her whereabouts a secret. Julia returns to the house wher
e  Hakon awaits her with breakfast. Despite Julia's request for secrecy, Lebedev  orders his men to trace her signal. Meanwhile, a tactical unit surrounds  the house, poised to breach. Despite Lebedev's attempt to halt the  operation, Sol intercepts the communication, altering the order to "shoot to  kill." The unit storms the house, resulting in a skirmish where Hakon engages  in combat with several soldiers before they manage to escape. Their escape route leads  them to Hakon's activated ship,
stationed at the river. As Hakon leaps into the vessel, the  unit pursues them and fires upon Julia and hits her as she boards the ship. Despite the attack,  Hakon manages to pilot the ship away to safety. Back at the facility, Artyom outsmarts his guard, infiltrates the robot, and commandeers  it, fleeing in the stolen machine. Later, an order is issued to launch a missile,  but Hakon intercepts and destroys the missile mid-air. Despite his efforts, the ship sustains  significant damage, causi
ng it to plummet from the sky and crash into the river below. In the  aftermath, Hakon contacts Sol for assistance, but Sol insists that Julia must be  eliminated before repairs can commence. Refusing to comply, Hakon is warned that  he, too, must be eliminated. Meanwhile, Lebedev and Ivan attempt to locate  them, encountering various forms of miscommunication intercepted by Sol. They discover  that space defense forces are pursuing the ship, leaving Lebedev puzzled as to the source of this  ord
er. Helicopters are then observed converging on the river, transitioning into combat mode  and opening fire on the damaged vessel. Struck by enemy fire, the ship emerges from the  water momentarily before plummeting to the ground, followed by a cascade of water. Amidst the chaos,  the helicopters receive the kill order from Sol, just as Artyom, piloting the robot suit, launches  himself at one of them, tearing it apart. On the ground, Lebedev reaches the  downed ship and searches for Julia, but
she and Hakon have already fled.  Spotting Artyom, who notices Julia's injuries, assures them that water  is all Julia requires for recovery. After they steal a car, Hakon  reveals that Sol transforms into Ra, the opposite of Sol, who can access anything. Meanwhile, Lebedev rushes to the Ministry  of Defense, where an urgent meeting has been convened. He interrupts the proceedings,  demanding an explanation for the orders issued during the pursuit of the ship.  They attribute the orders to Lebed
ev, playing a recording wherein that Lebedev's  voice can be heard issuing the directive. The media also portrays Julia as  a terrorist sympathizer aligned with the aliens, using a fabricated  video to incite fear in the city. Ra floods all digital media platforms  with the same false information, portraying Julia as a threat  and prompting widespread panic. Arriving at the place of a friend named Google,  Artyom and Hakon put Julia in a bathtub filled with water. Hakon reveals to Artyom that  J
ulia's transformation has rendered her no longer fully human. He explains that the pain  she is experiencing is catalyzing a profound and potentially dangerous evolution in  her abilities. Ra has concluded that eliminating Julia may be necessary to prevent the  catastrophic consequences of her newfound power. Later, Google and Artyom deliberately intoxicate  Hakon and coerce him into accompanying them to the Ministry of Defense. Artyom leaves Google with  no alternative but to comply. Upon their
arrival, they are met by Lebedev, poised to take  revenge. Under pressure, Google divulges Julia's whereabouts to Lebedev. Confronting  Hakon, he demands the coordinates of Ra, which only Hakon possesses, forcing him to  choose between Julia and his own people. Lebedev instructs Ivan to retrieve Julia  discreetly and bring her directly to him, without alerting anyone else. With the observatory  successfully pinpointing Ra's location, Lebedev contacts the vice-premier to  discuss their next cour
se of action. They agree to engage with Ra forcefully but  recognize the need to disable a satellite to prevent interference. The military assigns Google  the task of disabling Rostelekom's satellite. Once the satellite is disabled, they will have only a  brief window before it reboots. They plan to use a highly classified weapon to destroy Ra, a weapon  that the vice-premier feigns ignorance of, despite its existence. Lebedev persuades him that they  have no alternative but to utilize this weap
on. Meanwhile, Julia awakens in the bathtub, finding her wounds miraculously healed. As she  prepares to depart from Google's apartment, Ivan arrives at the door unexpectedly,  confronting her with accusations. In the command center, Lebedev issues  the order to launch the special missile, directing it to destroy both  Ra and the satellite. As they eagerly await the missile's impact  and the presumed destruction of Ra. Using a phone to communicate, Hakon converses  with Ra, who expresses readine
ss for retribution, expressing disdain for humanity's worthiness.  Ra offers Hakon the opportunity to return, but he refuses, maintaining his  belief in the potential of mankind. Ra initiates a widespread process of destruction  across the planet, its devastating effects visible from all vantage points. It summons a colossal  water dome around the area where Julia resides, flooding the enclosed space within its walls.  Despite exhaustive efforts by the military, they prove powerless to dismantle
the dome, leading to  the urgent evacuation of civilians. Authorities advise evacuees to seek refuge on the rooftops  of buildings, as their only hope amid the chaos. In a desperate bid to save Julia, Lebedev orders  Hakon to retrieve her and transport her to the awaiting helicopter on the rooftop. Hakon  complies, ushering Julia and Artyom to safety aboard the helicopter, but he remains trapped  within the dome. Hakon requests the use of his shuttle, proposing to confront Ra directly in a  dar
ing attempt to thwart its destructive rampage. Evacuating his men, Lebedev opts to remain behind  to assist Hakon in his mission to confront Ra. Meanwhile, the helicopter carrying Julia  and Artyom experiences mechanical issues, forcing an emergency landing. As the helicopter  descends rapidly, Julia and Artyom leap into the water below, eventually finding refuge  on a nearby rooftop among other survivors. Amidst the chaos, Lebedev guides  Hakon as close to Ra as possible, despite the encroachin
g floodwaters. Back on  the rooftop, Julia's anguish drives her to beg for death to end the suffering she believes she  has caused. Ivan, present among the survivors, takes aim at Julia with a gun, prompting Artyom  to intervene, resulting in him being shot instead. Meanwhile, Hakon steadily closes in on Ra, accelerating the ship toward its  target. Beneath the water's surface, Julia's bracelet activates, unleashing torrents  of water toward Ra as Hakon approaches. With determination, Julia push
es Ra above the water just as military helicopters  open fire upon it. Persistently, Julia holds Ra in it's place while the  military launches a missile, obliterating Ra. Abruptly, the water begins to recede,  allowing people to resurface for air. As Ra's demise draws near, Hakon's ship is thrust backward by the receding water.  Emerging beside Julia on the rooftop, they find Artyom's body as Ra's presence  fades away, just as rescuers begin to arrive. Later, Lebedev arranges a fake funeral for 
his daughter and visits Artyom's grave. After some time, a helicopter traverses  the skies over Kamchatka. Upon landing, a passenger accompanied by a dog  exits. It is Lebedev and Chara. Not far away, Julia and Hakon await.  They proceed to a nearby lake, and as Julia touches the water, a spaceship  materializes from beneath the surface. Invasion See you in our next film  flash thank you for watching
