
In A World Where Humans Start Mutating Into Animals

In a world where mutations transform humans into animals, a family ventures into a forest seeking answers for the mother's mysterious condition, facing a journey that will change them forever. 🌟Subscribe for more and don't forget to hit the notification bell to stay updated with our latest content!🎬 #MovieRecap

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2 weeks ago

During a traffic jam, Francois and his son, Emile,  engage in a serious argument that leads Emile to exit the car, with Francois following. Suddenly,  they notice an ambulance violently shaking, as if a struggle is happening inside. Then a half-human,  half-bird creature breaks out from the ambulance. Francois and Emile quickly find a place to hide.  Security officers attempt to subdue the mutant, who fights back in a struggle, managing to throw  the officers away before fleeing the scene. Later
, while waiting at the medical center, a  mutant sits next to Emile. It turns out that in recent years, people have started mutating into  animals, and some of them can be dangerous. Every effort is being made to capture them all and lock  them up in specialized facilities for treatment, until a cure is found. The doctor  informs them that Emile's mother, Lana, who is also mutating into an animal, shows  some improvement and hasn't attacked anyone. She will be transferred to a new reception  cen
ter in the south. Francois agrees and decides to move there as well. In Lana's room,  Francois hopes Emile can talk to his mother, but Emile believes that there is no  point as she can't understand anything. Afterward, Francois, Emile, and their dog move to  a small town in the south to be closer to Lana. At Emile’s new school, he introduces himself  and lies about his mother is dead. That night, Emile is awakened by the noise of a severe  thunderstorm and finds that the power is out. When he lo
oks out the window, he's startled  by a creature, but disappears the next moment. The next morning, Francois receives a call  and rushes to the scene of the incident, where emergency responders had closed  off the area. It turns out the storm had caused the bus transporting the mutants  to tumble off the road and into the lake, resulting in half of them dead and the rest  missing. The police begin a search for them, and Francois desperately calls out for  his wife. Police Officer Julia reassures
him that they haven't found Lana's body and  promises to do their best to find his wife. After returning home, Francois hangs their  clothes on the trees outside his house, hoping to attract Lana with their scent. The next  day during a tug of war contest in gym class, Emile's teammates lose their footing and tumble  to the ground, leaving him alone to hold the rope long enough for his teammates to rejoin him  and win the game. Sensing something is off, Emile checks his fingers. His classmate c
omes and  invites him to a party, but he rushes back to his house where he finds tweezers to pull something  from under his nails and discovers small claws. Then he checks his back in the mirror and  sees his spine beginning to change. Unable to accept the fact that he is also mutating,  he is distressed and throws things around. Meanwhile, Francois is shopping for  camping gear when he runs into Julia, who reveals that they are no longer searching  for the mutants as the military has taken over
. Just then, they hear screams and find  that the customers have spotted a mutant. Julia orders an evacuation and closes  the area, but Francois goes to check, thinking it might be Lana, only to find an  octopus mutant. The mutant suddenly throws a box of seafood at them before fleeing. As she  runs away, she continues to throw food at Julia, who chases her and manages to tackle her to  the ground. Francois discovers a terrified scaly pangolin mutant hiding under a produce  display and chooses n
ot to tell the authorities. On Friday night at the party, Emile drinks quite  a bit, and his classmate Jordan shows off his new sword. Suddenly, Emile feels unwell and falls  off his chair. The others think he's just drunk, so Nina hands him something to sober up, but  he instinctively licks it with his tongue, which everyone finds weird. Feeling out of place, he leaves and hears a mutant's howl  before running into the forest. The following morning, Emile wakes up and realizes  he has spent the
night in the forest. Panicked, he rushes home and sneaks into the  bathroom. Finding blood around his mouth and coughing up a feather, he is horrified  to understand that he ate a bird last night. Afterward, Emile and Francois enter the  forest, which is restricted by the police, to search for Lana. Emile asks his father how  he felt when his mother started to change, and Francois explains that it made no  difference to him as she is still his wife. They continue their search until nightfall, t
hen they drive for miles and miles, calling  out for Lana while playing her favorite song. They end up spending the night in the car, and  when Emile wakes up, he notices his nails are changing again. Just then, his dog runs away,  and Emile follows him into the woods where he discovers a chameleon mutant on a tree. Suddenly, the winged man from the beginning tackles Emile to the ground and starts attacking  him. He digs his claws into Emile's shoulder, causing him to bleed as he screams,  which
leads Francois to rush to save him. Francois wants to take Emile to the hospital  for his wounds, but Emile firmly refuses, fearing he will be locked up. As they  argue, they nearly hit a horse and stop, only to find Julia there. She reveals that a  mutant attacked the horses at the equestrian club last night and notices Emile's injury.  Julia then takes them back and has a military medic stitch up Emile, who lies that  his dog bit him. After returning home, Emile removes some of the stitches a
nd starts  licking the wound as blood begins to drip. One day during lab class, Emile notices that  the feather on Nina's necklace is like the one he had coughed up. He freaks out and grabs it,  but Nina confronts him about it. He then gets agitated by the squeaking of the ferrets in  the cage. Eventually, he snaps and yells at them to shut up. After school, Nina sees Emile  struggling to ride his bike and even falling off. She tries to comfort him, suggesting he  might also have attention defic
it disorder, and invites him to her house. Emile opens  the fridge and finds a dead bird. Nina explains she found it at her front door and  plans to donate it to the mutants as food. Sometime later, Emile is fishing in the lake  and catches a fish with his bare hands. He instinctively starts eating it raw. As he walks  in the woods, he bumps into the winged man, who is learning to fly but keeps falling  repeatedly. Emile offers him a fish and learns that he has named himself “Fix” because  he ca
n't recall his real name. Noticing Fix's injuries from his failed flight attempts, Emile  suggests moving to the riverbank and helps to clear all the branches from the water to create a  safer space for his flight practice. While Emile rides his bike home, he keeps falling. Frustrated,  he eventually abandons the bicycle in the forest. Meanwhile, at the restaurant where Francois works,  he is suddenly attacked by a sea lion mutant, who knocks him to the ground. In the chaos,  he spots another mu
tant escaping through the back door. A coworker shows up and pushes  the mutant away, managing to calm her down, revealing that she’s been hiding the mutant, who  is her sister. However, the mutant panics and rushes to the front, causing everyone to scatter  in fear. Believing the other mutant could be Lana, Francois runs to the forest where his  wife appears as a fully bear mutant, who then disappears into the woods.  Shortly after, the police arrive, and Francois tells Julia he saw Lana. Emile
also  comes back and lies about his bike being stolen. The next day at school during  lunch, Emile spits out a tooth, which disgusts others. He explains it's just  a baby tooth. After school, he goes to see Fix and watches him practice flying. Later, Emile  helps him remove the bandage and discovers that doctors had performed surgery to remove the  growing beak but made the condition worse. That night, Julia and Francois search for Lana  in the woods but only find Emile's bike. Back home, Franc
ois discovers the sink is  clogged. As he tries to clear it out, he finds a lot of hair and claws,  realizing Emile is mutating. When Emile gets home, Francois shows him the  claws and confronts him, but Emile denies everything. Francois then asks him to ride  the bike as proof. Emile attempts to run away, but Francois tackles him to the ground and hugs  him tightly as they both break down in tears. The next morning, Francois notices that  Emile is eating directly from his plate and decides to h
elp him hide his mutant  features. He checks Emile’s mouth and confirms that the fangs are at the back  and are safe for now. Francois reminds him to cut his nails every day and puts cotton  in his ears before covering them with hair to reduce his heightened sense of hearing.  He also shows Emile how to shave his body. The next day, Emile visits Fix and  finds out that Fix has lost the ability to speak and can only make  bird sounds. After Emile hugs him, Fix climbs up a tree and jumps, showing
that  he's finally able to fly and soar in the sky. At the local festival where Francois is  working, he learns from his boss that Emile has arrived three hours late. Francois  confronts him and becomes enraged when he sees that Emile hasn't trimmed his claws. Their  argument escalates into physical aggression, and Emile bites Francois, refusing to let go  until Francois threatens him with scissors to his throat. Emile then walks away and  joins Nina for a walk to the cornfield, where they end u
p kissing and soon escalate  to intimacy. When Emile takes off his shirt, Nina discovers that he is changing into  a mutant, which she had known all along. Back at the festival, Emile is confronted in  the bathroom by a classmate who had seen him with Nina in the field. The classmate  uses a device that makes high-pitched noise that only animals can hear, which  irritates Emile's ears. Emile attacks him, leaving scratches on his face before he runs away.  The locals are alerted and take up weapo
ns to hunt him down. Emile runs as fast as he can through  the cornfield. When a man is about to shoot him, Fix shows up and attacks the man, giving Emile the  chance to escape into the forest. Unfortunately, Fix is soon shot. Emile immediately rushes  to his side and cries as Fix dies in his arms. Shortly after, Francois  and the others find Fix’s body. The next day, Emile walks through the  forest and feeds on wild fruits. When a storm hits the area at night,  Emile takes shelter inside a cave
and falls asleep. The next morning,  he wakes up and encounters a bear, only to realize it's his mother. They touch  foreheads in a moment of affection before she leaves. Emile follows her into the woods  and finds a lot of mutants living there. Suddenly, the military starts throwing  smoke grenades and launches an attack on them. Emile and the other mutants try to  run and hide, but soon they are all captured. At the police station, Francois arrives to pick  up Emile because his mutating featu
res have not yet been discovered. When Emile attempts  to sign the release papers, he struggles to grip the pen properly and ends up tearing the  paper. As the officer hands him another sheet, Emile growls at him, revealing his mutation.  Francois immediately knocks out the officer before he can raise an alarm. He then stamps  the document and leaves the station with Emile. As they drive away, father and son reminisce  about their happy memories together. Soon, the police start chasing them, but
  Francois promises Emile he won't let them take him to a facility and speeds  up. He drives to the forest and urges his son to run. Emile rushes into the  woods, embracing his true nature.
