
Indian Motivational Speakers : Angry Prash

This funny cartoon video is about prash's sarcastic thoughts on India's different motivational speakers or fake guru’s. Download Probo & Earn Money:- Here Prash will be sharing his funny experience of motivational videos with his friends. Join Me On- Facebook►- Twitter► Instagram► Team Angry► Written & Created by- Angry Prash Co Writer- @sahilkumarpoet @mrunaldivekar243 Voice- Angry Prash Animation- Prayag Purabia, Pravish Shetty Illustration- Pravish Shetty, Prayag Purabia Edit- Angry Prash Graphic Designer - Harmeet Saini Asst. Animator - Harmeet Saini Thumbnail- Soubhagya Disclaimer► The following is a satrical video, meant only for educational and entertainment purpose. Any resemblance or reference in its contents to events already occurred is purely coincidental. The comedian may not be taken to express any judgement thereon. #angryprash #motivation #ad About Angry Prash is a Indian YouTuber, where you will find different types of cartoon comedy videos in hindi :)

Angry Prash

9 months ago

I can I will bounce back bounce back Sorry bhai where will you bounce back dumba**. will you break the roof and launch like isro? no bro, I was just watching video of Dr. Vivek Kundra Sir he has opened my eyes did eye surgery become possible online? What the hell! What are you serving me thakurain? Bro, not a doctor he is a big motivational speaker. Oh! he is the same Vivek Kundra. Who scratched my b@lls in 12th. What? in 12th i got 96% In pre-board then i watched this brother’s video children s
houldn’t study too much. All those kids who are above 95 % are useless. But who obtains 85% and 80% is great because he will play 40 video games. he will enjoy life as well. I got 96% and thought I'll get respect but he fried my honor. Then I set fire to my studies by his motivation and started playing video games. I got 75% in my exams I wanted to do IIT and I had to ITI (lower course study) my father whooped my a$$ as well Then this mf said he was a genius from childhood he used to study for 1
5 to 16 hours His mother marry used to get upset with him that Bill gates my child go play outside, all kids play and they do a physical activity you study 15 hours straight. he just said people who read a lot are useless, bloody two-faced why don't you choose a side for how long you will play from both sides? Because of him, I remained useless. Bro ditch studies, if you want to be successful and learn about work How? See this. Starting of work isn’t called working. planning of work isn’t called
working working isn’t called working, working continuously isn’t called working so what do we call working? Finishing the work is called working.. Well done, if some interviewer will watch this video then the candidate will be f**kd up sir this is my cv! I need work. so you need a job? so tell me how will you build a bridge on a river Sir firstly I will do a site visit Do you call this work? then ill do planning and design the bridge. cut the crap when will you work? then the construction will
start. Do you call that work? listen sir then the bridge will be ready work will over welldone then go now and finish the bridge work then I will give you work. Vivek Kundra's fans sf then I thought only a speaker can be dumb but I found out there is a godown full of these dumbs. Look at this item! what does it mean to be human if you have never made a mistake? If you are the kind of human who has never made a single mistake in the past then you have been born useless. If you have done a mistak
e then what kind of life you have lived? Never chased someone, never done a mistake. Never abused, never fought someone, were you living? Majnu whenever you feel that you are useless then think about the people who paid to listen to this and clapping for this sh*t According to this jumping ostrich all the criminals were not committing crime hey were living their life. This useless police does not allow them to fight, smack heads, girl chasing, how these poor cunts will live :) the way he speaks
it seems is smoking cheap stuff, those who commit sins are living otherwise pubic hairs are alive too. how many of you say that I have learned cycling by reading a book but to learn that science do you have to study? You didn't learn to ride a bike by reading some books. You learned it by doing it. Business can't be done by studying, business will start by doing it. hope his mind worked like his mongoose mouth. not for riding bike but to make cycle you have to read the book. Who is this high spe
cies who is learning cycling by reading? According to his logic, you don't need to read for becoming a pilot, you will learn it by riding it. it seems the group for 9_11 was headed for his seminar. this sample didn’t stop here. hat’s not leader, that’s not work in which you will recall hunger if someone is doing work and feeling hungry if someone is working and feeling warm if someone is working and facing troubles, he saying that sir I am feeling hot please increase the AC, that means he is not
doing work. if an interviewer got to see his video then the candidate will be f**ckd. sir work of bridge is done. Now hire me. Sir I don't think he can do it. I’ll do sir. I am very hardworking. I have built the bridge in just two months. Did you get hungry or thirsty in that two months? yes sir I got. felt hot? yes sir too much you got to pee? Of course sir what are talking? Sir I am telling you he can't. why? Bro, you feel hungry and thirsty do you poop also? Yes! Sir, he won’t do it. We are
wasting our time. F*ckr of motivation! what happened? did you get the job? No! But why, you topped the college and you built the bridge also? Yes, but they asked that do you feel hungry or peeing. So? then I said yes chhii you feel hungry or peeing Yes eww you poop also? yes, but does that matter? Really, you are a loser, take your ring. Sapna Stop! shit, what is happening with me? you should always do inner engineering. outer's mother has herons. eat soil. Bro, sometimes people do mistake. list
en, my bald bro if there would be a machine to evaluate Lies then these motivational speakers will define their universal scale. See this. what is the name of the longest river in the world? Amazon river! The origin point where from the river starts. it falls in a drop and the difference between the first drop and the second drop is eight second According to this copy of J. Bezos. if Amazon is the longest river in the world, then the Nile is a canal or sewer. if one drops and falls in eight sec
onds it makes a river after hearing this NASA scientists are finding him instead of aliens. I would suggest send him to a desert of Rajasthan Bro, this is the human who will make a river from a drop in eight second Make River otherwise we won’t let you Pee Sir let me go. I made a mistake. Until you make a River, you won’t pee. bro, but after hearing them it's believable. Majnu, when the time comes, people show thumbs, but they can show their feet. Don't believe in them. They will show you Gurgao
n as butt by their talks. Then how do people believe in them? if someone comes in t -shirt and tells you a poor, you will open his butt cap. But when someone tells "you 're poor" while wearing a suit and glasses, you won’t open your mouth. There is this one chicken who always comes on YouTube. Ad why are you not crore? why are you not crorepati? because you are not letting us dumbasses. Confident beggars like you don’t let people do their work. You call us in seminar and loot us and then ask why
you are not becoming a crorepati. every child is becoming a crore Pati the young kids are making crore plus. none of the children are becoming Crorepati. Elders do not care about his talks. Now he is after the children. If tomorrow’s children will not focus on him, then he will ask a newborn. Why are you not Crorepati. Come to my seminar. why are you not a crorepati? doctor put me back inside, I don’t want to come out. There is one main reason why you are still not a crorepati. it’s because you
do not understand. you don’t understand your relationship with money. And until you don’t understand this, you will not become a crore Pati. Here, I can’t convince my upset girlfriend for two days how will I convince money? what is the name of our relationship Prash? What do I mean to you? money, you are my honey. you never understood me prash! I think it’s not working anymore. when will we meet again? if Probe will want, we will definitely meet. Prabhu Probo, not Prabhu. What is that? Probo is
India’s first trading app In which you can answer questions in all categories like, cricket crypto finance and entertainment, et cetera. you can earn big profits by answering yes or know. And how's that? like IPL 2023 is going on. So the question is will Punjab win the 64th match against Delhi? Gabbar is in the team, why will they not win? okay, then select yes, and increase your investment in the quantity slider below. If you will win, I will be yours. and how will you be obtained? you can wi
thdraw money time, my Google pay PhonePe, Paytm, UPI. What are you talking about? don’t stare at me and download the pro and get Rs.25 bonus, there are more than one crore people who have earned from Probo. this is called motivation. Lord Gadhvi is fool. By running this YouTube that he will call you in his seminar. then he will create high standards in front of you. now We will welcome Lord Gadhvi. Keep your thinking big. Always think big if you'll want Bangalore then you’ll get flat Surely. If
you'll want Lamborghini, can you probably get a Nano if you shoot the Moon, then you’ll break the stars as well. But Sir, stars are far from the moon. Who said that? Hey raw small pubic hair who has worn black coat you sir Who wore the glasses? You sir. who has called you here? by running ad on YouTube you sir. so bald species obey my words, I am right! but why sir? because my father used to pull rickshaws, my mother was a woman, I am 25 but I have experience 32 years, there was no light in my h
ouse I have studied under the Match Sticks. And you are doubting me? It seems that it was my mistake. I should move backwards. and that’s how they gain sympathy first by sharing their sad stories And then this bastard will take four hours of your time and tell you that time is money. children time is money money is time. Money is time. Time is money. Time is money. Money is time time is money. is money. No one is rich because of money people become rich by time. Money is the dust of the hand. Wh
at are you doing? Sir, I am arranging fees for the seminar. Well Done Those who awake early become rich. You stand up, at what time do you arise? my gets up at 6 o’clock, but I wake up at 7 o’clock. you will die uselessly you won’t be able to do anything. World has left you and gone ahead. sir, not world her name was Khushi. I came here to get motivated! don’t cry, child see successful people do their work at night by staying up and getting up early in the morning Sir, when will we sleep there
are only 24 hours in a day Who says there are 24 hours in a day? You should sleep six hours only instead of eight hours and then add two left hours in 24 hours. How many hours are there? 26 Then how many hours are in the day. 26 after hearing this, Einstein jumps off from the heaven in to the pot of hell. Ah relativity after creating a fake high standards. they will show their fake high profiles. It doesn’t matter if there, is butt hair of high profile people. But for two hours they will bet the
ir left worth and show a rented Bangalow and a rented vehicle. And then they will put an ad on YouTube that I have created 200 crore of business in two years. Please ask them what they exactly did in these two years? I did hard work. I created 20 companies and sold them. Yes, but what did you do in those companies? I taught business to people. But what did you do in business? I taught people to become businessmen. what you used to do before? Anything that you sold? What was the product? I was po
or! my father used to pull rickshaws. I have 32 years of experience in age of 25. okay, so you earned money and then taught the business to the people. no, I taught business to the people and then I earned money from it. Then why are people learning the business from you? because I was poor my father used to pull Riksaw. mf break the rib of this fake poor. Then, after the seminar, they will sell their personality development course, which is copied from Google, And will take Rs.2000 from you And
then they will ghost you like a toxic girlfriend. I have also ghosted thakurain. I have to give her Rs.2000 Majnu I gave it to you Lord Gadhavi took that money. 1 is your lord Gadhvi and and other is thakurain bhadavi, won’t take me to the bar. Give me my Rs.2000. bro, I will G pay you after reaching home. If you didn’t, then I will kick you on your butt. see. Motivation has only one scam if you say something in English with banging high pitch music then every sentence will sound like a motiva
tion. like? Wait, let me tell you Nagu give music. Here it is. no matter what you do in your life always brush your teeth because if you don’t brush your teeth, it will turn yellow. Do you know Majnu? The Time Has come when there are so many motivational speakers in the world. then there should be a demotivational speaker. Who can make people believe that you are made for the work that you are doing and there is no such thing left as destiny! Bill Gates created Microsoft in his 18 Zuckerberg cre
ated Facebook in his 21 and you are 25 years old. This is the sign that you should give up. You won’t get success from hard work because a donkey also works hard for success. You need smart work for success, but your maths is bad since 8th class. People say he who tries never loses. But I heard somewhere they get humiliated too much. That’s why don’t try love your destination and lie down on your couch and don’t wake up until your destination comes to you and says “You are betraying me” Sf. I w
as very intelligent in my childhood and my parents had a lot of money that we used to Loan Ambani. We have marbled the Antila Then I got to know about metrics and I decided that I will learn every trait of being waste. Then I made a company. When the company started to run, I closed it. Because I wanted to be the biggest unsuccessful man in the world. Today if someone asks me how did you achieve this in a very short span of time then I ask loan from them. Yes this is the key. I ask you what is a
dream? People say the dream is not that see with your closed eyes dream is, that you see with your open eyes. But in reality, what is a dream? dream is a sl*t Sir, I am telling the truth sir whomever I meet he says that I have seen dream. Well done but we have to achieve our dreams quickly because Kabira said if you’re gonna do tomorrow do it today, and if you’re gonna do it today, do it now, hen some dumb f*ck Said quick work is devil's work. Now we can’t understand which quote we should follo
w. I tell you in this situation, you should take work from Vivek because Vivek was sharp in his studies. This would have sounded lame to you. You would have thought that I have listened to it somewhere. But the same Vivek tells you Google’s quote that doesn’t sound lame to you. But leave it what will you do with eight rooms when the size of your house is like a bathroom. So don’t give pain to Your joints by chasing dreams instead give her joint, joint discipline, discipline beats talent. Always
bathe regularly in a week and if you want to be unsuccessful early, then bathe in a month. And always remember if your mind is clean, then Ganga will be in your bucket, don’t wear a suit always wear Kachchha or stay nacked. From Naked, I remember always having multiple sources of income especially online sources like only fans. Yes, this is the million-dollar formula. Earn while laying down and eat while sitting. And abuse people on Twitter and then people will start hating you, but don’t you wo
rry because those people have heaters who are doing good in their life. So friends remember my slogan. You won’t get this life again we don’t want it You won’t get this life again we don’t want it For purchasing my lifetime course like my video if you’re new here, subscribe, it’s a free dumbass. And if you want to earn money for your spending then download from and spend your mind in it. You will get a bonus of Rs.25 as well. The link is in the description. I will meet you again in a new video w
ith a new topic. We have to do something about mosquitoes who sell their teas by showing their degree.



Comment your fav moment of the video, also Download Probo & Earn Money:-


ek number bhai :)😂😅😂


angry prash successfully predicted the future of vivek sir😂😂


Very few youtubers are left who can actually make you laugh. You're the best Prash bhai.


No Vivek bindra harm in video 😂😂9:13 #stopvivekbindra


Yes we need demotivational speakers like prash😂


0:19 Angry prash had already sensed today's scene


Old angrypraah is back This is the real humor we want 🤣😂😂😂


That "common Enfield" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can't stop laughing 😂


Sandeep Sir Ne To Ajj Is Bare Me Awaaz Uthaya... Legend Prash Bhai Ne To 7 Mahine Pehle Hi Ye Log Ki Mother Sister Kardiya Thaa 😂😂


11:03 favourite line 😂😂😂😂 ❤❤❤


Me watching again after controversy 😂🤣


This is the 5th time im watching superb bro. my favorite 8:46, 24h+2h = 26hrs in a day only one you make this comedy no one in the world. finally ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.


The best part was 11:38 it hit me hard.. almost died laughing... 😂😂😂😂😂


Who came here after motivational speakers real expose 😂😂😂 Vivek vs Sandeep...


He is the only legend who can make fun even during ad 🤣


11:05 amazing lecture is going on... This guy has caught the real life strategies. Well done


Prash's demotivation speech was so motivating 😂


Finally our old prash is back ❤🎉


That Satur Murg position was Epic😂