
β‚Ή1.5 Lakhs Camera For Vlogging - Sony A7C Unboxing and Review - Irfan's View

#SonyA7C #Unboxing #irfansview New camera always gives me curiosity. This one was not an exception. I bought this camera for 1.5 lakh and it is like a sibling of Sony A7SIII. I bought it as the features of it was so impressing. It has very less weight which will be so helpful while I self vlog. I have given my point of view on this camera and hope you guys like it. Contact For Promotion and Other Details: _______________________________ My Gaming Channel - Website - My Gadgets - ______________________________ Follow me on, Instagram Official - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - ________________________________ In Association with DIVO - Digital Partner Website -

Irfan's view

2 years ago

It the same battery I use in A7S3 So it isn't a problem I already have 3 batteries This will be my 4th battery They do not generally give it this way.... We are going to do 10kgs next So hello to Irfan's show We are going to unbox Sony A7C Camera in this video I was looking to buy a secondary camera... Actually I didn't have an idea to buy one at the onset... Then I wanted to buy a secondary camera The one I am using right now is Sony A7S3 All of you would know that... I had uploaded an unboxing
video before And that's a beast of the camera! That's a world class camera! It is the best camera I have used so far And currently in the market... In Sony at that price range... Not just in Sony... As far as I know It is the best camera at the price range for now You could call this a sibling of sorts... And also A73 Not A7S3, but A73... We could say that this is a smaller version of it... Version... (pronounces wrongly) Version We have bought this camera to use it as a backup and secondary ca
mera The camera's price tag reads 167000 But I got it for 150000 in offer Let's unbox this now... Along with this... There is camera box, charger and a bag... They have given all this... Obviously they provide all this generally... This bag is a camera bag I have never used a camera bag so far... I just throw it somewhere around everytime... I don't even know where they are... Because I cannot carry them around in seperate bags... So let's unbox this... It is a small camera... C'mon guys! Let's
open it... There is a 64GB card in here... I would have been so happy if they had kept this card instead... This tough card... It is superb and it works very fast... 3 years Warranty... And some other books... And there is a strap in here... which again is not useful to me Battery... I think there will be a charger... Let's check Yeah... Wire Below that... There are 2 USB C And I will show you this card... Why did the card come off like this? The card's sticker is stuck along with it... How do I
use the card without it? Oh no! I do need this... I haven't seen such an incident before... I thought it was painted in the card all this while... It is a Sony card and 64 GB This looks like a faster card too... They have written 277 Read and 150 MB write on this... I would have been even more happier if they had given the tough card... They are very expensive... I already have one of 80GB Yes, I think it is 80GB Don't think I am blabbering since it is generally 64GB... But I am not blabbering.
.. Tough Cards come usually like that 80 and 100 something like that I guess... I think there is 120 as well They would have the information here... This is a camera related video completely... So if you do not like cameras and all... I will upload a food video tomorrow It the same battery I use in A7S3 So it isn't a problem I already have 3 batteries This will be my 4th battery So that's great... I can shoot more runtime by changing them... Look at that!!!! Guys, this colour! Actually there is
Silver and Black in this version... But I was particular I wanted Silver... I did a lot of thinking on whether to choose silver or black... In the end I went for silver... Because I am already using black... And it feels like it has an extra flavour... It looks beautiful! It looks classic! It reminds me of the old type of cameras... Look how beautiful it is... Yes... It's very light! Oh yes! They do not generally give it this way.... Something is shaking inside... It doesn't shake in that right.
.. Come closer! Yeah... this doesn't shake Why does this shake? We should remove it by following the manual... Because I don't like such loose objects in a camera... Because this sound will definitely register when I am making a video Sometimes I use Shotgun mic And it would definitely capture these sounds... But I will find out how to remove and get rid of it... And in the camera there is a screen like this... These kind of screens are very very useful for users like us... Because I self-lock i
t To self-lock in that camera... That camera is very huge and heavy I felt this camera would be easy to use... Like to shoot it and all... But once we fit in lens... This would be heavy too It wouldn't be light weight The camera we are using now is 16 35mm It is a big heavy lens... If we use such lenses, it would be feel heavy too... ...irrespective of the camera's weight And this camera looks beautiful guys! Look for yourself how it is! Guys look at this camera... How big a frame in such a smal
l body... Seriously I haven't ever seen a full frama camera in such a small body before This is the first time I am seeing one... There might be such cameras but... the ones I have used so far I have used microscope camera before... And this is a full frame camera Look at its body! It looks very stylish as well I am surprised there is this big a frame in such a small body... I have been keeping it open and talking for so long I feel weird about it... I will first close it... This is 55m
m Wow! I feel it is not as comfortable as A7S3 to hold it... Because this space is very small In the other camera, it is large Hence you would feel grip to hold onto But since it is very small, it scares me a little as well... If it will slip off our hands or something... And in the sides there are these flabs In this they have given the port for SD card on the side... Okay... It is the same SD card would be on the side, and battery below it... So it is not on the same port... And below that..
. It is for HDMI cable and USB C And there is another flap on the top There is a port for the mic You can use that for the mic The viewfinder is given beautifully on the left Usually in A7S3 or A73... The viewfinder will be here on the top and hence it will be quite big... But it is completely on the left... Like in old cameras And viewfinder looks good... But I don't use it at all Only in very bright places... People who capture photos use it It hasn't proved useful to me much We don't use i
t... And there are less buttons in it compared to the buttons on that camera The buttons are pretty simplified in it... On the top there is an exposure meter... And this dial is the same... M, S, A, P, Auto... 1,2,3, that we set in custom S, N, Q... And then the video mode... And this is to switch on the videos... And here is the shutter button And in here, again... There is an extra dial in that camera Here it isn't there Because it is a cheaper camera compared to that... The first differen
ce that I note is A7S3's menu and the menu in this camera is different... The menu in this is very similar to the old type of cameras... The menu in current times... I actually learnt that... But again I will have to learn this Because I have never used Sony camera A long time back, I have used one called point... Almost it is the same menu in this... So I will have to once again go through and set it up... Because I would set it as per my needs with shortcuts ISO at this place, shutter here...
I have to set it like that in this camera... We will check out everything one by one... How to shoot in this camera... I will shoot in this... I will shoot it in 50mm, wide angle, 90mm and everything else and show it to you guys... I don't know if there is 120 fps in it... But there is 4K... You are going to see what other modes are in this now... So guys we are checking out A7C's Low light capabilties right now... I am on the terrace right now... I am shooting it at 60 frames right now... So a
t 1.8 Aperture I am shooting it at 4000 ISO I don't see any grains when I look through this right now... But you might see it in full screen... I am shooting it in Manual Focus I have set a beautiful tree as focus... You can see the focused objects in red colour... It is very bright in here... Can you see it? It is so bright in here... I am shooting it in hand held You can notice the movements in the visuals... Because I am shooting it in hand held You can see its stability in the shots... So
you can still increase the ISO It is in 6400 ISO right now... I don't know how much grains exists... Actually in A7S3, the visuals are superb in 12800 ISO When using that camera... But I don't know if it is that good or not in this camera I have kept it in 12800 right now... So this is it... Actually it looks good in this... There doesn't seem to be any problem Actually I don't know how it looks in the camera But it is pretty dark in here... But it looks bright in this camera... So the ISO capa
bilities in the current cameras are simply amazing... And it goes without saying for Sony A7S3 is king in low light... But we should shoot it properly... If we do, it will be superb! I am shooting it in 12800 right now It is very bright... Now the time is 7:00 right now It looks like 6 through this camera But I don't know about the grains.. We are shooting right now in 55 mm lens So we can go upto 1.8 aperture Now I am going to shoot it in wide lens... I will tell you how it is in it... Focus.
.. In such a small camera... The various options that it offers is simply amazing! Price is actually high... It costs around 1.5 lakhs But look how small it is... But the details that we could capture in such a small camera... We couldn't have foreseen this some 3 years ago... So technological advancement in cameras are mindblowing... It is because so many are researching and offering so many improvements in phone cameras... And hence the improvement in cameras increase as well... Similarly such
researches in real time cameras too proves useful Next we will check how it is in 90mm It is macro lens Macro lens in low light sounds stupid... But maybe I will show some close up But we will use macro lens... Go down and see so many other aspects... So guys what you are seeing right now is 90 mm It is a macro lens... I can show you objects that are very far away too through this... It is a 2.8 aperture So 1/125 We will keep it in 100 We have set it in 100... So this is the shot in low ligh
t... No would use these lens in low light... They do capture... If they need to capture a lot of distance... But I will show you the macro in this... with the lights after going downstairs.. Now we will shoot a low light vlog using wide lens... What is this? Why is this happening? My goodness! Why does it sound like that? Guys there are a lot of Mayfly insects troubling here... You are unable to see any right... That's the thing... We will see if we could see it in this... It would be superb if
we have a wide lens at all times while doing a vlog... At ISO 12800, in 1/100 shutter At F 4.0, that's the lowest in this lens... So I am going to... Hey guys! What's up! I am shooting it at 12800 ISO The sky looks very beautiful from behind... Woah! It is mindblowing! I don't know how I look... Definitely there might be grains... So we can increase the ISO even more... At ISO 64000, my face is visible... But definitely there are so many grains as well... So we are going to walk around and
capture it... Check it out... So it is completely a walk around Vlog Definitely it would be bad at ISO 64000 Even in A7S3, it is bad at ISO 64000... No doubt how it would be in this... But the point is if you could see me... You are seeing how it is at Aperture 4.0, Shutter (1/100) and ISO 64000, right now But in this same place... If I shoot it in A7S3 at ISO 12800... would be amazing I would be clearly visible That's another league altogether It is double the price... But the point righ
t now is how the visuals are in this camera... You can see what is behind me... But you will see it in iPhone You cannot see anything in it... Because iPhone obviously has a small censor Okay... So now we will bring the ISO to an usable... which is again 12800 Yes... the sweet spot I guess Because the sweet spot in the camera is this... So now we will go downstairs... Come... I will show you macro in 90 mm lens downstairs So guys I have come back to my room Look how it is right now! I have only
set it at 2500 ISO It is amazing in well lit conditions Also I am talking as I am walking around Our... that... I am unable to remember that word... You can see how the stabliser is in this camera through this... I will show you on the outside as well tomorrow You can still slightly increase the ISO As per our requirements... Actually it is higher now 2500 is the best... So next I will show it to you in macro lens... In well lit conditions, it will be superb We will check it out with some sma
ll object Let's see So guys we are here... We saw A7C in low light Now we are going to see how it is in normal lighting... the same wide lens And you are listening to in-audio right now That is the audio on the camera We haven't fit any mic So we will check how it is... And we are shooting entirely in hand held It was so heavy guys! But the camera is pretty light... Yeah... I got it a week ago To use it as a secondary camera, I got it for 1.5.... Look he does not believe it He doesn't be
lieve that the camera is 150000 Because the camera is so small But it could do so much! That's what is important! So guys this is where I workout I am not talking much about this now... Our master is here... You would have already seen him in the food video... So I will do a seperate video on this... This is just a vlog of sorts... I will do a video after I shed some weight... We can maybe show your 6 packs... So for now I am just working out... Yes... I am so tired... Guys next we are shootin
g it in 55 mm lens next... So this is how it looks in 55 mm You can reduce the aperture to 1.8 in this lens... So your background looks good This is the tip of A7C 55mm Actually I have worked out for 86 minutes today... Biceps that you saw was the last 2 in the end... Before that, it was fully cardio Cardio as in... Throwing it and using ropes and all... That's a headache guys! But this is fun Hence I showed this in the video This is simply for our enjoyment... I think so... This is even more h
eavier... How heavy is this? This is 7.5? That was 5kgs It doesn't look like 7.5 kgs right? But it is... look, it is given here! Is it 10kgs next? I simply asked... Next we are going to lift 10kgs! There is no 10kgs... Is that 15kgs? Is that 10kgs? Guys! 10 kgs! Guys workout is done.. And we are leaving now Back to wide lens In wide lens, you are watching a footage that is highly lit We will remove this off And we will leave right now... This is how it is in hand held Actually as far as I kno
w... Stability is actually good Even if it is not as much as A7S3 Stability is good enough in this camera And in well lit conditions... it is mindblowing It goes without saying Yeah... It's good! I am very tired I am super tired! Time is exactly 11:59 right now We will leave rightaway now... I will leave... would see about this camera only in the video in the end Bye! See you! So guys this camera... I am pointing it here for the camera... Because I checked out its footages taken in low li
ght yesterday And also the ones we captured in light as well... So as of the low light videos I have seen so far.. The light was too low... I said it looks clear in 2000 But in the big screen, there is noise In the field where in the right there is a house and a huge balcony of the house... that field where it is yellow coloured You can see noise at 2000 ISO I have said there is no noise in 12800 as well... But there is noise in that as well But we are able to see in it... It doesn't seem
like an unusable clip We can use that clip In such settings and time, it looks usable That's because of the big 1 inch sensor The sensor is superb! And such a big 1 inch sensor in such a small body is the biggest plus of this camera And the beauty itself lies there... Whatever you saw right now is not 4k All of them is 1080... We have shot everything at 50 frames When there is enough light... The footages are simply amazing! If we just adjust the ISO properly... We will get to capture superb f
ootages For YouTube, this is a precious camera Like if you are making videos for YouTube... And if you want to produce quality footages... This camera is simply amazing for that! It is expensive... 1.5 lakhs But if you ask me if it worth it... It definitely would be... In the long term... It will definitely be worth it But don't think of investing in it rightaway Don't jump into it thinking I am going to make YouTube videos all the time Camera plays little role there... Camera shows things beau
tifully... But then the content we give plays a huge role For instance, we have Madan Gowri bro He still shoots it on phone... But since his content is good... Viewers are consuming it over and over again And he is getting more viewers as well Also he is excelling in it... So don't think you can achieve only with a camera And buy it on EMI or loans... There is no such requirement to buy camera like that... But I am responsible to say how this camera is... And that's why I am saying all this It
is definitely a great camera for vlogs as well... This is definitely not an entry level camera Someone who owns an A7S3 might see it that way... But this is not an entry level camera This is almost professional camera To carry it around easily... It is easy to do vlogs as it is very weightless And I love this look a lot! And comparing it to A7S3 The screen is pretty firm... I love this built quality a lot The screen is very flimsy and shaky... But they have got it right in this camera And I l
ike that! Auto focus is good... But I didn't feel it is to be as good as it is in A7S3 And you can only use 1 card in this... You cannot use 2 cards They have given space on the side for just 1 card... Talking of battery backup... This battery is already superb! Even in that camera it was great... With 3 batteries... Even I shoot the entire day continuously... Only 2 batteries and a small amount of the 3rd battery will get drained... So the same for this one too... It has a good battery backup A
nd overall it is a really good camera from Sony And Sony keeps making amazing cameras like these... I would be even happier if the prices are less That's all If you are thinking of buying this camera or... on why you like this camera... Let me know in the comments section Or if there is some other camera... No Irfan, I don't like Sony... ...I only love Canon And if you are a canon fan boy Let me know which camera you like in it... Since I invested lens in Sony I cannot buy Canon But we can have
a chat in our comments section If you like this video... Do like and share it with your tech friends... I will see you guys tomorrow in another video Till then... bye bye See you!



Happy National Camera Day everyone πŸ™Œ


Im Proud to be Employee Of SONY πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


Nowadays irfans channel is feels like a advertisement channel rather than a vlog


Bro nenga oru full fledged "Tech man" semma bro .


After Taking Some shots Irfan Says Vera MaariπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Good points.. content is king


Thanks for the information, for my things this camera is enough. Once again thanks a lot love all your videos. keep doing more tech videos


That bug πŸ›: naan paatunu sivane nu dhaana enna pudhuchi world 🌎 famous aakitinga πŸ™ˆπŸ€£


Price = quality πŸ”₯


Hello, which is the best Lense for Sony A7C for shooting Landscape, Portrait, Videography cinematic shoot , Ultra wide capturing both photo and vedio... please suggest me Best Lense 🀝


Ifran bro what you think about sony xperia 1mark iii mobile


Always content is the kingπŸ”₯πŸ”₯ But initially for budding YouTubers Sony G7x mark II would be one of the best choice to use as vlogging camera πŸ“· πŸ”₯


Bro what is orange box near macbook


Love from Japan πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅ Irfan fans hit LIKE πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


Vera level update in camera bro keep giving us more comment cinematic shots ❀️πŸ”₯


Congratulations for 2M bro


Bro do the best cinematography in this camera.


Bro in which camera did you shoot this video quality is less than before


"Camera video ithu pudikala nalaiku va " ultimateπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Next level Irfan bro ❀️❀️