
India's Submarines | How Strong is it?

India's submarines are vital in defending the country's maritime interests and territorial integrity. Narrated by Tom McKay Video Edited by Iyanbriandi Facebook: Instagram: Inquiries: Brought to you by the Behind Asian Team.

Behind Asia

1 day ago

印度拥有世界上最强大的海军之一。 它的舰队由大型军舰到价值数十亿美元的航空母舰组成,最 重要的是,还有一支强大的潜艇舰队。 潜艇已成为印度海上防御战略的基石。 印度拥有广阔的海岸线和战略位置。 潜艇只不过是一种防御措施和地缘政治立场的声明。 此外,潜艇在印度海军武库中的战略意义超出了单纯的 防御能力。 潜艇在力量投送、威慑和监视方面发挥着至关重要的作用,增强了印度 监视和控制重要海上航线的能力。 潜艇的多功能性和隐身能力使它们能够 在敌对环境中不被发现地行动,收集情报并提供关键信息。 但印度潜艇能力的独特之处在于其注重本土生产 和自力更生。 印度一直在投入资金,以减少对外国进口的依赖并建设 国内能力。 换句话说,印度想要建造自己的潜艇、军舰、航母。 这些已经在其最近生产的设备数量中得到体现。 此外,印度不仅在加强其国防工业基础,而且在提升 其在全球国防领域的地位。 他们正准备成为国防技术出口国,正如在 向邻国出售一枚又一枚导弹后所表现的那样。 现在让我们进入今天视频的重点。 印度海军的潜艇。 印度海军拥有各种各样的潜艇,每艘潜艇都扮演着不同的角色。 首先是辛杜霍什级潜艇,这些潜艇属于基
洛级潜艇,编号为 877EKM,是根据俄罗斯国有公司Rosvooruzhenie 和印度国防部之间的合同建造的。 该级包括数艘潜艇,每艘都有不同的名称和服役日期。 该清单包括 INS Sindhughosh (S55)、INS Sindhuraj (S57)、INS Sindhuratna (S59)、INS Sindhukesari (S60)、INS Sindhukirti (S61)、INS Sindhuvijay (S62) 和 INS Sindhushastra (S65),这些舰艇于 1986 年至2000年。 这些舰艇是柴电潜艇,反映了印度海军对多功能 和强大水下作战平台的关注。 辛杜霍什级潜艇的主要规格包括排水量3000 吨、最大下潜深度300米、最高航速18节。 这些潜艇设计可独立运行长达 45 天,艇员人数为 53 人,展示了 其续航力和作战能力。 Sindhughosh级配备了先进的武器系统,包括14个 重型鱼雷存储槽,通过8 x 533毫米鱼雷发射管发射。 特性和能力而引人注目。 这些柴电潜艇由德国造船厂Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft
(HDW)开发, 在增强印度海上防御能力方面发挥了重要作用。 Shishumar级包括四艘潜艇:INS Shishumar(S44)、INS Shankush(S45)、INS Shalki(S46)和INS Shankul(S47)。 其中前两艘船由 HDW 在德国基尔建造,其余两艘 在孟买的 Mazagon Dock Limited (MDL) 建造。 这些潜艇于 1986 年至 1994 年间服役,标志着 Shishumar级潜艇配备14个重型鱼雷存储槽 并能够通过 8 x 533 毫米鱼雷发射管发射。 他们使用 Atlas Elektronik AEG SUT-66 Mod-1 线导鱼雷,并且可以选择 在外部携带多达 24 枚水雷。 他们的武器库的一个显着升级是计划发射 UGM-84L Harpoon Block II 反舰和对地攻击导弹,从而显着增强其作战范围和能力。 这些潜艇浮出水面时的排水量也为 1660 吨,航速 可达 22 节(41 公里/小时)。 它们可容纳 40 名船员,其中包括 8 名军官。 Shishumar 级的设计采用了 IKL 设计的逃生系统, 为船员增
加了额外的安全保障。 第三,卡尔瓦里级潜艇代表了印度海军 能力的重大进步,展示了印度对海军部队现代化和提高 水下作战能力的重视。 该级潜艇是印度海军75号项目的一部分,是 根据与法国的技术转让协议建造的。 卡尔瓦里级潜艇以鲉鱼级潜艇为基础,由法国海军防务 和能源公司 DCNS(现为海军集团)设计。 这些潜艇是柴电攻击潜艇,以其先进的隐身 功能、作战系统和一系列作战能力而闻名。 卡尔瓦里级潜艇的一些关键特征包括先进的消声技术、 低辐射噪声水平和水动力优化的形状。 这些功能使潜艇能够在敌方水域中不被发现地行动,使其 对于监视、情报收集和进攻行动特别有效。 该级第一艘潜艇“卡尔瓦里”号于 2017 年 12 月 14 日服役,标志着 印度海军防御的一个重要里程碑。 继“卡尔瓦里”号之后,该级其他潜艇包括“坎德里”号( 2019年9月28日服役)、“卡兰吉”号(2021年3月10日服役)、“维拉”号( 2021年11月25日服役)和“瓦吉尔”号(2023年1月23日服役) 。 这些潜艇配备了最先进的武器和传感器,包括 用于远程交战的鱼雷和反舰导弹。 它们使用精确制导武器发动攻击的能力使它们成为
海战中的强大资产 。 此外,“卡尔瓦里”级潜艇采用现代技术和武器装备, 反映出印度在国防制造方面日益增强的自力更生能力及其对 加强海上防御态势的承诺。 最后,歼敌者级潜艇是 为印度海军开发和建造的 一系列核动力弹道导弹 潜艇。 作为印度第一艘国产核潜艇,歼敌者级 在印度海军战略武库中占有重要地位,象征着印度海军 能力和国防自主权的重大进步。 这些潜艇是印度建立三位一体核力量的一部分,该三位一体核力量包括 从陆地、空中和海上发射核武器的能力。 歼敌者级是专门为这三位一体的海基部分而设计的,为 印度提供了二次打击能力。 这种能力对于维持战略威慑态势至关重要,因为 即使在国家遭受第一次打击的情况下,它也能确保报复能力。 该级的主舰“歼敌者”号于 2009 年下水,并 于 2016 年 8 月 投入使用。 这艘潜艇由 83 兆瓦压水反应堆提供动力,可携带一系列导弹, 包括核弹头弹道导弹。 该潜艇能够长时间保持在水下,从而可以进行隐秘 和长时间的操作。 继“阿里汉特”号之后,该级其他舰艇包括 2017 年 11 月下水的“阿里哈特”号潜艇, 配备先进的导航、通信和传感器系统,使其成为 印度战略防
御框架的重要组成部分。 歼敌者级潜艇的发展证明了印度技术的不断进步 其实力及其对维持可信核威慑力量的承诺。 这些潜艇的成功入列标志着印度国防 史上的一项显著成就,并有助于该地区的战略稳定。 印度潜艇能力的未来只会继续增长。 这项工作的关键项目之一是 Project-75 India (P-75I) 计划。 P-75I计划设想本土建造六艘先进常规 潜艇。 这些潜艇是作为 75 Kalvari 级项目的后继者而开发的 ,并将配备最先进的不依赖空气推进系统(AIP)。 这项技术将使潜艇能够在水下停留更长时间,从而显着 增加其作战范围和隐身能力。 该项目价值约 5500 亿卢比(75.1 亿美元),涉及 印度造船商和外国原始设备制造商 (OEM) 之间的合作。 入围该项目的印度公司包括 Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited (MDL) 和 Larsen & Toubro (L&T),它们与 俄罗斯鲁宾设计局、德国蒂森克虏伯海洋系统公司、法国海军 集团、南方公司 等几家外国公司之一合作。 韩国大宇造船海洋工程公司和西班牙纳万蒂亚公司。 除了P-75I之外,印度还致力
于75阿尔法项目(P-75A)计划, 该计划优先建造核动力潜艇。 该项目是印度发展一支兼具 核潜艇和常规潜艇能力的强大海军力量的更广泛愿景的一部分。 对核动力潜艇的关注表明印度致力于推进其海军 技术和增强其战略海上能力。 但无论如何,请让我们知道您的想法。 感谢您的观看!



How strong do you think India's submarines are? Let us know down below!


A number of points were either missed or not covered, so here they are: 1. Sindhughosh- / Kilo-class submarines: The Indian Navy originally procured 8 submarines in this class, commissioning between 1986 and 1991. In 1994, plans for the fifth and sixth Shishumar-class submarines were cancelled (more on this in a minute), and it was decided to acquire two additional Kilo-class boats, which entered service in 1997 and 2000. These submarines are capable of firing anti-ship missiles as well. 7 of the boats remain in service, with one having been decommissioned and donated to Myanmar in 2020, one currently in reserve, and one being lost in a dockside accident in 2013. The Kilo-class were procured with a planned 35 year life, which has been extended to 40 years. As such, these boats will start leaving service in about 2-3 years. 2. Shishumar-class / Type 209-1500 submarines: The Indian Navy planned to acquire 6 submarines to a derivative design of the German Type 209 series. As such, these are the largest of the Type 209 family, and the only Type 209-1500 submarines built. The first pair was built entirely in Germany, with the second pair having some sections sent from Germany and the rest built in India. The third pair was cancelled in 1994 by the government over the Navy's objections (political shenanigans and allegations of corruption there, though the allegations were later disproven). As of now, only the second pair can fire Harpoon anti-ship missiles. The submarines were originally procured with a 40 year life, but seeing that multiple nations have successfully retained these submarines in active service for 45 years, the current plan is to have these boats for 45 years. INS Shishumar has already received her final LIFEX (life extension refit), and INS Shankush has recently gone in for her LIFEX, with the second pair to follow. There are reports which say that these boats may be fitted with India's locally developed AIP (air-independent propulsion) module, but this remains to be seen. As such, these boats will start retiring at the start of the next decade. 3. Kalvari-class / Scorpene submarines: The Kalvari-class were procured under Project 75, which came from the 1999 plan to acquire 12 submarines in two classes from different OEMs under Projects 75 and 75I, and then to build 6 indigenous submarines under Project 76. The Kalvari-class are a customised version of the Scorpene design, and five of the six boats are in service. The sixth submarine, INS Vagsheer, is planned to be commissioned in a few months. Moreover, due to delays in Project 76, it is currently planned to build a further three Kalvari-class submarines. The Kalvari-class submarines do not have AIP, but they are scheduled to be refitted with AIP, starting with INS Kalvari in 2025. 4. Project 75I: The second pair of submarines under the 1999 plan forms Project 75I. Originally, the five nations mentioned in the video (Russia, Germany, France, South Korea, and Spain) were all involved with their designs. France's suggestion of a modified Scorpene-class submarine was rejected (they had won Project 75 anyways, so a second design was pointless). Russia changed their offer to the Improved Kilo-class submarines in 2019, and the Indian Navy absolutely refused to even consider the revised offering, leading to their disqualification. South Korea was offering the KSS-III submarine, but withdrew for undisclosed reasons in 2022. Germany (with their Type 212A / Type 214 submarine) and Spain (with their S80 Plus submarine) are in the running. Just three days back, the technical evaluation was concluded, and negotiations are to begin within weeks. It is planned to have the contract signed before the end of 2025, and the first of these submarines may enter service in 2032-33. 5. Project 76: Project 76 came out of the 1999 plan, and visualises an entirely indigenous Indian submarine. However, the project has been delayed, with the design expected to be finalised in 2027-28 rather than 2024-25. At the same time, however, the procurement has been increased from 6 submarines to 12, with the goal of having the first boat in service by 2035-36. It is speculated that these submarines may carry VLS cells for anti-ship missiles, but it remains to be seen. 6. Project 75A: Project 75A is the plan for an Indian-designed nuclear-powered attack submarine. While initial plans called for 6 submarines, the present plan is to have an initial batch of 3, followed by a second batch of 3-5 ships. Almost nothing has been released about the design, though it has been reported that the submarines will start construction by 2025-26 at the latest, with the first boat commissioning latest by 2033-35. 7. Arihant-class submarines: The Arihant-class are a result of India's Advanced Technology Vessel (ATV) program, and the class has nuclear-powered nuclear-armed ballistic missile submarines. Arihant is the first nuclear-powered submarine, as well as the first nuclear-armed submarine, as well as the first ballistic submarine built outside P5 (the 5 permanent UNSC members). Arihant and Arighat (the latter speculated to have entered service in 2022-23) are being followed by a further 2 enlarged submarines in the class, which will double the missile-carrying capacity. It is expected that the third submarine will enter service by 2026-27. 8. S5-class submarines: The S5-class represents India's second class of nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines. While still in development, these boats (currently planned as a class of 3) will enter service in the 2040s. On the whole, India's submarine arm is fairly decent, though the main challenge is the upcoming obsolescence of a large portion of the fleet. As such, the current challenge will be to ensure that the submarines currently planned or under construction enter service without delays. That will allow for a large and powerful submarine arm to be maintained, considering the Indian Navy visualises a fleet of 27-32 diesel-electric attack submarines, 6-8 nuclear attack submarines, and 4-6 nuclear ballistic missile submarines by 2047 (the centenary of India's independence).


⛵Apart from P-5 countries, India is the only country which can build nuclear powered submarine and aircraft carrier.


amazing !!!


Today time no one can beat india brother, 🇮🇳♥️🇮🇳 india military is very strong today time' 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳


6:30 typo: kalvari not kalvar


6:10 every submarine since the 60's has had these exact features in the exact same way


JAI HIND 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳


6:40 INS karanj not karani


3:12 factual inaccuracy: the sindhugosh class, being a kilo class derivative uses russian weapons, like the test 71/76 or the 53-65 torpedo. the atlas elektronik model in not used on the sindhugosh class but the sishumar and kalvari classes as it is a german origin torpedo design like the sishumar class, band the scorpene uses it as well, due to eu relations


In my fictional world, India submarines is one of the strongest in the world


Make video on Chinese navy, army , airforce


4:52 again, not planned: shalki and shankush can already fire them


Indian submarine fleet is anemic considering it's 7000km Coast line.


8:44 bruh, s4 was launched in 2021, how old is your inf0?


Please do make video on Pakistan air force


When you have diverse types of submarines. You have diverse number of suppliers for spares. You have diverse number of systems and weapons systems. How can you have an effective submarine force with such setup. Good luck.


India defense forces strengthened only under PM MOdi determination.


What is india's economic strength ? By the way Agni-5 got MIRV technology😊


The strongest Indian submarine is a leased from Russia, the Akula class nuclear powered and apart from that its the French Scorpene class... But I think they lacked the capabilities of launching an IRBM or ICBM apart from a certain cruise missile