
Individual Presentation - Victory

Genrefication of School Libraries

Sinead Victory

5 days ago

hello my name is chenade and for my individual  project I'm going to be talking about genrefication in school libraries so before I  dive in I wanted to back up for a moment and talk a little bit about the historical context  of genrefication genrefication is definitely a big buzzword right now in school libraries  but it is not a new idea we have all heard of Dewey um and his classification system The  Dewy Decimal System that was created back in the 1870s but that was not the end of the story 
other people have worked on creating systems of classification and have done research into how  the classification of books in library libraries affects circulation and Patron happiness with  their experience so even even though this is a trend that's picking up steam recently  uh for example the American Association of school libraries devoted an entire issue of its  magazine to this question and featured a session on ditching dewy ditching Dewey genrefication  in your library at its n Nationa
l Conference in 2013 this isn't a new idea so when we talk about  genre ification we are talking about the process of organizing classifying and categorizing  items in your library into genres that's a pretty broad definition which is a good thing  uh because it can be done in a lot of ways so genrefication doesn't always mean ditching Dewey  as aasl um kind of hinted at in that teaser title because even libraries who do still utilize the  Decimal System often use genrefication strategies on a s
maller scale many libraries separate  fiction from non-fiction for example um or as graphic novels are becoming more popular  many libraries are creating separate sections for graphic novels so what are the benefits of  genrefication specifically in school libraries while genrefication can help students locate and  self select books much more quickly and easily and this helps boost their self-sufficiency and  their sense of confidence which can really help promote the enjoyment of reading it is
also more  developmentally appropriate for younger children who may not have an understanding of decimals if  we're talking about a library at an elementary school decimals might be a very confusing part  of the library for our kids but quite frankly even older students at the middle and high school  levels can sometimes be intimidated by decimals math can be scary numbers can be scary and the  last thing we want to do as a library is make our patrons feel like they are unable to navigate  our s
ystem genrefication can also support students who want to read a specific type of book but it  can also allow students to intentionally explore a new genre genrefication allows school librarians  to become more familiar with their collection this can improve their collection development  skills their reader advisory skills another big benefit of genrefication is that it follows  browsing patterns that our students are used to um our students are used to searching for certain  hashtags on social
media platforms our students are used to opening Netflix and seeing categories  like comedy horror um if we can make our library better match what they are used to what they enjoy  using what they see in their day-to-day life that can really be a benefit genrefication can limit  Choice overload and thus reduce Library anxiety and genrefication can also make reshelving much  quicker and easier for staff which in turn allows school librarians more time for collaborating  with classroom teachers wo
rking with students creating lessons on a digital citizenship you  know doing readers advisory all these things that are more beneficial than time spent on the  more mundane tasks like shelving books now it is important to also consider some of the drawbacks  of genrefication there can be inconsistency in genres from one genfi collection to another  unlike a very standardized system such as Dewey each Library if they're going to genri  you know for example their fiction they may come up with dif
ferent categories the categories  aren't always going to be the same from library to library we also have certain books that can  fit into multiple genres so then the question becomes where do you put that book and that can  be a big question because depending on which genre you put it under you may be encouraging or  discouraging some students from trying it with a genfi collection readers might limit themselves  to one genre and avoid all others you know for example it makes it much easier for
kids to always  go directly to you know the sports section or the graphic novel section whatever it may be without  even glancing at any other books most public and University libraries still use the Dewey Decimal  classification system and one of the main jobs um as a school is to prepare children for the next  step in their life prepare them for adulthood so there are concerns that too much genrefication  uh getting too far away from the Dewey Decimal System could put our students at a disadv
antage  when they go to college or try to use the public library system genrefication is a very time in  labor intensive process most school librarians are already pulled pretty thin and some people feel  that the rearrangement of the print collection should not be a priority um School librarian S  have a lot of other things to work on preparing for the digital shift collaborating with classroom  teachers teaching our students about digital citizenship and some people question whether  the time
and labor required for genrefication is really the best use of a librarian's Time  finally some Librarians have raised concerns that if we make the library oversimplified and and  completely remove the need for our professional reference Assistance or our readers advisory  suggestions we may be putting our own jobs in Jeopardy if a librarian is considering  implementing genrefication in their collection there are some steps that they would have to work  through my number one piece of advice is t
o First do your own research geny your library is a big  decision it's a timec consuming process and it should be something that you are very confident  that you want to do before you start the process once you have decided you do want to genri you  need to choose what you want to genri and which genres you will use um do you want to start small  and just pull out something like biographies or graphic novels do you want to tackle the fiction  section um it's less common but do you want to do you
r entire Library completely ditch dewy and  put everything into genres another important step before you start physically moving books  around for genrefication is to weed this is such an important step because genrefication is timec  consuming and you do not want to waste time genri Ying books that are not going to circulate um and  really shouldn't even be in your collection in the first place you need to consider calculating your  shelf space um look at the books that you have which genres do
you have more books for that are  going to need more space which genres could you fit on a smaller shelf signage you're going  to need to indicate the genre on the shelves on the books themselves you're going to need some  other type of you know appropriate signage to help guide your students to the book they're looking  for especially when this is new you're going to need to plan the work of physically flipping the  collection you need to be prepared for the time and labor demands of the actua
l switch and how  that is going to affect the day-to-day running of your library um while you're doing it you  know a personal example I'm trying to geny my library just the fiction section I went through  and I pulled all the books that I was planning to classify as Classics put them on a table I thought  they'd be good there for a little bit found out a couple days later we were having a big meeting in  the library we needed all the table space I had to clear them all off again so you really d
o need  to have some time set aside where you can make a little bit of a mess before you get to reorganize  and finally you're going to need to advertise and promote your new system you're going to want to  build excitement but also train um any staff you may have and your students other patrons teachers  your principal any stakeholders you want them to see how easy your library is to use how fun it is  to be able to quickly find books that you enjoy
