
Infant Macaque Kidnapped | 4K UHD | Seven Worlds One Planet | BBC Earth

When an infant macaque is snatched by a childless, higher-ranking female, its mother grooms the kidnapper's companion in retaliation. Can the mother win her baby back? Featuring 'Seven Worlds, One Planet' and narrated by Sir David Attenborough, join us in London on an immersive digital journey into the natural world at the BBC Earth Experience. Discover more: Subscribe: #BBCEarth #SevenWorldsOnePlanet #Macaque Watch more: Planet Earth Blue Planet Planet Earth II Planet Dinosaur Seven Worlds One Planet (2019) Millions of years ago incredible forces ripped apart the Earth's crust creating seven extraordinary continents. One Planet: Seven Worlds, presented by Sir David Attenborough, will reveal how each distinct continent has shaped the unique animal life found there. Welcome to BBC EARTH! The world is an amazing place full of stories, beauty and natural wonder. Here you'll find 50 years worth of entertaining and thought-provoking natural history content. Dramatic, rare, and exclusive, nature doesn't get more exciting than this. This is a commercial page from BBC Studios. Service information and feedback:

BBC Earth

10 months ago

they're bullied constantly and forced to live on the fringes of the troop as outcasts their only comfort is each other [Music] he's being snatched stolen by a higher ranking females she is childless and she wants a baby of her own [Music] he's only a few meters away but in his mother approaches the rest of the troop could well attack her [Music] the kidnapper has never raised the baby before this one is in danger they're headed towards a cable car Tower the young mother can't let them out of her
sight [Music] [Music] thank you they're 30 meters up if she tries to grab her baby and fails he could fall to his death the kidnapper refuses to surrender him there's one last thing a mother can try and to do it she needs to recruit another macaque [Music] now the mother begins to groom her companions in full view of the kidnapper all monkeys love to be groomed even by a low-ranking female baseless for peace in macaque Society eventually the urge to join in is just two twos the kidnap is over a
nd the youngster can climb back into his mother's arms [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]



Poor mom. She’s worried sick. And baby knows what’s happening .. so smart!!!


Im so impressed! What a smart mother omg! She loves her baby!😊❤


Dang, this is like watching parkour. I expect the camera to pan over and Daniel Craig fighting someone.


The power of a mother's mind! Heart strings pulled just cinematic!


Drama among macaques. 😢😮


Cool to see how easily they can climb those metal structures.


What an amazing video


People who cite animals as being kinder or “purer” than humans should remember that animals, especially other primates, can indeed be cruel to each other.


The life within these small groups of animals is incredible and so crazy.


That was intense!


Как здорово снято!!! Прям детектива!!! Сердцебиение участилось!!! 😊


She looks like the hunchback of Notre Dame trying to carry it around. 😂


She went and got her baby WoW well done ✅


Mama estaba utilizando lo que en humanos es equivalente a la Diplomacia , para evitar males mayores , muy lista y astuta esta mama lo utilizo todo para que su bebe no resultase dañado o muerto , muy bien por esta mama .


Just fascinating. Ruthless word. With a video more exciting and dramatic than any action movie.


this simulation is simply amazing


Clever primates. So much more diplomatic than the human species.


The camera work is out of this world.


Mom: "GUUURL, we gon do our hair right now!"


Such a smart mommy. She handled it perfectly❤