
Inside my autistic mind | BBC Ideas

Murray is autistic - he's also non-speaking. He made and starred in this short film, in order to share what he's really feeling. Watch Inside Our Autistic Minds on BBC iPlayer (UK only) 👉 Made by BBC Studios. Subscribe to BBC Ideas 👉 Find more mini docs in our playlist 👉 0:00 Meet Murray 0:30 This is Murray's film about what his world is like 0:50 "I live in a total blur of information" 1:06 Why I love water 1:20 Things I found frustrating growing up 1:49 What I want you to know about non-verbal people 2:34 Murray's friends and family's reaction to his film 3:05 Murray reflects on what his film means to him ____________________________ Do you have a curious mind? You’re in the right place. Our aim on BBC Ideas is to feed your curiosity, to open your mind to new perspectives, and to leave you that little bit smarter. So dive in. Let us know what you think. And make sure to subscribe! 👉 Visit our website to see all of our videos: And follow BBC Ideas on Twitter: #bbcideas #autism

BBC Ideas

3 weeks ago

Do you want to sit down? Just look straight ahead. That's really good. Great. I like that. I am an autistic person. It is obvious when you see me. I have no voice, but yearn to say so much. If you are willing to listen, I will try to say how I feel. (STATIC CRACKLING) I live in a total blur of information. If I have too many people in a room at one time and one place, it is too overwhelming for me to have to process. I have to jiggle my brain to make it settle. It's just how I cope. Water takes
my pain away because it allows me to lose myself in a place that asks no questions of my abilities. Every drop lets me be me. Before I could communicate through typing, I remember that I was frustrated by people who were kind, but didn't know my brain was as good as people who can speak. I remember being told that I liked the Teletubbies, which I did, but I wanted to move on and was desperate to read books for my age. Now I have the chance to speak up for people like me. I'm speaking from my hea
rt. Non-verbal people are pleasing to be around because we sense the world in a deeper way than those who talk. Because we cannot express our emotions instantly, we become deep thinkers. People-watchers. We have the same dreams as everyone else, so please don't treat us differently. Each of us is a star... ...eager to be discovered and named in the atmosphere. If you acknowledge our abilities, we can shine brighter. We have so much to say. Please hear us. (APPLAUSE) I think we're all better peop
le for knowing Murray. He's made such a big difference to all our lives. We can actually understand how deeply he thinks about things. We've been very privileged to be part of his life. His whole experience is expressed there in just a few minutes. It's... It's wonderful. Wonderful. That just sums up everything about Murray, and it's just lovely to be telling us how his world is. MURRAY: I am happy that the world can see the real me.



Thanks for lovely comments. For more, see our playlist My Autistic Self 👉


With two sons and a sister (who passed away) on the spectrum, and a non-verbal nephew...I LOVE this film! Thank you!


Very well-made & enlightening, thanks for this


Very interesting, I ended up wanting to hear more of what he has to say about his perception of the world, his life experience.


Really Great Work & Creative Shoot & Edit, What you Animation.... It's all Awesome Cuts and Great Team Work.. So ur guys Show his pain.. That's wonderful.. Love u teams.. I love to works with u..UCkszU2WH9gy1mb0dV-11UJg/Rf90XtDbG8GQ8gTz_prwAg


This is a really beautiful film


Wonderful film!


special people. and they have special powers.


Nice film Murray🌼


I like the film too!