
Insightful Conversation:Delving into Age and Politics | Exclusive CNN Interview at SteelCore Studio

In Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 94-year-old Pat Levin defies age stereotypes as she gracefully navigates her Pilates routine at SteelCore. A lifelong Democrat, Pat shares her unique perspective on age and politics in a candid interview with CNN. Despite residing in Northampton County, known for its bellwether status in elections, Pat admits to occasional forgetfulness about its significance. Surrounded by like-minded Democrats, she often assumes widespread support for Joe Biden until confronted with the reality of differing political views during election season. Reflecting on President Biden's age, Pat reveals that discussions about his fitness for office rarely arise among her peers, who are similarly aged or even older. Instead, their primary concern is the preservation of democracy, fearing the consequences if Biden does not succeed in the upcoming election. With Election Day looming eight months away, and her own 95th birthday on the horizon, Pat remains steadfast in her belief that age should not dictate one's competence. For her, every Pilates crunch is a testament to the insignificance of age, advocating for Biden to be evaluated solely on his performance and qualifications. In her own words, Pat emphasizes, "Age is just a number. I don't think age should be a determinant of competence... Joe Biden falls into that category for me." Join us as we delve into Pat Levin's inspiring journey, where age, politics, and Pilates intersect to challenge stereotypes and redefine what it means to be politically engaged at any stage of life.

SteelCore Studio

3 days ago

in maang everything has to be in order maang is complicated and these seniors six say it helps keep them sharp 9 BM last wall darlan Murphy is the instructor rule number one has nothing to do with the tiles we're all here to learn we're all here for one reason and we're never going to talk religion or politics five dot books come up new shows eight B children and grandchildren I hardly talk politics with anybody because you just don't know what the other person believes but why does that matter
feelings are so much stronger now let me ask a visitor decides to break the rule who wishes we had younger candidates who think Donald Trump and Joe Biden are both too old to be president I think there should be a limit an age limit at the top a lot of older people now are pretty darn sharp this poor man is not capable in my opinion and I think in the opinion of a lot of people it's pathetic well then the counterargument Donald Trump can't know the difference between Nancy Pelosi and Nancy Haley
yeah Nikki Haley Nikki Haley I can't even know the difference you don't know yes even those living the challenge of Aging are divided on the age debate this is Northampton County Pennsylvania a place with a history of picking presidential winners it's either him or Trump Murphy shrugs it off when a conservative says Biden is too old but some conversations worry her when I start talking about Joe and how I admire and respect him I get plenty of blowback plenty of blowback he's too old uh kamla H
arris forget her blowback now these are people who do not necessarily love Trump but they talk about wanting a better choice it's a passive margin why Larry malen kico is 71 teaches geology an dependent but he almost always votes for the Democrat a Biden fan and forgiving when the President says he recently spoke to a foreign leader who died years ago I don't think he's got an appropriate credit for the things he has done he has a history of gaffs but I also think that as we age that we do tend
to mix things up a little bit Lafayette College is in Easton a deep blue piece of a purple County but conversations with friends and students have malan kico wishing the president settled for just one term I think there are people who will not vote for him or sit it out because they perceive his age as a potential problem Micky Brown is West Point class of 1966 we try to stay as active as possible he plays tennis pickle ball and senior softball to stay sharp his wife though has dementia and live
s in a care home nearby I believe in Jesus and God I think it keeps me strong and uh I'll be fine Brown is a conservative and a two-time trump voter he insists though this view of President Biden is born of experience not politics caring for my wife I see certain things in the way his mannerisms that make me wonder if he is really in fact the president Trump's several years younger than Biden but people have raised the same question you raised some concerns that you see in Biden that you say wel
l I've lived that um do you see any of that in Trump well I I was just 80 on January 31st and at times I forget something comes back but uh I'm fit I confident in myself I just think the differen between the two are enough me to be more concerned about Mr Biden going forward than Mr Trump shoulders opening chest opening Pat Lev is 94 yes 94 and at Pilates it's important for to keep me vertical the uh at my age I need all the help I can get age she says is not the dominant issue among most of her
friends they're terrified about what might happen if Joe Biden doesn't win terrified why what will happen to this democracy as someone who is older than him um pays attention to politics what do you see I don't think age should be a determinant of uh competence I don't think they go together in any way shape or form know a lot of younger people who are quite incompetent I know a lot of older people who are very competent and Joe Biden falls into that category for me she knows northampton's hist
ory of Razor thin margins and of picking the winner that always surprises me because we tend to spend time with people who think the way we do so I think everybody is for Joe Biden until November comes that surprises me Levan will be 95 when this November comes pull your ribs down towards your waist great every crunch her way of saying and more it's just a number great
