
Inspiring filmmakers discuss documentary “The Day I Had To Grow To Up”

Stefano Da Fre and Laura Pellegrini of Rosso Films International discuss their documentary "The Day I Had To Grow Up" on KVVU-TV Las Vegas.

Rosso Films International

2 years ago

well equally as scary as saw can be the world that kids are growing up in recent events have caused kids to grow up faster than they should have but also it's inspired them to become activists the documentary the day i had to grow up takes a look at six such kids and the filmmakers have some advice for other kids looking to change the world joining us now are laura pellegrini and stefano defray thank you both so much for joining us how are you very good alyssa thank you for having us on your sho
w thank you so much well we're so happy to have you and and you speak with some really inspiring kids in this documentary what made you want to tell their stories i think for for the beginning you know laura and i and our generation our watershed moment was uh 9 11 but we noticed in the younger generations that parkland and the sandy hook and a lot of the school shootings were really the pivotal moments so uh that's where it came from it's stems from really parkland and a lot of the school shoot
ings and we were curious about their lives and and what was going on in their inner life as well yeah and that's definitely something that has got to snap a kid from from their happy bubble that they're living in to the realities that they face in in in life but for kids who who truly want to engage in activism having followed six kids who have taken that path what should they do first who would say is organized that's definitely organized you know change is it's scary but it's also very excitin
g and i think kids should take advantage of the fact that they're living in an ocular age with social media where they can meet fellow like-minded activists that are passionate about the same causes um it's important that kids mobilize they take advantage of their town's you know town hall their church their school and they're able to build relationships on a personal community level so that they can then strategize on a local level local level and solve some of these issues together okay so you
have organized your second point is read what do you mean by that well reading is so important in the sense of you're gonna meet people that have different points of view and when you start on the political path as a social activist you want to be able to understand all the nuances and the subtleties of an issue there are going to be lots of issues and different solves for anything whether it's an environmental cause or or something to do with um you know health care so that's really important
reading is really important the third thing that we would say is running for office yeah this can mean you know not necessarily for congress but running for class president uh getting involved in school clubs getting to meet kids that are at that age that um inspire you and also seeing the mentorship that you can get from them right it'll give them great agency to be at the top of making those changes and to spearhead you know certain um associations and yeah okay and you know what guys we're ou
t of time so i'm just gonna list off the last two bullet points you have and that's find out what your talent is and spend time with documentaries that have a deeply personal look into the life of youth activists that includes yours so tell us where we can watch the day i had to grow up you could definitely watch it on 2btv it's on plex it's on amazon prime it's a great look at these six lives profiling them and seeing what their life is like beyond the ups and downs of a social activist and see
ing their inner life so we we definitely recommend documentaries all right lauren stefano thank you so much for joining us thank you for having us
