

The story revolves around the relationship between Samarth and Divya. Despite initial hesitations, they fall in love. However, Divya reveals she belongs to a different caste, raising concerns about their future. Samarth assures her that he will not let caste affect their relationship. Email : 🧺️ Join this channel to get access to perks: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ✍️ Want detailed review or suggestions on your content? Reach out to : 🅿️ Priyanka's Instagram : ⭐ Samar Insta: ⭐ Rydhem Insta: ⭐ OFFICIAL INSTAGRAM : ⭐ OFFICIAL FACEBOOK : 🎈Vlogging : 🆓Facebook : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cast : - Priyanka Sarswat Rydhem Samar ------------------------------------------ DOP : Samar Written | Direction | Screenplay By - R K G Production - R K G | Arvind --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Topic Covered; Inter-caste love story Cross-cultural relationships Indian romance drama Love against societal norms Heartbreak in relationships Betrayal in love Modern love challenges Bollywood-style love story Relationship struggles in India Cultural diversity in love Unconventional love stories Emotional drama in relationships Indian web series on love Romance in contemporary India Breakup stories with a message Love story Caste discrimination Relationship challenges Deception Broken promises Societal norms Emotional turmoil Family pressure Betrayal Struggle for acceptance Modern romance Cultural differences Heartbreak False hopes Moving on.


2 months ago

Divya , the first moment i saw you ,i thought i won't be able to approach you But the moment I saw you, I realized that you are as beautiful from the outside as you are from the inside. I like you a lot. will you be my girlfriend? Yes, but I want to share something with you. But you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone. I promise Divya, I won't tell anyone. But what's the big deal? I am from a different caste. I know you are from upper caste. There won't be any problem in the future, ri
ght? Look Divya, it's 2024. Who cares about caste nowadays? Are you sure? Yes, I am. Because Samarth, I don't want to invest myself in any relationship that doesn't have a future. So, I want the person I am in a relationship with to be my first and last. You don't worry about that. I promise you that I will never break your heart. Promise? Yes, I promise. Shall we go now? Samar, Divya said yes. That's great. But tell me something. She is the most beautiful girl in the college. How will she get
into a relationship with you? She got into a relationship with me, but there will be a problem. What's the problem? she's from a lower caste I have already acted that I don't care about caste. But what will I do about my family? They will throw me out of the house. But what will I do about my family? They will throw me out of the house. You don't have to marry her. Marriage? She is saying that I will continue my relationship with the one who has a future. Now? Don't worry about that , its your c
ollege life enjoy it You are right. Forget it. Let's go for a cigarette. Okay. Divya, we have been in a relationship for a long time. And you don't let me come close to you. Why is that? Samarth, I may be modern from outside. But I am a simple and normal girl from inside. You will never betray me, right? Why do you think that I will betray you? I will never betray you. We have been in a relationship for a long time. And I get emotional whenever I talk about you. We are going to graduate. I am wo
rried that I will go back home. Then? I won't be able to see you everyday. But I will come to meet you there. We won't get this time again and again. you're only leaving the city You are not leaving the country. You will always be with me. Understood? Okay? Okay. I will miss you, Samarth. I will miss you too. Will you come to meet me? Yes, of course. I will come to meet you. Are you sure? Yes, I am sure. now go , otherwise i'll stop you stop me I told you that I will come to meet you. If you don
't go, I will miss the train. Bye. Thank God, i got rid of her If she would have stayed here, she would have stayed with me. It's good that the college got over. Now that I have gone home, I will finally break up with her. It will be great. Thank God. Let's go, Samarth. I will call Samarth and tell him that we have reached safely. Why is he not picking my call? He must have gone to play a basketball match. He will call me when he comes back. What? He didn't call me till 5 o'clock. Switched off H
ow can his number be switched off? The switch is not working. Earlier he used to not pick my calls and now it's switched off ! What should I do? I don't even have his family's number. What should I do? I think I will have to go to Chandigarh. I will look for his friend Samar's number. Maybe I will get it from the college group. This is it. Hello. Hello, Samar Hi, Samar I am Samarth's girlfriend. I have been calling him since so many days. His phone is switched off. Is he okay? Divya, where did y
ou get my number from? I got it from the college group. Please tell me. Is he okay? Divya, Samarth didn't tell you? He is getting married next month. What? He is getting married next month? Yes, he is getting married. Are you kidding me? No, he is getting married. He is getting married to his family friend. Okay, I will call you. I was doing some work. Samar This is a different kind of scene. He is a crazy person. What should I say? Samarth? Where did she come from? Sorry, Divya called me. She s
ounded very worried. So? I told her that you are getting married. You are my friend or an enemy? bro you talk to her , i shall leave Yes, go. I will talk to her. What should I do? Divya, you are here? How are you? I left Chandigarh , you stopped talking to me! I kept calling you. Do you know how worried I was about your well being? I talked to your friend, Samar He said that you are getting married. I couldn't believe it. Is it true? Divya, it is true. Actually, he is the daughter of a business
friend of my father. You know that I have to take care of my father's business after studies. So, I couldn't refuse him. You couldn't refuse him? you'll be getting married this early And you never told me. Look Divya, I wanted to tell you. But I didn't tell you so that you don't get hurt. And that's why… That's why? That's why you were going to get married behind my back. But you had promised me to get married. And you didn't have any plans to get married so soon. And if you wanted to get marri
ed to a family friend, then what were you doing with me for so long? Divya, actually… Tell me. What were you doing with me for so long? Tell me. Divya, there was no point in talking to my family. they would have never agreed to get me married to you Why? What do I lack? I look good. I am good in studies. In some time, my career will also start going well. I will convince them. You take me to your parents. I will convince them. Let's go. No, Divya, I am not taking you anywhere. Listen to me caref
ully. when i am politely trying to make you understand don't you understand what I am saying? Actually, if you want to hear the truth, then listen. The truth is that you are a lower caste girl and I am a upper caste boy. my family would never agree for us And I can't go against my family. But we had said this before our relationship started. You had said that your thinking is not like that and that you will talk to your family. Does something enter your mind or not? I had told you that you can't
get married. You lower caste people are like this only. Everyone dreams of marrying people like us. That's why you've been stuck with me like a fly for so many years. Disgusting! how could you be so cheap! You can think so badly about me that I've never even thought about it. I've never deceived you. You're the one who has deceived me. And you people only think about caste when you're getting married? When you have to have an affair with a girl and take her to bed, you don't think about caste?
Girls like you are made to be used by us. Not to get married. And if you love me that much, then let me give you an offer. I'll get married and even after that, I'll be in a relationship with you. But I won't marry you. Tell me, how did you like my offer? How dare you say such a disgusting thing to me? And what do you think of yourself? Is being born in a high caste your achievement? Huh? I'll show you your place. You have the right to pass exams on points. You've cheated me and passed all the p
apers. and you're flaunting your superiority in front of me Some people like you use caste as per their convenience. And everyone's name is defamed. After graduation, you're going to take care of your father's business anyway. This isn't an achievement of yours. And it doesn't look like you can handle it. Because you're not efficient at all. And you're trying to show me your place. And you're showing prejudice on me. i can take you to the court on this matter only , But that won't be my revenge.
Because I know, a person like you can never change. Now get out of here. Get out of here. Divya, try to understand. Listen to me. I was helpless, that's why I did all this. Otherwise, I would never have done this to you. Divya, I think I said too much. Forgive me. You said what you had to say. Now I have to decide what I have to do. You shouldn't have wasted my time like this. You used me for your own benefit. I will never forgive you for that. Divya, I was helpless. Listen to me. Try to unders
tand. Divya. Divya. Divya, listen to me. Divya. Divya.
