
Intro to Electromagnetic & Mechanical Waves for Middle School or older NGSS MS-PS4-2, HS-PS4-5 PS4.C

This video is designed to help introduce Middle School students (or older students) to electromagnetic and mechanical waves. We define a vacuum, physical medium, transverse waves, longitudinal waves and give common examples of electromagnetic and mechanical waves. You can download the free Science Video Worksheet that we made for this video at the following link: Credits: Longitudinal wave animation by Dr. Dan Russel of Pennsylvania State University, Traveling wave animation of sound by Dr. Dan Russel of Pennsylvania State University, Black hole by NASA Goddard Cosmic background radiation by the European Space Agency Black holes merging by: Ligo and Caltech, Virgo aerial view: Animation of transverse and longitudinal waves by Dr. Gallis of Penn State Schuylkill: - timestamps - 00:00 - Start 01:07 - Question 1 03:22 - Question 2 04:38 - Question 3 07:00 - Question 4 07:32 - Question 5 07:55 - Question 6 08:33 - Question 7 08:47 - Question 8 09:23 - Summary If possible, we encourage you to view this video the evening before the topic is presented in class. This will help you be more familiar with the key vocabulary and may improve your long-term retention of the concepts. Viewing options: - This video is available in standard definition and high definition (1080) resolution. To view high definition: click on the ⚙️ gear icon (settings) then choose 1080 (the gear icon is on the bottom right corner of the video that is playing). You will then see a small 'HD' beside the gear icon with a red box around it. Depending on your browser and internet connection, it may not be possible to play this in high definition (though if you put the video on pause at the very beginning, it may switch to HD if enough video can be streamed before you begin viewing it). - You may change the play speed by clicking on the ⚙️gear icon (settings) then 'playback speed' then choose a number less than 1 to slow the video down, or a number greater than 1 to speed the video up. For educators: - For background on why students may benefit from completing the science video worksheets at home the evening before you teach the class, please see this 3-minute video: - Our worksheets are available in electronic format for free (e.g., Blackboard, Canvas, Easel, Google Forms, MS Forms, Moodle). For more info, please see - We have manually edited the closed captions, so those in English are correct. Although we cannot guarantee all automated translations will be accurate, we have been very impressed by those generated by YouTube® in parts of languages that we can understand. If a speaker of your chosen language can ensure the translations are acceptable, then you may wish to turn these on for students whose first language is not English. Other free resources we've made: - For links to many free educational resources, please visit our website (no 3rd party advertising, no subscriptions, no paywalls): - For our free apps for Apple's Mac and iPad (collects no data, no advertising, no subscriptions, no paywalls, no in-app purchases), please visit our page on the Apple App Store. These apps include Common Core and State based practice tests in math, and State science exams based on NGSS and State curriculums (all with detailed, colorful explanations): - This is a playlist that we designed for teachers. It shows 1-minute previews of some of our videos. We only post educational content for 3rd - 12th grade: Best wishes, The staff at Test Prep LLC #NGSS

Test Prep LLC

3 days ago

Please see the link in the description to download  a worksheet for this video. Experiments can be dangerous. If you are a child: never do  experiments unless your parent, guardian or adult educator says it's alright and is there with  you the whole time. Before watching this video, we suggest that you watch the video "Overview of  5 wave types in science." Waves are all around us and play a major part in our technology. For  this reason, we study wave details in our science courses. In this vid
eo, we'll discuss classes of  electromagnetic waves, mechanical wave groups, what a physical medium is, propagation and  oscillation, transverse and longitudinal waves, and the definition of a wave. We'll start by  discussing electromagnetic waves. We divide specific electromagnetic waves into one of seven  classes based on the length of their waves in a vacuum. In the prior video, we gave examples  of how we commonly experience radio waves, microwaves, infrared and visible light waves. The  thr
ee other classes of electromagnetic waves are: ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays. We commonly  use these as follows. We use ultraviolet waves inside our air ducts to kill harmful organisms  circulating in the air, such as viruses. We use x-rays in medical imaging such as getting an x-ray  to show the condition of our bones and teeth. And we produce gamma rays in nuclear power plants.  A key feature of all electromagnetic waves is that they can travel through a vacuum. A vacuum  refers to a volu
me of space that has no atoms in it. Outer space is a very good approximation  for a vacuum. For example, if the inside of this vehicle was like outer space, then there would be  only one atom inside it. But here on Earth, it's filled with air so there are about this number  of atoms inside it. Here are the classic examples of electromagnetic waves traveling in a vacuum.  Satellites send radio waves through outer space to our GPS enable devices. Astronomers study the  origins of the Universe by
detecting microwaves in outer space. The Sun generates infrared waves,  visible light waves and ultraviolet waves that travel across 93 million miles of outer space  to reach us. We experience the infrared waves as heat, the visible light waves as brightness and  the ultraviolet waves as sunburns. Black holes radiate X-rays and gamma rays as beams from their  North and South poles, which travel across outer space. Although all electromagnetic waves can  travel in a vacuum, this is not unique to
them. For example, gravitational waves can also travel  in a vacuum. These gravitational waves traveled across many trillions of miles of outer space to  reach our instruments on Earth. Next we'll discuss mechanical waves. Unlike electromagnetic waves  that are all similar to each other, mechanical waves are a very diverse group. There are many  ways to group these. We'll use four groups: string waves, surface waves, membrane waves and  acoustic waves. String waves include motion on strings, rop
es or wires that may look like  the wave is traveling. Or, the string may look like a wave is not traveling, but instead  it's just vibrating in place, as on this guitar. Water waves cover most of the Earth surface.  There is enormous variety among their size, speed and shape, but in physics we consider all  of these to be a type of surface wave. Membrane waves include motion on flags or cloths that move  freely, and it also includes motion on membranes that are held tight around all of their ed
ges  like on a drum. This bird is communicating with other birds by using sound waves that travel  through the air. Sound waves may also travel through liquids such as water, which is why we  can hear this diver. In physics, we consider sound waves to be a subgroup of a larger group  which are called acoustic waves. Other acoustic waves include seismic waves originating deep in  the Earth which we may feel as a shake during an earthquake. Many times these different wave groups  interact with eac
h other. For example, when string waves and membrane waves are part of musical  instruments, then they may create acoustic waves, which we then hear as sound waves. Although all of  these waves are very different, they all have one thing in common, which is that they can only exist  in a physical medium. Next, we'll discuss what a physical medium is. A physical medium is made of  many atoms that can transmit a wave. As we showed in the prior video, we can't hear the alarm clock  ringing when it'
s in a vacuum. But when we let the air back into the chamber, then we can hear the  alarm clock. This tells us two things. First that air is a physical medium. And second, that sound  waves are mechanical waves. What we commonly call air is a collection of atoms in the gas state. A  physical medium can also be in the liquid state, which is why milk waves only exist in milk, and  would be impossible if there were no atoms around, such as in a vacuum. And a physical medium  can also be in the soli
d state. Although electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum,  they can also travel through some physical mediums depending on the class of wave. For example,  visible light waves can travel through a gas medium like air. It can travel through a liquid  medium like water. And it can travel through a solid medium like transparent glass. But it can't  travel through a solid medium made of bricks, like the wall. Next, we'll discuss propagation and  oscillation. When we look at mechanical wav
es we can observe there are two types of motion. The  most obvious motion is that the waves appear to be traveling. We call this motion propagation. In  this case, the waves are propagating towards the shore. Here the waves are propagating away from  this athlete. In this animation of sound waves, we can see the waves are propagating away from the  speaker. The second motion is called oscillation. This refers to the relatively small distances that  atoms move within the physical medium as each w
ave propagates through them. With these water waves,  the oscillation is the up and down movement of the water that makes the boats bob, whereas the  propagation is the movement of the waves towards the shore. In this spring, the oscillations are  the up and down movement, whereas the propagation is towards the pole and away from the pole. In  this spring the oscillations are the small back and forth movements, whereas the propagation is  from one person to the other. In this animation of sound
waves, we can see the particles in  the air oscillating back and forth as each wave propagates past them. Please focus on one red  particle and you'll see that it only moves a short distance back and forth compared with the much  greater distance that the wave propagates. Next, we'll introduce transverse and longitudinal wave.  Transverse waves oscillate the physical medium in a direction that is perpendicular to the direction  of propagation. This flag is oscillating towards and away from us in
the y-axis, but the waves  are propagating in the x-axis towards the right, so these are transverse waves. These planes  are oscillating vertically, but the waves are propagating horizontally. So they're transverse  waves here. In contrast to transverse waves, longitudinal waves oscillate the physical  medium in a direction that's parallel to the wave propagation. Sound waves are the classic  example of longitudinal waves. We sometimes call these compression waves because we see areas of  compr
ession that are surrounded by areas that are spread out called "rarefaction." In this spring,  the oscillations are in the x-axis and the wave propagation is also in the x-axis. So these are  longitudinal waves. Some mechanical waves are made of both transverse and longitudinal waves.  The most common example is water. If we could look at some molecules of water, we would see a  motion very similar to this. Please focus on the top orange dot since it travels in a circle. That  means some of the
time it's going up and down, which means there is a transverse wave. But other  times it goes in a forwards and backwards motion, which means there's a longitudinal wave. Likewise,  in another surface wave such as those made by some earthquakes, we see circular motion, which tells  us there's both transverse and longitudinal wave motion. All electromagnetic waves are transverse  waves. The red waves represent the oscillating electric field, and the blue waves represent  the oscillating magnetic
field. That's why we call them electromagnetic waves. Now we're  ready to define a wave. A wave is a propagating disturbance. That disturbance could be in a  small, simple physical medium and caused by something we do, like mechanical waves in a  physical medium such as these surface waves being created by a child jumping into a swimming  pool. Or, that disturbance could be on a scale that may be beyond our imaginations, like  electromagnetic waves being created by a black hole and traveling for
billions of years across  the seemingly empty vacuum of outer space. We thank the following people and institutions for  sharing their amazing images. Here's a summary of this topic and some additional information.  Please pause the video if you wish to read this. Please subscribe if you'd like to be notified of future educational videos we  make. Thanks for your attention.
