
Introducing Vietnam - Lonely Planet Tribute

Hi everyone! I am just about to start vlogging about my epic adventures to the beautiful country of Vietnam so this video is an introduction to all the exciting travel videos that you will see of Vietnam through my eyes. The theme of this video is a tribute to one of the best TV shows ever – Lonely Planet (Globe Trekker) – which influenced my love for travelling growing up! Hope you will enjoy this! Please like, comment, and subscribe to let me know what you think. I can’t wait to bring you along with me for this amazing trip! Oi! Music: Lonely Planet Theme by Ian Ritchie

Jeeshan Travels

7 months ago

remember this theme song remember the start of your favorite adventure travel TV show do you miss your favorite travel show hosts from back in the day Ian Wright and Megan Mccormick Well, I sure do and a part of me wishes these guys never stopped doing what they used to that they would never stop traveling the world and bring us the most amazing stories straight to our TV I wanna make sure the energy that these  guys shared with the world through their love for traveling is still alive I wanna
bring those amazing moments back and show you all the people and places from across the globe and show you that we are all one and the same and that this is a very small world indeed Vietnam I'm coming to your local streets



Can't wait!!🤩


You stirred up my sense of nostalgia.