
Introducing Wix Studio

The flexible, end-to-end web creation platform for agencies and freelancers to deliver exceptional work with absolute efficiency. Step into your studio:

Wix Studio

7 months ago

Leave limitations at the door and step into your studio. One end-to-end web creation platform for your agency to deliver exceptional work with absolute efficiency. Design intuitively with built-in responsive behaviors and create unique layouts with a revolutionary grid. Weave in code-free interactions to bring life to any site. Dive deeper into your creations and build signature experiences with custom CSS. Use responsive AI to adapt your designs for any device, in an instant. Develop bespoke wi
dgets, deploy them across multiple sites, and sell them on the app market to unlock new revenue streams. Say yes to any project with robust native business solutions, and extend them with hundreds of APIs for any client need. Collaborate with your team right on the canvas to make things click. Track, manage and scale From one unified workspace. to an entire world of infinite possibilities. So that with every client handover, you deliver brilliance and smash deadlines. Wix Studio.
