
Is RV "Camping" Really Camping? | Travel Trailers and RVs | Tent Camping

Is staying in an RV really camping? You’ve got hard walls, doors, windows, electricity, AC/Heat, plumbing, plumbing, a toilet, shower, stove, fridge, and most of the modern comforts of home. RVs are certainly cool, and I’m thinking about getting one…but I don’t consider it camping. #camping #RV #tentcamping SUBSCRIBE to this channel for more videos on self-employment, remote work, and adventure: Follow me on Instagram:

Out of the Office

11 months ago

[Music] foreign [Music] camping really camping I mean look you're staying in enclosed space you've got heating electricity uh air conditioning running water Plumbing beds clean sheets probably a little sofa a dinette a toilet a shower a stove probably an oven a microwave carpeted things nice stuff is that really camping I'm gonna say no that's not camping that's called staying indoors now first of all before you get mad at me let me say that I am considering getting a travel trailer with all of
those things and I also have a small teardrop that kind of has some of those things to an extent but always love camping meaning sleeping in tents sleeping in hammocks sleeping in remote places and you know even if I go ahead and pull the trigger and get a travel trailer I don't know if I'm going to consider that camping I love the experience uh for better or worse I like sleeping outside I like sleeping in a tent um I like the heat the cold dealing with the bugs um crapping outside cooking outs
ide doing everything outside now certainly you can do all of these things in a RV or travel trailer and just you know go to bed and have a nice place to sleep at night but for me part of the real experience of what I like to consider real camping is just being outdoors it's being in the elements part of the unknown you know being able to go to sleep at night hear the waves crashing hear the insects chirping you know you can't get all of that when you're in a trailer especially when you've got an
AC running or a heater running even my little teardrop that I have now since I got that I kind of feel this uh disconnect from nature that I really like in camping and you know that's kind of why I'm out here right now now I'm thinking about getting a very small travel trailer because I would like to have something that would enable me to bring my wife and kids more often now while I like roughing it they don't quite like it as much they will do it on occasion but not to the extent that I want
to so if I do get a travel trailer it's more for my family than it is for me I just don't want to lose that connection uh with nature now certainly that is not to knock anyone's idea of what camping is because look camping could be whatever you want it to be uh I'm just saying that's what it is for me I've slept in hammocks I've slept in the deserts I've slept in jungles uh rooftop tents uh cots on the floor I've slept out in the open before and all of these things you know they are uncomfortabl
e and it's part of the experience part of the adventure even when I sleep in my own trailer when I got an AC running and electricity it's just not the same you're not Outdoors you're not getting the full experience I feel like I'm getting shorted now I do get it that some people just straight up don't like it and that is why they want to stay in RVs because they want some of that Comfort they want some of that security that's fine I'm not knocking that so if you want to look at some definitions
I looked it up on Wikipedia Wikipedia calls it a form of outdoor recreation involving overnight stays with a basic temporary shelter such as a tent but then it goes on to say camping can also include a recreational vehicle so Cambridge academic content dictionary also defines camping as the act of staying and sleeping in an outside area for one or more days and nights usually in a tent there are also some definitions that go back to the Sierra Club and other organizations that say camping kind o
f started in about the 1870s that's when it became a recreational activity when people did it for fun and in fact there are some rvers that even say what they do is not camping I found a survey from February 2022 at which says rving is not camping so once again while I may actually get an RV or travel trailer myself I don't know if I'm gonna quite consider that camping I mean it's just it's not the same as this it's not staying out in the remote Wilderness in a tent getting the full
-on experience of the elements and nature it's just not the same it's just my opinion of course that's all it is everyone's got their own opinion I don't think there's any wrong or right I'm just telling you what I think so tell me down in the comments below what do you think is RV camping actually camping foreign [Music]



After 50 years of camping in just about every way possible, I’ve come to the conclusion it’s not what you camp in, it’s where you camp. Being piled on top of one another in an RV park (for me) is not camping either, regardless of what’s over your head. I’ll take an amenity filled RV in the middle of nowhere any day. The older you get, the more you don’t care as much about needing those comforts