
Is WordPress or Blogger better for SEO?

I've used Blogger for 3 years, but now everyone tells me that WordPress is superior for SEO. After scouring many sites, I've been unable to find the SEO advantages to using Blogger - are there any? vicki2810 Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum:!forum/webmasters Want your question to be answered on a video like this? Follow us on Twitter and look for an announcement when we take new questions: More videos: Webmaster Central Blog: Webmaster Central:

Google Search Central

10 years ago

Today's question comes from vicki2810. Vicki asks, I've used Blogger for three years, but now everyone tells me that WordPress is superior for SEO. After scouring many sites, I've been unable to find the SEO advantages to using Blogger-- are there any? Great question-- comparing and contrasting. I work for a company that provides Blogger. On my personal blog, I use WordPress. So I can see the advantages on both sides. On one hand, Blogger is very simple to get started. It's very easy, and it's i
n the cloud. You don't need to download and install any software yourself. And for better or for worse, if you install software yourself, you're usually not patching it, so it's easier to get hacked. So if you just want to do casual blogging, if you're just starting out, Blogger is fantastic. WordPress has a lot of flexibility. You can customize everything. In particular, you can say-- I want my post to be having this specific URL, and you can choose those words. At least back in the day with Bl
ogger, when you wrote your post, whatever you wrote would determine what the URL would be, and you didn't have the ability to individually control that. So they both have pros and cons. Both can work very well in terms of ranking well for search engines. If you get good links and if you have great content, it's absolutely the case that you can rank well on both Blogger and on WordPress. Blogger is probably a little simpler to start out, and it's good in the fact that, since it's in the cloud, yo
u don't need to worry about getting hacked. WordPress is maybe a little more effort, because you can configure it yourself. But ultimately, it gives you more flexibility and maybe a little bit more power. So there's a lot of good pros and cons. Whichever one you feel most comfortable with, I would give it a try. And if one has a better user experience, or you just feel like one meshes with the way that you like to write a little bit better, that's the one that I'd go with. And then eventually ov
er time, you can always-- I think both have ways where you can import and export your posts. So it's not like you're necessarily locked in forever. But definitely try them both out, because both can work very well in terms of SEO.



Thanks Matt. I run an SEO Meetup group and questions like this are popular. Correct me if I'm wrong, but to me, the main differentiation is the ability to perform technical SEO in terms of controlling OG tags, meta tags, and canonical tags (just naming a few).


my most prominent question to Google Webmaster team is... WHEN BLOGGER IS GOING TO UPDATE ... its template editing, post editing, its widgets... I think it should be updated to something new with fresh technology like Google is updating its other platforms including recent updates in Gmail, Gapps, and also Google console. ... Thanks...


Thank you so much. Do you recommend wordpress on my hosting or for blogging?


And yet I never see many blogger blogs ranking highly when I search for something, unless it is a Google or You Tube blog. Actually , I rarely see them in the search results at all.


Hi Matt, Could you please sort out youtube safety issue? We are unable to turned off safety mode, while there is no such post in google help forum to sort out this problem.


Great explanation AJ. Just wondering if you know off hand what you are limited to in blogger.


This is an informative video but something was left out: WordPress also has a self-hosting version which, like Blogger, is in the cloud and FREE for anyone to use. The video  is informative and helpful but a little misleading as it does not mention about the self-hosting WordPress version.


So what exactly are we limited on in Blogger?


Thanks mate. Very well put...


thanks matt for answering the question...cheers!


It all goes down to what you do to better your SEO. Regardless if you're at blogger or WP, if your SEO efforts are crappy then it won't really make any difference. I have to say though... I've been a Wordpress user for the longest of time.


Blogger is easier to use unless you want to customize your blog - then you need at least a basic understanding of how to use HTML or CSS to make your blog unique. WordPress is more complicated but tutorials are everywhere so it's not hard to learn, it just takes time.


Thanks for the reply Andy. I did not know that.


Great! Just what i have been looking for.


Sorry, are you comparing Blogger with or does it matter?


Yes, Wordpress makes it easier to configure your site the way you want it and I love that....but Google limits everything on Blogger. Thanks AJ for this piece


Have to agree, Wordpress is awesome. Far superior to blogger, but it does come down to what the user is capable of doing and understanding, which is where you trade off features for simplicity with Blogger.


Migration to my Blogger Site WordPress site will cause problems in Webmaster Tools?


this was like asking a mcdonalds employee what the best fast food hamburger is and they tell you about how good the big mac is but when they are hungry they eat a whopper


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