
It Won't Let Go! Mexican Scary Story Time // Something Scary | Snarled

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4 years ago

hey autings',before we get into these week's episode I want to really quickly tell you about one of our sponsors, honey honey helps you find the best deals online it finds discounts and coupons across 37,000 sites like amazon,best buy,and more so when you're ready to check out after shoppin online the honey add on will automatically let you know if there are any available deals I needed to buy a fathers day gift for my dad and i was able to knock off 50 dolars off a smart watch fibit because of
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owing is a true story that was shared by Xochitl Garcia Who was the fiance of our animator Johnny Ashely This is her father Henry's encounter with a paranormal My name is Henry Paul Garcia,when i was about 5 years old in 1945 Something happened to me that til this day neither I nor the rest of my family can explain So every summer my family would stay with my abuela in Guadalajara, Mexico She lived in a cramped apartment house known as a vecindad It was just one narrow hallway with eight single
room units Leading up to one wash area Shared by all of the tenants My abuelas unit in particular was very tight There were many of us that had to squeeze into the small quarters But we made it work Packed into one room There was myself, my sisters, Teresea, Christina, Emra, and Mercy My mother consuela My tia Huara, my tio Roberto My abuela and my aunts dog Chonga Chonga had always been protective of me When I was a toddler She grabbed my by the diapers if I tried to walk onto a bust street So
this one summer my sister Teresea and I were playing on one side of the room While the rest of our family was chatting on the other side I was sitting on my abuelas bed My short legs swinging in the gap between the bed and the wall As me and my sister were laughing and joking around Suddenly I felt someone grab my right leg and pull it down to the floor Thinking it was one of my sister under the bed I shouted, "Hey let go!" But the hand only gripped tighter And I know I was very young and small
at the time But I remember that hand feeling very very large It had a hold on almost my entire calf and ankle I tried to kick my leg free but it wouldn't budge I was getting annoyed with whoever was messing around with me So I leaned over the side of the bed to ask them to let go once more But as I leaned over I fell quiet Because there was no hand on my leg I couldn't see anything But I could absolutely feel it And it was still not letting go I started screaming and crying frantically trying to
break my leg free Teresea didn't know what to do and started screaming with me That's when everyone else came over to see what was wrong Including Chonga, she ran under the bed barking and yelping at whatever was holding my ankle Moments later she skidded out from underneath the bed, like she was shoved, hard She ran back under and again, she was thrown across the tiles This happened over and over, several times Next my tio Roberto came and tried to wrench me loose But even with all his strengt
h he couldn't pull my leg from the gap The large invisible fingers squeezed even tighter And then my abuela had a thought See, there were rumors that when the Spanish conquered Mexico they didn't trust the banks to carry their gold So they hired natives to bury the treasure in secret locations But after the hole was buried and the treasure was secured They killed the natives so they could never disclose the location to anyone The Spanish then believed that their spirits would stop anyone from co
ming near the gold It was also said the these spirits do not like excessive cursing So that's just what my abuela did And boy could she curse (Cursing in Spanish) I felt the phantom fingers loosen their grip It worked When I could move my leg again I jumped off the bed and ran towards the other side of the room with the rest of my family We all began praying together Years later we reflected on this traumatic incident with my abuela She told me that she remembered a while the two women who owned
the apartment building had disappeared Without a trace They did however leave behind a large dug up hole behind in the yard That got people talking "Now no one knows if the women actually found treasure or not" My abuela said "But wouldn't be surprised, so maybe there is more buried treasure around here somewhere," "But I don't think we should go looking for it." I'm seventy-eight years old now To this day my siblings and I don't hang our feet over the side of beds And I'm not a superstitious
man so I know that may sound a little silly But that's how much that night affected us Maybe it was a ghost Maybe it wasn't (Adult male voice) Like I say nobody can ever say what really happened But what really it was, how can you know? (Sapphire's voice) Thank you to all of our patrons If you'd like to join our VIP program and get access to ad free episodes of Something Scary Visit PATREON.COM/SNARLED
