
🇮🇹 Italian Reaction Emotive 🇷🇺 Russian anthem (Bolshoi junior choir)

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Davidecult Tv

4 months ago

SP Welcome friends Welcome back Hello everyone Hello Laura Hello, Hola Davide Hola Russian friends Priviet Priviet dear friends today we are here with Laura again for our dear faithful Russian friends who are here always listening who see us who hear us who love us Why the love we feel from Russia is truly unique and it truly gives us many many emotions the other day if you remember Laura we did the Russian national anthem it was fantastic It was beautiful It moved us many things but a user on o
ur telegram official that everyone can come to visit us they reported us and in fact they did something even more beautiful that is to say they reported this Russian national anthem sung by the Junior Choir of the Bbals so they are children who sing this anthem the children always bring peace peace always bring serenity to the world because they are pure souls so we will go and listen to it with the vision of a video I think very well made which will show all the beauties of Russia Laura what Wh
at do you expect compared to the other compared always to a hymn that brings so much joy beautiful Davide more than for our experience and making this reaction in the anthem of Russia is very gratifying because in the end we have known this anthem made before a month ago more or less and and now with these children who will surely lead to the the name of Russia you know Laura they even talk about the most beautiful anthem sung that's what it says in the title we took from YouTube but we are here
to react to see it and to get excited with you dear friends I hope that as an Italian and Laura As a Colombian, two nations can make those who follow us love this beautiful anthem and above all this beautiful form of how it was done so let's go and react together to this song LIKE SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL - it made me cry and travel So it was a hymn we know the Russian hymn But how was it interpreted with the music with the video with the emotions they gave in this song I felt Laura all the lov
e all the love came to me from Russia it came to me from the screen I saw I felt an enormous love It was a magnificent thing it made me travel to various parts of Russia you saw that ship and it broke the ice and passed by these children who sang the dancer in the ice that is I felt the doors of heaven opening I really want to thank Russia for what it has done for Italy and I do not forget I study and I know what it has done since 1900 Laura Imagine that when there was in Messina in Sicily alway
s in our land in our region there was a huge earthquake and tsunami, which killed many people in 1903 Imagine that the first aid that arrived were Russian boats not to mention 2000 when there was covid which are they came immediately to help us when we were in total desperation due to this terrible Covid, I'm sorry for many things that happen that don't depend on us ordinary people because certain people from above command and create things that we don't appreciate we don't want we are people of
peace of love is what we bring on our channel this national anthem is truly wonderful It's beautiful It's truly beautiful as an anthem as music as musicality but sung by children and it really gave us so much Laura I truly fell in love with this sung version come on guys I still see you cry and I understand that maybe it gave you the exact same sensation that it gave me yes Davide it was you know it was super it's strange Very strange because I saw these this land these children this image so w
ell so I would say yes so beautiful an exhibition even a little Christmassy Quest that brings this this love to the family so much to the family when you meet when you are in a distant country and you have to travel to your country so all this has brought me so much love Lots and lots of love I think someone can listen to this too when you feel sad alone and maybe this video this this beautiful one in you brings so much love so much love I also feel sadness thinking about everything that happens
in this moment the sadness of what we are experiencing and we only have to comfort ourselves always take the strength the right path to forget a little and say Ok this video is fine and it also gives us this strength you understand the head is very convective everything that is going through me Eh the sadness also what it generates eh Anyway Davide The important thing that you understand me and help me get out of this no Laura I understand that this is an anthem it is an anthem of Russia Yes bu
t I believe it could also be a universal anthem that any person can listen to it and it can truly give many emotions if it was chosen obviously it's because it's one of the best songs that that rightly Russia and puts like And like how can I say as a presentation of the State as a presentation of their own nation and they were good at doing this because it really is truly something unique and beautiful each of us come on we love our national anthem Sure because I love my national anthem You love
your national anthem But let's go beyond that let's see it beyond and beyond Russia beyond Italy beyond anything else this this is a composition worldwide this is a composition made and I think it really made a lot of people cry. Imagine that it made two nations cry, Laura and I, so who knows how many other nations fell in love with your anthem and fell in love and also got closer to your country We Laura have to make a promise sooner or later we have to come we have to go to Russia because Rus
sia is giving us so much love and above all we will have many friends and that We are sure because they always write to us to come and host us Imagine at their house because they are very hospitable also so a promise We will come to visit you we will come to see this magnificent this magnificent country we hope that everything calms down we hope that everything returns to normal even if it is a very bad moment Not only for Russia but for many countries for many conflicts that are being had this
channel is of peace come here and we are close to all those people who are sick all those people who are in bed those people we are giving them a few minutes of joy of our emotion because we can give emotions and I know that they are beautiful things I know that emotions because before having this channel of reactions Laura we also watched other reactions we watched other people who did this but we wanted to do it first and foremost because we want to give these emotions of ours to you who are t
here I'm listening to those who follow us who you are always close to us so dear friends I would like to say thank you for being here with us I invite you to all those who have not yet done so to subscribe to our channel to like and comment and also if possible to help us by supporting the channel with donation below Thank you Laura thanks to your emotions Thank you Russian friends See you soon in a next reaction Hello everyone Bye bye K



Ссылка для поддержки канала Дорогие друзья!❤ Я хочу обратиться к вам с сердечной и искренней просьбой. Наш канал Davidecult TV, на котором мы делимся своими реакциями на музыку, очень много значит для нас. Мы делаем это с любовью к музыке и с целью познакомить мир с российскими хитами. Но, к сожалению, наши видео не могут быть монетизированы из-за того, что мы никогда не прерываем музыку и не блокируем ее. Мы не хотим менять наш способ реагирования, потому что это означало бы останавливать видео каждые 5 секунд и говорить. Мы не хотим блокировать наши чувства и эмоции, которые мы испытываем, когда слушаем музыку вместе с вами. Мы обращаемся к вам с просьбой о вашей поддержке. Если у вас есть возможность сделать пожертвование через Donation Alert, это очень поможет нам в покрытии расходов, связанных с нашим каналом. Мы стараемся делать видео лучше для вас, и ваша поддержка поможет нам продолжать это делать. Спасибо вам за вашу преданность и верность нашему каналу. Ваши лайки, комментарии и подписки вдохновляют нас каждый день. Вместе мы можем сделать наш канал еще лучше и продолжать делиться музыкой с миром. С наилучшими пожеланиями, Анастасия и команда Davidecult TV. Ссылка для поддержки канала


Я украинка. Мой муж поляк. Мы очень любим нашу Святую Русь!!! Победили фашистов, победим и сатанистов! ❤😊


Я украинка(малороска!), я одной крови с русскими и белорусами, гимн России - мой гимн! Вперёд, Россия, последняя надежда сохранить человечество от полной деградации! Здоровья, сил, твёрдости президенту мира Путину! Вместе мы сила!


Я из Мариуполя! Мы тоже Россия и это тоже наш гимн! Самый лучший гимн в мире! И это наша страна которой мы гордимся! И Нашим президентом который исправляет исторические ошибки тоже гордимся!!!


Я учителька музыки и знаю гимн России. Это замечательно! С любовью из Сербии к русским братьям! 🇷🇺❤🇷🇸


La Russia è un paese meraviglioso! Auguro alla Russia una rapida vittoria sui suoi nemici! 🇷🇺❤️🇷🇺


Я не русский и не гражданин России но всегда болею за Россию


Я не русская, но я россиянка и горжусь своей Великой родиной! Вперед, Россия!


Русский язык считается одним из самых сложных в мире! Русский гимн считается одним из самых красивых! Сама Россия считается самой могучей и сплоченной державой! Поэтому что бы кто не говорил о России, что она не образована, что там нет нормальных людей, тот просто в ней не был, и не видит дальше своего носа!!!


Я горжусь что я Русская и живу в России. Наша страна самая красивая в мире. Спасибо огромное нашему президенту В. В. Путину. ❤


Я русский офицер белорусского происхождения! Я горжусь этим!!!


God bless my Russian brothers and sisters! Love from Serbia!


Знайте друзья,что нас никогда не учили не любить другие народы,а наш Президент не говорит,что народ США,Италии, Франции или других стран плохие,нет у нас нет ненависти к народам других стран,а помогать это в крови россиян и мы не ждём благодарности,даже знаем,что потом нас обвинят в чём то,но нам радостно,что мы помогаем❤❤❤ Благодарю вас за то,что вы есть,обожаю наш Гимн и Россию,мою главную любовь❤❤❤


Russia ti amo, le lacrime dopo questo inno le hanno tutti coloro che sanno che la Russia è l'ultimo baluardo di speranze del genere umano, io italiano vivo a San Pietroburgo e la Russia oggi è casa mia la mia patria e madre dei miei figli! Gloria alla Russia bacino di umanità arte e cultura! che Dio protegga sempre la Russia e tutti i suoi abitanti


Я думаю гимн России это непросто песня - это молитва за страну, в ней что-то божественное присутствует, внутри всё переворачивается. ❤


How can people ignore Russia,s glorious past and beautiful present long live Vladimir and Russia 🇷🇺❤️ from the uk 🇬🇧


Я памирец. И я русский. Я горжусь Россией.


Мой десятилетний сын сидел в соседней комнате за компьютером. По телевизору заиграл гимн РФ. И я вдруг услышала, что сын начал петь гимн. Я так горжусь своей Родиной и рада, что и мой сын ею гордится! Мира нам всем. Спасибо вам.


L ' inno è belissimo, proprio come il Paese stesso, potente e grande! Viva la Russia!


Я Русский с Украины,хочу выразить большое уважение автору что прям с удовольствием смотрели на мою страну красавицу.Спасибо вам что подерживаете Россию🎉😊