
I've been trying to find this movie for 10 years

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Drew Gooden

1 year ago

okay all right so a little back story with this one in 2012 Netflix was a very different place there was a time where it really was the only streaming service you could ever need before it slowly got lost in the sea of 40 other streaming services that all take turns owning Spider-Man 2. it wasn't just the content that was different though it also used to be way easier to find funny obscure nonsense because the search engine hadn't been modified yet to just show you the same 12 results no matter
what you type in let me show you what I'm talking about so if I just type M into the search bar the first thing that pops up for me is Mean Girls makes total sense it's a good movie it's popular it starts with the letter M can't argue with any of that so what if I type in the letter G instead okay A little bit of a stretch but you know the second word does start with G so I'll allow it let's try a random ass letter though let's do W okay now I'm confused maybe they think my computer's upside dow
n okay what about C another letter that I know is nowhere to be found in the title oh my God what is happening oh I've got it I'll do a number surely this will fool them what is it because there's four girls in the photo do you think I'm searching for a movie based on how many people are in it how are you gonna put this before something that actually has the number four in its title now I don't blame them for doing this because I know they're just trying to tailor the experience to each individu
al I'm sure your search results will end up being entirely different than mine but like I said an algorithmic search engine makes it harder to find anything new on Netflix when they clearly will use any vague connection whatsoever to show you what they're already trying to get you to watch anyway all of that is to say that back in 2012 none of this was the case so my friend and I used to play this game where we would type in one random letter click on the most ridiculous movie that we could find
and then fast forward to the last five minutes and watch the ending without any context at all this led to some absurd moments for example this is how the movie Spooky Buddies ends maybe now I can be a wise owl it's a new day at last hey can we get some help over here I'm sorry what it's hope can we find our clothes I have one million questions and I don't know if I want the answer to any of them but the movie that I've thought about the most for the past decade is one that for a long time I wa
sn't even sure if it actually existed and maybe my friend and I just had this shared hallucination one night I remember it being called White Men Can't Dance and no I'm not thinking of White Men Can't Jump I know that that exists that is a different movie Google has already tried to Gaslight me into thinking that that's what I'm looking for but it's not so don't even try here is all I remember about this movie we skipped to the end watched several minutes of very elaborate break dancing and then
this happened I'll see you later [Music] that was fun I wonder what I'm gonna draw next I am not exaggerating when I say that that is one of the hardest times I have ever laughed in my life to go from zero to a hundred in such dramatic fashion to have this onslaught of Mad Lib style nonsense and then the icing on the cake being that apparently what this whole movie was a painting some unrelated character that I'm seeing for the first time now painted the movie it may not seem like much to you b
ut this was a foundational moment in the development of my brain this helped shape me into the person I am today honestly uh I think it changed my life so needless to say I have been trying to find it ever since every like six months or so I've searched for an obscure streaming service that might have it or a website that sells like the VHS anything at all just so I could relive this masterpiece but every single search left me empty-handed I tried Reddit I tried eBay hell sometimes I'd even make
it to the second page of Google but it was almost like this movie didn't want to be found I started to worry if this was going to be like one of those animated tick tocks where the guy digs too far and gets electrocuted because he happened upon something he wasn't supposed to could this movie lead to my untimely demise or am I just giving up too soon like in those animated tick tocks where the guy stops digging right before he gets to the diamond this could be my diamond I can't give up now and
then finally a few weeks ago I noticed Google updated their search result page turns out even though Netflix called it White Men Can't Dance and IMDb calls it White Men Can't Dance that's not the name of the movie the actual title is daddy can't dance who says daddy can't dance should have known finally armed with helpful information it was as simple as just going to the website and buying the DVD which I did keep in mind I've never actually watched the entire movie that's part of why I wanted
to find this so bad I've only seen the last 10 minutes I have no idea what happens before that so here's how they describe the movie this is an awesome film with the best break dancing it has won four Awards holy [ __ ] the film is about a man Pete Weaver that loses his job and he finds out that someone got him fired by telling false information so he sneaks back into work in different disguises to try to get his job back very funny meanwhile Pete's dad dies it seems like a spoiler but okay and
then he finds out that his only little girl needs a kidney transplant so financially his back was against the wall but he hears about a dance competition with a forty thousand dollar first place holy [ __ ] who is running this competition that has 40 Grand to give out that's crazy so he calls old friend ends to get him back into shape and compete in the dance competition to save his daughter's life well I could not be more excited for this although you can probably tell that I'm stalling a littl
e bit because I'm kind of nervous that after 10 years of build up there's no way this could possibly live up to my expectations but regardless let's watch daddy can't dance that's the goal from the end [Music] thank you okay so apparently whatever she draws comes to life before dissolving into fairy dust I love that this is all happening 10 seconds after saying inspired by true events you'd think the news would have said something about this Magic Pencil but I guess not all right so the dad come
s home from work and his family is gathered around roasting marshmallows in the fireplace then roasting them in the fireplace looks like you've been roasting them in the furnace and I think I'll pass probably be the right thing to do you do not want to eat one of those marshmallows man we burn the [ __ ] out of them mmm yummy marshmallows dude we [ __ ] them up so bad [Music] I think I'm gonna like this movie later that night he gets revenge on his wife yeah watch your backside honey it's kind o
f a weird thing to say by scaring her away and then I guess I had sex on a pile of marshmallows I think that's what's implied by his face oh my God what is the title of this movie [Music] there's gonna be a [ __ ] ton of break dancing with some over-the-top physical gags sprinkled in that's weird hey Pete bring that fire extinguisher up here the fire marshal said it's how it takes assistant boss yeah okay what the hell else would it be pee [Music] I'm three minutes in and this is already the gre
atest movie I've ever watched after work he goes to his parents house and picks up a sandwich off the counter don't eat that sandwich piece your mom made that sandwich three and a half months ago she liked the color hey you do you man if you want to leave a bologna sandwich out as decoration more power to you so I guess his soon to be dead dad is an inventor he goes on this whole spiel about how he gets inspired when it rains and also here's the math for my new invention I want America to be num
ber one in technology number one I guess it must be the can we zoom out a little bit on this shot but I not only love to work for this country I love to work for this family this goes on for so long hey sweetie pie mom told me you're feeling bad hey sweetie pie mind if I just pop in through this [ __ ] trap door that's in the middle of your room yeah I think my forehead was just too dry thanks Dad miraculously the next morning she's feeling good enough to make breakfast for the entire family whi
ch the mom does not like we not use the stove without mommy or daddy around it's dangerous okay okay I don't know if there's anyone who can't handle the stove I think it might be Pete over there all right buddy if it wasn't for the medical foreshadowing from earlier this next cut would seem insane isn't it good well I don't know how to tell you this but um you're not supposed to eat cereal like that she's not gonna make in the next scene Pete is telling someone about his own invention which is b
asically a portable cup holder and what I love about this is that is a real thing that he actually did invent in real life I know this because I found him on Instagram last week and saw he was promoting them so I bought one I didn't know it was going to be in the movie I have a prop from Daddy can't dance also I like how he brings it up too probably on a serious note I got something I want you to say now if you could be serious for one goddamn second this is a cup holder you can use outside but
before he can bring it up in his business meeting he has to leave abruptly because Grandpa fell down I'm bleeding to death you're almost had two heart attacks what do you mean what do you mean two heart attacks what I thought people only had one heart no I mean they were back to back he had two backs too you can't go back there I'm sorry Dr Wilson wow what a move I've never seen a quick spin into the Casual walk combo before but it was really effective against this doctor plated it 45 a.m dead s
o okay it is sad that he died but why didn't they change the beeps that's like the first thing you learn about hospitals is the sound that those machines make when someone dies oh he left a note and they always remember son that life is like a chess game was he gonna drive his car into the river you do good yeah sorry it's not funny but it it's fine two hearts weren't enough for my dad that's not what he meant later at the funeral what'd the doctor say honey how about Grandpa he died three days
ago I mean he needs a kidney transplant please talk about our daughter what did you not read the synopsis on she needs a kidney so after taking some time to grieve and try to figure out how they're gonna pay for this surgery Pete's boys come over to say hello uh Sheila do you mind if we borrow Pete for a little bit just a little uh guy time how does he say it like that hey you mind if we head down to the bar and watch some sports we just need a little it does look like they're
having fun though hey so this is the bar huh well I had a lot of fun I'll see you guys later so I guess the again 40 000 break dancing contest is inside this room of 12 people they must sell a lot of drinks during this I have never seen anybody move like that especially us you know White Men Can't Dance they should have called the movie that that would have been a great title he pretends to have to go to the bathroom gets into this really awkward confrontation with the dancers one of them then s
hoves him and calls him old and then they leave and he says this hey man I appreciate you bringing me out here it's just what I needed just what you needed you were there for four minutes and got into a fight guy time that scene was to establish two things though one there's now a rivalry between him and the Iceman the guy he got into a fight with and two daddy's gonna have to dance because he's gonna win that damn contest before he can get any momentum going in his life though get this his co-w
orker steals his invention it's an Innovative drink holder that I invented no Pete invented it Pete is trying to steal this from me he's fired that was fast call the guards tell them not to let him in the building under any circumstances you be yanked sir what fired sir okay yeah well I guess that's that I guess he's got bigger fish to fry with the dance contest coming up so he calls his old friend to help him get into shape and he just tells him to run on the beach start running way down here a
nd I guess that's it problem solved sorry I spoke too soon there is a little Montage of exercising he does it for a whole week so that's how he got into he must be going a little too hard in the gym though because he has this dream where his arms turned into rubber [Music] it's not important at all we also don't even really have to talk about the scene that they described on the website where he spends several minutes trying to get into work disguised as an old man because it's just kind of weir
d and gross he keeps farting and threatening to [ __ ] his pants um meanwhile there is this extremely frustrating subplot that ends up taking up a majority of the movie where his wife thinks he's having an affair because he hasn't told her that he's spending all his free time training for a dance contest I know I'm an outsider here but to me it seems like he could just [ __ ] tell it doesn't need to be a secret it's not like she's anti-dance or something Honestly though it's his own damn fault f
or being so cryptic about him I'm gonna go somewhere for a couple hours look I love you but I've just got to go somewhere for a couple hours okay just tell her that you're practicing for a dance contest to try to win money for your daughter she will a thousand percent understand you can tell that he wrote the movie because he even has her friend character tell her that she's overreacting he never even touches me anymore do you think that maybe me you're overreacting you're right hey he's probabl
y fine you're just being crazy I know I'm not as a viewer though I'm not a hundred percent convinced that he's not having an affair like look at this interaction he's Gotta Lose another five pounds oh yeah five pounds right here right there right there oh that's nice what the [ __ ] hey man we're just playing oh never mind they were just pranking their friends this movie's weird man okay so maybe he's not cheating with one of his dance teachers maybe instead he's cheating with his other friend w
ho we get to see sing an entire song start to finish and then give this look to peace she confronts him about it and he does a really good job of deflecting by getting halfway to the door of their home and just being like you know what I have to go to the gym I think I'm gonna go work out that was a close one man she almost thought you were up to no good my wife's all uptight I don't understand yeah I don't know what's gotten into her I want you to go home and take care of business no no no this
scene is almost exactly like that scene in Christmas man this is Matt this is Heather they have a weirdly close relationship that's never fully explained they're way overly affectionate in public until someone catches them oh my God uh-oh but my wife she's a good lady but my God if I told her I was competing in a dance competition yes of course or uh actually no why can't why can't you just tell him she would absolutely lose it you know how women are why yeah why did she agree with him I'm gonn
a be at work in two hours to sneak back in well look what we're gonna start with oh my God are you serious oh my God they're doing the teeth thing again gratification exploratory evaluation so the first time he tried this it was a colossal failure that got him kicked out by security so he took a couple weeks to think about it reconsider his strategy and came to the conclusion that he just needed different teeth I'm just gonna fast forward through this this is the patent for the drink Genie yeah
Pete Weaver isn't that beautiful yes bosses me now here's the thing they even established this earlier he had already patented his invention under his own name all he had to do was tell his boss that I don't know send him an email with the attached documents he could have done that a month ago but in his defense these two scenes were very funny I can't tell which of these two scenes I like better there's one where the mom reads a book that's just been like printed on a few sheets of loose paper
or the scene after that where they do a commercial for the drink Genie and then surprise Charlie by demoting him to the mail room and as of today you're going to start working your way up from the mailroom there's one thing I've learned from movies it's that every company has a mailman and to do it in front of the news that's just cruel I mean these guys mean business just look at that microphone Hey kid it's got some moves right you know what no matter what anybody tells you don't you ever stop
dancing you hear me okay can you go away now you're being weird I think you could get me into that dancing competition tonight oh no your mother might kill me huh she would kill you what is this universe we're in where dancing is like this taboo thing that you can only do in secret this movie literally follows the script that the AI wrote in my last video but you heard the man it's time for the dance contest which can only mean one thing 20 uninterrupted minutes of professional breakdancing I m
ean this is just a treat every time you think it's almost over it just keeps going everybody gets their turn and then another turn now if you like break dancing though this is the best part of the whole movie because everyone doing it including Pete the guy who made the movie is very good at dancing I still don't know where the hell they're getting all this money from but I could see him winning the contest the winner of the 20th annual dance-off is nice man oh never mind he doesn't win no Pete
I think you deserve the trophy man and the money I cannot overstate how out of nowhere that came these guys have been beefing the entire movie at times an uncomfortable amount of beef honestly and then at the very last second he's like you know what you take it I'm gonna take the money from my little beanie I'm passing it towards to you man oh Pete that's so nice of you man to take all forty thousand dollars of cash but let me keep the little trophy something happens to you when you're competing
for your daughter's life it's adrenaline or love it takes over every fiber of your body you have to win no matter what it takes but you didn't win you just lucky the iceman has a heart of gold but that's not all guys because immediately after the contest and what I can only assume is like 11 o'clock at night on a Tuesday the Children's Miracle Network calls and tells them that they're going to fund their daughter's surgery so they don't even need the money anymore I'm surprised his two friends
were like oh nice so does that mean that maybe since we helped you and you don't need the money that like we could have hell no we're rich [Music] thank you that would be a really good way to end the movie if we didn't already know that there's an entirely different ending in store Hey kid hey you can have them they're my old dance shoes they're Magic if you believe the shoes are magic it's kind of a weird thing to throw in right at the end [Music] foreign [Music] that was fun I wonder what I'm
gonna draw next oh I get it now those are the teeth from earlier well that answers all my questions just kidding I still don't know who the hell this lady is or why she painted this movie the entire movie could have been exactly the same and nothing would have changed without the 30 seconds in the beginning with her drawing and the 30 seconds at the end she's not in the movie at all she doesn't have a name as far as I can tell I dare you to find a movie with a better more out of place twist than
this something that just completely comes out of not even left field but like a different baseball park it's incredible I mean like how do you even come up with that so like I said I found the guy on Instagram and honestly he seems like a pretty cool dude he's 65 and still dances better than most people my age certainly dance is better than I ever could not that I'm surprised or anything I mean this is the pop and lock and papa from Daddy Can't Dance the movie one thing I think they definitely
got right on their website is that this would make for an excellent gift I'm just saying if you're trying to start your Christmas shopping a little early this year you know maybe just buy one for your entire fame or hell you could even buy your very own drink Genie as seen in the movie I love it because you can put it on the ground and then put your cup in it and then you don't have to put your cup on the ground anyway sorry I'll stop trying to sell you guys [ __ ] um right after I do an ad for
today's sponsor guys I should probably tell you something I um I dropped my phone a lot not on purpose or nothing I'm just a clumsy little guy sometimes I'll be FaceTiming my wife and she says something shocking or scary and I start jumping up and down and screaming in fear until I realize I dropped my phone on the ground 30 seconds ago and it probably would have shattered into a million pieces if it wasn't for my case if I Case by case defy having a good phone case is important especially if yo
u just bought the new iPhone 14 which I believe is named after its price of fourteen thousand dollars probably want to throw something on there to protect your investment and with case defies impact cases with their new Eco shock technology your phone can easily withstand a drop of up to 11 and a half feet that's almost as tall as I am drop test yeah it still works and you thought I was gonna break it what you don't trust me back when I was growing up you could either choose a phone case that lo
oked good or you could choose one that actually worked but you could never have both at the same time the ultra protective cases were bulky and dumb looking and the screen protectors would end up with a bunch of little air bubbles in them but then the cases that actually had cool designs on them were made out of cheap plastic that provided about as much protection as this security guard from that gift but case if I had so many sick designs to choose from so you can have a Sleek phone case that e
asily fits in your pocket without sacrificing on protection they've also got a ton of customization options so you can put your initials or your pet's name or your YouTube catchphrase all on a case that looks like a freaking lava lamp are you kidding me plus their iPhone 14 cases are made from 65 recycled and plant-based material which gives New Life to post-consumer weight so whether you plan on upgrading to an iPhone 14 or you're like me and you're gonna try to make your 11 last until the mome
nt it flat lines go to to check out their entire impact case series and if you click on the link in the description in case you find com slash Drew Gooden you'll get 15 off your order thank you so much to case defy for sponsoring today's video and helping keep my phone in one piece can you believe it 10 years looking for one movie and all I had to do was wait for Google to update their search results you might be wondering if I think it was worth the wait and honestly yeah it's pret
ty good and for them to pull all of that off with a budget of what I can only assume to be nine dollars or ten dollars that's impressive well I've got to go get my magic shoes to a little boy I just met so I'll see you guys oh honey oh gross that was fun I wonder what I'll draw next



CASETiFY’s iPhone 14 Impact Case Series is now available at! Go to today to save 15% off your order!


Why didn’t Walter White think of just entering a $40,000 breakdancing competition. Really could have saved him a lot of time


The phrasing "his only little girl" is so funny to me. They could have just said "his little girl" but they make it sound like he was collecting kids of different genders and he had only found 1 girl


Caught my wife of 12 years DANCING. Immediately divorced, how dare they do such horrendous actions.


I love “is he cheating” subplot that’s exactly like the same subplot in Incredibles, where the wife thinks the husband is cheating on her, but he’s actually just trying to get back into shape to do something to help his family (even though that thing is slightly unrelated to his family in general) The only difference being Bob has a valid reason for hiding it from Helen because we see early in the movie she disapproves of his heroism, whereas I have no idea why you would need to hide dancing from your wife?? Why would she disapprove of you trying to win money for your daughter’s life saving surgery? What is going on?


No human has ever looked more naturally like Perry the Platypus


The budget for this movie absolutely blows my mind. Why did they do an arts and crafts project to make a fake microphone? Why did they print out sheets of paper and then staple them together to make a book? Surely it’s easier to just. Get a book from home. To stick a news studio logo onto an already existing microphone. I’m in awe of the prop team’s...dedication?


18:40 I like how when they think the dance guy was stealing the invention he gets instantly fired and banned from the premises but when they find out the other guy ACTUALLY stole it it, they're like "oh,. you're [theft guy] just demoted. You can work you way back up".


He took Iceman’s money, found out he didn’t need it, and then didn’t give a single cent back to iceman 💀


Drew's hair is ready for photosynthesis.


I work in the ICU and can confirm the alarm when the grandpa dies is actually what we call a “critical alarm.” It goes off when vital signs are dangerous and require immediate attention, including asystole (which is the flat line that movies use to indicate “yeah that guy is dead”). So ironically this medical scene is more accurate than most!


Drew's "what the FUCK???" watching the dubious nature of the Dad's relationship with the dance instructor is hilarious


Ive watched this video like 4 times now, and the "two hearts werent enough for my dad - thats not what he meant" part gets me every time. Top tier comedy


learning drew and his friend used to just watch the last five minutes of random obscure movies really explains his sense of humor


“Painting the movie” is honestly a welcome improvement to “it was all a dream.”


I think the magic pencil woman was supposed to be some quirky version of a studio intro, like the 20th Century Fox theme or the Columbia Pictures torch lady, and they just decided it'd be fun to have her directly interact with the story at the beginning and end of the film. I can't think of any other way to explain it.


drew’s glasses prescription being so strong it makes his facial proportions wonky is my aesthetic


How come Pete got fired for "trying to steal the invention" but the other guy only got demoted for ACTUALLY stealing the product.


Him doing the twirl to get past the doctor is unironically the funniest part of the movie to me.


That first scene was straight out of a horror movie. She creates life. Life that laughs and plays and then the second she strays beyond her narrow confines, as she was created to do, IMMEDIATELY dissolves into a green mist while the creator joyfully laughs at her creation's demise into oblivion, playing with the remnants like it's the best thing she handled in a long time. So, you know, kinda like real life.