
I’ve Played 100+ Horror Games. This One Impressed Me.

Really, really good horror game. Check out how the dev made it: *Game* REPLAY Developer: Hengikken *Developer's Links* - YouTube - @hengikken9631

pack of grass

2 weeks ago

welcome to replay this is a horror game experience like no other I have played over 130 I think around 140 horror games now and this one is one of the most exceptional I have ever played I am being serious you don't want to miss this out so I hope you enjoy the video Welcome to replay everyone this is a game that I found on N iio it's a by the way this music is awful but I had a really interesting uh concept I'm kidding there there was definitely a point to the the music being like that wait wha
t is that in the top right [Music] corner huh okay yeah this look like an interesting concept and it uh you basically look around while playing this game and uh yeah you just jump and like interact with things uh but like you're in a in a room playing the game so yeah I thought that was a cool concept all right let's go or is everything and nothing yeah exactly fre jump jump time I mean hey this is uh this is great already better than um better than the new Suicide Squad game for sure wait we ne
ed six coins hold on I need to go back oh there we go oh motion [Music] blur yeah it's a this is like a I don't know you know what's interesting the more I look uh to the right the more the like like filtered the audio is and then it gets like it's like it gets like Blurry uh not blurry like low pass filter yeah wait this is awesome yeah it's pretty cool r remind me of that for real duck hunt horror game that was popular a few years ago oh yeah I know what you're talking about the VR one all rig
ht no more pausing I promise duck season yeah that was it duck season huh interesting all right let's oh collect the coins everyone so immediately right off the bat I wanted to point this out a few seconds ago why are we sneaking is it cuz we're robbing these people's houses is that the whole point of the game very W game duck season yeah got it oh no that's a hard jump why is that jump so hard oh my God got it nice I had I had to click the space on the door as well no okay great that was probab
ly painful to watch hello okay wait what's that drink Coco Colo nice great hi who are you okay fascinating truly hey you got coins I want coins huh well it's been good seeing you I will find [Music] myself I can't go back in well um bro I thought for a second something I actually fell IRL cuz I'm wearing headphones it it was it was quite convincing yeah I don't blame you 8 coins yeah level star yeah oh my God hello yeah we got coins how do we get to the other wait hold on oh it's because they're
right next to each other so it's it's just the different houses okay I see okay all right okay I hate this that's awful can I not all right than thank you for your service that means a lot this is not scary um normal horror experience uh bucket okay there was a okay oh okay hi there all right I'm I'm I'm speechless I I can't I don't even know ah you okay there why the long face I don't I I don't just horrible jokes hello oh are those my parents by any chance downstairs dude why haven't you stoo
d up yet oh I see we're just make making our way up the making our way up the stairs huh yeah yep that that seems about right hey oh my God you're you're you're you're beautiful wow what a what a handsome man hakin thank you thank that was thank you to my friends and loved ones for Endless help that's amazing wow that was really really really good the I can't remember the last time I played like a short horror game and it was this exceptional everything seems so seamless and like the like at the
end The Stomping how the audio was synced up in the game and in the in like real life because obviously like like you know he's the guy in the real life and he's getting to you also interesting how it like flickers between replay and repay sometimes yeah look at that like the L goes away so maybe there's some low there like repay for your sins or whatever I don't know hi thank you for watching all the way until the end I hope you feel the same way about the game uh as I did cuz it's exceptional
uh if you'd like to check out another video here here is me playing a game called carbon steel right up here H it's by Mike kuika I love this developer as well and uh yeah I hope you enjoy that video If you decide to watch it if you don't that's chill and yeah thank you for watching the video goodbye goodbye



Goodness man! That is a lot of horror games! Thats where Im trying to be by the end of this year! Keep it up my guy