
Jake Paul & Team 10 EXPOSED! #DramaAlert FaZe Banks Proven INNOCENT! Erika Costell Snake!

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6 years ago

What Is up DramaAlert Nation I'm your host Killer Keemstar Let's get right into the news! On the last Drama Alert we Talked about Snake Bitch Known as Erika Costell Who came Out with the video Saying that I was making fun of abuse now I Defended Myself Saying That I was making fun of Fake abuse you know that claim That Jake Paul and team 10 came Out with a video Saying That Ricky Banks Choked Clotheslined and What Was it dragged Through The Club Their assistant Now i put my Channel Here on the l
ine, i said listen Erika if You Have security footage if you Have security footage proving that this Actually took place, i will leave YouTube Forever but i want to know how confident you are if you really believe this took Place Then take The Challenge with me because if there is no security footage showing That Ricky Banks Assaulted Your assistant Just How you described It, then you Erika Must leave YouTube Now of Course Snake Bitch did not Accept My challenge and There's a Good reason Why bec
ause What team ten Claimed is full of Shit if You remember there Was a Team team member there that night other than Meg, Jake Paul's assistant There Was a team ten member there Buying Drinks for FaZe Banks Known as Max, team Ten member Known as Max Beaumont His twitter Said team Ten official in the bio but Yesterday we noticed that he took team ten out of his twitter bio But Not Only that Max started following FaZe Banks on twitter so when i saw this i Tweeted Out This so Max Still Said nothing
But after i sent this Tweet last night he took team ten out of his bio on Twitter Snake Snake snake and That's When Callux Responded to my Tweet by Saying This oh Man This Shit is all gonna come out soon and it's gonna be massive Now the interesting Thing about Callux's tweet is that Max from team ten Liked The Tweet Basically Confirming That Some Big Shit Really is about to go down and so i guess the question is What Happened to max Did he... did he quit team tended to get fired well we Know on
e Thing he left team ten Because The Hollywood fix caught Him leaving the team ten house with Suitcases Do you have any Reaction to Keem Stars doing The YouTube Challenge with Erika Saying he'll quit YouTube So something Massive is about to go down and guess What something Massive did Go down because as of Right Now while i'm Filming this Jake Paul and team Ten are meeting Up with faze banks to talk this out like adults but at That Very Moment of The Meeting FaZe Banks Uploaded a video Titled "P
roof i'm innocent" Interview With team Ten member in this video FaZe Banks Interviews Max From team Ten and he Says this Roll It on Wednesday i was with Megan i was with another friend of Ours the first Thing that i want to make It Very Clear Is i did not See you Kiss anybody that night Thank you okay as i because i didn't Kiss anybody but Thank you for Saying that okay continue Let'S get into everything from Your point of view cool second Thing i did not see you assault anybody that night inclu
ding Including Megan Zelly Including Megan Zelly I did not see you assault anything That night and everything I'M Just I'd Like to touch on that Point Really quick and Just How like, Max you said you were you've Been Really Good Friends with her for like how long now i have Known This girl since i was like 13 this has Been like Seven Plus Years of Friendship Which is what Makes This so hard for me to do yeah i understand i can Hear my voice Cracking Like This has Been like One of My Best Friends
all of my life And What Max Called me he told me you set up it's Been such a struggle for me over the past Few Days Because i've Seen This all Go down and i felt Really Bad for you but at the same time like i knew that if i had come Forward and Said anything about This that all My Friendships and all my Best Friends Weren't going to be my friends anymore This Is gonna completely Ruin My relationship with team ten, Again Max Seriously Thank you so much Guys i wanna i wanna stress the fact I did
not Reach Out to him i thought fully He's on that Side of Things I'M gonna leave That Alone and I'M gonna Let the legal stuff? Unfold and When i have to speak with Him i will but he reached out To me and he told me the stuff and It Really like you're a Good dude Like You Really are a Good dude for this and yeah i want to get into more of the details Just so we can Clear This Stuff Up this Shouldn't Take long Or um yeah did, did They tell you that they saw me kissing anybody That night {Yeah} tha
t night the night off Yeah Megan {okay} told me i didn't see it okay and uh and Why like Why do you think did she show you who i was kissing, no Well since This went down i've had the footage Revised Over and Over and Over By Everybody that i know that could do It right Now the management of warwick and The Ownership of Warwick Has Already Seen It They've went Through It multiple Times for multiple different camera Angles They have Followed Myself and Megan Through The Whole night and They've Cl
eared me of both because i insisted on this at first They only Cared about The Legal Stuff Obviously The club liability They don't care about finding somebody Kissing Somebody There's no legal like Bound to make Against me for something like that but i insisted that they look for that and they Cleared me of both of those Things so i'm I also have to say. That Like You were Excited to see Alissa Like When you like you were Just Literally like When i was talking to you you're like i have to go get
my girl like Oh shit i feel like st. Patrick remember how Saint patrick drove all the Snakes Out of the city But Not Only That There's a Chance that the bruise on meg's neck Was already There listen to this Roll it. i found Megan and? She said that if i remember Correctly she said that she Ran Into you and She got a bruise from you but that she Knew was an accident That You didn't Know who she was and that It was Just a Crazy coincidence That she happens to be the person that like i ran Into Sh
e didn't get into Details she Said that she Knew was an accident | did you see did she seem distressed or scared or like Worried that i was going? To honestly Honestly no i i'm gonna tell you i didn't even Hear about this again Until i saw Jake's video i forgot it Happened Until i saw Jake's video | Now This is a Very This, What he Just Said is Very important Possibly the most important Part of This video So she said specifically she Got a bruise for me and the same night like at warwick at the
table yeah Okay so i Just want to touch on the fact that it's Literally impossible it'S physically impossible to be struck and Within 20 minutes Have a Visible Bruise on Your body It redden's first it'll take about a Day Or two to bruise into purple okay she Showed me some bruise on her neck That night i remember okay so that, What that tells me is that Bruise did not come from me Case Closed! I'm not the only one confident That Ricky Banks did not do this Ricky Is also Very Confident he didn't
do this and he has a message for Snake bitch Erika Costell. Roll It. I'm Going To press this to the furthest degree legally i'm going to make absolutely sure The Company of team 10 Jake Paul Erica Costell Megan Zelly Pay for What they did to me this is not a Joke This is no laughing matter and while The drama in the Attack on People's Characters That Is gonna stop i'm done with that done with the drama this has Just begun you Cannot Do What These People did to me these People could Have Ruined M
y Whole entire life? Everything That I've Worked for Up to this point they could have Absolutely Ruined It They could Ruin My relationship with My girlfriend They could Ruin all My Friendships I'm a Shareholder in multiple different companies They could Have Destroyed That Everything that i am Every Part of My success in life has to do with who i am my integrity my Word and everything that Makes me, me Because Why i am where i am is because i am Banks and They tried to destroy that and it's not
Fucking Cool i'd like to have two more Things before i wrap up this video and i'm done with This Forever I want to say One the security footage has Been Reviewed it has Been by warwick a Neutral Party Whose only interest Is to get to the bottom of this and the truth of This They have told me i am Cleared There's no indication of me assaulting Anyone No indication of me Kissing anyone and - I Would like to touch on Eric Costell in her moral High-ground I'm so awesome and i'm so about everybody's
rights and i want I'm so for Everyone you're for Yourself and Everyone sees Right Through That They see Directly Through You and i couldn'T be happier about that You made some more serious Allegations on Your own Channel Along With Jake's Channel You made a video a Couple Days Ago targeting Keemstar For Making Fun of abuse When he wasn't making fun of abuse he was making fun of you guys Falsely accusing me of abuse Because Just like Keemstar Said Nothing Could Hurt Victims Worse Than Someone Ly
ing about This shit Because When someone lies about this shit they Get Hammered into the fucking Ground Just Like You're about to be and when that happens That Truly Scares Victims Oh my god that could Happen to me i really Shouldn't Speak Out because if i do i could end up like Erika Costell Tell You're in for a Fucking treat Erika, you Really are Guys KeemStar Put Out a Challenge for Erika he said that if you really believe This iF You truly believe This to your core That Ricky did this to Meg
an then Put your Channel on the line put it on the line if he did this and the Security Footage proofs That i assaulted Megan Zelly as Described in your a video i Clotheslined her i grabbed her by the neck and i dragged It Through The Club if i did that Keemstar will leave YouTube Forever and so Will i But Erika if It Isn't like that if It Isn't how you described if i didn't assault Megan Zelly then you have to leave you Have to leave you Need to leave You - and there you have it ladies and Gent
lemen I said from the Very Beginning of This Story That these Allegations were so Serious That One side either FaZe Banks Would Be proven wrong or team ten One of These Sides is going Down This Will never ever Be Forgiven By me or by the people Involved and Hopefully it's never Forgiven By You the audience What team Ten tried to do is so Fucking Horrible They Should never ever ever ever Be Forgiven for It ladies and Gentlemen share this video Put It on Facebook Twitter Wherever put a like on It
leave a comment down Below With your Thoughts and If You're New Here make sure you sub with notifications on Drama Alert Nation Now over two million Seven Hundred Thousand Subscribers



Setting up an Interview with X Team10 member Max. If you are NEW make sure you SUB with Notifications ON! - Love Keem!


Well played banks. Never doubted him!


i hope banks sues the fuck out of jake until he is homeless


I bet the bruises were jakes


This all happened because Vine got deleted. Smh


I liked banks...... Now I freakin respect him Edit: Thanks!!! So much for all the likes!!!!


At first keem I didn't like you BUT now you are amazing. You saved someone's career AND you offered a job to someone that need it. You are a really good guy👍🏼 keep it up!


I can respect max, he came through when it counted.


Plot twist: Banks was kissing Aleesa Violet not Alissa Violet.


"Snake bitch" I'm weak😭


Me: * sees video * No Views Me: * clicks on video * 1,000,000+ Views Me: go home YouTube, you're drunk




Why do I laugh so much when keem says snakebitch


I hope jake Paul gets sued so bad


If people aren't going to be your 'friends' because you tell the truth, then they weren't your friends to begin with.


i honestly don't believe any drama coming from team 10 because every piece I've seen is fake


How's jake gonna get out this one.


Erika costell probably thinks the moon is fake.


Anyone else waiting for banks to see the vid of jake Paul abusing Alyssa?


At least Max was smart enough to leave team 10 before shit really hits the fan..