
Jen Psaki gets a look inside Andrew Weissmann's famous apartment

Jen Psaki gets a tour of Andrew Weissmann's apartment and a look into his weekend routine. Weissmann served as a lead prosecutor for Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel’s Office.  » Subscribe to MSNBC: Follow MSNBC Show Blogs MaddowBlog: ReidOut Blog: MSNBC delivers breaking news, in-depth analysis of politics headlines, as well as commentary and informed perspectives. Find video clips and segments from The Rachel Maddow Show, Morning Joe, The Beat with Ari Melber, Deadline: White House, The ReidOut, All In, Last Word, 11th Hour, and Alex Wagner who brings her breadth of reporting experience to MSNBC primetime. Watch “Alex Wagner Tonight” Tuesday through Friday at 9pm Eastern. Connect with MSNBC Online Visit Subscribe to the MSNBC Daily Newsletter: Find MSNBC on Facebook: Follow MSNBC on Twitter: Follow MSNBC on Instagram: #Psaki #AndrewWeissmann #SpecialCounsel


10 months ago

it's been a long few days as we follow the developments out of the District Attorney's office in Manhattan so it's probably safe to say that Andrew Weissman hasn't gotten much sleep since the news of Trump's indictment broke on Thursday night as the former lead prosecutor under special counsel Robert Mueller he's become the go-to legal analyst for just about every show on this network and if you're like me you've probably wondered about his beautiful apartment in New York City including that cra
zy staircase that's become kind of a famous thing on Twitter I recently had a chance to stop by to check out his place and to hear about his weekend routine [Music] we see you a lot on television in your apartment yeah here yes I know uh this is like the expanded room radar moment right to see a little bit oh wait so this this is the stairs every first I think everyone thinks they're like you know a third of the size because people are like how could you possibly walk on them when we see you on
television we see a lot of this yeah absolutely tell me a little bit about your camera collection some of this was mine so it was like your parents did they also have yes that's that was my parents camera um and then this was my camera I have a moment on the inscription here which is to Andrew Weissman for your dedication in combating foreign bribery which is a bat which feels extremely badass I'm going to be a barista so Andrew when you wake up in the morning the dog at the first day that's how
you do totally that's there's no sort of hanging out of your pajamas and having a cup of coffee that dog goes crazy first thing no coffee first no coffee first are you kidding impressive I need coffee before I like breathe me too so I I turned my coffee machine on and like if I don't take the dog to the door and he's there barking like crazy because he knows it's me he's ready it's my time and you know he's really good during the night and then he's like in the morning it's like me time when I
have the MSNBC on in my office I feel like every time there's breaking legal news I see you on there explaining it to me are you just waiting for your phone and your pocket to buzz with something breaking um well it's interesting so one of the things that um being a legal analyst is you do really keep up with what's going on you have to right absolutely I mean how do you do that how do you read news how do you keep up with it you know it's so interesting because you know I grew up in New York an
d I'm all so I'm used to your apartment makes you feel not old and extremely hip so I don't think you're giving yourself credit extremely hip for like a boring nerdy lawyer it's like a very low great so um I used to just you know I read the hard copy New York Times that was it you know and it was like one newspaper now I do a variety of things to listen to NPR I have MSNBC on in the background and then you know there's like I go into Twitter and I have friends who text me things and so it's it's
really a huge combination and you just sort of try and keep up to date I mean I could ask Andrew questions for like seven hours so it actually reminds me of prepping for a briefing this is what I would do with people it's like I would basically like interview them and ask them all the things and then at the end I'm like okay this is my understanding is that right can I say this could I say it this way by the way this is this is my dog doing like oh you like this is ready to go this is like an e
nd exactly okay you did a good job thank you for being a part of our journey here my thanks to my friend Andrew Weissman and of course to his dog Ennis for welcoming me into their beautiful home [Music] thank you [Music]



Thank you, Jen. I, as you, was always fascinated by Andrew's apartment. I only wish he'd taken us on an in-depth tour. Thanks again.


I had a good feeling about Andrew from the get go, there is such a decency and down to earth vibe about him.


I loved this so much and wished it was longer! Thank you Andrew for your valuable legal expertise and for letting us into your home. ❤


Thanks Jen and Andrew and Ennis! Really enjoyed this . A fan from Canada.


Andrew Weissman and Neal Katyal are by far and away the two coolest guys on the news. So cool to get a glimpse into his life.


I’ve been wondering what his apartment really looks like. Thank you for a beautiful look at this brilliant man on a personal level.


Such a Special Guest is really deserving of more than just 3 minutes and 41 seconds of air time. He so brilliant and so very knowledgeable whenever he appears to give legal insights on MSNBC! Many thanks for sharing your wonderful home! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟!


Great piece with two of my favorite TV personalities over the past few years. You're both exceedingly smart, well informed and likable!


obsessed! with Andrew. his level speaking tone, intelligence, thoughtful comments and quiet smirk are ALL of my favorite things. of course his apartment is also super cool.


I can't believe you just did this Jen ! Every time I see Andrew's apt. in the background I think WOW that looks so cool I'd love to really see it So thank you Jen and especially Andrew & Co for allowing us to see this amazing place. My son would be drooling over his camera collection as it far surpasses his own. Just a wonderful place and a fantastic person...and of course his pup💞🦴


I have so much respect for Andrew Weissmann! Thank you for this fun interview. What an adorable pup, too! ❤


I LOVE Andrew's Apt. (and Andrew) And that he does his segments from all sorts of different angles and from different rooms so we can see his beautiful space! Thanks for sharing Andrew! As an aside, a positive side effect of the pandemic has been being able to see everyone's beautiful spaces as interviews switched to being done from home. AND their cats causing mayhem in the background, or doggos stealing the show!


That was such a treat!!!! I adore Jen and Andrew and this just made me love them more!!! Both so intelligent and good decent human beings!!!


I was so sad when Jen left the White House. It was so refreshing to hear someone who knew the FACTS and was civil to the reporters. So good to see you on MSNBC! 👍 Great interview and AWWWWWWEsome apartment. 😎 I could listen for 7 hours too.


Girl, let the man answer a question! I love Andrew Weissman.


Beautiful apartment! Thank you, Andrew, for inviting Jen and all of us inside! Finally, an up close look at 'those stairs!' He would love my displayed collection of my Dad's camera equipment, and mine. And, I'm older than you, Andrew! Jen rocks! Wait, he is older than me! I'm shocked! He looks great!😂


Great interview - loved it. Mr. Weissman is very good at explaining things so people can understand.


What fun! We all love Andrew.


Thank you for doing this. TFG has me tuned in to all the legal wranglings these days and I definitely feel like I'm getting to know people like Mr. Weissman. Thank you for sharing his human side. :)


Beautiful home is an understatement. Anyone that knows NYC real estate was staring in shock at that apartment.