
Jhoom Tara Ra Ra | EP.17 | Animation | Kids Cartoon 2024

Cartoon Show | Cartoon with English Subtitles | English Cartoon | Animation Series Jhoom Tara Ra Ra" stands out as one of the top English cartoon for children, whisking kids away on an extraordinary journey with the Jhoom Tara Ra Ra band and their coach, Joey. Their shared dream of becoming the world's greatest music band leads them through a series of adventures, including encounters with their neighbors, Jaalu and Karni. This cartoon show offers kids-friendly content, with Jhoom and his friends serving as charming companions in the realm of kids' entertainment. available with English subtitles on Bhooshan’s Jr YouTube channel, "Jhoom Tara Ra Ra" provides an opportunity for children to enjoy the show while learning English. Moreover, it's easily available on Bhooshan's Junior streaming platform, accessible through Jio Book and Jio STB. Did you find the video enjoyable? Don't hesitate to show your appreciation by giving it a thumbs up! Spread the joy among your friends, and make sure to hit that subscribe button for more fantastic content! Visit our website Follow us on Instagram : LinkedIn : Watch our Videos On Rumble : Patreon : #jhoomtararara #englishcartoon #cartoonforkids #animation #cartooninenglish #kidscartoon

Bhooshan's Junior

1 day ago

Come on friends it's time to play some music  let's get together put your hands up in the air Don't give up when you feel like your failing  we will never stop till we win this yeah So we are here to conquer world  by music love and fun we are Oh! Look! Boss, everyone is looking towards us, I guess they have spotted us how can they spot us, we are in a huge cloud, right? Boss, See, our tail is outside  the cloud and they have spotted us No Karni, my tail is right here boss not your tail, the
plane’s tail Problem solved Karni, the tail  is all the way inside the cloud boss, now they can see us clearly ohhh hehe! Well, that was part of the plan Time for the final phase Karni, Hold on Bossssss……. Whaaaattttt  aaarrrreee youuu doiiinngg? everyone be alert, a plane is approaching us DANGER DANGER DANGER We are under attack!!! Come on everyone, RUN!! I don’t think they plan to collide I agree, they have something else in mind Oh God! ….. I am really scared,  why do I always listen to Bos
s I see them, Its Jaalu and Karni boss we are exposed, they can see us they must know who the master planner is  Karni and they must never attend the concert hahahahaha, ShowTime! Oh No, they are after the song Nooooo…Not my song ….. we will go to Shimla, Karni Karni, how's my idea? Jaalu, you won’t be spared hahahahaha, we won Karni Jhoom, activate chase sequence of Mr Tin Tan Can Mr Tin Tan help us? Can we really get back our song from Jaalu Jhoom...Is it capable of flight watch for yourself M
r Tin Tan lock the target locking target in progress It will take 5 seconds for  Mr. Tin Tan to lock the plane Target locked, Target moving  at 80 kilometre per hour activate chase sequence Activating chase sequence Get ready for an excited chase  everyone, Mr. Tin Tan could work wonders Mr. Tin Tan, proceed proceeding Now what Jhoom? Now we chase the Plane through  MR. Tin Tan and get back our song Wow, the lyrics are really  wonderful, Mr Joey is really talented but boss we are cleverer and  n
ow the song belongs to us you are lucky Karni, your boss is a genius Shimla here we come boss, we have got the song, we just need to practice and perform it to win the prize The song is with us and JTRR has no time to make a new one, we have won half the battle Karni! Boss is that …….? the ROBOT!! Karni what do we do now Mr Tin Tan is far behind I guess, as the  plane had come back but he is still missing Is Mr Tin Tan ok?? Mr Tin Tan is still working, I am sure look!! Jhoom, it’s a perfect time
  to initiate lock sequence True, MR. Tin Tan is at nearly the speed  of the plane, we shall lock the plane now Mr Tin Tan, initiate lock sequence Karni, this Robot is not  stupid, look at his arms … Can Mr Tin Tan catch up with them? yes Mr Tin Tan Advance and retrieve the Papers advancing …. Karni, he is approaching us boss we are at maximum speed Karni, I think we defeated the  robot, he is gone, hahahaha the robot is gone hahahha Karni …. Karni what happened ..??? Target acquired, ready to r
etrieve Mr. Tin Tan rocks!!! oh god? Will the plane crash? At this rate there is definitely  a possibility that it will crash oh god! if it crashes it  will kill everyone on board Mr Tin Tan take control of the plane Mr Tin Tan initiate landing  sequence, meet you at the ground There!! There they come Mr Tin Tan is really marvellous robot JTRR wins but the hero today is Mr Tin Tan Boss …? yes Karni? Any more such ideas Boss? First tell me we are not dead Jhoom, help meeeee….. you broke my Snowma
