
Jimmy Takes a Look at Some Lesser-Known Candidates | The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Jimmy takes a moment to look at campaign ads from some other politicians that you don't always hear about on the news. The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. Stream now on Peacock: Subscribe NOW to The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon: Watch The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Weeknights 11:35ET/10:35c Get more The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon: JIMMY FALLON ON SOCIAL Follow Jimmy: Like Jimmy: Follow Jimmy: Follow Jimmy on TikTok: THE TONIGHT SHOW ON SOCIAL Follow The Tonight Show: Like The Tonight Show: Follow The Tonight Show: The Tonight Show TikTok: Tonight Show Tumblr: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon features hilarious highlights from the show, including comedy sketches, music parodies, celebrity interviews, ridiculous games, and, of course, Jimmy's Thank You Notes and hashtags! You'll also find behind the scenes videos and other great web exclusives. GET MORE NBC NBC YouTube: Like NBC: Follow NBC: NBC Instagram: NBC Tumblr: Jimmy Takes a Look at Some Lesser-Known Candidates | The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon #FallonTonight #JimmyFallon

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

6 days ago

-And finally, guys, the presidential election is only eight months away. But it's not the only election happening this November. There are so many state and local races across the country. So, that's why we're taking a look at campaign ads from some of the other politicians that you don't always hear about on the news. It's time for Lesser Known Candidates. -♪ Lesser Known Candidates ♪ -This first ad is from a guy who's running for school board president. It seems like he's dealing with an unusu
al problem. Check this out. -Hi, I'm Ethan Anders. You've probably been seeing some vicious attack ads on me from my opponent, who also happens to be my twin brother, Evan Anders. I cannot stress this enough. Vote for Ethan Anders, not Evan Anders. I know our names are very similar, and we look exactly alike. We both dress the same, wearing hand-me-downs from our bigger triplet brother, Easton Anders, who is also running for school board. Do not, under any circumstances, vote for Easton. He woul
d be even worse for the school board than Ethan. Wait. I'm Ethan. This is so confusing. -Definitely vote for Ethan, not Evan or Easton. Evan. No, I mean Ethan. -Yeah. It's tricky. It's tricky right there. I think he's gonna win. This next candidate is responding to a lot of attack ads on him. Take a look at this. -Lately, you've probably seen some deceitful ads saying some pretty nasty things about Representative Keith Shermanberger. His opponents are calling him incompetent, wasteful, self-serv
ing, weird at parties, too sweaty, clothes don't fit right, permanent Doritos breath, always saying he's buddies with Owen Wilson, even though it's an obvious lie, has a stupid voice. Well, he's here to say... -That's not true. -Keith Shermanberger, 2024. -I'm Keith Shermanberger, and I approve this message. And I am buddies with Owen Wilson. -Okay. Alright. Well, look, it's interesting. This is what I'm saying. These races are tight. Make the right call. [ Applause ] This next campaign ad is fr
om a man who's running for dogcatcher in Virginia. Let's watch. -Hello, I'm Dustin Welsh, and I want to be Fredericksburg County's dog catcher. If elected, I promise to catch every dog in town. Stray dogs, dogs being walked by their owners, dogs sleeping inside their homes, dogs in pet stores, even hairy children that look like dogs from far away. My opponent says I'm overreacting because a Chihuahua barked at me, and I fainted and collapsed into a mall fountain in front of my son's skateboard f
riends. But that isn't true. In fact, I want my son's friends to take down that doctored video that they put up on YouTube. -Dustin Welsh for dog catcher. -I double-dog-dare you to vote for me. [ Dog barks ] God damn it. [ Cheers and applause ] -Wow. That's interesting. I would vote for that guy. This last commercial is for a candidate in -- a candidate for treasurer in Bend, Oregon. Oh, watch this. -Hello, I'm Todd Trevor, and it would be an honor to be your treasurer, but please don't ask the
last town where I was treasurer anything about me. They're liars. I promise to balance our city's budget and be someone you can trust. Just don't Google me. I'm not corrupt. I didn't do any of that stuff Google or "The New York Times" says I did. I'm super normal. Look, here's a picture of me and my normal family. It's not AI. Just get in the voting booth and check the box next to my name. And don't talk to those people protesting outside. They're protesting a different guy with my exact name an
d face. Todd Trevor for treasurer. Do not watch the Netflix documentary about me. -There you go. [ Cheers and applause ] I wish them all the best of luck.
