
[JJK] Toji Fushiguro best moments | Hidden Inventory Arc

Not everything I would like the video to contain but still some of the best of Toji in my opinion. How badass is this guy, godamn. Chapeters: 0:00 Spoiler Alert + Fushiguro takes the job 0:22 Who's Megumi? 0:38 Menacing af 0:57 Signal drop 1:08 London gameplay 1:35 Prideful Bastard + Fast af 2:22 Job's done 2:47 Chill 3:02 As I was saying... 3:22 Toji VS Geto 4:37 Crazy Founder 5:07 Toji gets rejected (sad) 5:26 Gojo's back and high 5:51 Who has lost? 6:18 Toji has lost... 6:29 See ya ppl


7 months ago

¿Qué me dices, Zenin? ¿Te encargarás de asesinar al Cuerpo de Plasma Estelar? Ya no soy Zenin. Adopté el apellido de mi mujer. Ahora es Fushiguro. Pero, sí, claro. Cuenta conmigo. ¿Cómo está Megumi? ¿Quién es ese? ¡Hey! ¡Quieto ahí! No, no es nada. No seas ridículo. No es cualquier tablón de anuncios anónimo. Cobra una comisión por- Me quedo sin señal. ¡Hey! Será capullo. No pienso volver a hacer de niñero nunca más. ¿Eh? ¿Nos conocemos? No te molestes. Yo también soy malo recordando nombres. La
recompensa por Amanai ya se ha cancelado, idiota. Porque yo la he cancelado, imbécil engreído. Tiene un pacto celestial que le provee con aptitudes físicas sobrehumanas. Así que usa Cabezas de Mosca como señuelo. Ahora no sabré dónde está. Ha creado un punto ciego. Usaré Azul de nuevo... No, su objetivo es... ¡Amanai! Volvamos a casa, Riko-chan. ¡Sí! Bien, misión cumplida. Ya podemos irnos. ¿Qué haces aquí? ¿Por? Ah, lo dices por eso. Porque he matado a Satoru Gojo. No te impacientes. Como iba
diciendo... No hace falta que lo digas. Sí, eso significaría que la energia maldita... la maldición debería impedir que sea el hombre invisible. Así que hago a la maldición más pequeña, hasta que quepa en mi cuerpo. ¡Ese Dragón Arcoíris tenía la coraza más dura! ¿So... Soy... ...guapa? Hm, bueno... ¿Qué tal si te digo...que no eres mi tipo? Ya veo...



They cant just keep getting away with making the most badass and likable characthers and killing them off, only 4 episodes for someone like Toji is a crime.


the fact that he's still the most feared person in jujutsu world even after dying is so fucking funny to me like everyone's got PTSD bc of him 😭 also the fact that gege takes every single chance in drawing him and showing him off even when he doesn't have to


Dude has one of the best physiques in anime.


they made him so badass lol


2:26 Rika got a killcam 💀


Its incredible to see how his opponents went down in folklore for how strong they were and he’s just destroying them rofl


“The bounty on Amanai has already been taken down you idiot” “Because I took it down , prideful bastard” Nahh toji’s sass is amazing- this is fr one of my favorite parts ❤️.


I never thought any voice would suit Toji until now tbh




Man's got Dio's VA, you know he goan be a menice


"Who's that?" Single most best line ever said💀


The fact they used dios voice actor is perfect


all i hear is zeke and dio whenever he speaks 💀


TOJI and GOJO, they both admired each other as a strongest.


The best character in my opinion ❤ he is really strong, smart, cool & unbelievable man 🔥


This chad carried the arc lol


3:00 blud really thought he could sneak in a REI-GUN


This is the first time in an anime that a villain assassin has actually done their job. Even though he lost by getting killed, you rarely see in any anime that assassin villain characters are tasked to kill certain targets but they never accomplish them. (Aside from assassination classroom since that doesn’t count or characters who are either offscreen or too minor that have no impact whatsoever in the story)...this man is cold.


Toji the best villain


0:34-0:38 look at those traps