
Joe Rogan Confronts Katt Williams About His Comments On The Club Shay Shay Podcast

Joe Rogan finally confronts Katt Williams for talking trash about him on the Club Shay Shay Podcast... Become a member (This is a parody using creative editing to create a new fictional conversation. This is made purely for entertainment and comedic purposes and is in no way meant to disparage the person(s) appearing in this parody.)


20 hours ago

(Joe) I heard that you've been talking [ __ ] (Joe) What's that about? (Katt Clears Throat) (Katt) Look there... (Nervously Clears Throat Again) (Joe) And there's video footage  of it... (Katt) Ummmm (Katt) I got to go somewhere... (Katt) and I'll be right back... (Joe) No. (Katt) Ummmm... (Joe) it. (Katt) Okay... (Clip of Katt) That would be like me being on Joe Rogan. (Clip of Katt) Joe don't want me on there. I need to be on Shannon. (Clip of Katt) Joe got six comedians that neve
r been funny he want to push out. (Katt And Shannon Laugh) (Katt) Mhmmm. (Joe) What do you mean by that? (Katt) The truth of the matter is not pretty... (Katt) and the truth of the matter is, your comedy is mediocre. (Katt) Mhmmm. (Joe) You think so? (Joe) Why do you think that? (Katt) Ummmm... (Katt) I'm just better. (Katt) Better is better. (Joe) Right... (Katt) Right. (Katt) I'm the best of the best. (Joe) That's all [ __ ] (Katt) Relax. (Joe) Shut the [ __ ] up. (Katt) Like ummmm... (Joe) Wh
o the [ __ ] are you? (Joe) You're a Tiny Man. (Katt) (Clears Throat) This...this is really weird... (Joe) You're so small... (Joe) Like a Child... (Joe) Like this three foot tall human... (Joe) You're going to get [ __ ] up (Katt) Oh well then here we go then... (Joe) You [ __ ] with the worst person you could [ __ ] with. (Katt) But I've been violent... (Katt) And I learned that I could take a life and it changed things (Joe) Really? (Katt) Yeah... (Joe) How many times you done it? (Katt) Who'
s counting them? (Joe) Have you ever ate a person? (Katt) What?!?! (Joe) It tastes great. (Katt) I'm not going to let you take me  where this conversation is going (Joe) I bet you taste good. (Joe) You know what  happens to pigs right? (Joe) They get slaughtered. (Squeals like a Pig) (Joe) Jamie... (Joe) Lock the door. (Door locks) (Joe) These are your last moments. (Joe) It's going to be horrific. (Katt) Well here's the thing... (Katt) I know you your big secret... (Katt) I know that you have a
  micro penis. (Joe) What the  [ __ ] did you just say? (Katt) That's why you're like (Katt) And you can't hurt me. (Katt) I'm small but... (Katt) I'm magical in nature. (Katt) I know witchcraft. (Katt channels his arcane knowledge to summon a fireball spell) (Joe) That is wild. (Katt) I have control of elements. (Katt) Don't tell nobody. (Joe) It's amazing. (Joe) That's great...but here's the thing... (Joe) You're still going to die. (Katt) You guys are idiots (Joe) Your death wil
l be inescapable...
