
jtoh status



2 years ago

(cringe toh kids) sigma male pro obbyist gameplay



so i just found out that heyrosalina is a fraud, actually insane ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€


โ€œWhat tower is this?โ€ -ultra pro sigma male obelisk difficulty enjoyer


As a fellow obbyist, I can confirm this is straight facts.


0:03 How "pro's" play 0:09 How real pro's play


Tower of Hell players: I'm the best and no one can beat me! The entire JToH community: I laugh in your presence.


They will never know how hard CoV and Stairway To Heaven is.


Tbh I hope more and more ToH players will get to have a taste of what JToH offers, they really need to stop living in that small bubble and start to grind some actually hard obbies. (well, this only applies to ToH pros who think they're too good at obbies, those who play these for fun should probably stay out since this is gonna be torture)


I watch this video once a day for important reasons.


bruh the second toh players see truss/ladder gameplay or low roof gameplay its done for them


its funny how ToH players can't even comprehend for a second how hard some things that fellow obbiests can do even if it is something small like ToS to as big to stairway to heaven


i love this, whoever proves a ToH player wrong with JToH is pure evil but so hooking >:)


ToAST is harder than tower of hell because ToAST has buttons, spinning platforms, moving platforms, and you get it


this is a certified hood classic ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ‘Œ


Average jtoh player: what kind of steeple is it? Looks like a cylinder steeple


This made me feel better after watching girls fail easy stages on a dco


Expert ToH players: I am invincible! Expert JToH players: Such an innocent soul... Tiered Obby players: I laugh at your presence.


As a fellow JToH noob, (I began 2 weeks ago) the amount of times I played Tower of Hell, it was easy. Canโ€™t wait for some of my other non-JToH friends to see this.


0:00 Me when I play tower of hell in morning 0:03 Me in tower of hell in evening 0:09 Me when I am in any steeple in Forgotten ridge or Garden of Eeshรถl in JTOH


when the true is above 100%


As a fellow JToH obbyist whose beaten an extreme tower i agree.