
Kacey Musgraves Talks Breaking the Law and Almost Dying in Iceland; New Album Deeper Well (Extended)

Kacey Musgraves talks about her album Deeper Well, recaps her visit to Iceland and talks about kicking off her world tour in Ireland. The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. Stream now on Peacock: Subscribe NOW to The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon: Watch The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Weeknights 11:35ET/10:35c Get more The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon: JIMMY FALLON ON SOCIAL Follow Jimmy: Like Jimmy: Follow Jimmy: Follow Jimmy on TikTok: THE TONIGHT SHOW ON SOCIAL Follow The Tonight Show: Like The Tonight Show: Follow The Tonight Show: The Tonight Show TikTok: Tonight Show Tumblr: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon features hilarious highlights from the show, including comedy sketches, music parodies, celebrity interviews, ridiculous games, and, of course, Jimmy's Thank You Notes and hashtags! You'll also find behind the scenes videos and other great web exclusives. GET MORE NBC NBC YouTube: Like NBC: Follow NBC: NBC Instagram: NBC Tumblr: Kacey Musgraves Talks Breaking the Law and Almost Dying in Iceland; New Album Deeper Well (Extended) #FallonTonight #KaceyMusgraves #JimmyFallon

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

12 days ago

-Are you so excited? It's almost out. -It's crazy! It's almost here. -"Deeper Well" is out at midnight tonight. [ Cheers and applause ] I want to get into the album. I want to talk about everything. By the way, I love this color vinyl, too. Look at this. -Thank you. And my little sister, she shot the cover. -No way. -Yes. Isn't that cool? -It is very cool. I love this. -And all the photos, yeah. -I love all the ducks. -Yes. [ Cheers and applause ] -Uh, we have to talk about this, because last mo
nth, you added another Grammy to your shelf. [ Cheers and applause ] Seven Grammys? -Yeah. What? -I mean, you're amazing. -Who's counting? -Yeah. Who's counting? Yeah, I am. You won Best Country Performance by a Duo with Zach Bryan... -Yes. -...for "I Remember Everything." -Yes. [ Cheers and applause ] Aah! -How is that guy? -Oh, my God. -How is he? -He's incredible. Like, I'm such a fan. And it was so -- -Me too. He's got a cool story. -So -- Yeah. -Yeah. And you guys sound great together. Hope
fully we hear more of that. You know, you're the first artist to win a Grammy in the top four categories. -That's what they said. -Yeah. -I'm like, "How is that possible?" -That's you, bud. -I don't -- I didn't know that that was a thing. -You're Kacey Musgraves. Yeah. -No, stop, stop, stop. -That's who you are. -Stop, stop. -And tonight, "Deeper Well" is out at midnight tonight, we just said. I got to say this 'cause -- maybe the audience saw me. I was smelling the album. [ Laughter ] Because y
ou did something very cool. You made the -- What's scented in here? Is it the album? -So, the sleeves -- -The sleeve? -The sleeve is scented. I didn't even know that that was a thing. But, yeah, it smells like -- it smells like cow [bleep] in grass. -No, no! [ Laughter ] I -- -We wanted a real visceral... -I smelled the other side. I smelled the other side. -Yeah, it smells like duck poop. -No. -No, uh, we wanted to bring a 3-D experience, but, no, um... -It smells great. -It smells -- yeah. -It
smells fresh. It smells like the outdoors. -It honestly does smell so good. I did a collab with Boy Smells. I basically turned the song "Deeper Well" into a scent, which was a really fun collaboration. It's like, you know, think -- imagining, like -- How does it -- how would a song smell? -Yeah. -And so we did that, and -- and we kind of infused it into this paper, which is crazy. I'm like, "I hope it smells good in, you know, five years." -[ Laughing ] Yeah. Yeah, who knows. Yeah. When you --
When you have this finally come out, is it -- is it -- are you happy it's, like, finally out there? Like, "These are all my thoughts, and I worked so hard on this album"? -Yeah. I think, you know, releasing a creative project -- I don't know if you feel this way, but it's just -- it's such a process of letting go and, um, you know, these songs are written from a very intimate, personal place, and then, you know, you release them and they kind of become everyone else's. And they, you know, attach
their own meanings and stuff to it, too. So it's, like, bittersweet, in a way, because I feel like once you release it, it's kind of not yours anymore. It's others'. But I think the whole point is -- -Yeah, it's the fans'. Because you'd be like, they're like, "This song reminds me of my grandma," and you're like, "I wrote it about laundry. Uh, yeah." [ Laughter ] "Yeah, of course, it's about your grandma. Exactly, yeah." -No, but it's -- And it's like summer camp, you know, making a record. You
're with your friends and you're hanging out for -- You know, this was like a year and a half or so in the making. -You were here. You did a lot of recording at Electric Lady... -Yes. in New York City. -You love that studio, right? -It's my fave. It's The Roots -- It's everyone's fave. We love that studio. -Yeah. There's some really amazing mojo in that -- in that building. You feel it when you walk in. -You do, right? I love Lee. -Yes! -Lee is the best. -Lee is a legend. A freakin' leg
end. But, yeah, I was always on the lookout for the ghosts. I never saw any, but... [ Laughter ] -You never saw Jimi Hendrix anywhere? -I never saw him. -I hung out with him a couple nights. -Oh, yeah? -Yeah, yeah, yeah. -Well, I want what you were having, but... Yeah. [ Laughter ] Did you have fun while you were in the city? Did you enjoy the city? -Oh, my God. I love New York so much. It's really inspiring. [ Cheers and applause ] -A great -- It's a great place. -No, I mean, like... -It's a gr
eat place. -I think it's cool as a creator to come here because you're, you know, in a 30-second span of walking down the street, you're hit with every language, every culture, you know, every type of person. -Yes. -Like, colors, signs, smells. -Great people-watching. -Amazing people-watching. So it's inspiring in that way. You know, it's all these levels of humanity. -It's over by the Village, right? -It's in the heart of Greenwich Village, you know, like Folk Central. Um, yeah. Walk through Wa
shington Square Park to get there. It's like there's reggae, there's, like -- it smells like weed, it smells like piss, it smells like -- [ Laughter ] It's like, "Yes!" -Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. I can see where the scent is now coming in. -Yeah, exactly. -That's what this is, yeah. -No, it's really inspiring. -You filmed your music video for the first single in Iceland. -Yes. -And it's gorgeous, by the way. It's for "Deeper Well." I want to actually show a little bit of it right here. Look at thi
s video. -♪ I found a deeper well ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ -I mean, it's gorgeous. [ Cheers and applause ] That's like a movie right there. That's beautiful. -It's like a mini movie. -Beautifully shot. -Have you ever been there? -I've never been to Iceland. No. I'm dying to go. -It's like another planet. -It really is, right? -It's amazing. I mean, it's like "Dune." The movie "Dune" was like... -Yes. -Very green. It's -- It's that. -It's "Dune." -It's kind of got those vibes. It's kind of sci-fi, but it's really
earthy. It's amazing. -You told me it was very windy there. -Okay. So we, like -- [ Laughter ] We picked -- No, we picked literally the worst possible week to go. I was so excited. It was on my bucket list. I was like, "Oh, my God." And it couldn't -- It was like high wind advisories. I almost got blown off that cliff. -Oh, my gosh! -Like, I was almost like, "This video will be my death announcement," because it was a sheer drop down to the -- down to the ocean. -Oh, my God. -We were, like -- I
mean, it was treacherous. And even the locals were like, "This is some scary [bleep]" [ Laughter ] -You know, "This is not normal." -Yeah, it was wild. -You actually sent us a little behind-the-scenes video of what that beautiful video looked like. Here was what was really happening. Watch this. [ Wind howling ] Oh, my God Are you kidding me? -Scary. It was scary. -Are you kidding me? Come on. -No, it was -- No -- -That's really windy. -Literally grown men, like, gigantic grown men were, like,
praying. -Falling down, yeah. Did you do any touristy things while you're there? -Yeah. You know, you guys have heard of the Blue Lagoon, right? -Blue Lagoon, yeah. -You see the pictures, it's so serene. Like, people are floating. It looks like a nirvana experience. -That's what I'm talking about. I'm like, "Let's do that." -Yes. -So we venture out there, and, no, honestly -- they -- [ Laughter ] -It didn't happen, either. -It's sort of like a Instagram versus reality situation. [ Laughter ] We
get there, and it's like Hurricane Force One. I'm surprised they didn't close down the thing. There was only a few locals there and then us, and we were like getting body-slammed by waves. And it was like -- -Wait. There's waves? I thought it was like a serene cave or something. -Well, no, it's like a pool. It's supposed to be like a very placid -- -Like a steam cave or something, it's called. -They have a steam cave. I never found -- I just wanted to find the steam cave. -You didn't find the --
-No. Okay, so -- -Let's take a look at your experience in the steam cave. ♪♪ [ Whimpering ] [ Laughter ] -Oh, my God. -Aaah! -Kacey... [ Laughter ] It's like a wave pool. ♪♪ -Where is the steam cave? -"Does anyone know?" And they give you a free drink. You get a free beer when you're there. And I was like, at all costs, just protecting the free beer. -Just protect the beer. -Yeah. -Protect the beer at all costs. Yeah. -It was really fun. It was a wild -- I'll never forget that experience. -Did
you see the Northern Lights? -Jimmy... [ Laughter ] -I'm just saying, there's things to do. -Iceland, like, it delivered, but it also didn't at the same time. All I wanted to see was the Northern Lights. -Yeah, me too. -Like bucket list, like, top. -It looks fake to me. -It looks fake. It looks like a screensaver or something, right? -Yes, it does. -Yeah. So, all week, the weather was just -- it was just terrible. And it was like, you know, how they have the predictions, like the Aurora predicti
ons. -Yeah. -So on the last night, it was the best possible condition, so we're like, "Oh. Maybe we'll get to see it." Well, one of my sweet managers, Bobby -- he's backstage. He's such a champ. He's like -- he went into dad mode. He's like, "I know you want to see the Northern Lights, kid." [ Laughter ] And we were all so, so tired from this, like rigorous shooting, but he's like, "If you want to go see the Northern Lights, I'll take you." We got the rental van. "It looks like the clearest spot
's gonna be about 2 1/2 hours from here, but we can do it." I was like, "I mean, YOLO, Bobby. Like, we only live once." -Yeah, yeah. YOLO, Bobby. -So, Bobby and I, like, we loaded up in the passenger van, um... and we drove like 2 1/2 hours. We had a really early call time the next morning, so we were like, "But we got to see the Northern Lights. We got to do this," you know? "We got to just see it through." -Of course. -So we're like, we're driving, we're driving. I mean, it's like -- there's n
ot a soul out there. It's pitch black. We're just going, going, going. Hour passes by, two hours, we're like, "Are you seeing them? Um..." Yeah. We're like, "Wait. Is that --" We saw, like, a faint -- We were like, "Is that -- is that -- No. That's not -- Is that them?" -That's -- The sun's rising, yeah. -So we're like, "Should we just go -- just a little further. Just a little further." And so we went a little further, and we're like, "I think -- I think maybe that's them. I think that's them."
-I think it's good enough. -Sure. Like, we saw a little -- and I was like, "All right, I'll take it." So we just were like, "All right, it's late. We got an early call time in the morning." So we're speeding back. We're speeding back to the hotel and just taking our little Northern Lights experience and just, you know, trying to be satisfied enough with that. -Yeah. -About two weeks later, Bobby gets something in the mail, and, um, apparently, we broke the law in Iceland. So, um... -What happen
ed? -Well, we got a speeding ticket. [ Laughter ] -By mail? -By mail. And it was a printed-out piece of paper, and it was only -- it was $10, so it was kind of -- It was worth it, obviously, but, uh -- but yeah. So I actually framed it for Bobby for Christmas. Um... [ Laughter ] But what's funny about it is, they included a photo. I never saw anything take our photo. But if you want to show them. -This is -- -You can see -- You can see us in the van. Can you zoom in a little? [ Laughter ] -Are y
ou kidding me? -Okay. Lookit -- Lookit Bobby's face. -Look at Bobby. -Come down here. So, look at Bobby. [ Laughter ] He's like... -He's like, "Those Northern Lights were fantastic." -Yeah. And we always make fun of him because he sighs so loudly. He's like -- [ Sighs deeply ] [ Laughter ] Sorry, Bobby. But anyway, he's sighing in this picture, and I'm just, like, along for the ride, yeah. -Yeah. Why not? Go for it. Uh, you -- big news. You just announced that your "Deeper Well" world tour is ki
cking off. A world tour. We'll get to see you on tour. It's gonna be great. -It's gonna be fun. -April 28th. April 28th, it kicks off in Dublin, Ireland. -Yes. [ Cheers and applause ] -Dublin is a fun place. -Oh, my God, I love Dublin. I love Ireland so much. The Irish people are so fun. You know? And they love country music and songwriters over there. I think there's, like, you know, kind of a kindred spirit between traditional Celtic folk music and kind of bluegrass and folk and country. And s
o we always have an amazing time there. So I'm so excited to kick it off in this beautiful little theater there. -Congratulations. "Deeper Well," world tour. -Yeah. [ Cheers and applause ] In honor of your tour kicking off in Ireland and St. Patrick's Day coming up, I thought we'd maybe toast with a couple... -Oh! A wee little pint. -With a couple Guinnesses. -Is this real? -This is real. -Are you gonna chug it? -No. -Okay. -No, just a sip for good luck. -Cheers! -Kacey Musgraves, everybody. Con
grats. Good luck. Break a leg, break a leg. Congratulations. Kacey Musgraves! "Deeper Well" is out at midnight tonight, and she performs for us later. We'll be right back with Deion Sanders. ♪♪
