
Катя Лель: «Мы – новые существа» // «Скажи Гордеевой» - Wall Street English изучай английский язык в любое время в любом месте, от А0 до С1. В феврале получи скидку 35% + 10 уроков в подарок, оставив при регистрации промокод “GORDEEVA35 “ А ещё пройди бесплатный тест на уровень владения английским языком USmall – косметика и брендовая одежда напрямую из магазинов Америки: Дополнительная скидка 15% на всё до 13 февраля по промокоду GORDEEVA-15 НАСТОЯЩИЙ МАТЕРИАЛ (ИНФОРМАЦИЯ) ПРОИЗВЕДЕН, РАСПРОСТРАНЕН ИНОСТРАННЫМ АГЕНТОМ КАТЕРИНОЙ ВЛАДИМИРОВНОЙ ГОРДЕЕВОЙ, ЛИБО КАСАЕТСЯ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ ИНОСТРАННОГО АГЕНТА КАТЕРИНЫ ВЛАДИМИРОВНЫ ГОРДЕЕВОЙ ПРОСМАТРИВАЯ ЭТО ВИДЕО, ВЫ ПОДТВЕРЖДАЕТЕ, ЧТО ВЫ ЯВЛЯЕТЕСЬ СОВЕРШЕННОЛЕТНИМ. ЕСЛИ ЭТО НЕ ТАК, НЕ СМОТРИТЕ ЕГО. О ком и о чём этот выпуск: Катя Лель — российская звезда нулевых, спустя двадцать лет вошла в топ-3 Spotify, обогнав Тэйлор Свифт. Люди по всему миру, поддавшись джагомании, надевают на голову меховые шапки и поют «Мой мармеладный, я не права». И это спустя два года после начала полномасштабной военной операции России в Украине, которая, помимо жертв, повлекла за собой десятки санкционных списков и кенселинг самых разных представителей России по всему миру. Почему Лель удалось то, что не получалось у других, что она будет делать с новой волной славы? И причём тут инопланетяне (это важно!) Мы встретились и подробно всё обсудили. #скажигордеевой #катялель #джагаджага Содержание: 00:00 Катя Лель — самая популярная россиянка в мире 2:08 Что такое джага-джага? 2:47 «Дочка Милы Йовович и Лиз Херли» — кого захватила Джагомания 3:26 Легальный способ продлить жизнь (чуть-чуть) 6:58 «Мой мармелад», — что слышат иностранцы в песне Кати Лель 8:33 «Моя астролог предсказала мировой успех за 2 месяца до всего» 10:40 Сколько Катя Лель заработала на песне «Мой Мармеладный»? 11:31 «Не воевать и не убивать» 14:34 «Нальчик дал мне силу» 16:05 «Время петь исцеляющие мантры» 17:26 Как инопланетяне впервые установили контакт с Лель 18:56 «Зубы забрали для эксперимента созвездия Орион» 20:53 Может ли качество равняться цене? 23:04 «Зубы мне, конечно, не вернули» 25:17 «Я ставлю божественный купол золотистого света своей стране, когда просыпаюсь» 25:43 Куда пропадала Катя Лель 27:02 «Лев Лещенко мой второй папа» 29:53 «Ты должна звучать приемлемо для народа» 32:02 Как связаны будущее России и «Мой мармеладный» 33:58 «Мне не нужен вокал, мне нужен твой сип, хрип и индивидуальность» 37:03 «Мне ничего не платили в начале карьеры» 38:03 Как Максим Галкин спас Лель 39:36 «Я не могу быть любовницей, меня это разрушает» 42:18 «Или ты со мной, или война. И началась война» 44:11 «Я продала душу свету, и очень давно» 46:32 «Я не поддерживаю отношения с Максимом Галкиным» 47:12 «Я выступала на линии огня» — о поездке на СВО 49:30 «Я поехала туда, чтобы помочь им обрести веру и силу духа» 50:48 «Я вне политики. Я не могу говорить о войне» 52:12 «Они открывали мне рот и вливали лекарство» — невероятная история с урока хора 55:18 «Мы создания инопланетян» 56:31 «Год назад я решила развестись» 59:29 «Скажите, у вас есть ваш мармеладный? Можно я буду?» 1:00:44 «Мой муж Игорь украинец. Его друзья из Украины перестали общаться с ним после начала войны» 1:02:15 «У бывшего мужа были проблемы с алкоголем и не только» 1:06:41 «Вселенная готовит мне человека на моих частотах» 1:08:37 «Я из Флоренции не дала своей бабушке умереть» 1:09:58 «В плече выросла плацента» — как Катя Лель лечит людей 1:13:00 «Дайте мне эту возможность» — о знакомстве с Максимом Фадеевым 1:16:18 Как Мария Захарова написала песню для Кати Лель 1:18:46 «Фадеев предлагал уничтожить «Мой мармеладный» 1:20:35 «Кати Лель больше нет» — как закончилась война Кати с Александром Волковым 1:23:21 «Коля Басков извинился передо мной» 1:25:46 «2024 год очень кармический» 1:26:21 «Я продала машину и бриллианты, чтобы купить песню Макса Фадеева» 1:32:06 «Ничего нет страшнее, когда тебя не выпускают на сцену» 1:33:36 Почему инопланетяне не стали помогать Кате Лель с карьерой? 1:36:15 Меха, икра, нефть и душа — русский стиль 1:37:10 «Может Бог дает нам эту войну для чего-то?» 1:37:54 Что Катя Лель будет делать дальше? 1:38:41 «Я знаю, что завтра всё изменится в моей жизни» 1:40:55 «Можно сфабриковать всё, что угодно» Катя Лель Катерина Гордеева Инстаграм: Твиттер Вконтакте: Сотрудничество: Максим +7 (926) 058-51-67 (Telegram, Whatsapp)

Скажи Гордеевой

2 months ago

AGE LIMIT 18+ THE VIDEO IS NOT, AND IS NOT INTENDED TO, PROPAGANSISE ANYTHING NOTIFICATION AT THE DEMAND OF THE RUSSIAN AUTHORITIES THAT THE MATERIAL WAS CREATED AND DISTRIBUTED BY A FOREIGN AGENT When was the first time you had contact with extraterrestrial civilizations? Why are we not being told about this? Why is this happening to me? What is "jaga-jaga"? I don't know how to live my life. I'm ready to start from scratch. I've made my choice, so it's obvious. You live in your country, you can
't find justice. - Well, you didn't give concerts in the SWO zone. - Why didn't I? He showed me the napkin and immediately burned it. God, how much is this song worth? I respect Kolya for that kind of thing. Why, do you hope to outlive them? If you don't believe it, it's better to keep quiet. My hands started itching really badly. And they started to turn red. You can tell everything about a person from their teeth. KATYA LEL SINGER Katya, you are in the top 3 Spotify viral videos worldwide. Tha
t means you are the most popular Russian citizen in the world today. Citizen. Citizen, definitely of Russia. So we have invited you to this beautiful Russian-style house, to talk about what Russia is like today. What it expects, what it wants, and what we can expect from it in the future. You know what I like about it, Katyusha? That the association of the Russian woman and Katya Lel is absolutely directly related. Somehow for them it is a luxurious Russian woman, in furs, in hats, in fur coats,
with painted lips, with makeup, with big glasses on the eyes. And someone is posing in front of the Kremlin, someone is holding red caviar or black. So it's amazing, the fact that this incredible miracle is happening today. What is "jaga-jaga"? It's "hey, what's up? " Everything is jaga-jaga, it's slang. What language is it in? Well, it doesn't matter what language it's in. In fact, somebody wrote to me the other day and said, "Do you know that ‘jaga-mat’ is ‘the Universe’ in Sanskrit?" Can you
imagine the signs behind it? Jaga-mat - jaga-jaga. But in general, jaga-jaga is a very flavorful pronunciation, isn't it? - Jaga-jaga. - But I keep thinking there's something about it... - What? I also like the "j-j" in all these combinations. - Forbidden. - Nothing like that. - 18+. Nothing like that, no. For me it's tenderness and joy, it's friendship. That's all jaga-jaga, it's the best of this universe. Try mwah-mwah. Try jaga-jaga. Try ooh-ooh. I need it, need it. Which cosplay is your fav
orite? Milla Jovovich's daughter, she did it very deliciously in Russian, just a copy of her mom, only 16 years old. And Liz Hurley, of course. And she's in Courchevel with her friends. And I didn't even get it was her at first. - They say to me, "Have you seen it?" - I said no. "Come on, how could you not? You're what? It's such a popular video." I said, "Wow, it's beautiful, what a pleasure." Especially when you like these actors, of course, it's very treasured, very valuable. COMMERCIAL BLOCK
TELL GORDEYEVA KATYA LEL So this is the third peak of popularity in your career? What was the first? Uh, "Peas". Yes, the first Gramophone, that's right, in the year 2000. Then "My Marmaladny", the platinum album "Jaga Jaga". Yes-yes. And now again. Exactly 20 years later. People didn't even realize what was going on. They were like, "Is this serious?" I'm like, "Well, I guess so." "What's going on, why?" "What's all this hype around the world?" "What have you done for this?" "Is there any way
to get this up and running?" I say, "No". "Is there any way to pay for it?" No. And how did it happen? Do you remember the second you realized you woke up famous again? My daughter said to me, "Mom, every second social media post is 'My Marmaladny'." I said, "Are you kidding me?" She said, "No, open, open. Open TikTok." Whether you can call it that, I don't know. And really. Then when clips started coming in from all over the world, just a mad frenzy, a jagamania that snowballed all around the w
orld. And I just saw China tonight. It's just awesome! Asia! Such boundless love! I was told that America has gone crazy, the teenagers there are all in chaos, translating every word, asking the Russians to tell them exactly what the word means. They thought Marmalade, "my Marmalade, I'm wrong". I'm singing to marmelade. Why am I singing to marmelade? Well, also "marmalade" is a description of a man. And what is the connection with the fact that today all the countries where the video is popular
are considered unfriendly in Russia? It's amazing. First place Finland. Yes, yes, yes. There's a divine purpose here. And everything that's happening today, it can't be explained. Because you and I are energy. And everything that is happening in the world today is energy. And if we look at all not from our consciousness, but from our subconscious. When new energies from above are uploaded for us, for our unity in the energies of light and love. And look at what is happening today. People, no ma
tter from what country of the world, they are singing, because there is the energy of love, there is the energy of warmth in this song. And what is it? Whether it is codes or vibrations, but something beckons them in Russian, they want to sing it. And subconsciously they do it, they sing it and move. It's incredible what's going on right now with this kind of flow craziness. And it's just energy. I'll let you in on a little secret. Just a couple months before, my friend, the famous astrologer Sv
etlana Dragan said to me, "What did you have 20 years ago exactly?" I said, "Well, what did I have? Mega-success, ‘My Marmaladny’, the platinum album ‘Jaga-jaga’. And she said, "Listen, you have the planets on the date of birth so that the success will be the same now as it was 20 years ago, only on a global scale. So your planet is under the protection of the White Moon. And this is the intention of the higher forces. And everything that is going to happen is unconscious. And when it has alread
y happened, she writes to me at night, "How are you?" It's amazing, yes. So you and I are absolutely programmed by the date of birth. All the events in our lives are programmed for us. We just feel like we can change our destiny, we think, and so on. - No, it's all for us. - So there's no way to reprogram? No. Everything is programmed. Another question is how we go to this path, with what thoughts, good deeds and so on. This matters a lot. Have you already had offers from foreign music labels? T
hey appeared immediately, literally the next day, from Sony Music in the US, from Universal in the UK. - About collaboration, of course. - And you what? I send them all to Max Fadeev, because he is the copyright holder of this song, and I would say that he is the only author in our country who sells songs for very big money, the biggest money, and gives the performer the right to perform. Performance rights only. So you're not getting any monetization from your popularity right now? No. I get fa
me and recognition all over the world. Like Max Fadeyev said, "Do you realize, this is the globe? And here on this globe, everybody knows "My Marmaladny" in Russian and Katya Lel". "Do you understand?" I said, "I do, but do you?" Katya, how does this fit together? On the one hand, you say that the most important things are happening in Russia now, that Russia has the most important destiny, and that Russia doesn't need anyone. Politicians in Russia say that we are in a state of enmity with the h
ostile West, there is a war on. But still Russian performers want to conquer the world. This hostile, uninteresting world. Wait, but this is happening, nobody is asking us about it. You see what happened to "Marmaladny"? It happened for us. Even in this way, we are brought together. I don't know, maybe humanity doesn't hear the universe or doesn't want to hear that it is necessary to live according to your likeness, according to goodness, not to do bad deeds, not to make war, not to kill. People
do not want to hear it. People continue to aggress and turn against each other for some reason. Maybe this is how we are being told from above to wake up in the end. Maybe we are connected through some creative people. So it's not you and I who determine it, it's determined for us. We will be united despite everything. And how do you feel, this fatigue over two years, maybe the realization that something wrong is happening, is it in Russia? I think there is a worldwide realization that things s
hould be different. There should be peace within us and above us. People should not suffer, there is this realization. Who does it depend on? Probably on ourselves. At least you know, that we are talking about such important things today. Maybe someone will understand something, realize something after listening to us. Maybe the energy he lacked... You know, it often happens in my experience, when you're on set and people who are just sitting in the audience suddenly discover something they hadn
't noticed before. People write to me, the younger generation, "Katya, something, some kind of puzzle has formed, thanks to your energy, to your stories. A puzzle of what I didn't understand, what I didn't have in me, but suddenly that came into my life. I'm very grateful to you for that." I mean, everything that happens today seems like an accident. No, there are signs all around us. We are given signs from above, we are sent signs from above. - Well, give me an example. - We're talking. And th
e person who will listen to us, maybe something very bright will awaken in that person. We will unknowingly change something in his consciousness with our energies. You see? Today we all depend on each other. And the person who decides someone's fate, maybe someone wants to do something bad to someone, he won't do it. He will think, "Maybe I'm going somewhere wrong, maybe I need to think differently, through good deeds and doing good deeds and not destroying what I wanted to destroy." So I belie
ve that every word that is spoken is a great energy. It's power, the power of the word, the power of the sound. Please describe the kind of Russia which you love. Well, of course, it's the years of the 70s, when I was born. It's a carefree future. It would seem it's definitely... - Were you born in Nalchik? - I was born in Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria. Where there are mountains, there are hospitable people. There are traditions. And people treat each other very warmly. And it seemed to me that th
is would always be the same everywhere. And when I came to Moscow and realized that you don't even know your neighbors in the stairwell, and how it is that people don't even say hello, I was very surprised. I say, "Hello", they say, "Hello", so cold. God, why is it weird for them, why don't they want to communicate? So these are different-different spaces energetically. And I realized that there is also a very necessary component in this. An open heart, hospitality, the joy of communication - th
is has been absorbed in me since my childhood. And that's how we lived in our house, where the house was full of guests, where there was always music. And that is why I am glad that I was born in the city of Nalchik, in such a beautiful place. "Nalchik" is a horseshoe of happiness in translation. And the city is surrounded by mountains, so there are no strong winds. And it is, of course, a wonderful place, where the energy of the mountains is so strong. And it is not for nothing that they say, "
Where you were born, there you were useful". That is the place of power, where you were born, it is not so simple. Our ancestors lead us there to give you the energy you need. So mantras suddenly appeared in my life when I came to Bali, to a brahman retreat who asked me, "Who are you in this earthly incarnation?" And he is so miraculous, like an old man from a fairy tale. Two such people in the whole world who read your destiny on palm leaves and, if you want, the day when you leave this earthly
path. And he was in Bali at that time, I was lucky enough. He said, "Who are you in this earthly incarnation?" I said I am a famous singer in Russia. He looked at me like that and said, "You are a healer". "You are a healer of human souls in this incarnation and in the previous one." "And you should chant mantras." And he said, "When you go back home, you will get information." As soon as I flew home, I was contacted from America from a spiritual mystic and leader, Dr. Joseph Michael Levry. And
they told me the same information. "Your time has come." "You and I must chant healing mantras in different languages." In Sanskrit, Hebrew, Hormuk, English and Russian. Which we did by releasing it on the worldwide Sony Music label. Do you realize what's happening? We are being led from above. Everything is for us. Everything is predestined. Well, that's it. These healing mantras help people. Those who listen to them, they change our vibrational field. At the level of the human DNA. When was t
he first time you had contact with extraterrestrial civilizations? When I was 16. What was it like? After the glow outside the window, my teeth disappeared, three teeth. We were just sitting in a company at home, laughing. And there was a very bright glow that everyone saw. And then I woke up after everything and everyone was staring at me. I said, "Why are you looking at me?" Everyone had fear in their eyes. The private house in Nalchik where we lived. And they left a memory for my sister. - Ir
ina? - Yes, Irina. "Open your mouth, you have no tooth." Very deliberately. I said, "What the hell are you saying? Are you crazy?" So she made me go to the mirror, and when I saw it, I couldn't believe my eyes. Such distance at the bottom. No pain, no blood, healed holes. And on the other side, a little less distance. It was just a shock for me, of course. And then life was divided into before and after. - Did you see them? - Of course I did. - How do they look? - They're different. They can rei
ncarnate into a biochemical, energetic body. If you think all this does not change your life, it changes a person's life very much. Because you ask yourself the question: Why are we not being told about this? Why is this happening to me? Why did they take my teeth? No pain, no blood, with roots. No, why the teeth? Why not hands, not ears? Because it's our DNA. It's our chip. - Where? In the teeth? - Of course. You can tell everything about a person from their teeth. So, when suddenly the next da
y ufologists came to you, who had received information that day, contactors, who knew that at such an address, from such a girl, her teeth were taken for an experiment, Orion constellation. And these people had come the next day, and they were standing like this with a note in their hand, and they said, "Is that you?" And they said to me, "Can we go to the place where the object landed?" They brought all kinds of frames to measure. It was such a shock to me. I believed up until a certain point t
hat I would be able to forget all this and not tell anyone about it. So the teeth were there, now they're gone. Life goes on, after all. How can you live without teeth at 16? Can you imagine? With roots, yes. You've never had any teeth pulled at all. And when I heard this with my own ears from these ufologists. - And they showed me the notes… - What do ufologists look like? Well, they were tall, they were big, kind of weird. I said, "Okay, come on in, take a measurement." Oh, so they're just men
? Both women and men. And where the object landed, there was the whole burnt center. Before that, there were daisies and oak trees. And where the oak trees were, everything was burned. And the daisies were burned under the same angle, in a circle. They were all on the same angle where the object landed. And suddenly I realized that I was very scared inside. And I said to myself, "What's wrong?" "What's bothering you? What frightened you?" And I couldn't explain it. It was beyond me. I mean, they
put this fear in you. It's inexplicable, like you're never coming out of there. It's just horrible. I say to these ufologists, "Help me, please, I'm so scared." "You have energy for sure, if you have hypnosis, as you say." "Please help me to take away this fear." He ran this way down my throat and here on my head, and he said, "I can't do anything, you have such a strong flow of energy." "I can't do anything." COMMERCIAL BLOCK TELL GORDEYEVA KATYA LEL What do aliens look like? There's all kinds
of them. There are small ones. For example, when I woke up, two or three days after the teeth were taken, On one side of the white wall was an imprint. It looked like a small palm, smaller than mine, like a child's, with four fingers. And above the palm there was a triangle, another triangle with a circle inside, and above that there were smaller triangles with a circle inside. This is symbolism, these are signs, that they put. And then I started to see a glow. That means you are lying in the d
ark, you are afraid, just insanely afraid, so that they would not come and take you away. And you say to yourself, "Just relax, sleep". - You can't sleep, you can't eat, you can't laugh. - So it's an unpleasant experience? You see, it's an unknown experience, we don't know what it is and why it's happening to you. So this fear is above you. They're sending you such energy that you can't control energy. And then they see how you can take it. You will fall into low frequencies, into frequencies of
darkness, or you will say, "I am not afraid, I am with God, I am going to the light." So it turns out that they are not very good after all? They're from different civilizations. There are plenty of them. Different constellations. I had them from Orion, those who took teeth. So... They are very tall, beautiful. Blond-haired, blue-eyed. They are certain races. And each one of you and I belong to them. We are not just humans, we are also with their DNA. We will soon find out about it. - Did they
give you your teeth back? - No. They didn't. Of course not. I had to have them put in. How many did they take, 3 in total? That's enough, that's enough, I beg you, Katya. I just wonder what they're doing with them now. I think we'll find out very soon. How? We have contactors. - People who communicate with other civilizations. - And you no longer do? I do it all the time, they're with me all the time. I feel them telepathically, energetically. They pump new energies into my vocal chords, into my
hands. I can feel it all. Is there anything you can ask them? It depends. Anything global? I ask them every day. What for? I send light to every planet and every person who lives on it. I put a golden colored divine dome on my country when I wake up. I want us to live in peace and harmony. How have you handled this 20-year lapse in popularity? It was hard. It's not the lapse, it's that I wasn't allowed on stage. - Who was keeping you off? - A number of people, a lot of people. Is it about your
first husband? Not my husband, my producer. But he was a civil husband, wasn't he? Well, you could call it that, yes. Yes, that's where it all came from. It's a very big story with big life lessons. And I am very grateful to him for that today. And I realize that without that serious life experience, I would not be so new today, in spiritual development, in awareness. Because it was life experience that gave me an understanding of the line between life and death. It was so hard, Katya. When you
wake up and you don't understand how to fight this world. It's so unfair to you. For a lot of money, for a lot of connections, you just brutally destroyed. Just because you didn't want to be a mistress anymore. And you had the right to start your own family and to have a child in a legal marriage. Somebody really didn't want it. And the person just said, "Come on, I'm gonna destroy her everywhere." I will close everything to her, she will have nothing to eat. But he put it differently, "She will
have nothing to eat, she will come to me on her knees". Let's start at the beginning. - You show up in Moscow. - Yes. And almost immediately you find yourself on backing vocals with Lev Leshchenko? No, I got to the contest of young singers, I became a laureate in Gorky Park, where I met Lev Valerianovich Leshchenko at the gala concert. He is my teacher and second father, whom I love very much and thank him for everything. And he invited me to the music agency as his student, who in the middle o
f his program performed her five written songs, of her own composition. And there was a moment when in St. Petersburg, after a concert, I heard people running up to Lev Valerianovich and saying, "What an amazing student!" And I heard Lev Valerianovich say to me, "Child, come here." And I was so stunned. I thought that this was the end of my creative work. And he looked at me and said, "Well, child, I will study with you." "I believe we'll make it." And that was the happiest day of my life. When
I realized that this is the chance was given to me from above. And here I have this chance to be what I want to be in my favorite profession. And then, Lev Valerianovich said to me, "Don't you mind..." Or rather, "Would it be a problem for you to help me with backing vocals besides your solo numbers?" I said, "Lev Valerianovich, it will be a great experience and a great joy for me." What kind of man is he? Lev Valerianovich is a unique man. There are no people like him. You know, this kind of up
bringing. He's so pure, he's so decent. There's a reason they call him the Kremlin Nightingale since those times. I think the Kremlin Nightingale is another one in our country. No, no, no. The Kremlin Nightingale. And he, no matter - cold, hungry, sick, he always came on stage and came out handsome. He has been giving himself completely to the audience. And I've learned that from him. So when I told him about my problems, of course he said, "I don't believe it." "It can't be, people can't behave
like that. I know them well." So why didn't he help you? - He did. - Did he? Of course he did. I'm very grateful to him. In what way? He put me in touch with the right people, who defended my position honestly, without money or secret intrigues behind the scenes. Then you had a producer, Aizenshpis. Alexander Volkov appeared first. Alexander Volkov was the first to appear? Yes, of course, Lev Valerianovich introduced me on Old New Year's Eve. Sasha was very fond of show business. And he was the
first who organized tours in Germany, when our Soviet artists had not yet entered there. And Sasha was already living in Germany, about 30 years at that point. He was a German citizen and a citizen of Monaco. So he was a self-sufficient man. He had the best Japanese restaurants in Baltschug, in London. He was a big smart man, a very talented man. And when Sasha saw me, Lev Valerianovich introduced us, and that was it - he just finally fell in love, irrevocably, and realized that it was his drea
m to be near Katya. But Katya was very young and... - So you were 20 at that time? - 22. Katya was very young and very careful. It can't be, a man 24 years older than me. A big, grown-up, family man and so on. And I was even afraid to be around him. But he had spent a year trying to get me. And he realized that the only way he could be with me was to be in my dream. - What do you mean in your dream? - In music. And Lev Valerianovich said, "Sasha, help us. The girl is talented, help us." "Enter h
er dream." Which Sasha did. And for eight whole years, he and I had been working towards this mega-success by any means. We were told everywhere that it was not the format and so on. Radio stations wouldn't take it. And then Yuri Shmilievich Aizenshpis appeared. And Aizenshpis gave you a new name? I made up the name when he appeared. He said it should be euphonious, short. - So was it you or him? - No, it was me. He told me to get different translators. I got English, French, Italian. "Go ahead
and study whatever is close to you, associations." "But you have to be euphonious and very memorable." And my girls and I thought it up, my friends from the fashion world, and finally I said, "This is Lel". "This is an image from Rimsky-Korsakov, from 'The Snow Maiden'." The image of love. It's so simple. I've always liked the letters "L" and "E," the consonance, since I was a kid. I realized - it's Lel, just Lel. And it's the god of love in different mythologies, it's euphonious, it's short. An
d Yuri Shmilievich said, "Yes, okay, come on. Katya Lel." - "And you should be Katya, purely Katya." - And why Katya? Because no matter how old you are, whether you're 70, 80, 90, you'll always be young, you'll be Katya, not Ekaterina. "That should sound acceptable to the people", as Yuri Shmilyevich told me. "Katya, Katya" - acceptable to the people. Did the Russian show business of the 90s remind you a little bit of everything that was happening in the country in the 90s? Of course, it did. I
don't know what year you were born. Do you remember Adidas tracksuits? Do you remember those commercial tents? Those tents where the songs were played on the Arbat, the tapes were sold? And it was certainly something, an incredible time. - I loved that time. - Did you? On the one hand... No, I loved it because they used to say us that we would have a wonderful future. - Who told you that? - Don't you remember CPSU [it's ruling party]? As they told us, we really believed in it. Well, it wasn't in
the 90s. Well, it's a little earlier, it's from birth. When there were parades, May Day, celebrations, where all people were happy with each other, where everyone was somehow united, it was a different time. And I think that time is coming back now. It is embodied in the unity of people in the Russian and Soviet space. It has become more visible now, as it used to be, hasn't it? For a while there was a period when foreignness won over people's brains and minds. And now suddenly people have retu
rned to their Russian roots. Now the whole world is suddenly interested in Russia, strange as it may seem, but with the song "My Marmaladny". It seems to me that the song "My Marmaladny" is rather an exception, and the other way, the whole world is afraid of Russia and what it is doing. But this exception is very strong, very bright. It is this very exception, this very bridge that is suddenly being built between all the people of the world, and we are united in the energies of love. It doesn't
matter through what, through what song, through what energies, musical energies. It's the instrument that flows easily through our consciousness, through vibrations, through energies. It is not so easy, it is a purpose from above for the Russian language. I believe that Russia has a great future. I believe that we are being prepared for it through the energies of music. Let's go back to the '90s. - So there were people in tracksuits... - Well, no, they weren't in tracksuits. They were quite... -
Stylish, fashionably dressed. - Without man-purses? No man-purses. But they had pagers. - Oh, my God. - Yeah, it was unbelievable. I had a pager, I remember, four eights, four sevens. Oh, my God! That was huge. There were no phones back then, by the way. It's not the same world! And of course, there was a lot of bravado, people really wanted to express themselves in those days. And on the one hand, it was kind of funny, and on the other hand, well, it's growth, growth of people, civilization, p
eople going from a different consciousness to a greater consciousness. - What were you singing then? - I was the most requested artist. "I Miss You" or "The Best of Men", "Champs Elysees", my first songs. "Lights, lights, there are lights in the sky", that's the first hit. And under Yuri Shmilievich Aizenshpis this song was born. And a very special story. I caught a cold, so bad that I couldn't talk, I had a fever. And we were waiting for the maestros to write a song. - The very first song that
I... - Was the song being ordered? Of course, this song, especially for this girl... - Who paid for it, Volkov? Or who? - Of course, Volkov. So it's a classic case when the producer is a lover, a daddy, was it called then? Well, I don't know, it's called that now, but back then it was probably called a loving person. A man who loves you and who is willing to pay for you. Why not? A loving person. - Okay. - Yes. So a loving person was paying for a song, but Aizenshpis did what? He was paying off
the channels with that money. At that time there were certain program fees, very big money. Yuri Shmilyevich went everywhere and gave this money for the rotation of the first clip and so on, for the rotation of the song. And no one was embarrassed that he was both your producer and of the band "Kino"? No, it was okay. But he was the best producer in our country who had a commercial mind. And he always said to me, "I don't need your singing skills." And it was very strange, surprising to me. "I n
eed commercial music." I said, "What is commercial music to you?" "Well, it's the kind of music that everybody will sing." And when I suddenly got sick, and the song came up, the song "Lights" was born, and he called and said, "Come to Matetsky's studio, we're going to record it now". I thought, "Can't he hear that I can't speak a word?" And he said, "No, you just come up, just take the lyrics, look at it." He was so very calm about it. And then I realized that the studio was already being prepa
red, and I realized that now I would be forced to sing in such a sick state, with a high fever. And my indignation inside was just, "How can they?" "Can't they understand that I'm not feeling well?" But he didn't care. He said, "I don't need your vocal skills." "Here's your sip, your wheeze, your personality - that's what I need." So I got up, I sang from the sheet from the first time, and I realized that it would stay forever. And who was making money at that moment: you, Aizenshpis or Volkov?
Well, when everything started, it was Aizenshpis. Because he was my first producer. - Yes, and Volkov paid? - Volkov paid. - Did you? - No, I didn't, I didn't get paid. I didn't even need the money. You know, when a famous person said to me, "What did you get out of it? You lived on a plane, you had five concerts a day. You were the highest paid requested performer at corporate events." I said, "Nothing". He said, "What an idiot". Because, "Don't you have any respect for yourself?" "Don't you ca
re?" I said, "You see, I didn't need the money, I just wanted to go on stage." I was so happy to go on stage and be in that space, in those musical energies that I've been striving for so long, that's my dream. I didn't ask myself the question, how much am I going to get for this? I didn't even know my prices. When people looked at me and said, "Wow, she makes so much money". I'm like, "Really? How much do I make?" I didn't even know how much I was getting paid to perform. I didn't care about th
at. Can you imagine? And when did you think that it was somehow wrong? When I realized that I was already forgetting my name because of fatigue, I was turning into a robot. When I was on my third flight of the day. I sat on the plane and cried. I was crying because I couldn't feel my arms or my legs. I was so tired, I had no time to live at all. I didn't know where I was. What space I was in? Was I on a plane? I mean, you know, such crazy fatigue, chronic, and everyone is waiting for you. Everyo
ne is tearing you apart. And all of a sudden Sasha said to me, "You should go congratulate people." I said, "Yes, but I have a fever." He said, "No, you have to do it." The director of the main TASS had an anniversary. And then there was the famous host Max Galkin, who saved the situation. I could barely get on stage. They tell me the name and patronymic of the person I should be congratulating. But of course, when I got on stage, I forgot everything. Because I had a high fever, I couldn't think
straight. My legs were splitting from exhaustion and fever. And I mixed up the name and the patronymic, and the whole audience, that was sitting there, very famous and respected people, were all like this, "Oh!". I was so embarrassed. And Max Galkin quickly saved the situation. He said this at that moment, "Well, actually, she's an alien, she came from another planet." "And she doesn't know at all that we have names and patronymics." "It doesn't matter. She did it sincerely." He just turned it
into a joke. And I realized I couldn't go on living like that. It was ruining me. And I said to Sasha, "Sasha, I have to get something as an artist, it's not right." "The universal law of energies." "I can't give everything, I have to receive something, otherwise I'll be sick all the time." "And that's why it's wrong." "What am I entitled to?" "Do I get anything for these concerts or do you only take everything for yourself?" So at that moment he had already started to make money on you? Insanel
y big money. Of course, he had. And I'll tell you more, I put everything in his safe with my own hand. - But you two lived together as a family, right? - Yes, of course. Did he have another family in Germany? He had a wonderful family in Germany. And he didn't hide the fact that he loved me, and they all knew it. And when I had already left him, he said, "My wife is asking you to come back to me, otherwise it's the end of everybody." Yes, I don't live with my wife, she's like a sister to me, but
I'm emotionally unstable." "When you're not around, I'm not alive." Why couldn't he get a divorce? That's the thing. He said that as a Jew he had made a vow and he couldn't divorce. I said, "Okay." "So give me a chance to organize my life." "I dream of a child, I dream of a legal marriage." "I'm a public person, I can't allow myself to live in this." "It destroys me." "I can't be a mistress." "I want a legitimate family, I have every right to it as a woman." And how many years did you live with
him as a mistress? 8 years. That's a long way, 8 years of life. And you were happy with him at first, and then you stopped? Well, I grew up. And I realized that this crazy success, which Sasha and I had been working towards for 8 years, had arrived. And Sasha did so worryingly... He liked to smoke one after another. When he heard the applause of the whole audience, when they wouldn't let me go on tour, and when they sang all the songs louder than me, when they called for an encore, he said, "We
ll, what am I in your life now?" I said, "Well, Sashenka?" "You're a man." "A self-sufficient, good man, whom I love and respect." He said, "No." "No, they all want to have you around now." "They're gonna take you away from me." That was it, and Sasha's peace in his life was over. As he said, "Now all the roses and diamonds in the world are at your feet". I told him I didn't want it. He said, "You don't know what you're doing." "You don't realize that with your love you're just deafening people.
" Did you love him? When I met him, I told him honestly, "I can't love you". He said, "I'm fine with that". So you spent 8 years in a relationship with a man you didn't love? No, wait, that's first. Then he fought for me with his tremendous determination, his tremendous drive. And I saw that we were a united whole. He was standing up for me. He cared a lot. And he did it sincerely. And he just generated these feelings of respect and love and gratitude in me. He absolutely saw that, so I had noth
ing else. And when Sasha realized that Katya had become wildly popular. I said, "Sasha, I'm ready to have a baby." "I'm almost 30 years old, I should have a baby." He said, "No, I can't." "Then let me go, let's work together as well. "I'm grateful to you for helping me in my life." He said, "No, it's either you with me or the war." And the war began. Did you have any doubt that it was love on his part? Because if a man takes revenge like that, it's unlikely he loved like that. I don't know what
it was. As a famous man said, "It was an obsession". He couldn't breathe without it. When you left, were you afraid? On the one hand, yes. On the other hand, I knew I couldn't go on like this. And I can't betray myself and my soul. If I can't be in this... The man was jealous, controlling, eavesdropping. He was constantly throwing you off balance because he didn't trust you. "I have your guards, your drivers." "You listen to my life every day. What more do you want?" Wait, so you left because he
was stalking you? Or did you leave because you wanted a baby and a marriage? It was stalking first, and then it was all of the above. How can you want to marry a man who stalks you? Well, that was before. "I'm ready, I'm a big girl. I want to get married." "I want to have a baby, that's my dream." So this whole struggle was for the baby, can you imagine? And now when I look at my daughter, I think, "God, it's such a miracle". And you fought so hard for it, you fought so hard for your happiness.
Probably every woman on this earth wants to fight for her child, because without that we can't see our future. Can you imagine a situation where you have a child with Volkov? I imagined it the other day, by the way. I thought if that happened, and God forbid, he would try to take my child away from me, it would be possible to just go crazy. It's very painful. It's very scary. Wait, if you had a child with him, you wouldn't be broken up with him, how would he try to take it away? I don't know wh
at Sasha would have done. But what I saw with my own eyes, what the war was like. Believe me, Katya, if I had seen through such a small hole what could have happened in my life, at least a tenth of what I was destined to go through, I would have simply run away to a desert island. It was impossible to live, it was unreal to bear. It was a very difficult way of life, a very big test. To sell your soul? Or to go in your own direction of light? You know, on this New Year's Eve the host announces me
. "And now a woman who has obviously sold her soul to the devil will come on stage." I was stunned to hear this. And adds, "Because she has not changed at all." "She's as young as she was 20 years ago." I go on stage and I told him, "You know, you're absolutely right." "I just sold my soul to the light a long time ago." I've made my choice, so it's obvious. If you can live, you can live in betrayal of yourself. You just mentioned the story of Maxim Galkin, whose name is not mentioned in Russian
show business now because he left the country in order not to betray himself. And how do you feel about him now, do you maintain relations? We don't maintain relations. But I treat it as the choice of each person, the choice of each soul. Today is the time when we cannot hide behind someone and wait it out, sit it out. Today our souls are being exposed and showing our true faces. So what is happening today is the choice of every soul. We see the true faces of people. And we cannot condemn it wit
h you. - Well, you didn't give concerts in the SWO zone. - Why didn't I? It was several cities. We flew to the military airport in Crimea, Belbek. And then we were driven for 4 days to different hot spots, several concerts a day in tank units, then in hospitals. And in Artemyevsk [Bahmut]. That is, we were in the line of fire. Up to the line of fire, and right in the line of fire. I came from the presidential administration. It was very difficult. I was worried not for myself, but for my team th
at was with me, because I was responsible for their lives. It was very scary, believe me. Everywhere we went, there were explosions. We go to a concert and there's an explosion. Before we even get there, there's an explosion. That's why it was scary. Why is it not mentioned in the press? I don't talk about it much, when they ask me, as you just did, I say, "Yes, I was there". This visit, was it your decision? I went to the president's office. And I said, "I'm a patriot of my country. I want to s
erve my country." "Are you ready to go?" I said, " Yes, I'm." That was in July of that year. In August I went right away. So if you are a patriot of your country, if you care about the future of your country, you can't not perform there, you can't not go. Because when I went on stage. You can't call it a stage because it was different places where there wasn't much sound and where we were trying to plug something in so people could hear, feel comfortable. It is clear that there were no such oppo
rtunities. And when I saw those eyes filled with pain and the very young boys who were there, I had a lump in my throat and realized that my task was to do my best to make them open up, to make them relax. So that they could remember for a moment their relatives, their loved ones, so that they could feel for a moment the warmth from me. And to let that warmth go into their hearts. So that they could realize that they will come home alive and unharmed. Because faith is the most important thing in
our life. Without faith, nothing is possible. Do you have any idea why they are there? If you are a patriot, shouldn't you try to save as many young people as possible and not let them die? Sure, but you and I can't make a choice for them. But we can choose for ourselves. That's right, we can only choose for ourselves. That's why I was there, I made a choice for myself. But I can't tell other people to do it or not to do, if they were there, it means they have made a decision in their life. Wel
l, I don't think they made a decision, they are mobilized. Yes, mobilized. - So they didn't make those decisions themselves. - Yes, probably, yes. In general, the choice of each soul is such a profound issue. You know, when they say, "Why do children die?" Why do young people die, perish? It cannot be accepted by our mind, it is a very complex issue. Why is this happening? So it turns out that you went there without quite understanding why and for what they are warring there. I went there to hel
p them, to help them find faith and strength of spirit to go through this way. To support their spirit. Of course. What do the aliens want from us in general? They want to unite us. No doubt they are different, there are many civilizations. Some positive, some not so much. Naturally, like good and evil, there must be a balance in everything. And their purpose is to give us more knowledge. And today all the discoveries that are taking place in science - no matter in what, - They are the ones that
are giving us this knowledge. - What for? So that we become more realized beings, so that we reveal more, develop further. And what's next? The next thing will be the choice of each conscious soul, which is already happening today. If a person does not develop, the Earth will utilize him in some way. Maybe the aliens wil give an answer to the question, how people are going to the future, when all they have been doing lately is killing each other? How many wars are there on Earth right now? Many
. I confess, I'm out of politics, I don't understand politics. I can't talk about war situations because all I worry about is people. So that people live in harmony with themselves and are healthy and happy. So that they know that tomorrow there will be a stable new day where they can be protected. And I really want to believe that. Everything else, everything that happens above us, I realize is a rigid intention. It's given to us for something. Unfortunately. What do they do when they choose so
meone to be their contactor? Do you know anything about that? Well, it's obvious. The people they choose, they choose, first of all, energetically. Those who have access to that energy. If a person is not prepared, they can burn in their energies, because they are very high frequencies. And when this happened, this story... I didn't tell anyone. And all of a sudden we are sitting in a choir class where a hundred people are sitting, everybody is singing. And I started to have such an interesting
situation every day. When they were opening my mouth. It doesn't matter where you were, whether you were in the choir class, where I was sitting or wherever. They just had to do it, right then. They affected the receptors when you opened your mouth as if you were yawning, as if they put these iron flaps in your mouth. So you couldn't close your mouth. No way. Until they finished injecting the bitter-sour medicine on the left side where they took the teeth with the roots. So while this process wa
s going on, there was nothing to stop it. And here we were sitting in a choir class. The girl Katya, my friend was sitting on the left side, she started to fidget. I realized that's it, energetically I already felt them. I thought and said, "Not here, please, not now". Everything happens telepathically. She started crying, saying, "Someone is touching me". I said, "Katya, calm down, it's okay." A choir, 100 people, all singing. And I realized it's the end, they started to open my mouth, and now
everyone will see it. And I saw a crimson ray land right in the middle of the room, and then a yellow ray, and the rays started to change. Are you the only one who saw it? No, everyone saw everything, because when I came back, they were telling me all about it. I jumped up quickly and wanted to run out of the hall. Everyone stopped singing, they all scattered away from me. All 100 people in the choir. Except for my friends who came up and said, "You can't imagine, you get up, you have a crimson
ray above you, above your head." You're walking and there's sparks coming out from under your feet!" From that moment on, everybody knew the situation. And everybody started pointing at me and mocking me and laughing at me. And there was a boy, choreography section, who started laughing and saying, "You made it all up! Aliens! Ha-ha-ha!" I said, "Don't laugh, you shouldn't." But he didn't believe me. The next day, early in the morning, I came to the music school. He was standing on the steps on
his knees, it was totally serious. "I'm sorry, I won't do it again." "Tell them I was wrong, I won't do it again." Anyway, he had a really bad seizure. We called an ambulance, he was very sick. And he said, "I realized, you can't laugh about it." I won't do it anymore, I'm sorry. Apologize for me." - What happened to him? - He had a massive attack, a massive bowel attack. You see, you can't mock the people they have chosen. And condemn it in some form. I mean, if you don't believe it, it's bette
r to keep quiet. But there are situations when for some reason they somehow let people know that they shouldn't do that, they can't do that. And in what language do they speak to you? In russian. But I heard other languages the first time they contacted me... My sister and I were walking the next day, and I said, "Do you hear?" "Can you hear the three voices?" I don't understand their language. But some kind of galactic language. Female, male voices. "Do you hear them laughing right now?" She sa
id, "No". So they started to contact me, and I was very scared. I was very scared that they would take me there forever. And I categorically said, "I don't want to hear it. Don't want to." I mean, this fear is crazy in me. Then they started to... Energetically, you feel it, they touch you. It's like they come up to you, you see, there's nobody around, but you feel them touching you. And when they started to open my mouth every day at a certain time and pour in this medicine with a bitter-sour ta
ste. And this went on for a long time, for a whole year. You see... We are the beings here who can't control the situation. They control us. We're their creation. And what's happening in one's life, these discoveries. And what's happening in my life today. I realize I was prepared for this. Now you have a wedding ring on your left hand now. I don't have a wedding ring. My heart is free. I'm a free woman. And why, after all these years of seemingly happy marriage, did you get divorced? It was tim
e. It was a year ago. I made the decision a year ago. It was in advance, I just didn't talk about it. I had to mature about it. I wasn't ready. I had some fears, maybe some judgments and so on. And then I realized, what is there to be afraid of? It's your life. Nobody needs it but you. Yes, you're a public person, but you don't owe anything to anyone. If you're comfortable with it, live it. If it's uncomfortable, walk away. What's it like to get divorced at 49? You can get divorced at 109, what'
s the difference? - Isn't it scary? - I'm not scared, I'm not scared of anything. Is it true that when you met Igor, actually your last husband... He's my only official husband. ...he set you up on a romantic date in Odessa? The thing is, we met in Odessa. He lived in Odessa, and we met in Odessa. He's from Odessa. Yeah, his father was an admiral in the Navy. He passed away recently, God bless him. So it's an amazing story Volkov was from Odessa and Igor was from Odessa too. And I've always want
ed to go to Odessa. You know, it turns out I had karmic stories waiting for me there. So what was Odessa like on that day? We were on a plane with Vladimir Jr. Presnyakov... - Were you going to a concert? - Sure, I was going to mine, he was going to his. And he said, "After yours, come to mine". By the sea, great air, wonderful famous club. "You love my songs." I said, "Yes." And then I had no more energy, no strength. That was the time when I was doing several concerts a day, and I was living o
n a plane all the time. So I left Volkov in 2004. Yes. And it was already a very "interesting time", the trials were already starting. All the negativity was already in full swing. But were there still concerts? Yes, there were still concerts. - And in Ukraine there were concerts? - Of course there were. Well, it was a friendly country back then. - And now? - Now I hope it will be the same. Well, we have a different political position now, don't we, our country? The country, maybe, yes. I don't.
I love Odessa in general and always have loved, and it's a very wonderful place. Wonderful places, gorgeous. The other issue is when someone is sorting things out amongst themselves. Unfortunately, we are always hostages to situations that is happening in the world. It's not up to us. But the places remain as beautiful as ever. So, you came to the concert? Yes, I came to the concert. And after the concert, I don't want to go anywhere, I just want to sleep, but my sister said to me, "No, let's g
o, we need to relax, at least spend time by the sea." "Not only work should be". And there we met. When I was going to give flowers to Volodya on the stage, there was such a tall man... Oh, so it was you who came to Presnyakov's concert? And on the way to Presnyakov's stage a man said to me, "Tell me, please, do you have your marmalade [sweet man]"? I turned around and thought, "Who is this decisive, arrogant man?" I said, "No, why?" He said, "Can I be?" I was very surprised and thought, "What a
crazy man! To come up to me right now? "At this very moment when things are bad in my life." "When I'm in such a bind, and I'm banned everywhere." And only a person who's not normal would come to me, honestly. So that's it. But you know, I believe that you are destined to go through this karmic lesson from the past. But you have to complete in this incarnation, you have to have a child with this person. And you will give birth to a child from this person, because it is love, because it is neces
sary. It is necessary to complete these karmic relationships. I am very grateful to Igor for these 18 years of my life. This is a serious life experience that I had to go through. - Where is he now, Igor? - Still in Moscow. - But he's Ukrainian, right? - He's Ukrainian, of course. Despite the fact that he is Russian, born in Odessa, he is considered Ukrainian. And in Odessa at the moment when you met, no one oppressed him, he moved with you to Moscow just out of love? Well, he realized that if h
e wanted to be with Katya, he could only be with her in Moscow. Katya wouldn't move to Odessa. After February 24th, were there any difficulties in your family in understanding what is happening in Ukraine? It was a very difficult situation for Igor, I saw it. Very great pressure from people who live and have lived in Ukraine. And misunderstanding, condemnation. - Condemnation of him? - And his condemnation, and Russia's. And immediately all his friends from there and those people who condemned R
ussia were categorically away from him. Do you think that's unfair? I can't think anything. I'm a patriot of my country. I have my own vision of it. Everybody has a vision. The other thing is that it was very difficult to live for people who are from there and who love Russia and who are here. And who had to make this choice. And they made it. That's why Igor immediately lost all communication with his friends and with those people who were condemning Russia. It was very difficult for him, and I
could see that. And this whole situation is very stressful. It's so it's hard. Wasn't this the reason for your divorce? I think the reason was that I was uncomfortable with a lot of things. I was just looking at myself differently. Maybe I have already reached another spiritual level and state, because I have been working on myself and I have been doing meditation, breathing exercises, yoga, hatha yoga for about 13 years. And I have a different perspective on everything. I can look at any situa
tion calmly, without judgment, in harmony with myself and with this world. And to understand, is it comfortable for me to be with this person today? Does he respect you the way you want him to? Are you ready to endure these patterns of negativity? Are you comfortable with that? No, I'm not. So why are you around him? Why do you want to do this? Are you saving someone? What are you, Mother Teresa? He has his own vices that you can't live with. It's destroying me. So I made some tough decisions fo
r myself. I just woke up one day and realized I don't want to live like this anymore. That's it. Game over. It was very hard for me to do that. Yeah, we're used to each other, it's love. But I wasn't ready to live like that anymore. He made his choice too, he has not changed. I gave him chances, many chances, he wouldn't change. What did he have to change in himself? Well, just change the things that were destroying him and the things that were destroying me. Is this about alcohol? It's also abo
ut alcohol. That's why I can't be in it. For what reason? Are you comfortable living with it? I'm not. That's why I'm glad I made my choice. I'm grateful for all the lessons in life. And we had a very nice parting, hugging, kissing. "Thank you." "I'm grateful to you." We said to each other, "You have my blessing for a happy life." It's normal, we're civilized people. Why complain? Why the resentment? We have a wonderful daughter, a beautiful child of love. So I wish him happiness, I want him to
find his true self. I want him to live in harmony with himself, and I want him to be happy. And now he will go back to Ukraine? I don't think so. Of course not. Why not? Who's waiting for him there? These 18 years of life are already a completely different period, a big period. Everything is here. All of life is here. How did your daughter take the divorce? Calmly. She saw the whole thing, and she supported me. It took me a long time to make this decision partly because I was thinking about how
not to traumatize a child who is a teenager. But when she saw the whole thing, she said, "Mom, make a choice, you can't live with this." The kid wasn't feeling well, you know? If the kid feels bad, the mother feels bad, if the mother feels bad, the kid feels bad. These fears that women have, it's destructive, it's wrong. You can't earn your own bread? You're not a self-sufficient person? You have so much power, you are a divine creature. A woman is such a power by nature. You don't have to be af
raid of anything. Who told you that you have to put up with anything? Yes, there is a mind, there are two people who can reach an agreement. But if a person lives in destruction of you and to your detriment, and you suffer from it. Who needs such a life? Maybe there is someone in this universe waiting for you, and who will pray for you and thank you for every second of life with you. A conscious person, not for destruction, but for your good, to build each other up. You must live to honor yourse
lf. If you betray yourself, you will not respect yourself. Your physical condition will suffer. Because if you create energy blocks for yourself through emotional illnesses, you will destroy your physical body. But in the Russian tradition it is considered that nobody gets married at the age of 50. Oh, what do you mean? When was that considered? Back then. Now everything is different. Now there is a new consciousness of people, new energies of the Earth, new energies of people, thank God. We are
new creatures. - We live in new energies. - You mean you're in love? No, not yet, but I know, I believe that there will be that very man who will be worthy of me, and I will be worthy of him. And what will this person be like? At least in my energies, in the same frequencies. How do you determine that? You don't have a meter, do you? Actually, my friends who communicate with higher civilizations do have a meter. When your level of consciousness, is told exactly by frequencies. Your level of ene
rgy. If you feel comfortable with the person, you are on the same energies. But it happens, you do not know a person, he appeared for the first time in your field, and it seems to you that you've known him for a hundred years? It happens. One frequency, one vibration. And it happens that a person just irritates you, you think, "When will he leave?" You can't stand him. He's not doing anything wrong, but it's hard for you to be with him energetically. Because you are on different levels of consci
ousness, on different frequencies. - Can it be fixed? - It can. You can give a person a chance. I gave it. For a person to read the right literature, to communicate with the right people, with like-minded people, to get away from their destructive energies. A person should strive, learn new things, things that may be unacceptable to you, but at least try. Enter a new direction of your spirituality. Find yourself, first of all. Be in the energies of light and love. I need the energies of light an
d love. And my future person that I would meet will be such a person. And I believe in it, I know that the universe is preparing this person for me. That he will be with me on the same frequencies of understanding and light. Is this also a special sign? Yes, this is my friend from the Hamil civilization. It's a sign of the feminine energy. The flower of life. Harmony and balance. In fact, everything that we are and everything that surrounds us, the signs that we see, everything has a right to ex
ist. Everything is energy. Everything complements and harmonizes us. And what happens after death? There is no death. We just pass into a new quality, a new dimension. Our soul, it's immortal. Well, considering your connections, can I ask you, do you have any proof of this? Well, I was in a situation when my grandmother wanted to leave, and I didn't let her. I saw this... How to say it? Tunnel of light, and I was standing on the right side. She said, "I'm going to my people." I said, "No, you're
not." I just grabbed her elbow like this. I didn't let her go. She lived another six months. I was in Florence, and I saw it in a dream. And I called my mom and I said, "Mom, can you believe what I saw in my dream?" And mom said, grandmother woke up. She was paralyzed. Mom said, "She woke up and said that Katya wouldn't let me go there." I was in a different country at that time. So I have a connection, I see, I help. Weren't your men intimidated by your superpowers? Well, Volkov didn't believe
in it at all. He was very afraid of it. And so he would say, "I'd like to get inside your little head, read your mind." And he was, I think, a non-believer. But Igor, he was a believer and he shared it with me. He saw everything, he understood. One time he woke up and said, "What's wrong with you?" And they raised my hands like this, pumped new energy into me, and opened my mouth. He said, "Are you okay?" I said, "I'm fine, go back to sleep." So he also saw the alien objects outside the window.
He saw them following me wherever I went. And he's gotten used to it in 18 years. I can help a person from a distance or energetically take away pain. When they took my teeth, they gave me the energy to heal. People who didn't know anything about it started coming to me and asking for help. I said, "I don't know how to do this." "No, you can do it, you just touch it." And I helped people. I mean, my friend's thrombophlebitis disappeared after I touched her four times with the Lord's Prayer. She
has no signs of it now. Aliens and the Lord's Prayer, what's the connection? The energy. The power of prayer is immense. Colossal, of course. That's why they gave me the energy. My hands started itching really badly. And they're turning red because there's a lot of energy in my hands that they gave me after they took my teeth away. I was very afraid and I said, "I'm not ready for this. I'm not ready. No." It took me 30 years of my life to accept that information. And when my costume designer su
ddenly fell off her bike and hurt her shoulder and arm so badly that she had to have emergency surgery. She had to have four or six screws put in and a capsule sewn in. And she said she needed a lot of money right away for the operation. And all of a sudden, I feel ashamed inside. I can help her, why do I not help her? So I said, "Lyuda, I'm not promising anything, but let me try." I recited the Lord's Prayer four times. And telepathically I got the information, she may not have the operation. S
he's 70% healthy. I told her this, but of course I knew it was hard to believe. She went into surgery. I said, "Well, call me in the morning." She called me early in the morning and said, "Katya, it's impossible, it's a miracle. The doctors did a scan, they said I don't need surgery. The placenta has grown between my arm and shoulder, and I'm fine." - Placenta? - Yeah. I said, I knew it. And now it's been three years. She is also working with me. I mean, I realized that... I feel like they're pa
ssing it through my hands, it's not me. I'm like a guide, they're putting this healing energy through my hands. And it's a different energy for each person, depending on what kind of healing they need. Yes, I have helped people I don't even know on the phone from deadly diseases. It's a fact. How did you end up at Maxim Fadeev? Who introduced you to him? This is a story that I felt. When I came to Moscow, I accidentally heard the singer Linda and Max Fadeev's music, and I thought how cool it was
. And I want, I want to sing his music too. I started looking for him through different possible people. For two years I was waiting for his call. And when it happened, He said on the phone, "Were you looking for me?" I said, "Wait, wait, don't hang up." "Just give me two minutes of your time, please." "I don't know how to live my life, I'm ready to start from scratch." When we met, I said to him, "Please give me this opportunity." And then he said, "I came here to tell you no." But there's some
thing sincere about you, you're real. I realized by the corner of his mouth smiling a little bit that he was going to give a positive answer. And when our producers, mine and his, he had a producer at the time, started discussing the financial component, Max and I as creative people were waiting for this process of discussing finances to end in the right direction. - And we said to them, "Easy, easy, let's..." - What do you mean "in the right direction"? Well, they were arguing all the time abou
t how much money it should cost. And if it goes to the top of the charts, how much extra? They're money people, financial people. Tell me, how does it work? So you pay for a song first? A song is written first. Do you pay first or does the song get written first? - Was there a prepayment? - I guess so. In my case, there were 10 or 13 tunes for the album. I read the lyrics and said, let's start with "My Marmaladny". I mean, I just liked the tune and I said, "Oh, let's start with that." And that's
how we started the process. How much did you pay for it? I'm not allowed to reveal these commercial secrets. Does it cost like a car or like an apartment? I don't know what a car and an apartment cost today. You're a lucky person. I'm far away from everything, you know. - Okay, first you pay some money. - Yes. Then a song is written. Yeah, I mean, "The Jaga-jaga" album was paid for. And then it went platinum, top-selling. And when it was already at the top of the radio charts, the producers arg
ued that if the song goes further, you'll owe me extra money. Who owes who? - Volkov to Fadeev? - Volkov. Then they were arguing with each other and we were like, "Look, let's just start this creative process after all." "We'll figure it out later, let's just start." And so we tried to calm down these financial passions, these disputes. And finally the process started. Is it like that with all the authors or is it only with Fadeev? Probably only with Fadeev. You have a long list of songs written
by famous people. For example, Mikhail Gutseriev. - You have a song "Gamma Beta". - Yes, I have. - Maria Zakharova. - Yes, we are friends. How does it work? Why do politicians and businessmen write songs for you? In the case of Mikhail Safarbekovich Gutseriev, a song was suggested. They sent me a song, I liked it, and that was it. In the case of Maria Zakharova, we met, we became friends. I told her my story, and she was very impressed. And she told me that she couldn't sleep, and she doesn't u
sually do that. She was so impressed by my life story. And she wrote a lyrics and sent it to me. - The song "In Full"? - "In Full". And then... That's why I think the universe can hear us. ...suddenly Sasha Lunev sends me his music. He's a very famous hitmaker who wrote "The Impossible is Possible" for Bilan. You won't believe it, but Masha Zakharova's lyrics and Lunev's music merge perfectly like one crystal. How can it be? Explain it to me. It's all programmed for us. You see? We are just guid
ed, led by our angels, or our patrons, or our curators - call it what you want. Is this resignation to fate and resignation to the higher powers a Russian character trait? It's not resignation, it's gratitude. If you wake up every day and thank the Universe and God for the fact that today you have another new day. That's how I wake up every day. I give thanks for the best new day of my life. I send love and light to every person who lives in this universe. I want people to live in harmony with t
hemselves and with this world. This is natural to me. Because every thought and every action we do is important. To become even better, even brighter. We are all very connected, we are all one energy. We are all links of one big chain. Another question is that these secrets are not revealed to us. There are so many sacred truths. We are all codes according to our date of birth. Symbols and signs rule this world. And everything that's happening in the world right now, there's a great plan behind
it. Surely you counted all these signs and codes when you started your relationship with Maxim Fadeev. You won't believe me, no. I wasn't well informed then. I felt it intuitively. And when we recorded this song with Max in Prague, suddenly the next day he said that he would write an even better one, and it would be better to destroy this song. And I realized even then, 20 years ago, that this was a test, a test of me, of my inner qualities. Would I give in to the genius Max Fadeev, would I beli
eve him? I trusted him and I trust him. I could have said, "Yes, of course, you will write a 1000 times better song, let's destroy it." But there was something inside in me. I told him, "Max, you're just in a bad mood." The next day I flew to Italy to go shopping. I still remember the moment when before the closing of the Roberto Cavalli store, I tried to convince Max that he was just in a bad mood. "Let's give it two days." "If in 2 days it will annoy you, we'll just destroy it." "But if it's t
he song of our lives, we will never forgive ourselves." And years later, when there were trials going on and I had to complete them. I happened to hear from Max, "Here's the singer Shakira, Universal made an offer for you to sing 'My Marmaladny' and 'Moosey-Poosey' with her in English." "And we had to turn them down because you have trials." And they said, "Well, you Russians are crazy." "Do you realize what we're offering you?" I said to him, "What did you say?" "And you're telling me this now?
After a while." I was very upset. Turns out he was on Volkov's side in the trials. No, Max is the person who first informed me about what was going on in my life, and I am very grateful to him for that. He called me and said, "We should meet". He knew everything was bugged, we were sitting in Sasha's restaurant. He just wrote on a napkin, "I will never betray you". He showed me the napkin and burned it on a candle. What were you both afraid of? You know, there was such a strong attack and such
psychological pressure on every person who was around. I'm very grateful to Max for being a human in that situation. He didn't betray me like so many other people did. It was a difficult way to get through it, to get over it and not to betray. What was the point of the trials? Sasha, as a German and Monaco citizen, wanted to deprive me of my right to work in the country. And he said, "I don't know how to hold you by the horns." "You're independent, you're smart, you're educated." "What can I hol
d you with?" I said, "You don't have to hold me down with anything." "I am who I am." "You know my thoughts." You can't hold a person by force if they don't want to be with you. And that's probably why Sasha fought so hard for me. He just felt comfortable with me. So what was the point of the lawsuit? He wanted to deny me the right to work in the country. What do you mean? Forbid you to sing your songs? I think he meant everything. And going on stage. What to wear on stage, he wanted to dictate.
But it was kind of weird. And in front of me the lawyers said to him, "Alexander Mikhailovich, it's not valid". But he said, "Okay, I'm paying you money. Do what I say." And these false accusations had to be proven for four full years of life. There were very difficult years of life. You wake up and on the main channels your picture is crossed out. "You're over," they say, "You no longer exist." And it said, "Katya Lel is no more". That's the kind of "miracles" were going on. You live in your c
ountry, you can't find justice. It's an interesting story. But I, as a decent, well-mannered person, I hoped that this lawlessness would stop. After all, a man should understand, he was a wonderful man. He was a good man, with correct and fair positions. Why did his perception of life suddenly change completely? - It's classic abusive behavior. - Yes, yes. I had to go through it. But now everyone knows the word "abuse", but back then it was the norm in show business? - Unfortunately. - Who prote
cted you? There weren't many people like that. Why? Everyone was scared, I understand them. There was a time when it was forbidden for my colleagues to even say hello to me. They were told, "You will have the same problems as her". Everyone turned their heads when they saw me, afraid to say hello. And now these people are congratulating you on your success? Not everyone. Well, they are embarrassed for some people. And I'm very grateful to Kolya Baskov, who was the only one who found the strength
to say, "I'm sorry, I was wrong". I said, "Why, Kolya, did you realize something?" When he didn't say hello to me. I said, "Oh, and you're afraid? You poor thing." He said, "I was wrong. I'm sorry." I respect Kolya for that kind of thing, I really do. Not everybody can do that, believe me. People are scared, they're hiding in the bushes. I understand them, I don't judge them. I took this life lesson very seriously. It was undeserved. But I realized that I couldn't go on living like this if I co
uldn't accept this situation and forgive him. And all the people who destroyed me and are still destroying me. - Until now? - Until now. Sasha gave a lot of money to some people. He gave someone a piece of his business that I didn't find out about this until years later. And they're carrying on his thing. He made someone take an vows to continue his work of destroying me. He was just a man with good connections and money. He was comfortable in that. When we talk about the Russian style, is it im
portant to have connections in Russia? More important than having money? In Russia it's very important to have connections, very important. I mean, I've been told stories where a door was opened with a foot and people of very high rank came into very large offices and said, "Let's cancel this girl until she comes running back". It was all about connections and big money. You can't do anything without big money. I think I'm going to write a book about my life someday. Of course, I often get offer
s. I say, "You know, as long as these people are alive, they'll find it very unpleasant to hear the truth about themselves." That would be wrong. Why, do you hope to outlive them? But I'm much younger than they are. Everyone has their allotted time on this planet. The soul is immortal, anyway. The other thing is that everyone has to take responsibility for their actions. And today is a very karmic year, if you know about it, Katyusha. This 24th year is called karmic because the energy is so stro
ng, and we are responsible for every word, every deed and every thought. So everybody should think very carefully about what he does, what he says. In no way - no aggression, no judgment, no evil, it is all categorically excluded. Otherwise, you will be held responsible. But nevertheless, in 2013 you stopped working with Maxim Fadeev. He and I never worked like this again. And you're not gonna work together anymore? It was just a creative period for one song, the song "Yours". Yes. And then what
happened? There are different versions. Fadeev says everywhere that he wrote a song for you and even wanted to give it to you for free, but you didn't like it. That was later. When I had a baby and... I realized I needed Max's song. I really asked him for it, "Please, Max." And it just so happened that I had to sell everything I had left. New Mercedes car, all my diamonds. Wait, you were married to a businessman from Odessa. So there came a very serious period when there was no money, no job, I
was blocked everywhere. And anyway, I sold everything I had for this song. - And Max... - God, how much is this song worth? A lot, a lot. And Max made a video for "Yours" and wrote this song. But that song didn't go anywhere. As I was told, someone asked that I am not be there. Someone said it was still those old destructions. And it turned out it was all for nothing. I felt that a lot. There was hope for this song, for a comeback. A desire to break through this horror that was going on in my l
ife, where I was being destroyed and shut down everywhere. I thought maybe this song would break those barriers. No, nothing happened. And then, after a while, I started asking Max, "Please write me a song". Maybe one that would find an audience of millions. And he wrote me a song. I heard the words "Mama Luba" in it, the words were in a song by the band "Serebro". And I said to him very correctly, "Max, please, let's change these words". Max was offended. - And why did you want to change it? -
It shouldn't be associated with that song. And you didn't like "Serebro"? I liked "Serebro" a lot, it was a great project. But the association of the same words "Luba-Luba" and there are "Luba-Luba". So-so, huh? Well, there's nothing wrong with it, I think, but Max took offense. But I love Max anyway. He's a brilliant man. Yes, he's a difficult person, everybody knows that. You have to find the key to his heart to get those energies to come together in his work. There have been a lot of stories
where they say, "Well, it's only three chords in this song, we'll write the same song." I said, "Go for it". You better not be jealous, but write songs as brilliant as these. Sing these songs so that millions will sing them. And now the whole world. Make these songs. Why do you judge them? I'll be happy about that. Someone said in an interview, "It's like a thunderstorm, it goes away just as quickly". Yes, but the storm is now in its third month and the popularity virus is growing very actively.
Someone said, "It's like gum, you chew it and spit it out". On the wave of this success, have you returned to communicating with Maxim Fadeev again? Well, we were in touch when the world success came. And what kind of relationship is that? And what happened so bad that we had to stop communicating? He didn't give you the last song. Well, that's what he is, you have to accept him as he is or not. I accept him as he is with love. Is there any chance he will write a new song for you? Everything is
unpredictable, anything can happen. When Alexander Volkov was gone, he died of a serious illness, of cancer. Did you blame yourself that maybe your heavy separation, all these worries somehow triggered the disease? Not in any way. I brought nothing but kindness and loyalty. I brought color to his life. His life was just full of light. As he used to say, "You are everything to me, and without you there is no light". The other issue is that he ate himself up emotionally, self-destructed. Because
he was dominated by revenge, by the eternal struggle to oppress, to suppress, to destroy. So that I would run to him, as he said, and beg for a piece of bread. And that's what destroyed him, unfortunately. I always think about it. Why he didn't have enough consciousness and man's wisdom to somehow accept that I had to have a child, that he had to let me go, if he wasn't ready to enter my life, to let me be happy. No, "If not with me, I will destroy you". - Did he have time to apologize to you? -
No. - But did you visit his grave in 2019? - Yes, I did. I was on tour with Autoradio in Germany and I found his grave. - I've wanted to visit it for a long time. - Why? - To ask for forgiveness. - For what? For breaking up like that. It's not about guilt, no. It's about me realizing that in order to move on with my life, I need to forgive, accept with gratitude and let go. Yes, it took me a while. But I found the strength to accept the experience with gratitude. I thanked him for all the tough
life that had passed and I let him go with love. What's the worst thing about this oblivion you've experienced these many years? Not being able to go on stage. There's nothing worse for a performer than not being allowed on stage. You know, it's so hard, it's like they don't let you breathe, like they're closing your throat and choking you. It's energy, you're used to it, and you have to share, it's a universal exchange. You give love and love comes back to you. At least it should come back to
you, it is a universal exchange. And you are not given this opportunity - to go on your favorite stage, to do what you came to this world for, what you have been striving for all this time. People start drinking at that moment. I'm calm about it, calm at all. I don't even know how to drink, a glass of champagne or wine is fine for me. It has to take your mind off things somehow. People always ask me, "How do you get over it?" Actually, it's sports, it's breathing practice, meditation. Meditation
saves me. If there were no breathing practices and meditation, I tell you, it would be hard for me to live. You need to harmonize yourself, remove all fears, all doubts, which our mind is always chasing. Even in sleep, it is always thinking, thinking quickly. And so when you agree with your mind, "That's it, I trust, I trust the universe." "I am in harmony with myself and with this world. I'm not afraid of anything." "I'm going where my heart wants me to go." In the hardest challenges you have
faced, you could have asked for help from the higher powers you communicate with. Why didn't you ask them for help? Well, they hear everything, they know everything. And why didn't they help you? So there were life lessons to be learned. I'm sure that if I hadn't gone through them, those life lessons related to Sasha's situation and so on, in show business, if I hadn't remained a human, maybe I wouldn't be on this earth anymore. I would have just been disposed of. Definitely, by any means. If I'
m left to live on, then.... Then I'm supposed to bring light to people. And bring people together. You know, when I was born and grew up and saw the injustice of the people around me, I couldn't understand why they did it. Don't they understand? Why do they hurt? I was some kind of being on other frequencies of consciousness. And then, when it all happened to me at the age of 16 after my teeth, I thought, "So it's all clear, I'm being led somewhere." "In general, into another, different world, i
nto another consciousness." And such situations were given to me, very karmic, serious. They were seeing if I would get through this, how I would get through this. Would I be able to remain myself and not betray my soul? That was their intention. And how do you formulate your personal intention for yourself? Having passed all this way, not to fall into the energies of negativity, not to be aggressive in any way, but to find the very balance of harmony with oneself, with this world, and to help p
eople. Whether it is through the vibrations of mantras, songs, creation, faith - to unite people. This is the very situation in the world today, which is happening, I think this is a very clear example. Like you're being pushed into this game to make people feel different. People write to me, "We started to feel differently about Russia." "Thanks to your song, we started to love Russia, we started to look at it positively." It's a huge country with very amazing natural resources. It's a country
of people with deep souls. Russian people are very deep. And they can do everything, just everything. And Russian style? Russian style? - It's furs, it's hats. - The furs, though? Of course, it's earflaps [Ushanka hat]. Why is there an association with it to Marmaladny? Those who do not have furs, they put on the heads of their animals, cats and dogs, and sing "My Marmaladny". Look at what's happening on the nets today. 100 million views a day around the world. It's exactly that kind of thing, w
ith their animals. Not necessarily in furs and hats. Those who don't have it, use their animals. Okay, furs, what else? - Caviar. Well, resources - oil, gas. - Right. And the soul. Russian soul. - Fur, caviar, oil, gas, and soul. - And soul, yeah. That's a wow combination. I am a person of the world and I want to live in peace and in creation for the good of each other. Yes, I am a patriot of my country, I love my country. But getting involved in political situations is not my thing. How are you
going to monetize or convert this new fame that has fallen on you? I trust God first and foremost. Okay, God doesn't run Spotify. - Why do you think that God doesn't run Spotify? - I think He has better things to do. Sure, but he has ambassadors who... God can't stop a war, and you say "run Spotify"? Or maybe God is giving us this war for a reason? - I'm not sure. - Do you think so? - What is it for? - To make us different. - How many people have to die? - That's another question. - But it is a
n important question. - Yes, it's important question. But still, without faith in God, life is impossible, unbearable. He has messengers who clearly charge our consciousness with new energy, believe me. Everything that happens is not in vain, it is an intention. So how are you going to handle all this now? Look, it's a third chance, if we're assuming the concept of a Russian fairy tale. The third chance has to be used in such a way that it is not wasted. To create new songs. Hits that would go i
nto people's hearts and be for the greater good. Have you approached anyone for this song yet? The new song is ready. - When's the release date? - January 26th. We have a plan of action. I signed a contract with Russian Radio for several songs. The songs are beautiful, hit songs, and we are going to Crocus City Hall on September 27th for this beautiful action. So there is something to work on, something to broadcast, something to surprise. - Are you a happy person now? - I am a happy person. Was
there a moment when you doubted that you would ever be happy again? No, there wasn't. I've always believed that... I believe that tomorrow a new door will open, an old one will close. I believe it, I know that tomorrow everything in my life will change. And I've been waiting for this moment. Have you forgiven all those people who bullied you? I have. I've forgiven them all, every single one of them. I'm sending them light. Will you please choose: mercy or justice? Mercy. Today, it's mercy. In t
he past, I would have said justice. Freedom or stability? Freedom. Truth or safety? Probably truth. Homeland or verity? What is verity? It's truth in its highest sense. I don't know. Who should tell the Homeland that it's wrong if it's wrong? The Homeland? Situations, people. The truth must show the Homeland. But people today are already such conscious creatures, I think it is already difficult to control them. They should already understand and be awakened, what is good, what is bad, and who is
who. And we see a completely different picture today, of people who were very different yesterday. - And what kind of picture is this? - In general. In the perception of this world, in the values of this world. On the contrary, it seems to me that the more the field of information is narrowed. And in Russia, it is already narrowed to the extreme, because some sites are blocked, some are banned. We can't talk about some social networks. And people get information from only one source, mainly the
television. Well, if you watch it. And if you don't watch it? Well, if we're talking about 140 million Russians, they probably watch it. And it turns out that they don't have a big picture. But you can ask your heart, is it the truth? Maybe what they say to us is not the truth, and it is a lie? In many different ways. Everything that we are told, broadcasted, it does not mean that it is the truth. I'll give you an example, a tragic situation in Belgorod. The city was shelled, there are dead, wo
unded. Now many people are left without homes. Including Russian show business stars, they are raising money to resettle them. And this is something that is widely reported on television, and everyone knows about it. But no one in Russia knows about what happened two days before that. How Russia fired more than 200 missiles into Ukraine, and there were a bunch of dead people, wounded people, people left without homes. And it turns out it's almost impossible to imagine the truth when you only hav
e half of the picture. It's hard to say, because there must be information somewhere that has evidence. I mean, it doesn't mean what you just said, that this is really true. You and I weren't there, we don't know what really happened and what didn't happen. And they can say whatever they want. But there's evidence, there's video, there are dead people. Anything can be fabricated, anything can be invented. That's why I look at things differently today. Everything we're told doesn't mean it's true
. You just have to open your heart and trust yourself. Even when it comes to facts? We don't know what's behind it. - We don't decide that. - Who does? Probably someone above us.



Из серии "Дудь терпел и нам велел"😂😂😂


Так. Гордеева сделала ход Драпекой, Дудь отбился Кучерой. Дудь зашел с козырей - дуплет Цыгановых. Гордеева отбилась Катей Лель. Играем дальше😂


Я лежала в феврале в больнице, мне было очень плохо, я решила посмотреть это интервью, выключила... И поняла, что в принципе мне было не так уж и плохо до. Спасибо, Катя 😁


Смотреть не хватит сил однозначно, зашла почитать комменты, спасибо, что не подвели, люди ❤


Я думала, что Триединаясвятаярусь - это дно, но снизу постучала Лель😂.


У Цыгановых - "вот те крест". У Лель - "вот те зуб"🤣


Святтая Матрена! Такой богородичный дух из нее прет!!! Мощнейшая биоэргенетика! Поставил воду заряжаться. Так даже плацента в банке заколосилась. Как бы не обосратца.


Страшно, очень страшно. Мы не знаем, что это такое, если бы мы знали, что это такое, но мы не знаем, что это такое 😂


А где-то на другой планете сидит инопланетянин и рассказывает про встречу с Катей Лель, и ему тоже никто не верит.


Очень хочется посмотреть на теологический спор Лель и Цыгановой. "Вот те крест!" - "Зуб даю!"


Катя Лель - в голове Кисель Полушария без напряга Танцуют Джага Джага...


Давно я не видела человека с таким огромным ЭГО и мизерным интеллектом


Катя, у вас какой-то спор с Юрой? Кто найдет и приведет самого кринжового гостя и сможет побеседовать с ним, не умерев от истеричного смеха???


Теперь я понимаю почему этот выпуск вышел с задержкой. Ребята, которые монтировали это видео, вы как там? Я переживаю


Лучшее из этого интервью - это комментарии! Выдержка у Кати великолепная.


Вместе с зубами забрали мозг. Ужаснулись, и вернули субстанцию лель обратно. Теперь мы страдаем😮


Второй сезон Триединой Святой Руси великолепен!


В свете последних событий обезьяны🦍🦧🐒 начали отрицать, что они наши предки .


Невысокий интеллект, помноженный на зашкаливающий нарциссизм - "в целом мире нет меня талантливей", "Мой мармеладный" великий хит 21 века" , "я выгляжу в 50 как в 20 (ну что скрывать)", "мужчины просто сходят по мне с ума", "я - волшебный целитель и контактер с инопланетянами" и так далее. Плацента в плече - это сильно, вишенка на торте. Главное, ни малейшего сомнения.


Безумству храбрых поём мы песню-благодарю всех сильных духом,кто посмотрел ,да еще и прокоментировал для потомков...у самой нет душевных сил смотреть...