
Kelly Lehman: Art as Activism

Located in Boulder, Colorado, Naropa University is a private, liberal arts university offering undergraduate and graduate degree programs in the arts, early childhood education, environmental studies, peace studies, psychology and religious studies. Kelly Lehman graduated with a degree in Peace Studies.

Naropa University

7 years ago

My name is Kelly Lehman and I'm a Peace Studies major. I am passionate about women's rights and dancing and singing and performance. I was involved with my good friend Zoe's final thesis performance, and being in that performance was the beginning of the coming together of Peace Studies and performance for me. If performance can be a way of expressing through art the issues of the world then that would be my preferred method of activism. The Dead Man Walking school theater project was a really e
xciting project. I had seen Sister Helen, who is the star of the play it's about, come to Naropa the year before and then having the Peace Studies and the Performing Arts department chairs come together, start to organize something together, was like yeah, this is, this is where I want to be.
