
KISS Entertainment Tonight Segment 1996

KISS segment from Entertainment Tonight 1996

Alex Dwight

8 years ago

oh the makeup what else could it be but the 70s rock band Kiss the guys left the scene for a few years and now they're back and they're signing their fans or even crazier than they are hey Peter Paul and gene are back the original members of the flamboyant brought to kiss to top their world tour in Detroit Michigan and Enki he was there and every fan remembers where they work the first time they saw this first time they heard kid this is only a small portion of what we would do forget and we hav
e fans that have been with us since the beginning we have fans that joined us last week it doesn't matter to us when you came on board the famous kiss army of fans known for their total devotion to the band turned out in full force to see the group perform in full makeup for the first time in 13 years believe it or not kiss mania is just as frenzied now as it was in the 70s and the guys are just as popular in fact the group graces the cover of the next Entertainment Weekly and invited only eat E
va they're very private photo session it's working for living movement aha well this is the new entertainment weekly cover the guys posed for and kiss continues on its world tour through November it's amazing well kiss may be making a splash on the music scene bow with



I attended their 1996 New Years Eve Concert in East Rutherford, NJ. The concert is on YouTube. This was one hell of a show!