
Kiss In Hell: Fantasy Otome- Mammon Route

Source: Kiss In Hell: Fantasy Otome By: Storytaco Link:

Spero ari

14 hours ago

hi welcome to my channel so this time we  are going for chist health I already told you I'm going to post a video about how  to get get the ending for every person and it's been week so we are going to  do everything and then we are going for Mammon ending and he's the first so we  are going for his sending let me start the episode I'm going to skip everything  so you can see the option only so this time we have to choose don't eat me  because that's for Mammon plus he's salivating when he's see
ing us so  don't eat me don't touch me that's enough no way that can't be true okay this  is where actually as so you can skip that no problem what happened it's dangerous okay the we going for Mammon  you can choose this what do it feel like and we will be making out  with that is going to happen there that's for Asmodeus so I skiping that you  choose if only you keep your pace that's for everyone okay you are all this together that's enough okay that's the end up the  episode one so that's the
episode two let me choose the choice only  for mammon i remember but that's enough some more I feel shy that's okay  now it's not like I would know that's enough stop it that's for mammon I will eat later that's enough not really actually Mammon got less  choices and was a mistake that's enough that's not for Mammon that's for another person choose mammon this also cost like 80  diamonds first option also cost 80 diamonds only so we are choosing I am finding Mammon here that's the end of the  e
pisode now we are going for punishment room Comfort him that's for mammon well what are you talking about that's enough I'm feeling scared that's for Levithan not for so we are keeping him  I don't want to hear it now sorry okay is this me my imagination that's enough it hurts you can just go for first thing  but no not now reveal yourself that's for everyone push him off and that's the end of  the episode for episode four what's going on now after coming from the punishment room you  are injure
d so we have to treat ourselves and he's worried so he's like I will treat you so we are  like how will you treat it and there will be some flittering going on okay you can see that when you  read the episode actually when you play the game we are with asmodus and mammon and them bring  us to another place and we feel some one energy so we can choose mammon energy that will  cost 80 diamonds so we will choose this and yeah so we will unconsciously go close  to him and there something oh actually
I mean so like that there will be lot of romance going on over okay that will be the end of the episode actually our job is waking every  demon lord so we are going to wake up Mammon and he's like wrapping his tail around  us so we have to observe his reaction okay he like can you do something in the morning  so we stop pretending we have to wake up now he's going rampage so we have to  choose this focus on me it will cost 120 diamonds and we have choose this this  is must for getting the endin
gs so there is some some moments going on so now we are  going for Levithan down let me skip this how greedy okay I don't like cookies  to keep I'm choosing that but we will choose other then we go for that person okay now one more time mammon is losing control and we are going to  handle him so I will handle it and we are going for Library we are seeing  something and there an portrait the portrait actually looks like same as us so we are like  what's going on so something doesn't feel right ok
ay we are ignoring him I am busy okay this is choice let me keep this now we are going for 5 th floor and  when going mammon will spot us and he's like y are running away and we  are like what are you trying to do and don't be ridiculous he's trying to  tempt us so now both of us in the floor and yes searching there is nobody so we have  to choose shall we go further that's for everyone and suddenly he's losing his control and going on ramage so you choose take  me if you want that will cost 120
diamonds now other also going on rampage you can skip that and hiding the mark of last night sorry for the background noise I know the  birds are louder than me so they are getting into my mic I mean they know  are getting into my mic more than me stop fighting war that will for everyone okay  that's the end of the episode now for episode 7 you are not real so this time you have choose did you get hurt so now Levithan and mammon  both of them fighting so we are going for Mammon you are quite th
e  sly one and he will fliter with us in Warfield that's is an illusion wait a second Now Mammon will come there okay and yeah that's the end of this episode so there was a reason that's enough I was  out of my mind he's scolding us why did you go the floor and what did you not call  us like that and suddenly mammon will fall okay you won't find it he is too much  fliterry compare to others come back to everyone we are having memory one more  time back memory and we never know each other that's
enough we are ignoring him  not only him all the persons expect mammon quietly holding each other that's enough yeah he's talking about morning just ignore him okay and he's like do you  suspect me too and do you think I am killing everyone and like  the truth will come out that's enough so we are having memory one  more time and the memory don't lie to me and now he's showing the place and telling  this place built for you I made this place for you that's pandemic okay we are like so I  like it
but what if I don't that's enough and now you choose do you want me he is asking  us you know why built his house like that so now we are going for episode 10 are you kidding myo head aches enough oh he is saying like my memories are returned some of them and we are  asking even who I am and he'll like yeah and he's thinking rescuing us from this  place so we are asking do you have plan and in the meantime Levithan is finding both  of us and he's choking mammon both of them fighting so we have
to choose one and we have to choose touch the hand that's for and  that's for mammon now we are another place actually this is for  satan so that's why we are skipping everything and that's  the end of episode for episode 11we can skip that so we are ignoring everyone  and yeah that for last and let's keep so we are investigating  Fifth floors and here that's for everyone we investigating Fifth floor  and when investigating Fifth floor first we will go with asmodus then  we will see Mammon and M
ammon like can we do something like that so  yeah like when the reason wasn't that this will cost 120 diamonds and he will come there you can choose second also  okay but no that's for another person so far no episode 12 so he's asking us to give us strength so  actually we are trapped in fifth floor so we have to break the barrier so we  will choose possibility of passing now the monster in the room is actually fighting  with us so we are also fighting with that monster no that's enough okay no
w everyone is out  of the room and he is totally exhausted and he's saying about the memory that's one of the memory first that's  enough that's the end of the episode now for episo something don't give any wild idea he talking about destroying the place sorry we have to call out vassago this is for everyone okay I remember that's also for everyone now you have choose give  me the ring actually Mammon already built Palace for us not only Palace he  already made ring for us for Marriage so you ha
ve to choose give me the  ring that will cost 120 diamonds okay now we are going for critical we have only one critical for this game second  option and now choose also second option choose third option so everything is  for everyone so choose everything correctly we'll have only one more episode so this time we are going for Mammon we have choose I should leave we are going  to leave that's a solution made by Mammon so you can choose Michael is  the culprit and that will go for everyone now wha
t are doing okay that is the end of episode we are going for one more choice and we  will get the end of episode this is reality now we are going for last episode episode 15 that's the last episode so  first let go for Asmodeus and Levithan now for Mammon let's see Mammon first cover my ears then  should I torment u bit more no that will be the answer that will go for everyone and believe in myself good thing okay that's the end of the now as you  can see that's the last thing ending so we are o
nly little Gap very little gap for  fulfilling the Gap you can give icecream for him let me show that you see there's  an ice cream available after the hint so you can give him on ice cream so you will  get I didn't have any with me I already given mine o so I don't have anything  so let me show the ending so that's the ending you can see the ending when you play the  game or yeah you can see the ending when you play the game I think experiencing is the best thing  than seeing the video so I tho
ught playing is good okay that's the end of the  video sorry I think my voice is very dis spritted this time and I am  like the kid sorry for that yeah yeah next time I will perform more good  I mean next time I will do more good I think so and for getting is ending let  me show you how much diamonds you have to get you have to choose nine choices with 120  diamonds then three choices with 80 diamonds so totally it will take 1,400 diamonds for  the choices and for getting date we have to give an
other 800 diamonds so total will be  2,200 diamonds you just spend for him so let's say see you next time in another videos sorry  my throat is dry right see you next time bye
