
Kobo just realized she was singing the anime's opening song while practicing dance.

Enjoy @KoboKanaeru Source Video : ================ ================ Hashtag: #hololive #virtualyoutuber #vtuber #hololiveclips #clips #holoid #hololiveid #hololiveindonesia #baliagaclip

BaliAga Ch.

3 days ago

bo kobo kobo kobo kanaeru at your service Let me be your sun! to shine your days Ehe! Ehe! Desuwaa~ how? performance kobo how? Do you guys like it? Desuwa~ i choose that song my self, because i love it So, at first, I... Okay, okay, I wanna talk about this first. At first, I don't know about the song. I just found the song randomly on YouTube a few months before the fest. So, when you ask me what do I wanna sing, I chose that song because I love that song so much. And then after that I just real
ized that it's an opening from anime when I do dance practice. When I do dance practice, it was like... maybe a month? No, no, two months before the fest, I do dance practice and my manager was like, "Kobo, do you know that this song is from anime?" Huh? Eh? really? What anime? Because I'm so curious, like... Okay, is it some kind of princess Ojou-sama anime because I like that genre. Tearmon Empire, oh yeah, yeah but I haven't watched the anime yet. But, yeah, interesting. Desuwaa~



yang sudah nonton animenya, episode pertama dark sih, tapi abis itu enjoy aja animenya, intinya tuan putrinya dilengserkan dari kerajaan karena egois dan kejam sama rakyat sendiri, terus dia dieksekusi penggal, eh tahu tahu pas udah mati, dia balek kemasa lalu sewaktu bocil, dan setelah tahu dimasa depan dia bakalan mati, dia akhirnya ubah sejarah untuk mencegah dia dieksekusi, jadinya dia berubah menjadi tuan putri yang baik dan bijaksana


sadly tearmoon empire is such an underrated anime


yah skem kirain taunya dr Tearmoon


lucu bangeeet


Coba kalo di notice sama Sumipe, bakal heboh sih.


Lagunya Uesaka sumire


Lagu yg mana?