
KOF ROM Hacks Part 2 - Rhythmic KOF97 Hallucinations

There are only three constants in this world: 1. Stupidity is infinite, 2. KOF is a Latin American religion, and 3. There are an infinite number of KOF ROM hacks in the universe. Finally, I have returned to discuss even more KOF ROM hacks! As one of my favorite KOFs, I'm eager to share with the world how cool KOF97 ROM hacks are. And to say the least, there's so many I can't even cover all of them in this video. Nonetheless, despite releasing so late, I will continue my journey to discovering all KOF rom hacks that I possibly can! While there are more touch-ups I felt like I could've done, at some point I have to just move on and upload the video already. At the least, I'm happy with how it's turned out. Also please watch the full video my PC crashed 3 times while rendering the video ok thank you. Links: My Twitter: The KOF97 Chinese Incident: Chinese Incident continued: The Ken Hack: Ken Hack continued: TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 - Intro 0:51 - Intro Part 2 2:34 - KOF97 Intro 5:32 - Filler Hacks 10:50 - Why I'm Hardly Discussing Extra Mode 12:23 - Anniversary Edition 18:30 - Evolution Hacks 25:07 - Combo Training Hacks 29:15 - Invincible Plus 32:13 - King of Gladiator 38:10 - KP2000 46:04 - Tying Up Loose Ends 48:54 - Conclusion 50:52 - Ending and Winkawaks Slideshow Music Used: Reverse 1999 - Stage Select Music Final Fantasy VIII - Liberi Fatali KOF97 Soundtrack


1 day ago

photo sensitivity warning VI discretion is advised many months ago the world was blessed with a video full of enriching but nonetheless cursed info about the mysterious Rabbit Hole known as the world of Kaa from hacks Lynch Massacre paved the way to a promising and enlightening Journey for all fighting game kind but when everyone needed him most which Massacre disappeared four months oh where oh where up in the heavens are our dear K from hack the people pleaded when suddenly out of thin air L M
assacre uploaded a video there is no punchline this time kf997 ROM hacks welcome back to the mysterious Whimsical and insane world of K from hacks there are far too many adjectives you could use to describe these hacks for better and worse I'm your host Lich Massacre proud holder of a PhD in SNK because not only am I have Spanish but I also have K in my name now if you weren't here last time I'd recommend you go watch part one even though the quality is a bit iffy then I'll briefly recap you bas
ically kof is one of the most ROM hacked video game series of all time is it hacked as much as the likes of Mario and Zelda or modded as much as say Doom or other popular PC games probably not but in the fighting game Space there is simply no other series that comes close to the amount of hacks that KF has received now sure there are mods for Street Fighter and Tekken you can download for example but those are mostly cosmetic changes and have only applied to the recent titles the older titles no
t nearly as much how I'm playing these hacks is a pretty cursed CD of questionable origin but unfortunately so far k94 and 95 have had very little to offer and while k96 had a few good hacks the selection was mostly filler but now we're at kf997 so let's not delay any further please welcome me on this extraordinarily overdue video where I Earth even more ridiculous K from hack this time we're greeted by K of 98 artwork of mature and vice 96 is their debut game so why didn't they just use it ther
e not to mention they're completely absent from 97 because well you know e killed them uh maybe there's irony in the choice I don't see and okay I'll be really honest with you guys the music that plays during these menus has really grown on me having already liked Jrock so thanks bootle KF CD I guess I'll probably never watch Naruto regardless but I will gladly accept this blurst gift nonetheless the climax of the series first Saga The arochi Saga K of 19 7 has gone on to become one of the most
popular and widely played kfs of all time especially in China now yeah China plays every K but this is the game that got K to explode in popularity over there thus leading them to take it very seriously so seriously in fact that one player straight up stabbed someone else for doing a raw super now that I brighten your day was such news Lovelier than a newborn baby you can absolutely bet there are a ton of rum hacks to look at over 40 of them in this video alone in fact just not as violent kf997
is truly One of a Kind whereas the English KF Community likes to tell you kf98 but worse yep there is no reason to play this game at all when kf98 exists definitely not whatever the case it's a beloved KF title through and through and is still played extensively to this day alongside kf98 as for me kf997 is easily in my top three to five favorite KS honestly if you still haven't played it for yourself I seriously implore you to try it and please do not default to the shallow mentality that it's
a worst K of 98 so then what do these hacks have to offer for the sake of brevity and more importantly pacing I'm dumping all filler ROM hacks into this one very brief section I'll dump the one CX images at the end of the video and a closing site so for preservation purposes of the experience I had living through this CD in other words I'm just going to talk about the ROM hacks that I have anything interesting to share and speed through the filler hacks so without further Ado Lo and behold the f
iller KF 97 10th anniversary Chinese 97 BYU 97 bang boso day s hack btx version I'm genuinely surprised the game didn't task over crash while this was happening Chris like 2k2 enhanced by MIT fbon final battle Flame shingo by Wesker God damn it umbrella cor is at it again Flash 11 style that's quite literally the only change hack by Neo charity team hack by Risco hacked with an ed by zoria lb 7s TR Shaman so basically chanhong is the Chinese name for KF so it's fulltime title literally is King o
f Fighters 97 lb 7s King of Fighters the shaman rolls right off the tongue lover red hack turns the UI and effects red and your meter is always full new diversion of course Playstation hack self-explanatory mostly just a roach she changes the entirety of the plus lineup okay so there's plus 2006 plus Athena by simang plus b plus Black by zkw plus by Wesker again plus hack by leang 1983 plus Kai version then on FB Neo there's plus plus 2003 and aoshi plus 2003 no I did not mispronounce Orochi it'
s actually called oroshi 2003 there are 10 total plus variants I am not talking about them all revised version Shon Edition smoke Edition unfinished V by cross love shuo plus shuo hack and lastly but absolutely not to least yukima hack I am surprised this super move didn't just cause the game to completely crash crash into a task over by itself and there you have it I call these hacks filler because they either boil down to UI or very minor graphical changes give infinite meter change very speci
fic details and unusual ways change inputs around or a mix of other features that don't culminate to much now as I said in the last video ROM hacking isn't easy yet they still made something at the end of the day and that's commendable I think I might have been a bit harsh into the first part so I don't wish to endlessly B these hacks either ultimately it's also a lot of forgettable hacks that I saw everything there is in 3 minutes th I'll just focus on the standout hacks especially when despite
being a KF nerd most I can say is they changed very specific details about certain attacks that the rant isn't worth it rest in peace Flash 11 style rest in peace there's a few more filler hacks for me to get out of the way including ones on fight Cade but not bad or pointless hacks a number of kf997 hacks are simply optimization fixes to patch out the awful slowdown kf997 suffers from especially on fire effects play the game long enough and get used to it but smoother match performance is alwa
ys appreciated there's also kol 97 random optimized Edition which simply is again an optimization fix but with random select added as well which takes a roochi slot on the character select screen it thankfully also adds hidden order select so neither player can deliberately counterpick each other or see the other player selected order nothing crazy but it's on fight Cade and with a few people who play it regularly too not to mention if you're a random select enjoyer like myself when it comes to
playing kof this hack is perfect for that when it's entirely messing in vanilla 97 another hack kf997 practice mode is self-explanatory kind of pointless these days with fight Kade but it serves its purpose nonetheless we're at least on an already better starting point than with the first three kfs and just to make note of a few other details every single time I loaded a 97 hack on this disc I had to manually change the place speed from very slow back to normal and also change the difficulty bac
k up to mvs because someone thought this game's timer was too fast that and in nearly all of these hacks I admittedly never touched extra mode to see if anything's different for the uninitiated here's some context kf997 introduced advanced mode and extra mode essentially a difference between your meter system how Max mode functions and your movement options with AB Advanced further elevates the mechanical formula established in qf96 with rolls and meter stocks with extra mode being based around
kfs 94 and 95 using sidestep and meter charge on the surface it's a choice of player expression to get one's preferred play style and help spice the game playay up in reality extra mode sucks major ass competitively you want to take a guess as to why extra mode is awful well even if you're familiar with kf98 it's actually so much worse than that side stepping still leaves you vulnerable to throws and extra mode characters cannot break throws at all it also just much worse to be a setting duck to
charge up for only one bar of meter and a movement heavy game too that and a forward hop is worse than a constant run forwards and worst of all you can't even hop in this mode just normal and super jumps advanced mode is better in every way imaginable basically unless the hack actually does something or extra mode I'm talking about each hack with the context of only using advanced mode that's all anyone ever picks in competitive settings and for good reason okay now finally let's really talk ab
out some hacks last time I saved the anniversary hacks for last for each game that had one but I'll jump right in this time around 10th anniversary chinese's filler adds nothing to the gameplay itself just this weird looking background and M's character select Sprite is different for whatever reason some optimization fixes too that's it 10th anniversary by IX and EGT is somewhat more amusing the UI is different and you can cancel specials into other specials and even themselves plus some differe
nt move properties and super cancels you can even pick three of the same character for the whole team so you can finally have three shingos but it's also buggy where the next round the Clone character will only have a quarter of their life left defeating the whole purpose you can do some amusing comos with this hack and some move properties are different apparently new moves were added too but it's really nothing gamechanging Beyond some more combo variety and we'll get there there but there's a
lso another Hack That does a better job of expanding the combo system so definitely better than nothing they're harmless changes but nothing much else that's memorable either so unfortunately that's about where it ends for anniversary edition hacks is what I would be saying but the next rom hack also titled 10th anniversary put a lot more passion into the moniker to make a pretty decent hack third sign the charm after all this third version of the hack that's on fight Cade known as build 2.1 for
short is what I'd consider the real anniversary edition so right off the bat there's some UI changes and loading into the character slug screen regreted with a few surprises look at that kashh and Kumi are on the hack too I mean they look like [ __ ] since they're using their K off 99 Sprites and those obviously don't mes with the rest of the Sprites in 97 but they're in game Sprites look just fine still they take aochi Yuri and Leona's spots on the character select screens and not accidentally
picking Boss characters and random select was added hidden order select too so no counterpicking matchups characters using their kf98 purchas and the matches themselves too obviously you're not here to discuss UI changes where's the game play so in a similar fate to KF 96 anniversary edition albe it less stressed stick it changes the mechanics a fair bit but doesn't detract it too much from the traditional K of 97 gameplay let's get some of the more specific details out of the way first Yuri wa
s converted into his later iterations of the character meaning he no longer has a onef frame half circle forward command grab and his Reco doesn't drag the opponent across the ground only doing the the defaults hard knock down because damn can that Reon vanilla 97 drag your ass into the corner like There's No Tomorrow his 4 a also doesn't require an immediate canceled combo into either and speaking of command grabs they're all given with anim missions this time around and can no longer be comboe
d into from jumpins like vanilla 97 so they got toned down too some other character changes like shingo being converted into his nest form extra mode thankfully being given Hops and a forward run making a viable Choice against advanced mode and you have the anniversary edition hack also worth noting that the mood system was removed entirely to that extent thankfully there's no losing all of your meter after losing around because the next character in your team dislikes their teammates and one la
st mechanical change I believe ghost step was also removed entirely but I'm in no way an expert ghost step or all the various ways you can implement it I just tried to do it with Yuri and it never triggered for reference this is ghost step high level 97 Tech it's otherwise still the Go Old 97 experience you know and love without the massive shakeup that was 96 anniversary edition I don't really get why Kash and Kumi were added to this hack I mean they're fully welcome additions to the roster don
't get me wrong the kashh is especially an odd choice I guess with Kumi You could argue they're adding her back in from kf96 even though they're still just using her kf99 spray and they probably wanted an excuse to completely get rid of The Boss characters that is into toochi Team all of whom are Turnal unlike the other bosses but with 97 also they could have just as easily added mature or vice back in or any of the boss Team 2 or even better maybe add AG or taka from a 95 back again I don't min
d Kumi being added I mean she's literally my main in art of fighting three and one of my favorite kof characters but it feels very cherry-picked as for Kash maybe it's just just a bridge between 97 and 99 for lore I'm rambling at this point it's a cozy hack even if it doesn't have a lot of new variety or changes to the game play which I think was also the point it's aside great to the vanilla experience like how K of 95 has its special 2017 hack as a side grade but doesn't replace the vanilla ga
me though unlike KF 95 special there's still more incentive to play this hack as it adds some stuff and makes balance changes that differentiated from vanilla 97 just enough to stand out whereas 95 special it's almost entirely quality of life changes it's easily worth checking out 97 anniversary if you ask me granted KF 97 is one of my favorite KS and in some ways I actually prefer it over KF 98 too so I may be playing some favoritism but I digor go check it out it's never too late to celebrate
the game birthday so after celebrating the 10th anniversary of kf997 despite being well over 15 years late to the party I think we can all agree that this leaves more room for the kof 97 formula to see some Evolution because that's the next hack K of 97 Evolution and there's three variants of it here base Evolution has a few interesting changes namely you can manually charge up your meter in advanced mode to get a free MAX mode without spending an already saved up stock but by that point it also
completely eliminates the point of extra mode too this hack changes almost nothing about extra mode otherwise you can run forwards at least and for whatever reason you're allowed to roll too but only a forwards roll and only during your run just pick advanced mode the max mode itself Runs Out in just a few seconds though and goes away entirely once you use one super unlike vanilla where you still retain Max mode regardless of the number of supers you use I can kind of see where they're going wi
th this idea charge up manually by pressing BCD and get Max mode easier that way instead of manually activating it on the flip side they balance it out where you can only use it for a few seconds with it being a little easier to get this time too but then at that point you'd have to immediately confirm into a combo or spend the bar right away without just using it soon after so that's where the max mode activation itself comes into play or pressing ABC lets you do an unblockable activation State
you can combo from I need idea but charging up doesn't give you this benefit which makes me feel like the only worthwhile use of Max mode is activating it manually and while your opponent is basically breathing down your neck kind of a baffling design Choice regarding everything related to Max mode but speaking of baffling design choices you can call your teammates press BCD and they can both tag in even if they're knocked out and knock your opponent out of the way into a knockdown you can even
interrupt them if you're the one being attacked so really you can summon them whenever and as far as I can tell there's hardly any cool down either with some special move changes as always in these hacks and you have Evolution you can press start to change colors too which then lets the new face team swwa into their Orochi forms which I guess is neat it's kind of a hard sell of a hack but it has a few neat ideas to be fair it didn't keep my interest for long though with a feeling too unfocused
and what I wanted to shake up about the kof 97 formula or I guess more specifically it just feels like there's this conflicting design of utilizing Max mode and meter to forcefully open up your opponent to do combos yet also penalizing you with a small timer add on to that how tagging in your opponents can be laughably spammed and it can turn into a war of attrition in a sense the next few variants didn't help much either on an unrelated note you can sometimes find that the AI in these hacks get
s jacked up in difficulty but it depends on the hack too I noticed that was happening in this hack that the AI was harder to beat in general despite that kf997 is one of the easiest kfs to beat arcade mode though it could also have just been me as I'm fling around to capture stuff for the video usually the AI is made tougher by doing legitimate optimized combos or reading your inputs even harder going back to the other two variants evolution by yes you no was even more questionable to me okay to
get this rant out of the way right now the input reader in this hack is disgustingly lenient I mean okay you thought K of 15's input reader being loose was bad you think Street Fighter 6 having an obnoxiously loose input reader and super long buffer is sin against humanity well okay I totally agree with you but that's not the point this hack blows all modern fighting games out of the water as you can do entire quarter Circle motions by just pressing down and either down diagonal input and the s
pecial will come out want to crouch PLA and punish your opponent with a Crouch button pray to God that the game doesn't interpret it as a special move or else you're on an even worse position want to do Terry's down forward seed command moral after crouching GL attacks screw you you're getting Power Wave I straight up do not feel as though I have genuine control over my characters playing this heck because of how deliberately loose it is it may not look like it but I swear that half these specia
l moves are not intentional for that alone I can't stand this hack for casual players who suck at doing motions this is probably a godson and to be fair it can be however K 97 input Raider is already Loose as it is and noticeably more lenient than K of 98 I really don't think any fighting game player even more casual K fans are going to struggle doing game puts as it is in the vanilla game well otherwise a lot of the changes as you can find in the vanilla Edition are not to be found here the mos
t notable change is throw breaking makes it so that you can punish your opponent further as the throw break sends them briefly allowing you to do a full combo punish it sounds like a good idea in theory but this makes it that unless your opponent is bad at throw breaks or doesn't expect a throw doing any basic throws just asking for you to be punished back if it costs meter then it'd be fine in my book or maybe one hit and air resets like a raw shatter strike and kill a 15 another awkward hack o
therwise and the final version is called Evolution Shin Edition that has less changes than vanilla Evolution to the point I can only call it filler one last detail worth mentioning is that on fight Cade there does exist a Lobby for qf 97 evolution new but I'm still not entirely sure what makes this different from regular Evolution this video by comone showcases it a fair bit though and includes details about what the changes in this hack are I tried playing it for myself and it didn't feel espec
ially different but at the very least you can play it for yourself on fight cake I may not have been too pleased playing the evolution lineup of hacks but I say at least play yourself on FK to get your own opinion on the hacks just you may have to dig a bit to find the wrom hack in question for you know legal reasons well okay maybe there was a bit too much Evolution there maybe we need to De evolve a little bit and catch a break ix's combo 2006 and 2010 sounds pretty interesting I wonder what k
inds of changes out oh it doesn't work well I'm not disabling my antivirus to try and figure out what this is either great preview images this tells me absolutely nothing about the hack in question but maybe there's marketing strategy but in reality the internet went down for me one night and because Windows antivirus wasn't giving me a trillion warnings I figured I to try it out and lo and behold it actually worked this time but I could barely notice anything different UI is different I could d
o some joke combos you cannot do in Vena 97 it is pretty basic overall and and know this checkerboard transparent looking UI is not pretty to look at seriously Whoever thought this was a good idea to make the UI overall harder to look at just why but I don't want to end it there with this hack because here's the weird thing about this hack so on FB Neo and on fight Kade for that matter since there's a Lobby for it there's a hack called kf997 combo training what the training part means is beyond
me but I think they're the exact same hack same you why same combo rules added into the game and as far as I can tell they're not different hacks maybe there's something I missed I'm willing to bet there was but why are they named differently if they're not different from each other then was combo training the final name the ROM hackers settled on I would tried to look for this info but God knows where I even begin to try and find the origins as search engines give me absolutely nothing my best
guess it originates from China some good news though this attack actually enhances extra mode a little it adds hops so characters can actually jump properly and huh that's neat you can attack out of forward and back dashes well surely this doesn't mean any infinites will come out of this I mean CH off isn't that broken but wait a moment oh oh oh no oh that also [Music] means nah it's probably nothing I'm just overthinking it I'll give what I feel is a more fair assessment of the hack though beca
use yes I do agree it's pretty basic for what it really is the main selling point is mostly just special and super canels you normally can't do otherwise and a wider combo system that's not a bad thing at all regular Koff players or even just fighting game players can easily squeeze more play time out of K of 97 with a change as Smalls that as the increased combo potential definitely keeps things fairly fresh without deviating from K of 97's core game however that's also the exact same reason wh
y more casual players would not get anything out of this hack chances are casuals just want to do cool flashy attacks whatever sounds like fun to them without really diving into the nitty-gritty of the fighting game in question special and super cancels mean nothing to them they're not really playing around with combos to begin with OR learning the game at a deeper level in fact I'm jumping the gun a bit here but that's kind of how I feel about the majority of kf997 hacks and they're definitely
appealing to competitive players but for casuals they're a harder cell but don't take my word for it I don't really have enough casual friends to do a test trial with for these hacks to gauge their opinions and of course I'm not a casual myself I can only say what I think would be the general throp process for them this kind of hack adds nothing new or immediately apparent otherwise just changing the underlying rules of the game if you are already playing by them to begin with but I digress goin
g back to the original point the ugly UI aside that I wish didn't even exist to begin with if you're a hardcore K player already this is definitely worth the play time just to see the more nuanced changes and bending the rules a little bit moving on to this kf997 invincible plus hack well strange name but let's Boot It Up nonetheless the preview image for the lobby on fight kid looks pretty interesting to say the least with the ominous blue background I wonder what's in store uh what's with Goku
doing here why is it GT Goku oh we're just not going to acknowledge Goku then that'd be like if I just randomly started my K video off of Ghost in the Shell images well anyways UI is already fairly different if maybe a little too blue and purple the portraits everyone has are different for some reason and cheero is just directly from K of 2003 and wait gayet and Omega rugal yeah for some reason they're selectable here Regal Sprite being taken from kf98 and gain its from kf98 and spoiler warning
they're not toned down at all but I would be more surprised if they were to begin with I mean I do dig this character select screen and it fits the Orochi aesthetic but why change the miniature portraits they just kind of look worse now what are select is also slanted at an angle this time no hidden order select loading into the stage and work roted with some uncanny vibes from the stages it's not completely new but it's a drastic tunal shift from the default stage in fact this whole hack is fu
ll of original stages to what extent they're completely original or borrowed from other stages I'm not sure but it's pretty refreshing and now this man everyone is a hell of a lot faster this time around just with forward runs alone if it's like they're all cracked up on some cocaine but gam playwise this kind of just feels like the combo training hack just more polished and also more janky even extra mode functions the same as those hexs assuming you're to pick gainit and rugal deliberately the
n yes this hack is incredibly unbalanced as you're obviously playing with Boss characters assuming you know what you're doing with them of course not that that's a bad thing unbalanced and broken J think is a very healthy thing for the fighting game sphere as we all need that fixed somewhere they're fun additions at least it's a pretty unusual hack that I'm not sure what the focal point was but if I had to guess the blisteringly fast movement speed alone makes it stand out a little as everyone h
as it maybe they were going for far more Rush down and aggressive space control than you usually see in K of I recommend playing it one set at least and the good news is both this and the combo training CS are on fight Cade so you can play either the vanilla combo training experience or play something a little more deliberately wild with Invincible plus again I'm B towards K of 97 maybe I'm overhyping to this hack but it's a fun hack and that's the more important part actually you know what let'
s just go back to even simpler times where we were mere cavemen and enjoy a simpler hack for the pallet no combo rules or anything of the sort no Esports just the barebones fun of turning your brain off and enjoying what's in front of you no matter how messed up it is okay maybe we went too far back so next is the elusive king of Gladiators or my bad king of gladiator I'm going to just drop my only thought right now what is there to even say about this hack I have to talk about it being one of t
he more Infamous K farm hacks out there it's such a bizarre bootleg of a game that you wonder how its creation even came to be on the surface but the actual contents of the bootle itself are so run-of-the-mill that it's questionable how it got the Nory of being that one k hack and of course I have to mention that there's three versions here too but one of them is just a bug fix of the plus variant which why even include the original version of Plus at that point then I'm only talking about king
of Gladiators as a whole for brevity or my bad again king of gladiator actually screw it I'm just calling it GL lators with an S but also because they're hardly different to begin with so immediately from the get-go the intro is entirely different using music that's not even from KF and with the kf997 logo just awkwardly sitting in the middle no I did not edit that in the title screen also ripped sprays from K of 2000 I guess aesthetically the bulky Sega model one like physiques of everyone and
kill 97 wouldn't fit with what the rom hack is going for so the creators resorted using 2,000 Sprites but if memory serves right I had heard that this hack was apparently finished and created in 2003 making it six or so years after K of 97 was released I can't even speculate that this was a bootle to Pate from a legitimate copy of K97 because it's already been out for so long by that point they had to have made the deliberately choice to not only copy assets directly from K of 2000 but also modi
fy the game and try to make it get more interesting to play but for what reason this hack exists I have no clue I mean they certainly put some effort into the title screen alone I'll give them that much loading into the character select screen gives the most putrid color mixing for character select screen I've seen with Billy K theme playing poor poor Billy and there's a lot of duplicate character choices here for some reason so uh I guess I'll pick my shery and blue Mary then I'll just pick the
se Ines way off to the side and it doesn't even let us pick the order ourselves it just forcibly orders the team to what order we selected characters but okay the match is starting let's see what's new oh okay nudity that's it that's the paramac that's just that's it that's the ra hack that's just a thly El P mod the actual characters you pick are either just their default selves or their hypers suped up versions where they're way faster and packing much uglier color pallets which then defaults
back to normal after the round ends anyway and sometimes the game just decides it doesn't want to give you a certain character the timer just straight up froze yet I can still pick a character and uh what gives the game completely ignored the fact that I picked Benny Maru kogg Plus lets you SLU your own order though thankfully but seriously that's the entire hack despite saying a lot about it already it's basically just a mismash of mismatched assets a bunch of sped up characters from the roster
very questionable color paletts and nudity the gam playay itself here has basically not in any way changed only further bewildering me as to how this hack came to be or why it lives in infamy the crazy thing to me is that somewhere out there this this is someone's favorite version of K of 97 to play like for all I know this should post of a hack has Tech buried underneath it that I don't know about but I had to spend all this time talking about it due to its notoriety for like one session maybe
and for shits and giggles I guess you could play this hack and have fun at the absurdity of it with your friends but the charm of everything else that isn't the questionably made nude Sprites just gets old really fast hopefully you see what I mean by it not being that interesting though it didn't stop me from can get for the sake of content but my point stands it's just a chaotic creation of mankind with no place to call home forever haunting the online spaces of Neo Geo as the hack your family
told you to stay away from if you can find any reason to play kogg at all these days then I'll the power to you but that's a hard cell if you ever decide to play it just save yourself the hassle and play K G Plus fixed if you can and lastly a lot of hacks just take the nude Sprites from here and inject them into other hacks for no Rhyme or Reason I mentioned earlier too that K of 97 BYO Edition is a filler hack and it is it feels like the king of Gladiators at home hack but this well that's a c
umi ninja reference if I've ever seen one vanilla Evolution also uses the nude sprits which just further docks points off of that hack in my eyes I get it K is a horny Series in general and desk is completely aware of this I'm not complaining about that fact it's just who are the nude Sprites 4 in closing yes kf997 finally got the sex update we've seen some pretty bizarre hacks and bootlegs but KP 2000 is perhaps the most mysterious mechanically it's so bizarre in fact that I will use this rom h
ack as the excuse for why this video took so long to make but seriously there's the Innovative hacks the pointless hacks the goofy hacks and then there's hacks like these I can't properly describe but I mean that in a mostly good way and of course to make matters worse since kf997 doesn't have a proper training mode it makes it harder to lb out as a result too and yes I could also use safe States and just repeatedly load back into them or even use uni bios Cheats by dissecting these games to the
ir Forest is diverting from the point of these videos but I did try using uni bios cheats and infinite Strikers this isn't the S Saga you're telling me this game has Strikers well unfortunately I never figured out what the setting meant but even uni bios cheats didn't work because even though I enabled infinite time the timer ran out anyways because of course it would so on the surface it doesn't look wholly different from vanilla 97 but there's a ton of new features added that because of the la
ck of info in English and the vague info text file on the dis itself bewilders me so UI wise it's pretty different if a little difficult to read standard rom hack Fair gameplay looks standard too but this is where the infotext file comes into handy sort of it doesn't completely outline every detail but it thankfully at least mentions controls and a couple points of interest to the best of my ability let me break down everything in this hack there's an air combo system by pressing BCD and then in
order a b c and d but it doesn't even work half the time as the roster's air buttons were never designed for such a system it just yeets your opponent away you can maybe connect a few hits in the air or spamming and cause some painfully obnoxious flashing to occur and to add on top of that pressing B see midair lets you air Dash seriously you get an air Dash in this hack and Yuri's does a preand attack but Terry's doesn't for some reason with Terry you have to manually press the button to do an
attack instead but you land so slowly that you can't combo from it and guess what it's not the only Aid Dash either seriously you can just hop forwards or backwards for some reason during the jump you can charge your meter too all extra mode style and get Max mode which Speaking of 2002 style Max mode cancels are now possible too well also sort of sometimes it just does this weird Flinch instead of cancelling into max mode and not to mention I don't think any changes were made to actually accom
modate it since like 2002 you have to manually run after Max mode activation if you cancel into it during a combo but I can't get any max mode combos anyway despite the fact I can consistently BC run myself BC by itself also does a double roll and pressing forward to BC does the double roll but both times forward and of course you still press AB to do a roll actually let's talk about that real quick because the regular rules are what you expect for kof nothing was changed and if you're even a sm
idge familiar with KF on a competitive level you know it's the kind of game you can jump all day and the movement is extremely important to get good at so what does this have to do with the roll well you see you can roll midair in this game and I genuinely cannot understand why this is here if you roll during a neutral jump too then you very slightly nudge forwards a little enough to outspeed a snail at least now let's go back to jumping and why this addition seems so questionable qf 97 lets you
AIR block however you can only do this during neutral and back jump and it takes off way more block meter when you block an attack for those situations I can see an arrow being a viable option save block meter and maybe reposition yourself if you really know how to use it but before it jumps look jumping in KF is already heavily encouraged not terribly committal and empty jumps alone are very powerful mix up and K for open and G your opponent you're telling me that an air roll forwards doesn't
somehow rub salt on the wound these gems are already good and now they're even better as you can basically air roll if frame through attacks and as far as I can tell you can't really punish it so you basically get to empty Jump for free and sure the audio Q would give that away but you could also just empty jump but okay there's obviously other uses like baiting out anter or DPS and then punishing your opponent when they land which then in turn makes punishing air attacks even harder reason bein
g you cannot tell when when your opponent is going to Raw empty jump or a roll or just do an aerial attack maybe I'm thinking way too hard about this but it's there though and it's certainly a rom hack Edition want to attack out of back dash or do Yori Taco backdash that's here too go out with it advanced mode can even do extra mode side steps too but again sort of basically everyone's move lists were changed around and a lot of tags were converted to command normals by pressing back and a butto
n which in turn does some weird stuff y gets a double Fireball and can teleport by tearing the fabric of reality there's other examples but a lot of them boil down to doing a side step or roll and then an attack there's no consistency to my knowledge last but definitely not least obligatory super changes and Kio you've seen better days with that color palette to say the least exra mode got no changes unfortunately but I can only imagine if it did just how absurd it would all be you can hop into
attacks like a back dash but that was covered in other hacks now all the other hacks I would try to say something about how it compares to normal K or how it's a good or bad hack has a showcase besides just preserving their existence I'm a k off nuts and always will be but this hack I mean what do I say it's not offensively bad but a lot of it too I had to figure out from from trial and error because this info do didn't do much to explain it either and looking up info on this hack in English is
basically impossible because no one has easy access to these Niche hacks let alone playing them there's a vision here and the team behind I clearly wanted to shake up the K formula intensely and yet nearly every addition is so half picked to clueless as to how you put it all together and yet I have to know more and I don't have a good analogy to describe this mix of emotions either all I think I can really do is just encourage people to seek the hack out and try it for themselves assuming they c
an because it's so ridiculous once you actually try to play it for yourself my gameplay footage doesn't do it much Justice and I still can't figure out how to make it look smooth it's all just me [ __ ] around with the mechanics hoping I makes some cool combo or crazy movement Shenanigans something I'm at a loss for words other than it may be a work of art that must be displayed at a museum when writing for the script of this video any time I tried to find info on a KF hack or find more material
to cover I would end up just finding given more hacks KF 97 hacks are their own special little rabbit hole inside the KF rom hack rabbit hole and unfortunately a lot of the hacks I straight up can't even figure out how to play or find where to get them to to begin with leaving me with nothing but YouTube to discover them but if I had to guess a lot of them come from sketchy CDs are past around if this disc that I'm using is anything to go by if you have a more informed explanation where these h
acks keep coming from feel free to share in the comments below still I figured I'd at least mention them whether they're filler or not or something extremely impressive I can't tell and I can only guess there's this hack trip impact kf997 plus hack mode Q extreme solo kf997 super hack and now the king of fighter 97 hack Ultimate Super Battle update version 2021 I guess these hacks are taking up the mantle of having anime names the King of Fighters 97 heck Invincible plus a version 2.0 2021 hack
special Orochi zero boss power and then there's hack rugal Edition okay I think you get the point now only God knows where all these hacks came from and finally this is one hack which changes nothing but for some reason Ken Masters from Street Fighter and claraa from Power Instinct are in the game now but the weird thing is they're just Sprite swaps for Rio and Yuri instead I guess Ken sort of Mak sense being a t L and Chek referen to how Rio copied both Ryu and Ken mclara I'm a power Instinct f
an and I don't see the correlation but this video here that shows it exists somewhere out there only has Ken but no claraa it's his Street Fighter 2 spray 2 which looks horribly out of place and my God that looks ugly I commend the efforts but yikes but hold on Ken Masters is in the game the Barbie movie was recently released in theaters Ken is in there too well okay it's not the same Ken he's played by Ryan Gosling who is a masterful actor in his own right he's a bit of a social goofball and I
happen to be one also KF Barbie this rom hack Ken Ryan Gosling kenergy oh my God he's literally me well pH we finally got through all the kf997 hacks I'm of the opinion that these hacks are basically on the same level as kf96 hacks in terms of quality but I do mean that in a good way outside of the filler though that doesn't necessarily mean the filler is bad either unlike the previous three games just there's more of it and perhaps maybe an overwhelming amount of hacks there is way too many of
these hacks I can't cover them all I had always an envisioned when I started this project that I would include the K of 98 tax with K of 97 as a Duo Pack video but I decided those for the better not to if you thought the K97 hacks I talked about today were impressive the K of 98 hacks are on an entirely separate Dimension that frankly I don't even know where to begin with them and K of 982 has a ridiculous amount of hacks to shovel through so next part of this K from hack Marathon K 98s getting
get own separate video as it's far too much goofiness for this one video alone to do justice don't believe me well just wait and see KF 97 is a fun game so go have fun playing it and even if you've never played it before KF is a legacy series at the end of the day so if you're familiar with 98 you have a good enough base to start from and once you really learn the game yourself you can see how 97 is its own unique game and maybe even for appreciate the r hacks attached to it and the overwhelming
ly High Praise gets worldwide in the K fan base if you ask me subscribing to my channel and sticking around for more SNK related videos sounds like a good pitch Massacre I mean that sounds like a good pitch and my name is Lich Massacre thank you for watching and go play some K off [Music] 97 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
