
KRASSER PATCH DER ALLES ÄNDERT? Neue Events, Tuxedo Luxury CS, Heartbreaker Skins, Upgrade Event

KRASSER PATCH DER ALLES ÄNDERT? Neue Events, Tuxedo Luxury CS, Heartbreaker Skins, Upgrade Event Flyff Universe gameplay deutsch 2024 Flyff Playlist: Twitch: Flyff Universe Website: Noch mehr Spielestyler: Nahezu alle Links in der Beschreibung helfen mir meinen Kanal weiter auszubauen! Energy Drink meines Vertrauens (10% Rabattcode: "style"): Jetzt Mitglied werden, mich direkt unterstützen und exklusive Vorteile sichern! Für Smartphones: Durch Amazon & Ebay Käufe unterstützen (keine Extrakosten für dich!): Merch: Mein Cardmarket Profile (Yu-Gi-Oh!): (Spielestyler beim registrieren angeben (Empfehlungsprogramm!)) Du willst das nächste Let's Play bestimmen oder mir so mal eine Spende da lassen? Einfach und sicher über Paypal: Mein Discord Server: Intro Musik von: Facebook: TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Impressum: #flyff #flyffuniverse #spielestyler


2 days ago

Hello and welcome back to a new F Universe video. Finally the time has come for us to get the Heartbreaker skins in the game that I introduced to you two weeks ago. Here they are all on the banner again, in the end you can say they are almost exactly those Same designs as the Valentin Skins, only that everything that was white in Ventin Skins was black here and everything that was prismatic-colored, rainbow-colored, whatever, crystal-colored, is now this blood-red or red, gem-red, whatever, and
of course there are a few other design elements as well So hearts are of course also exchanged, the shapes of hearts but yes, more or less you can say that the dark version of the wtin skins look pretty nice. I've also seen a few people who have sold them and sometimes at the same price as the current fcoin Situation doesn't make that much sense but yes they definitely look pretty nice overall then we also have a new event new patch and cool weekend event or a good weekend event and actually a b
ig change as far as the 950 weapons are concerned but first of all that new Speed ​​CS Set luxury toxedo set or toxedo luxury whatever basically I do n't think it's such a bad set Hal always the question does something like that fit so well in a fantasy MMO RPG, but you have to say there's a cloak here that's pretty cool, I can show you that in a moment, so finally a cape again, which is very rare, sadly m also a few facial accessories or piercings here mm and Berte, that's pretty rare too I wou
ld say so very unusual and m the only thing I have here I can really criticize it , I mean, I personally don't like it that much. I have to say that I personally don't like the male character's hairstyle that much, but what actually just bothers me here is I mean, you can actually see it quite well. I think we have it here black black and black and the only difference is the color of the shirt and of course the color of the hairstyle I have no idea but we basically have three black black white b
lack green black pink and I mean yes it is a toxedo but why not a blue toxedo why not another a red toxedo why not a green one so it's just like that I don't know a bit I think it's a bit well I don't know either I always find it long because if there are three times the same thing so I understand as I said here you all have one black shirt and the others all have black jacket and black trousers so it's basically swapped three black shirt three times black jacket but it just doesn't look that va
ried and yes it's somehow a bit boring and yes then we now have this luxury toxedo cloak m I don't know, we can equip it with a tuxedo here too, yes, it looks a bit like a mafia boss because you wear the cape over your shoulders and it's just like that, but it's not really a real cape anyway a coat or something like that and yeah, I don't know, I think it looks a bit strange because it's placed so far back when it's there, so normally it would cover your shoulders if you were to wear it like tha
t, but it's like that really behind the shoulders somehow looks like I don't know, it looks kind of weird but still it's cool that there's a clo again because I do n't like it when there are always backpacks because I personally think to myself who the The devil wants a backpack in his character and I mean well maybe there are people but we already have 5000 backpacks we don't need any more backpacks there are so many backpacks in this game that in my opinion have no place in the game because of
that It's a refreshing change to have a cllog again, but as I said, I personally don't like the placement of the clo that much, but in general it's definitely not the worst thing that's ever been released. Then let's get to the patch notes before we look at the event or So let's look at the events first, a few bug fixes, I think of a few Okay, that's pretty crazy, so here we only have wrong rewards for the second Rainbow Race announcement, so in the in-game announcement, I think that should be
where the wrong reward was given, then the second one here, which also bothered me a bit with the very first Kigas S No idea, bothered or surprised, you could basically leave the wall before the start of K, i.e. during the preparation time, i.e. the starting area , and just walk around outside, as I also said back then how can it be already running around outside and we're still locked up here So there was a gap somewhere in the invisible wall I guess that they have now closed then here fixue NP
C not removed or until relogin when joining and leaving aild I thought they had already fixed that to be honest fixep gildshipip is also annoying I would say m the next problem I would say is extremely blatant fix the issue where the artifact battle happens sooner than expected for few guilds which makes a huge difference but I mean imagine your gde or any gde is the only gde that starts earlier and that would theoretically be completely unf if you theoretically up to an hour earlier so you don'
t stand there like much earlier but it just starts an hour earlier and then no one can destroy the artifact so it would actually be quite unfair but well fixtion issue where housing objects in NPC state longer than expected yes of course they fixed that isue the W was of course good for the players anyway yes but the most blatant change is actually the one here Coral Island Violet Monsters will now drop the level 150 unique weapons that means Violets are now dropping for the very first time in t
he history of F Universe Weapons violets are basically known for dropping prodcts low prodcts sy of shade g product a prodct at high level even super prodct or x product now you can also drop hernness weapons what could change everything, you have to remember that every violet and every giant per channel are there once at the same time and that means the number of monsters that drop weapons in the high level has just doubled, so hopefully I'll finally have a positive impact on them Prices of hig
h-level items will have because at the moment it's still the case that I'm a normal player with a normal income, so I mean I'm talking about Penya income by the way not from euros can actually only really afford these weapons if he's very Save for a long time and then spend an exorbitantly high price or price equivalent to several 100 €o in fcoin to buy a clean 150 gun and if you say that out loud months after the update we are not talking about days after the update where you can always say yes
new item Hal has to pay a lot for it if it's the only item so that's clear but we're now months after the update and standard game normal players still can't really afford it or do it in any case It doesn't make much sense to afford it and it just can't be that's why this change or should this change will hopefully finally bring the prices down so it definitely won't be cheap but it should definitely ensure that it's significantly more Weapons and, above all, come onto the market much faster be
cause, as I said, the number of monsters they can drop has simply doubled, and it's also cool for people who level up because Violets were often not killed because they had too much HP and They just didn't drop so well or didn't drop the weapons and that could change now that the Violets actually get killed and people who are annoyed by them at the level might now have a little more peace of mind because the Violets will be faster sooner or later In any case, be removed beforehand exactly change
position of the button to access houses on mobile improv the interface to edit housing objects on mobile a bit of housing mobile updates for people who play on their cell phones edit a Reset Equipment button to the fitting room I think that's nice he has really missing Equip l button to the fitting room Blade weapons that's also nice and specific eror messages item cann be picked up by the player yes and then we have the two events first the weekend event that's an upgrade event upgrade events
are I say sometimes the better weekend events because who doesn't like upgrading and a bit of gambin and yes it 's a normal upgrade event so ST just upgrade event that's why you might ask yourself yes but what upgrade well plus doing that ultimately means armor and weapons plus do increase level that's what is meant by chance of successfully upgrading your gear will be increased starts on Friday at midnight and lasts until Sunday at 11:59 p.m. and then we also have a real event, namely the Candy
Event that lasts two weeks today until March 28th and is an event with a daily quest during Event players daily Mission Event NPC missioned per day and you have to collect Candy SHS and get a love Candy random box twice to complete quest from nej players have to collect Event Items Candy Shell which will be found and respawn around the entire world so they're probably just lying on the ground, I'm just guessing I haven't seen any yet and the quest is only available at level 20 and the Candy are
of course bound to see, which means you can see them don't exchange or sell yes and what's in this box we have here a lof candy random box and again in this box there is the possibility of getting everything you can get several times so a Z three times has one has a different probability and what then in turn is in it or or what it is in turn is these are powerups yes that s simply powerups that are similar to the cotton candy but just summarized so we don't have STR or hit rate cotton candy bu
t firstly there are higher effects and secondly it's almost always So in summary we have ST and hit rate we have stda and defense in and cast dex and perry dex and perry I personally have to say whether that makes too much sense but well and crit chance and attack speed and then we have all the stats + 20 so Instead of the Rainbow Cotton Candy, the H is basically the Rainbow love Candy, but now there are a few rules for it and you can use these different types of love Candy with other powerups,
but apparently the effects don't cover it and the same effect is not stack only Rainbow love Candy can be stacked I don't know if it can't be stacked at all, but here it says the effect doesn't stack and this green love Candy, for example, gives the Dex and Perry and here in the example it basically says flask of the rabbit Dex + 20 and Green love Candy dex+ 10 and that basically refers to I assume at least Dex + 10 Audi 8 Perry you will still get and with Rainbow love Candy and Green loveof Can
dy they both give decks but then it works with Rainbow love Candy and flask of the rabbit that also works with Rainbow love Candy and flask of the rabbit h you then basically plus 40 decks that would work and yes it's quite interesting and a bit confusing or complicated perhaps but I think you could perhaps just use other values ​​and then need You don't have to worry about it but hey who am I to decide? In the end it all boils down to the fact that most people probably want this Rainbow Love Ca
ndy because everything let 20 is, as I said, pretty intense, especially when you stop plays a character who benefits from at least two STS, which is a lot of characters, which is actually usually good, depends on what you do but usually several people and [music] otherwise the cast time powerups are probably still quite interesting or that I mean Casttime Critrate Powerup and yes it's not bad but it's just a pure powerup event, which means if you 're not that interested in these powerups then it
probably won't play such a big role and of course the number of candies is you can get per character through this limited that it is a daily quest that you can logically only do once a day and that also means during the entire event it should be 15 days in total the event runs ah yes but before the maintenance exactly that means on the 28th you can still do it So in the end you can get 15 x 2 love candy random boxes, that's 30 boxes, that means you have 30 times the chance to pick something up,
that means the maximum amount you can get is 90 candies of different types, most likely it will be significantly less You'll get something between 30 and 90 candies per character if you do this every day, so it's not the world and yes, I would n't say it's a bad event because powerups are actually very popular with a lot of people, but there really aren't any other than that no other rewards, which means, as I said, if W isn't particularly interested in powerups, he won't see any real added val
ue here and that's it for today. As I said, don't forget the Heartbreaker boxes in the cash shop and don't let yourself be tempted to spend too much money As I said, they are currently being sold in shops for well over 100 million, sometimes for well over 100 million, so let that sink in, they are now brand new, you can also get them cheaper, so you don't have to spend that much money on them now because they aren't that much either Worth the money, thank you very much for watching, I would be h
appy to receive a like comment subscription from you until next time F Universe don't forget to check out the live stream Twitch on the left in the video description and until then ciao [music] ciao fena
