
KSAT Kids Home Science: Kid-friendly elephant toothpaste

Are you looking for something fun to do at home that has a little bit of science behind it?


3 years ago

welcome back this week on katie science lab we're learning how to make so-called elephant toothpaste that's right kitty blake joins us now with her assistant our david sears good morning david glad to have you back we're going to put you to work this week so why is it called elephant toothpaste well why is it called elephants so this is the container we're using and we're going to kind of make something that would resemble toothpaste so this would be a i think a toothpaste you big enough for an
elephant got it and we won't forget it either there you go correct we're stepping up our game we got funnels off of amazon we are ready so here's what you're going to need first of all an empty soda or water bottle we've got some bigger sizes here if you want to do the bigger size that's how you can kind of tell the kids oh it's toothpaste for an elephant you'll need hydrogen peroxide three percent is fine some active yeast dish soap warm water and some food coloring to color your toothpaste all
right so first thing we're going to do and something you can do that we've already done warm water not too hot but not too cold and put your little yeast packet in there and and mix it all up and let that get good and mixed and then that can sit then we're going to put the hydrogen peroxide in the bottle about half a cup or so but you can be kind of generous with this since it's the the three percent and not the six percent if you can find the six percent that'll give you a bigger reaction uh b
ut you won't need to use as much there you go we're eyeballing it so you've got your hydrogen peroxide in there and then you're going to do just a couple squirts of dish soap that looks like about a half david with the long let that mix around you'll see the bubbles see the bubbles from the soap yeah and so that's blue so that's going to give that's going to give a little bit of coloring but then you can pick whatever color you want your toothpaste to be so maybe i'll put in green so this soap w
ill be clean later totally so you can put in some food coloring if you want to color your toothpaste wait for the spinal finger so you're good you're good you don't have to wait for it to stop completely i'll get some red thank you he's a patient guy so let the kids have fun with you know the color whatever color their toothpaste is see if they can kind of recreate that here great job david mix it up we'll mix it up get it all ready to go so cocktail right david come on there's no there's no lid
on that be careful sorry no that's good you're doing a great job david so as soon as you put the the yeast mixture in that's when the reaction is going to happen i guess we do we need the funnel i forgot about it ready so now the reaction is going to happen i think you shook too much but we're good all right here we go guys stand back oh look oh look in there good job david and here comes the bodies wow that's pretty cool look at that i love it i love it there's your toothpaste toothpaste fit f
or an elephant nice that's more impressive than your volcano katie play oh thank you yeah i hope each week we'll just kind of take it up a few minutes yeah wait wait till october got some water but yeah this is yeah and david why is mine bubbly feel feel the bottle you're gonna have to take your gloves off it's okay it's not hazardous we're actually creating some heat this is an exothermic reaction so it releases heat but don't worry it's not too hot the kiddos can touch it reaction yeah cool an
d with your christmas colors red and green right yeah great yours is like really smooth kind of bubbly david's looks like a slurpee yours katie looks like guacamole's floated everywhere big guac fan all right you guys have fun with this at home um remember to if you do these experiments at home with the kiddos tag us in your pictures you can find all of our previous experiments on kids good job david and it's it's okay to make a mess right oh yes okay good job guys he needs a toothbrush
a very big toothbrush david katie thank you



How did I miss this? Is this still a segment?