
LEARN ENGLISH AT HOME ALONE. #speakingenglish @learnwithgowthami

First of all thank you for watching my videos. These are some of the links that would be useful to you to improve your English language learning skills and speak English fluently. Please consider subscribing my YouTube channel. first of all thank you for watching my videos. these are some of the links that would be useful to you to improve your english language learning skills and speak english fluently. please consider subscribing my youtube channel. @learnwithgowthami some of the important playlists: 30 days challenge : 30 days challenge (may 2nd-31st, 2023): english speaking fluency journey: advanced english lessons: youtube shorts: english speaking practice || telugu-english translation: #learn english through telugu: #learn english phrases and idioms in telugu along with their meaning and examples: youtube videos: #learn telugu through english: #learnenglishspeaking #learnenglishthroughtelugu #speakenglish #fluentenglish #shorts #english #englishspeaking if you find my videos useful like and share it to your friends and family members. please help me with your valuable comments which helps to improve my presentation. don't forget to click the subscribe button and tap the bell icon so that you won't miss any of my videos. @Learnwithgowthami SOME OF THE IMPORTANT PLAYLISTS: 30 days challenge : 30 days challenge (May 2nd-31st, 2023): ENGLISH SPEAKING FLUENCY JOURNEY: Advanced english lessons: YouTube shorts: English speaking practice || Telugu-english translation: #Learn english through telugu: #Learn English phrases and idioms in telugu along with their meaning and examples: Youtube videos: #Learn telugu through english: #learnenglishspeaking #learnenglishthroughtelugu #speakenglish #fluentenglish #shorts #english #englishspeaking If you find my videos useful like and share it to your friends and family members. Please help me with your valuable comments which helps to improve my presentation. Don't forget to click the subscribe button and tap the bell icon so that you won't miss any of my videos.

English with Gowthami • 23kviews • 2hoursago

8 days ago

hi Namaste welcome back to our Channel how are  you people let me know in the comments I am really very good okay now I wanted to know about your  response on my previous video regarding simple tips for the beginners to learn English right as  a continuation to that video I wanted to do this video that is how to learn English as a beginner  at home alone okay there are so many people people who are trying to learn how to speak English at  home I know that because I am one of them so I wanted to
help those people today I'm going  to give you seven simple and effective tips okay these are really effective tips and please  make sure that you are watching the video till the end without skipping it and not only that I  would really appreciate you if you please like the video so that it will reach as many people  as possible coming to the first tip that I want share with you people is that read books in the  language that you wanted to learn okay I mean in this case I want you to read Englis
h books okay  now what are the books that you need to read you need to pick up your book that is simple that you  are interested in and the topic that you like and you need to understand at least 90 to 95% of the  content that is written in the book that that is how you need to pick up the book okay I have  given a lot of advantages why you need to read books right I have done a separate video also  I would provide the link in the iard section so please check it out and while reading make sure 
that you are reading it loud okay only when you read loud you are again going to hear what are you  reading and you are going to again absorb what are you reading reading and that is how you are going  to know the correct pronunciation of the words I have told you in the previous video also that if  you want to know the correct pronunciation of the word you need make the correct jaw movements you  need to make the correct lip movements then only you will get the correct pronunciation of the  wor
d so if you read out loud you are going to do two activities at the same time first one is  reading second one is listening right you need to prefer to read books I highly recommend you to  start reading at least now okay and the second tip I wanted to give you people is that please try to  watch as much content as possible in your target language I did this a lot okay believe me I did  this a lot I watched so many videos on YouTube I watched so many movies on Netflix okay I watched  so many mov
ies wherever possible I try to watch in the target language in English language only  of course I love my native Lang I want to watch the movies in my native language only because I  want to hear my native language but at the same time what I did was that I intentionally shifted  my habit of watching movies in my native language to watching movies into English okay I selected  some of the English movies and watched them in the same way I selected some of the content creators  that I love the mos
t and I started watching their Vlogs I started to absorb I started to observe  how they are speaking what type of words they are using okay this is what I did that is what  you need to do the first thing that you need to do before coming to a conclusion on what  topic to watch I recommend you to watch vlogs okay because in Vlogs you will find a variety of  content they are going to provide you the natural way of speaking English and not only that try to  consume whatever you want on a particular
topic or on a particular problem that you are facing  in English Okay for example if I wanted to know what are the gardening tips so that I can grow  corander in a easiest way then what I need to do is that I need to make sure that I am watching  that video in English okay in that way I'm going to know the terminology I'm going to know the  different methods of uh how to grow corander in the target language I'm going to know how to frame  sentences right so whatever you whatever problem you are
facing whatever you want to Google it or  find the answer to it try to do it in English only so that in this way you are trying to use English  more make use of the language make use of English more in your life okay try to listen more and try  to watch more as much as possible okay consume more data then while producing the data it will be  quite easy to you okay believe me without knowing at least a limited vocabulary you can't speak  you will stuck you will stuck in between okay the next thi
ng I wanted to share with you try to  share your opinions on a particular topic okay in this way you are going to speak about different  situations in your life okay it may be about the past situations that you have experienced or you  may share your memories to others and not only that you can ask the other people to share their  memories so that you can start a conversation right this is what you need to do you need to  start sharing your opinions start sharing your experiences in English then
what happens is that  you are going to start thinking in English this is the foremost step that you need to do if you want  to speak in English right first of all you need to stop the process of translation in your head and  start thinking one request I want to make to all of you people is that in the end cards I am going  to provide you a wonderful video regarding how to start thinking in English please go and watch  that video it will be very useful to you okay I know why you are not able to
speak English you  are not able to speak English because you are not able to think in English you are just translating  you just trying to Translate translation is not the process that you need to hang on it's time  to get rid of it all these years you have spent unnecessarily right so it is my kind request  please go go and watch the video that I'm am going to give you in the end cards please start  thinking in English Okay make use of that video and now coming to this video when you start  thi
nking in English automatically words will come to you your brain is going to give you so  many words in English the next task comes now that is you need to actually speak it out okay how  many words you have inside you how many thoughts you may have inside you you may have a lot of  things to say but you are just holding inside you then speaking is the most important thing that  you will be skipping right so whatever that comes inside your brain even if it is a wrong sentence  okay speak out spe
ak out only when you speak out you will come to know that you should not use that  particular word at that context right you should not use that particular sentence in that form  okay you did some grammatical mistake you will come to know only when you speak out okay so this  is the step that you need to do that is you need to stop the process of translation by telling  your own opinions your own experiences okay if you tell your own experience then it will be very  easy to you instead of tellin
g the other ones the other people's opinion if you are telling about  yourself that something belongs to you that you have experienced on your own then it is quite easy  for you to tell to express so this is the best way best method that you can use if you want to start  learning English the next method I would recommend you to do for sure is that speak in front of  the mirror at your initial stages okay it is not that each and every person has that courage to go  and speak to other person immed
iately after they started learning this language for 2 to 3 days  so at the initial stages I highly recommend you to go in front of the mirror and start speaking  while speaking don't think about anything just work upon your communication skill the way you are  delivering the message so that you will come to know either you are able to speak in a flow or you  are stuck in between at what stage you are stuck all of these will come to your not okay you are  your own partner like me I am my own par
tner so don't be afraid of speaking in front of the mirror  and try to you try to develop it as a habit okay try to do it regularly and eventually you will  fall in love with that love with this practice the next method is one of my favorite method that  is to create stories okay to use your create your mind okay you have learned a lot of vocabulary by  listening you have learned a lot of vocabulary by reading all right day by day you are doing a lot  of conception activities and you are loading
your brain right so in order to avoid the burden that  you are having inside your mind in order to avoid the load what you need to do is that you need to  do the conception activities in the same way so I recommend you to start writing stories to start  creating stories it will be very enthusiastic because you are creating Your Own Story right I  like to give good endings to my story tell me have you ever tried story writing if not once give it  a chance it may be just two paragraphs it may be
just three paragraphs about anything that that  is the reason I have told you to read a lot of kids stories your mind will strike automatically  when you sit with a pen and paper you will start writing the step the first thing is that you need  to start writing then your pen will automatically go okay I recommend you to write at least 150  to 200 words it is a very small thing okay if you write two paragraphs it is very easy to  achieve I I highly recommend you to write 150 to 200 words at the i
nitial stages why I recommend  writing is that while writing you will have ample time to think right and not only that once you  have written anything and after that what are you going to do is that you are going to read your  own story that you have written loud okay once you read out loud then you are again going to hear so  that you are going to know your own mistakes and one more Advantage is that while you are reading  the second time while you are reading again then you will come to know t
hat I would have written  this sentence much better so that you are going to use more number of words okay you would only  think that oh I have written like this right I would have written like this way then it would be  much better to hear to my ears that is what you will feel you will know how to improve yourself  improve your writing skills if you are once going to practice this writing skills then it will be  automatically easy to you while speaking because while writing already you are goin
g to learn such  vocabulary regarding a particular context and if you want to speak on that particular context the  next day or the next time then the words will come to you in a flow okay so you will not feel  more burdens some to speak to someone in you need to do is that you need to record yourself okay I  know I know so many people don't like it but it is essential to do if you want to see your progress  okay I follow this method a lot I record myself and I watch it again if I don't like it
again  I record and I again watch it so each time I'm going to produce something I'm going to rectify  my mistakes okay if you record yourself and you are listening it to yourself you are watching it  again then obviously you are going to figure out your own mistakes without knowing unknowingly  you are going to do a lot of mistakes you you can't even think of them unknowingly right so if  you record yourself and again watch it then you will definitely correct a lot of mistakes you are  going to
reduce a lot of mistakes that you make okay this is the best best option okay on whatever  topic you are preparing if you want to give any seminar or if you want to tell any story or if you  want to do any conversation anything it may be try to record okay while recording you are going to  gain a lot of benefits lot okay so don't waste your time start recording at least from today  there is nothing wrong right you are not going to share it to anyone just if you don't like if  you don't want any
body to watch your videos then record them watch them and save them in a separate  private folder so that nobody can see that you are your boss you are your teacher you are the one  that you are going to correct yourself okay if you are free you can send them to your friends  and ask them to correct that is what you need to do you need to record you need to watch it  again and you need to correct your mistakes if you are not in a position to correct your mistakes  I advise you to send it to some
one whom you trust that they are not going to criticize you for  your mistakes but they are going to correct you and guide you in a correct way okay so start doing  this step from today are you ready to do this step let me know in the comments and even after doing  all these some of them are not able to speak are not able to gain fluency while speaking English  why because they lack practice okay practice is something that I'm going to practice for 1 hour  today and tomorrow I'm going to skip be
cause I have some other works to do I am tied up with  some other works and the next next day again I'm going to practice for 15 minutes the other day  I will practice for half an hour and as Sunday will come after 7 days all these days I will  just do the consumtion activities and I am not going to do consumtion activity and on the final  day that is on Sunday again I will I will do the production activity the whole day I will if if  possible the whole day I'm going to speak see that is not cal
led as practice that means that  you are just pass passing time passing time like a cloud practice is something that you involve  in it okay you need to do it regularly you need to do it consistently you need to do it every day  then it is called practice right vat kohi he such a great batsman would he say that I will practice  only before the match no right he is going to to practice each and every day and obviously you are  going to watch that output on that match right that is what you need t
o do you should not wait  for the day of your test or for the day of your interview or you should not think that you will  practice you will do the production activity only when you find time or only when it is necessary  okay just take that opinion take that erase that from your mind okay then half of the problems is  solved okay practice is something that you need to do consistently that you need to do regularly  that you need to do every day even for 15 minutes speaking 15 minutes reading 15
minutes writing  and 15 minutes listening is okay but you need to do regularly every day okay do it for at least at  least 6 months regularly come back to this video and let me know whether it worked out for you to  improve your speaking skills or not okay so in the end cards in the iards and in the end screens I am  going to provide very useful to videos to you so please don't skip them and not only that I would  feel very happy if you share this video to your friends and family members who are
trying hard  to learn English and if you want want to support me please click the Subscribe button that would  help me thank you so much see you soon in the next
