
Learn how the Just Walk Out technology experience works

Uncover the mechanics of Just Walk Out technology by Amazon from our NRF booth walk-through.

Just Walk Out technology by Amazon

11 months ago

Hi, I'm Brad Fowler. I'm on the Business Development  team at Just Walk Out. This experiential store kit gives a view of the technology needed to  implement Just Walk Out at a retailer location. To enable Just Walk Out technology, we need  a payment method identified when the shopper enters. Methods of which some retailers use more  than one, include credit or debit card in which Amazon manages the payment processing and is  the fastest path to launch, app, by scanning a QR code in the Retailer'
s mobile app, we can  identify the consumer, payment, and email for receipt, Amazon builds the virtual basket and  passes to the customer for payment, or Amazon One. With Amazon One, we offer a contactless  biometric payment option. Once payment, whatever the method, has been authorized, a virtual cart is  created and the gates will open. Let's walk inside. Once in the store, the cameras above coupled with  shelf sensors will detect items removed from shelves by a consumer and will add that item
to  their virtual cart. If the shopper puts the items back whether in the same location or somewhere  else, the item is removed from the virtual cart. Sensors detect any change in weight when a  product is taken or returned to a shelf. These sensors reconcile data with computer vision,  the cameras to build an accurate virtual cart. Sensors support multiple SKUs per shelf and  sensors are customizable for different shelf sizes and add-on sensors are easily configurable  for retrofits of existin
g stores and fixtures. They are also important in identifying easy to  conceal lightweight items less easily detected by the cameras. The cameras above allow for a  multi-camera perspective. No facial recognition is used. Computer vision allows for differentiation  between SKUs of varying size and weight. We also have vision only capability which  relies exclusively on computer vision from ceiling mounted cameras. The technology is  scalable and flexible based on the retail space. As small as 40
0 square feet to a large  fast casual format of 3,000 square feet, we've developed stores some Amazon Fresh locations that  are even larger at forty thousand square feet. Multiple store formats are available including  new build, retrofit, prefabricated like a store kit you see here, or inline kiosk all dependent on the  requirements of the retailer. Once a consumer has completed their shopping, they will exit through  the gate. They will be charged for the items taken with them effectively left
in the virtual cart  using the payment method authorized on the way in. In delivering a frictionless experience, Just Walk  Out technology also delivers data-driven insights that can help retailers optimize their stores to  grow revenue and reduce costs. Just Walk Out Analytics provides important insights for store  operations. Today to get those insights you often need to purchase an expensive survey that only  provides data from a limited time period. Just Walk Out Analytics can provide insig
hts that  go beyond just sales data helping retailers to make better macro space decisions, create more  productive planograms, improve selection, build a bigger basket, create profitable promotions, and  improve labor efficiency. This information is available in easy to use dashboards. Retailers can  drive revenue and reduce costs with new insights on how products are considered, picked up, returned  to shelf, and purchased across Just Walk Out stores [Music] Once I finish grabbing what  I need
I just walk out. It's that easy. [Music]
