
📚🇹🇷 Learn Turkish: Family Members Vocabulary 🤝👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Welcome to our Turkish language learning series! In this episode, we'll dive into essential vocabulary related to family members in Turkish. Whether you're a beginner or looking to expand your language skills, this video will help you master the names of family members in Turkish. II examine kinship terms in two groups for you. First, we will start with the basic words learned in all languages. Then, we will learn some words that are frequently used in Turkish culture by examining more complex words. I will explain some situations for which even the English equivalents are inadequate, with a little more detail. Please do not forget to take notes during the lesson by taking notes of the newly learned words and stopping the video for a short time. By watching this video, you will not only hear the most accurate pronunciations of words from a native speaker, but also embellish your Turkish with new words that you will hear frequently in daily life. By the end of this video, you'll feel more confident discussing family relationships in Turkish and be one step closer to fluency. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more language lessons and cultural insights! Let's embark on this exciting journey of learning Turkish together. Haydi başlayalım! (Let's get started!) 🇹🇷✨ #LearnTurkish #TurkishLanguage #FamilyVocabulary #LanguageLearning #TurkishCulture

Turkish Lessons

5 days ago

Hello, everyone! This is Nurullah ÖKTEM from Türkiye. Welcome back to our Turkish lesson series. Today, we're going to learn about family members in Turkish. So, let's begin by learning the different family members and relatives in Turkish along with their English meanings. Let's start with the basic family members An-ne, Anne Ba-ba, Baba Kız, Kız O-ğul, Oğul Kar-deş, Kardeş Bü-yük-an-ne, Büyükanne Bü-yük-ba-ba, Büyükbaba Tey-ze, Teyze Am-ca, Amca Ku-zen, Kuzen Ha-la, Hala Da-yı, Dayı Yen-ge, Ye
nge "Yenge" is the wife of someone's maternal uncle. Brothers can also address each other's wives as "Yenge". “Yenge” is a female-specific word. It is used to refer to a woman who is married to any one of your male relatives. Most common usages are: Your brother’s wife And your uncle’s wife Informally, you can also use it to refer to a woman who is married to a close friend. E-niş-te, Enişte Ye-ğen, Yeğen Eş, Eş To-run, Torun Da-mat, Damat Ge-lin, Gelin Now, let's move on to some more advanced v
ocabulary related to relatives in Turkish. These words will help you express more nuanced family relationships. Let's take a look... A-bi, Abi It means elder brother. And it is used by males to address or refer to an older brother or a close male friend It's also used more broadly to address any older male figure whom the speaker feels close to or respects. It's commonly used among friends or peers to address someone older than them, regardless of actual sibling relationships. A-ğa-bey, Ağabey
