
Let's Play PC Building Simulator (Session 5)

Hello everyone! Welcome to the 5th session of Let's Play PC Building Simulator. Let's see if we can level up to level 10 and build some nice custom water cooling.

Matt's Livestream Gaming

Streamed 1 year ago

okay now it looks like everyone can see me it's  uh i i've been trying a different setup now just check if i can increase the quality of the  stream it seems like it's uh it's working so far so that's great so hello everyone welcome to  session five of um uh let's play pc building simulator and uh we've already built a few pcs  right now and did some uh cleaning for uh some of our customers so uh let's hope that we  are getting uh more exciting offers now so um i noticed in the last stream  that
somebody else came to watch unfortunately uh didn't say  hello yet but uh let's hope that this train someone will say hello and if not then  we can just pretend that there's a bunch of people in the audience who are constantly chatting  me and sending me comments and suggestions on how to play the game right good so my name  is matt and uh let's uh boot up our game let's play pc building simulator and here we go no pcs yet but i i believe that our oh three here we need to do some um custom wate
r cooling for  hermann and we also have philip laguna again show what he wants bamboozle hr and the third one  for this into someone that's a new one i think wow a great psu okay oh let's  have a look at the emails and excuse me i'm going to set up youtube here so that i can follow along with your  chats and suggestions on how to play by the way i also updated my profile  picture and my channel better to make it a little bit more interesting  uh let's have a look here i am there we go okay herma
n soothing sounds hoping you can water  cool something on my computer the processor should do fine people work cool possesses right oh  and maybe you can get blue cool then it will look just like real water not that cool it  is in water but it's different right i think yeah we can definitely do uh some glow coolant uh  i already did that for a previous customer uh as you may have seen in the in the previous sessions  so we can definitely do that again no problem so herman what are you saying in
the  notes i've been too stressed out recently this whole project is just such a massive  responsibility i need to create a little zen in order to reflect on the true meaning of  blendo's breakfast cereals to respond to the deeply laid foundations of the extra mild product  line to connect with the essence of the cold flame and there's nothing more calming than a trickling  river or a bubbling brook yeah reminds me as well i once had a had a holiday in austria in the  mountains where they also h
ad those just beautiful rivers and uh yeah could could sit there for  hours and just enjoy the soothing sounds of it i can't fit a river in here but i can at  least recreate the sights and sounds with a bit of water cooling that's true yeah as for  the other senses smell is pretty well taken care of i've been in this room for so long now that  a distinct aroma has developed not unlike fish personally i've gotten used to it but the cleaners  keep asking to check if there's a body in here okay so
for custom recording we need three things  maybe you remember from the first session so we need a reservoir a cpu block and a radiator  right but first we need to check what kind of um what kind of um reservoir may fit in here you know actually i can just check  in his pcs that's what kind of uh case he has or evga full tower that's all  right isn't it so custom water cooling shop to reservoir i usually always go with this one reservoir compatibility so the evgi evga  dg84 yeah you see let's see
if that's 150 and then we also need a cpu block what kind  of circuit do you have intel core i5 7600k this should be any in the lga uh yeah something like that would be fine pipes we already have those we also have that one already uh but i still need a radiator right let's check it's just using this looks like we have plenty of space yeah so we can go for um 360 millimeters yeah more than 150 is just not possible  i think let's go for the alpha cool okay that should be it's okay well that's th
at  now connie next one hi i'm connie eerotek's finance director i hear you're someone who gets  things done i've cooked up a plan to dramatically increase our profits i'll include all the juicy  details in the notes section below all i need is an image editing app but i want it to run properly  just make sure i've got whatever hardware they my schedule is absolutely stacked so i  don't have time to drop my pc off you'll have to come to my office instead and while  you're there maybe you can hav
e a look at my printer i ran into some issues with it last  week i wanted to try making our own promotional t-shirts to cut costs how was i supposed  to know they'd get jammed in the printer oh and could you try changing my desktop  wallpaper to something a bit more finance director cash money banknotes  that sort of thing would be great let's have a look at the notes okay so here's  the plan eurotech needs more money and money is cash right banknotes and what are banknotes  they're just bits of
paper with fancy pictures on and if there's one thing eurotech has loads of  it's paper and you see where i'm going with this we'll all be billionaires by the end of the week  so she needs some mugshot cc with recommended spec fix the printer and install a wallpaper okay  let's have a look and then i will install the will it run app over there and then we can see  how to get it work with recommended spec right why do i always have to fix the printer there we go let's install our usb drive i'm g
oing to install virus scanner because  i'm sure she will ask for it sooner or later uh what else can you select wallpaper maybe also the mugshot that's of course watching be linked by back and clean it pro that should  do it now let's check for her ram setup she's using extreme profiling yeah that's  why i change this and restart there we go let's do the wallpaper first that's the  easy part money money money she wants money if it's fake or not that's euro money  nice so that's that it works in
minimal she needs 16 gigabytes and a better thing okay  so actually just um just a better graphics card and that's it so now there's a 1060 found this  edition i believe i did it inside i don't know it's the nvidia geforce gtx 1070 ti that's  important to add the ti graphics graphics oh yeah here gi founders  position we can go with that that should be it okay we'll come back  another time when we have the parts okay mangled cabbage great news the band this back  together finally thanks for gett
ing everyone involved dude if you ever need a roadie we can  trust i know who to call venita is booking us a meeting room for band practice i just need to  tune my axe then we're gonna head over and kick out the gems better buy some earplugs  euro tech this is going to get loud oh boy into some prepping for high preach i'm  having problems on the high load i think i might just need a better power supply there  are quite a few junk files on my disk right now too coming to the end of a big project
you know  how it is maybe you could run clears for me it's really busy over here we're all putting  in extra hours to get hyped reach our new cloud marketing platform across the finish line but  it will be going live soon assuming nothing goes wrong by the way do you happen to know leah for  marketing and sales she seemed really great when i met up with her and the team maybe i should  email her for a quick status update because we're so close to lounge just to like check  him and say hi is tha
t weird no no it's fine oh we have the shoe barking let's see if  i still have something no it's all used only 100 let's power supplies 150 555 550 for 555 650 for 60. yeah that should do it add the card and then click pro we will do it when we have all the parts and  then philip lacuna can you make sure my pc has all the right bits to run the software they use  in hr i forget what it's called sorry it's still hygiene but the quicker the better i guess you  might as well install it as well if yo
u figure out what it's called saves me the trouble keep  this under your head for now but i may have found an empty office a little birdie told me that  room assignments are stored in the personnel database so i should be able to use the  hr software to see if it really is free i know the odds are against me but if  there's a chance i have to go for it right i mean an entire office just for me  that's the holy grail oh supermotherface but it's an easy one bamboozle hsr he's going to come back wi
th some virus cobra  problem now why not have these be linked and buy it back and clean it pro installed you  never know what it's going to ask there we go i believe i already fixed this ramp setup no  i did not light changes and restart here we go oh insufficient resources should have installed will it  run as well i'm so sorry for that there we go all right let's  boot up and see what happens bamboozle so it just needs  more ram and a better cpu well let's have a look at your stats first get m
e the stats please wait that's herman i'm working on  this one right yeah philip lacuna and you will need machine titan two gigabytes  two one three three okay oh it's only twenty dollars for it what else but that is cpu right but the thing is um i've found oh wait for the recommended spec he only  needs eight he already has the right video card maybe if i just buy two  more of the ram should be okay right if he has space for it wait a minute let's check that bus no he doesn't so  what should i
do what's the budget 350 i also need to buy a new processor to hold it minimum spec is okay so i'm gonna stick  with uh with what we have right now so just one more shoot item and then just dispute  processor uh it was the i5 600 for the best one for i5 175 this will be 195 all together the problem is this is sky lake but it's  what i'm saying about maybe i should just check the nearest the nearest the amd reason 5 quad core that's 190  it should still be okay yeah it is looks like i have a mess
age  from my filipino friend oh she says thank you okay so that's uh with that  that should be enough to to get it working and then the last email just these sellers hey just wondering if you have a company  product key from that secure four there's nothing i can do man okay looks like we have all things we need for  now next day delivery should be okay bye now let's finish this day go to work there we go uh-oh looks like i forgot to  buy the customer recording how much is he paying you what a w
atercolor 750 buy now there we go okay here we go the plug move the  air cooler thermal paste okay here let's start with the cpu  block that's it now the reservoir i think i need to remove this beauty panel first yes there we and then go should have i'm wondering  did i put through paste on it i forgot there we go and now our radiator it  doesn't fit i need to remove the other fan maybe i can install that  fan over there let's try it case fan but we need to make some space  first and now yes we
can waterfall now piping man come on and now the cools build the reservoir there we go that should be all isotopes let's boot it up oh i have to wait for golden  to be finished yes now we can i can't install the beauty panel no okay yes that's how it's supposed to be okay herman you're ready oh this is brilliant it's just like  sitting on the riverside waiting for a bite no really there are fleas in here now oh right the ram ruffle gpu bundle let's just go with the ram maybe i can just buy them
all and see what comes storage gigabumble right neck delivery same day by now blimey someone's in a hurry blimey wow we've got some  really nice stuff in here some of them are broken yeah okay it's a raffle sometimes you win  sometimes you lose the order has been delayed we regret to inform you that your recent orphan  uncle tim's bog in basement has will lead you to one or more of the following delivery  vehicle lost customs inspection failed bribe leaves on the hide emergency asset denial  act
of god are you feeling lucky this card wait that's for later on oh yeah she wanted to have  workshops ready visit location so just the graphics card right let's have a look oh here i can see it we need to open the pci  lock remove the nvidia card pci book i already installed mug shot apparently ready to boat okay time to go back  that's it time to cash in on this wow 560 dollars of profit many  thanks for the help i'll crack on with the plan as soon as i get out  of this meeting okay in this su
mmer oh yeah the psu okay let's unplug the power king goes out is it this one yeah i suppose because she only had a hundred dollars over oh yeah of course ps2 shroud in my usb drive okay let's check the ramp first apply changes yes here we go here welcome back i'm sure so let's  just install the virus scanner and then the other bunch of tools like  feeling bite back and clean it bro nobody is watching so i can tell  myself jokes all the time you know what kind of joke should i tell myself now  w
hat's the difference between a thai and a knee i know the answer but you don't and what's the the difference between a guy  from myanmar and a guy from the philippines i can tell myself really good jokes you know  some people don't understand and i can just keep saying them all day long nobody's  watching my stream of course there we go thanks gonna send that email to leah  quickly before i get on with my work i don't know why i'm telling you about it serious seriously  it's not weird is it it i
s weird discard okay philippe lacuna hr right um and he needed some  extra ram and even that was taking also another um another cpu this is just core 1200 formal pastel okay here we go and collects the money nice profit oh i'm so  excited to find out about this room i'll run a few checks and let you know looking forward to it  okay we have two more say someone had a bunch of evidence on that ssd and needed to get rid quick  could you replace it let's find out oh can you put type one there and al
l got a few things to get  started before anyone finds out what i've done replace ssd and but this one needs to be removed  that's a patriot bust of 480. i can install this one but it's uh inferior  right yeah it's it's not ex accepting it so the patch it burst 480 is what i need okay shop storage that should bust at the cop it should be all and that's temporaries gpu  and cpu upgrades going to body wouldn't write a beach for my desktop wallpaper as well as  a little reminder of what's up for gr
abbed hi i'm mate did you see the email from ira  about this confrontation motivation thing stupid name but he can call it what he likes if  he gets me a holiday in bali i'm already one of the top sellers so this should be in the bag as  long as that brett brady doesn't try anything uh so just upgrading for a thousand  two hundred dollars okay um cpu and graphics card but what does we  have let's just check the pc stats it's going to be the easiest way intel  core i7 7700k what socket is that it
's okay be like okay oh okay so he already has the best  cpu right and i need to upgrade it so we must upgrade the motherboard as well yeah i can i can just check the port ranking you can just go to the intel core i5 8400 that's 250 i think you can do better than that right 8600k what about the 10 400 expensive 9600k 300 8600k 280 8400 yeah  okay add to cart so motherboard coffee lake i'm going for the cheapest cpu because i  also need to replace this motherboard of his what ram does he have onl
y two one three three form factor this should be fine 266 and the s80 x i'm sure that would fit his  uh case no ryan texcelenos i'm wondering what can it have rained excellence mini and micro ball no problem at all the colorful cvn looks like it has four strips what storage does he  have oh a normal uh ssd another on board storage part so we can just take this one okay last thing on the list a graphics card  now using the dfl radium r9 go right door do we have it no maybe it's  without the a yea
h there it is so an asus rockstrix radian rx 470  oc edition would already be okay and then we have 570 visit the expedition it's this one at the card and then we're only  just 885 minus this thing here should be profitable then that's it all right next day delivery hold on because i have some new new stuff in here maybe i can use some of this material do i have  water bolts no not received all right end of day and now we have the bargain basement delivery go  to work hey dug a few unfinished pc
s out of my storage unit while i was there yesterday they're  not pretty but you're welcome to have them yours generously uncle turn nice thank you so much  oh no some of our best deals are expiring today what the hell connie a board a board aboard don't  panic but if you have any emails or documentation relating to operation cash money you should  delete them immediately and maybe burn the hard drive they were stored on just to be safe  the government might be onto us can't take the risk of the
m tracing it back to me so i microwaved  my hard drive can you bring me a replacement and install cookbooks and sell out i need to get  back to work like nothing happened might be a good idea to run a network diagnostic as well just  to make sure no one is trying to run a trace on me that's the thing right how did operation cash  money go so wrong so fast i'm i got back to my desk took a photo of a banknote and opened magic  on my pc but then popped up this message about illegal currency manipul
ation how did it know  what i was trying to do that stupid app must have lost on me i swear there are stitches  everywhere in this business oh it's an m2 hmm you know what i'm gonna do um  die and gasps computer first we need to replace the ssd and i'm sure that wait it's used oh wait i have to come back  first of course there it is these are oh wow they've got a lot of them too stuff and a lot of  motherboards a lot of broken stuff as well damn it so this is so all broken yes good so what was 
i doing oh yeah uh storage batch it dust so now the only thing i need to  do is install the operating system and install typo as well the wire scanner why not she  will come back to me with it there is typo be linked fight back and clean it bro let's restart this here we go ready to go oh my it's almost full  in here okay um collect collect quicker than i thought nice one i'm definitely  taking notes for next time if there is a next time steph breeze i had to upgrade the cpu but  i have to upgra
de everything there we go yeah it was this one open cpu shield you can twist this one yeah it is all right put some thermal paste on it and now the cpu cooling oh it's annoying that they don't have that yellow sticky note on it to  say who it belongs to now the graphics card looks like this one yes it's accepted as a oh no ram of course no ram not fun okay wheels oh wow nice changes and restore yes i'm wondering how many live streams do i have to  do before anyone actually jumps in to have a loo
k i really don't know wait what was it  that i had to install a beach themed yeah look that fire scanner this time okay here we go is that the beach you want  yes okay do you see balls okay stuff you're ready perfect love it i'll send you a  postcard when i get to bali thank you now we have stiletto maven i have strings filming i'm  missing out on something um no it reminds me i just need to replace the m2 let's have a look because i have  received some from another 10. how am i supposed to do t
his that's it so i first need  to remove the graphics card and then i can remove the kingston  250 gigabytes do i have anything this is 240 240 512 or you can have this one okay with it and now the graphics cards usb drive can't fix usb drive  oh i already have it okay oh boy great and now i should install water  what is it sell out and cook books and dealings probably everything and then the links bite back  clean it bro yeah here we go finish uh installing all the  parts side panel and top pan
el okay time to go back to the workshop we're done here collect feedback thanks for the assist  if anyone else this never happens okay but then i have another one from connie  thanks again for helping out with my pc i'm just about ready to kick off project cash money now  i need to find some banknotes on the scan about she already said no help us record some  new demos next pc for marketing giveaway a good graphics card replace psu and install hdd  what's this replace air cooler check for no lig
hts okay so 100 cfm it has lighting rgb only airflow 60 40 50. can you only i can do this  inferior air cooler installed okay i think i'm just gonna buy it ryan little pro at the card 70 dollars good that should be all for now and  then we have just symmetric i'll give it away not sure if it's missing parts  of people's living a better graphic cards in there oh my i need to clean it you place psu as well press air so okay shield power thing is that gonna work  nope inferior ps2 installed oh man
well then 700 what if we have corsair tx 550m now install hard drive and upgrade graphics  card like which one did you get out this one is the cheapest 40 let's try it  nope not accepted this one msi g-force gtx nope stop it upgrade maybe this dfl yeah it works nice now a hard drive this one's broken we have one from gigabyte two five six let's have this one that's the cheapest so  far and now the only thing i need is a psu i'm gonna reinstall it just see if i can run it it's just an inferior ps
u  installed yeah of course let's let's just switch it off doesn't make any sense because i  don't need to install any software anymore right okay well then let's just wait for tomorrow and then you what do i have to do with you  data mine installed and working that's it yes you need a wallpaper of rock concerts okay let's reboot already that's it no date of mine of course  uh data mine data mine data mine i forgot to install it should have installed will let run as well that's what i thought wh
at is wrong  i should have had that one as well now minimum spec mentioned so i guess we have eight gigabytes we need more  storage and nvidia geforce gtx 1060 and i think i have that and i have that  storage as well so we can do this still have it 1060 yes i have and then storage and install just this one okay yes that's it ready to go  poly hormone you're ready hey dude this is totally awesome gonna  get abandoned to record some demos soon maybe we should do a concert oh yeah and  find me plea
se not i don't like concerts yeah hey since nobody's watching i'm gonna tell  you a secret i'm autistic yeah i almost killed myself yeah it's funny when nobody's watching  i can't just say anything about yourself right but that's okay i'm thinking it's getting hot in here what  time is it almost 2 pm no it's too hard to swim if i swim now i'm gonna get burned  unless i do some some sun cream on me gotta check because i think my friend scott  who is now in pattaya i think he took this yeah i thin
k he has all so sad maybe they have something seven eleven downstairs  i'm gonna check it out later anyway so um just a psu here the air cooler  there oh just just deliver it oh no wait a minute oh my goodness  i should start doing these wow 1300 watts let's create this one we have this one we're going to put this oh right there do i have a cpu i do do i have cooling i have two of them let's try it with this one do i have friend i do she tightened four gigabytes it's motherboards also sticks set
370  game what's the maximum speed for ram foreign which one was it again this takes the sets 370. this one suppose four three three three wow it's not a bad thing all right this one done there we go now the graphics card the thing is i put only 350 in let's try with this one maybe this just now we still need to have storage let's get this one and move the side button again good now i have to put it in the driveway it stops fitting should i put my ssd i'm surprised why can't  i just oh wait the
re is the place to be let's start with the installment just this one pcie unlocks one side panel the other side  panel let's give it a try our consumption is not too  huge this is already cpu and the energy it consumes my graphics card like 75 only so it should be  okay with this sheen power 350. it's great power consumption only 200 watts  right now temperature is perfect yeah power consumption stays the  same only 200 watts very nice almost finished it's not gonna be the best of the best but a
t least we we have something  something nice to sell at some more here silverstone let's start with this one because  it already has the most parts in it as an intel core i9 so i just  need to install the cpu cooling let's take this one that's  the best one here we go ram installed i still have these two here  okay let's give it a try i have four more i could have put two more in it add a graphics card let's put this one in maybe i can do the storage  fast none of them fits okay sad if you have
some space here we go graphics cards oh i almost had it yeah there we go okay so now i have a graphics  card do i have a psu no i don't that's the final part that i need for this thing  but i thought i had 1300 and what is that 1300 is it meant with this thing  no it's just fractal design what's the other one then yeah this one has 1300 so we have storage graphics ram cpu  cooling just no cpu uh psu fast okay now this one is already 250. i'm sure we need to have a quite some  dough for that well
i need to have this one 650 watts should be fine for 60 dollars okay i'm gonna get this one should be  plenty because we only have one graphics card should be able to do this okay so let's put this uh in here for a while pick up this pc let's check if there's nothing  else in it no only have one pc in it okay so this one has a very powerful psu 1300 watts we should install two graphics  cards let's check for a good motherboard first maximum ram speed 4300 should also be coffee lake so it has 44
00 also coffee lake  let's give it a try shall we check for storage okay can i install them all no no  no no no this one okay okay okay so i have storage now i need a cpu  a coffee lake cpu do i have that nope i don't have yet let's buy  one the coffee like the best this one cpu calling hold on hold on install this is not enough for that kind of cpu i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to check for a bigger one the final should it fit 360. i'm gonna order it alpha cool let's have two of them you nev
er know and the graphics card of course but i  need to have two of the same however if i install this one and then  another one of the same types this is the evga geforce gtx 1080 ti gaming i think it's this one 1080  now of course yeah it is and now the ram let's check uh msi mpg 390 set 390 pro carbon four thousand four hundred so i should have  memory four thousand four angles yeah we have two should be enough because i  don't have more space than that okay i have everything done cpu cpu cool
ing this way we already have over 2500  could just do same day delivery there we go and we can immediately finish it all okay cpu cpu cooling there we go double graphics card now the ram using cables looks like i'm missing something some kind of component here  missing missing something let's try to remove one of the fans here i really don't get it what is this i need to rush i'm surprised i i don't  know what this is all about some kind of connection i really don't know what's going on so is th
ese fantasies now the cpu once again good oh it's still open just plug it in looks better so far it's  always just missing cables yes now this is the last thing is everything connected now looks like it let's fix the ram ramrc on settings apply changes and restart yes let's say just drive bay and beauty panel system info 3d mark yes now let's  put it up so it can start testing it's good so far this distance okay what's this again air cooler okay usb drive let's get started random c apply changes
yes lighting anything else apply case right finished stiletto maven hardware received intel looks good i'm going in  okay we have charles metric just psu all right which one that's it nice notebooks pounds there we go there we go finished as well wow all jobs finished 15 000  that is really really nice now we've got one more pc in  here that we can finish today needed a pseudo if i'm not mistaken oh hold on could be everything extreme profiling all apply changes and restart there we go wow almo
st full huh everything empty look at that people nice i love that sound right and tomorrow is  rex rex pc collection coming in and they here we go let's work hey what's  this oh the cpus i ordered and four new ones maybe uh rextrix  already made an offer let's check it out i should really upgrade my  own pc it goes a bit faster email i'm going to lie lie low for a while just remember if anyone asks you never heard  of me or operation cash money no problem sent you a gift which i purchased  with
my own perfectly illegal money there it is wow let's put it here shall we yeah ain't that  sweet huh too bad i can't play with it i can't play with this one either and  i'm playing with this one right now huh now okay offer profit 3253 i accept wow i accept i accept 13 400 wow but only three thousand  percent i expected a lot more this one this is much better you see 26 thousand we have 6 500 profit so it  really pays to get the most out of them maybe i should really start overclocking  them one
more also very nice 26 thousand almost six thousand dollars in profit okay die and gasp confession time i killed a man  as a title of my first murder mystery novel why did she send an email about it herman yes rumors  are true i finally emerged from my creative cocoon horny the corn cup you really have to send that to me come  on now we have four more to do but i think it's time for a short break don't you think  i want to drink some coffee and have a cookie sad to see all those pcs gone but he
y we've got  57 000 in cash and we are almost level 11 right now we're going to do it all later i'm going to save the game here right okay so uh let's have  some final words for now okay not sure oh it was only like 90 seconds now looks like there's a problem with  my quality can you guys see me well should use a stream bitrate of 4  000 500 i thought i was using that but on my phone it looks great but i'm not sure if that's the case right here i will i will fix  it later on okay before we start
session six it's not bad it could have been been better right  okay so uh those were the 19 minutes i would like to thank all my viewers and all my non-viewers  and hope to see you again later on bye bye