
Let's Play: Stardew Valley - Thank you ♡ [Finale]

Happy Sundayyyyy! Second Channel: Pu Merch: ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ My Website: ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ s o c i a l m e d i a - please reach out to me; I’m always ready to chat! Instagram: TikTok: Twitch: ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ o t h e r l i n k s: - All Links: - Discord: - Patreon (All past VODs from my Twitch streams!): - Cozy Gamer Merch!!: and - Etsy Shop (Twitch Overlays): Business E-mail: P.O. Box: Cozy K 8023 Beverly Boulevard 1-1120 Los Angeles, CA, 90048 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Subs at Upload: 175k ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Edited by Eddie ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ tags:stardew valley, stardew let's play, lets play, stardew valley lets play, lets play asmr, relaxing lets play, cozy lets play, stardew, lets play part 1, first lets play, story of seasons, my time at portia, stardew valley gameplay, cozy gamer, cozy games, cozy gamer tik tok, cozy k, cozy k tik tok

Cozy K

4 days ago

hi cozy friends how are we this week I'm so excited to play this week it's been like two weeks for me since I did the double double time last week so I'm excited to be back in the same timeline week as y'all kind of let's get started let's get started also Eddie says that this might be our our our the end of our perfection and I don't believe them eddie's rarely wrong but hmm I don't I don't believe them is it is it my denial maybe maybe I think that's fine I think it's fine to to be in denial I
think that's fine to be in denial it's a great river okay it's the wizard's birthday we make sure our okay friend levels are good perfect I just feel like we didn't do that many days I feel like it wasn't a seven day period oh my gosh you guys the Stardew concert I wanna cry even just like hearing any of the music cause it was so good you guys oh my God it was so good it was so good it was so good it was so good I totally forgot that that was a whole week ago it was so good they put their backs
into it y'all they jazzed up the songs that needed to be jazzed up and then they made other songs more like emotional and deep and and hearty other ones were cutesier it was just so good oh my God y'all if you have the chance you can get any resale tickets go go go also Eric was there Eric was literally like he literally came out on stage we were in the front row shout out Ryan for getting us good tickets and he just walked out on stage the conductor was like we have a special guest don't tell
the rest of the tour because he's just coming out for this one probably but he just walked out was like thanks basically just like thanks guys like I've always wanted to be a composer but I didn't realize I had to whole make a whole game to to do that he was like thanks guys and you just got a standing ovation everyone was so pumped everyone was like cheering the loudest for him and he came out again at the end and then apparently he was like taking pictures of people at the very end after like
most of the people left and we had left like just right before that cause we ran into Liss the Lass and Seanie Dew love them both and we were like okay like let's go drink go get drinks this is like there's a place let's go get drinks we'll meet there so we were like okay cool sounds good we left and went to the place when they like met up with us they were like Eric came out like right after you left I was like damn it but it was really fun to see everyone okay y'all think imma just sell these
I have a lot of them drinking my coffee don't talk to me till I've had my coffee okay you hear me don't do it don't even think about it don't do it don't think about it don't dream about it don't sleep about it don't pontificate about it don't about it just don't till I have my coffee hmm hmm my cup of Joe got two ostrich eggs and I was over here putting regular eggs in here why why did I do that speedy I'm so speedy Speedy McGee the new name cute she's no no turn the light on oh wait why is thi
s off like I can't hear any Stardew songs without thinking of how lovely they were at the concert what an experience okay I checked on Ginger Island last time right let's I'm pretty sure we did let's check again let's check again they didn't do any oh see they didn't do any Ginger Island songs from what I remember I don't think they did because it was like a seasons seasons of something for the seasons it was seasonal based but then they threw in a couple like villager songs and some like store
songs some of the arcade songs and such oh wait no I think they didn't do this one oh they did they did do this one but they didn't even talk about they had little like spiels in between the songs like he would talk about like in now after you've got the letter from Grandpa dah dah dah now it's summer now it's spring now it's fall and there was little blurbs in between that were really really cute but they never gave a blurb about Ginger Island I don't think but I remember this I don't know okay
just handled Ginger Island Ginger Isle night markets open let's go check her out go check out what's going on over there you guys I went to a TikTok brunch today we've had this conversation we've had a conversation about like I always say yes to events because you never know sometimes you meet people sometimes right place right time like just always say yes to events even though you don't wanna go we talked about that right well this was the this is the like other side of it where sometimes it'
s not worth sometimes you're like no I don't wanna eat the pineapple sometimes like there was no point to going and you just have to live with that sometimes you get sometimes it's worth it sometimes it's not it's always gonna be a hit or miss and today I was like okay I have to cancel stream for this I have to like get really ready because it was like kind of formal attire heels were involved it's like fancy Beverly Hills like okay I feel like mentally prepare for this you know I've been like p
oop brain first for like this entire month and it was one of those events where I was like I I don't know if it's just like me not having the energy to socialize or just like I don't know it was just fine it was fine it was just like not it wasn't like I left like oh my God I made a new friend and that I get to hang out with or like oh I met somebody that that is like a good connection but also you never know I did meet a few people and like it's one of those things where it's like never know so
mething can come up someone could think of you one of those things but like I don't think so I think it was just simply kind of a thing I had to do today I had to go socialize you guys feel so bad for me feel the worst for me I just had to go to a lovely brunch in Beverly Hills and eat shrimp and grits and it was fantastic feel bad for me but no it was fine it was just you know as an introvert it was cool because I was in the same breathing air as Jackie Aina and I love Jackie Aina Jackie Jackie
Jackie Jackie Jackie I love Jackie who else Jordan the stallion is his uh name he's like the guy who does the videos where he like zooms in really close to his face and he's like come here let me tell you something he's like he's a really good storyteller I think I feel like some people find him annoying I don't really watch his videos but I think he's a very talented storyteller which I think is where why he's gotten where he is but he was on the panel and his insights were very interesting uh
do I want any of this do I want any of this I don't think so goodbye Night Market it was fun I had a good a good night market time wait did I do this one I did I did did I do this one I did yeah okay goodbye goodbye goodbye that's about it but it was it was very lovely it was it was very lovely decorated nice and nice it was at the Beverly Belair Belair Hotel which I've never heard of or been to before and it was beautiful I feel like it's the prettiest hotel in like all of LA it's beautiful it
's like tucked away in this little Beverly Hills Bel Air oasis with like these beautiful trees and like ponds and just like there was a pond with swans it was just it was it was gorgeous and like sculptures all around ah loved it I loved it just a phenomenal experience I'll tell you yeah that was my day that's why I have makeup on at three PM on a Sunday God literally my worst nightmare haha oh also you guys I finished Crown Crown of Midnight Crown of Midnight Crown of midnight is that what it's
called yes the second book the second book in the throne of glass series Sarah J Maas SJM everyone was like the second book sucks and I can see why you said that but I also feel like the plot definitely thickened what's this feast of the winter star um oh Demetrius is my secret friend and he likes melons melons melons I think does he like melons oh the wines done it's not done it's not done till I say it's done wine's not done till I say it's done so how about that how about that wine's not don
e till I say that it's done which is not right now cause I'm not ready for it to be done was Eddie right yes is the wine done no why cause it's not done till I say it's done okay where am I putting this stuff in the selling bin yeah I the plot thickened the plot thickened the plot is thick and meaty and juicy it's a little it feels a little bit all over the place I'm a little bit like okay where okay Sarah where we going with this okay Sarah and and there's a there's a small part of me that can'
t really care too much about the plot because I don't totally I'm not totally following if that makes sense like I get it lineage kind of I guess how is that kind of relevant I don't know but I do but I don't really care and then like I just the stakes I don't know the the part that I really enjoyed about this this book though was that she was just going on a tear she was going on a goddamn tear I love when when like protagonists specifically women protagonists are like it's like the femme fatal
e you know they're just like I'm I don't I'm crazy do you understand how crazy I am I don't care about anything I will kill you in a second that is my favorite it's my favorite it's my favorite trope are not even trope cause I feel like it's not done that often to be a trope but like it's my favorite thing especially in like fantasy novels especially in novels where like there's like a assassin spy like some kind of element where like she's this like she plays this role you know her career is so
mething deadly I love it cause you just don't see that you just don't see that or like if you do they try and do so much like counter characterization where they make her like redeemable it's like no but look she's also like a orphan parent or something like they they try and do all these things to make her redeemable in the eyes of like I don't know who cause I don't care if she's redeemable I will root for a badass killer okay I'm a killer Bella I I will root for the killer when the killings a
re done justly you know when it makes sense not just like I'm a psychotic murderer no no like she has a she's always had a she had a purpose for all of them she's defending something you know but like you don't have to go so you don't have to go that far to then like okay she has a purpose to her killings but then she also loves animals and which they kind of did in this book like she also really like loves animals and tries and saves animals every time she sees an animal or she she just writes
to her orphan friends all the time or she like saves butterflies in puts them on rainbows you know what I mean it's just like I don't care she we I understand they're already justified killings let her be crazy let her be a killer it's fine I love it I love the crazy I love the unhinged give me that give me more of that please and then there's the idea of like oh but like no one would love me if I'm this crazy yeah they would they should they should cause that's badass that's badass I will I vol
unteer as tribute you know what I mean I'm just gonna eat this donut oh God I didn't know it gave me all those buffs okay calm down my God yeah I want more of that I want more of that if anyone has some good book recs for like protagonist is going ham and is just a total badass and is not doesn't have doesn't oh I didn't mean to summon you Pu I'm sorry and doesn't have like the most annoying moral hangups about having to kill someone when it's justified like it the the the the Acotar I won't giv
e any spoilers but the the oh the woe is me that was happening for like an entire book and a half oh Pu is stuck was so annoying so annoying so frustrating it was like girl I don't wanna give any spoilers but yeah I hate that give me person who knows they are a good person even if they have to kill people justifiably also the like yeah you feel every you remember every murder you remember even when it's just about even when they were trying to kill you you remember it I don't I don't wanna hear
that I wanna hear I wanna hear that someone's heartless that they do what they have to do and they don't feel bad about it they don't feel remorse they don't think about it for a second because then I don't trust their judgment I'm not trusting your judgment you should feel remorse about like if you murdered someone and they didn't deserve it or even if it's like you know circumstance this is purely fictional by the way this is like purely in fictional worlds of course I don't feel this way abou
t real life but either when it's somebody who didn't deserve it or like it was circumstantial and you like had to had to kill an innocent person like get to something that I understand but I hate the like even the bad guys I think about why like he was he was going to murder you why do you why are you giving him a second thought let it leave him in the past please anyways that's my rant that's my little rant that's it it's all I got okay Pu we're gonna have to move buddy babe Pu Pu babe where is
the feast of the winter start tomorrow I need to get something for Demetrius do do do do do do oh I don't have a melon Demetrius what do you like buddy oh he doesn't like melons what the hell are maybe this I never gave him one hot pot or strawberry okay picky man yes bean hot pot amazing just gonna keep it in my pocket cause I forgot last time completely forgot and I'm gonna ignore that wine some more more just a little bit more oh wait feast of the winter star isn't til the 25th hi wife oh hi
wife hi wife okay fine fine fine you hear me fine but I'm putting more fruit in because I refuse to you know I just refuse we look at all that Mayo wow wow we hey caption friends!! love you!!! okay got those done now back up here okay this is the first time we've had every chest full at the same damn time let's go check the ke- casks casks oh last time I thought the casks were done at the same time maybe it was maybe casks are 14 days and we just got lucky that it was on the same cycle well the
re goes the wine wine not you know wine not where was my wife is my question nobody talk about it nobody talk about it we hit 10 million you guys we did it yay my heart is actually hurting like my heart feels like it's physically breaking right now my heart is physically breaking in two right now it's fine we're just going to make a very regular normal trip to a very regular normal place that we always go to we always go to the wizard's house we're just really good friends with the wizard and we
always go to his house for fun we just like going there it's fun to go to the wizard's house make a pit stop we'll make a pit stop make a pit stop make a pit stop it's fine everything's fine we're making a pit stop this is a happy moment this is a happy happy happy happy moment we're all so happy right now we're so happy right now mhm mhm ecstatic it's no pain in my eyes at all only pure elation I'm doing this like normal because we're continuing this like normal we'll need these for the future
we're gonna just keep doing things like we always do right right guys right or even stopping by our other friend who who we see all the time it hurts it hurts really bad you guys it hurts haha I can't do it oh haha fuck I need a moment which one of you let me become this attached to a playthrough huh who was it who was it it's funny but it's also not funny okay it's fine it's fine it's just a clock just a clock okay we're doing it we're doing it let's do it you guys they're happy tears and sad
tears happy and sad bittersweet tears okay we're building the clock let's do it you guys let's do it let's do it let's do it let's do it we all want this really bad we love gold clocks it's actually our favorite thing we've thought so much about where we would put the golden clock we even have a dedicated space for it oh here we actually can that can be our dedicated space I don't care oh my God you guys you guys we did it we did it I said I wasn't gonna cry I said I wasn't going to but we all k
now I'm a liar a liar and a fraud oh my God look at it we did it we did it we put in 3+ years of work into this golden clock oh my god I'm okay now okay now you guys okay I had my moment we're good now I have to go see I have to go look at our perfection tracker maybe we have something left that we didn't do maybe we have a little extra side quest we need to do before we have 100% maybe you know I don't know I don't know man maybe no haha oh my heart hurts so bad oh my God that's so crazy you g
uys you guys okay remember this okay we're just gonna chat through we're gonna chat through everything we've been through in this in this we we we started three over three years ago over three years ago on my living room floor okay broke law school student three years ago borrowing equipment borrowing my then partner's laptop using my laptop two laptops one recording game play one recording sound and video crappy little camera and crappy little mic three years ago I thought I would just you know
be doing this on the side for as long as it made me happy you know doing my regular degular life and just having a little stardew playthrough on the side I literally would have never guessed that I would be doing this full time and that like this would be going on for so long and it would have so much meaning to me and it would be such an integral part of my creation journey and like ground me and tether me to my purpose as a creator in the way that it has and I know for a lot of you you're lik
e whatever girl this is just a playthrough that I put on in the background that's fine that's fine that makes me happy too but like this is for 3 over three years every week of my life I've taken an hour or two out of my week to chat with y'all and play my favorite game and I'm so grateful that a lot of you have been around since then and I'm grateful to the people that just jumped on and binged and god I hate this I'm just very grateful someone can do the math on how many hours of my life has g
one into this and to y'all how many hours y'all have watched we've dedicated a lot of our lives a good chunk of our lives to each other to this game to spending time with ourselves in whatever way we want whatever my way makes us feel comfortable that's so special and I'm proud of you for that and I'm proud of me for that proud of all of us and yeah I think of everything this playthrough has taught me taught me a lot taught me a lot it's taught me dedication and consistency and care for communit
y even sometimes over what you're feeling or going through showing up for a community showing up for yourself it's taught me that like you can always learn something you can always become an expert at something at the start of this I thought I knew a lot about Stardew and I was learning every single you every single week I was learning from y'all from things I had to look up I was learning everything I still don't feel like an expert but y'all all of us that have been through this we have become
semi quasi stardew experts at this point and I feel like that is a testament to just how much we as people can like invest in something when we really care about it and that's so special and it's also taught me that if you have something that is a comfort to you to not ever feel silly about it not ever let somebody else tell you what you can and can't or should do with that comfort and unapologetically lean into that comfort as much as you want or need to throughout your life for however long y
ou want to for however little you want to your comforts are valid and you are valid the communities you're part of are valid however involved you are okay I am gonna keep playing we'll round out the sap later on okay but for now let's keep playing because we did hit perfection and that's so exciting and I'm so proud of us and look at all the things we had to do to get there we had to ship all of the produce and forageable items we had to get four obelisks on our farm $10 million we had to have t
he Monster Slayer quest that was insane you guys I didn't think I was scared I refused to go in the Skull Cave for so long and then we did it we did it this is also like never say you can't do something and I know it's a game and I know that sounds silly but truly games teaches about ourselves that's why I love them so much they really teach you about yourself and they teach you how far you can push yourself in life and just like believing in yourself I didn't believe in myself and yet out of pu
re will we still got through so many of these things I said I can not do this I don't know how I'm gonna do it I can't do this I can't do this I can't do this and we did it and we did it and we did it imagine how much faster we could have done it if I believed in myself from the start right okay always a lesson to pull okay always a lesson to pull friends that was rough for us as as introverts as people who did not focus on friendship I'm saying people it was me as someone who didn't focus on fr
iendship in the beginning that was difficult for us we had to do a lot of running around there for a little bit farmer levels we had to get them skills up found all the star drops all of the cooking recipes all the crafting recipes every fish the fish I also told myself I couldn't do all the golden walnuts we did look up some of the golden walnuts but hey wild you guys wild wild wild wild wild wild look look he's literally saying what we just said he's literally I'm gonna cry again he's literall
y saying what we just said it's always within your power to go one step further than you used to believe period oh my God I'm gonna cry why is this game so good why is this the best game ever what I'm gonna do is go home take a seat survey my my home everything we built up until this point and just have a little moment okay have a little moment cause I wasn't I actually genuinely was not prepared for this I wasn't prepared for this at all um even though Eddie was like it's gonna be the last one
and I was like no I'm in denial yeah so let's just let's take a stroll let's take a stroll we've got our little our mushroom cave is so cute I love our little mushroom cave with the fireplace it's so cute cozy that was one of the first things we we got on our farm we got the greenhouse I remember how excited I was to get the greenhouse it was so exciting like we could do ancient seeds now and it's so cute we put the little trees in here little couches it's nice and cozy can hear the crackling of
the of the torches we also like made do with this beach farm the beach farm the update had just come out when we had started 3 3 years ago the update had just come out and that was one of the reasons why I started this playthrough cause I was like I wanna do a playthrough on the beach farm cause I've never tried the beach farm and we made do with the beach farm it's not it's not a super easy when you only have so little space to do actual crops so we just had a lot of space to work with and the
n just like beach so we have this whole shore on the right side we have all of our little obelisks every single one I don't think I ever used the mountain one maybe accidentally I think I did we have our sheds this was our first shed to store all of our to store all of our stuff see if we have anything interesting in here the insect head I wish that were a better sword because I think it's really cool looking sandfish one of one of the best fish octopus also one of the best fish got a lot of sta
r fruit in here whole lot of stuff you save and and at the end of the day you don't really need it do you I have 6 prismatic shards I don't think I ever went and like made my sword OP status just kind of left it at it as is I don't need it to be what am I gonna do with that bunch of gems I don't need bunch of food I don't need lots of unused furniture so many we have so many ancient fruit that we just like don't need we have yeah we never got a slime hutch ever so if you've ever wondered if a sl
ime hutch is necessary it's not at all at all we've got our kegs our keg oh we gotta look at our animals we gotta we gotta go look at our animals got whatever his name is Wambus Bob Bob Bobo freaky freaky man we've got Fuffy we've got Shopurt Snumby Britney Macha Britney was named after somebody in in chat Penane Wi Patty Patty was also named after Patty thank you Patty for being here who else Oneyeer Oneyeer was to celebrate our one year I forgot about that Jennifer was also named after Jennife
r Sharta Sharta was one of the OGs Fussie Snirto Bussie Tatick Ta-bell was in honor of Taco Bell Frurt Bucket Snoze Fimo I think I don't even remember those who's next Che Becko Becko oh we don't have two Beckos do we we have two Beckos that's crazy Keppa Pella Ma Ji Brikicko I think these are all the randomized names I didn't care about the names at this point there we have a little Orchard so cute we have a little random stick our little little statue scarecrow installation over here our insta
llation graveyard I think I called it a graveyard actually we have our little mushroom tree forest and honey things it's it's so worn down isn't it my farms beat up we're not even ending it on a pretty note and I won't this is authentic to us this is how we've been grinding and hustling this whole time is on this farm okay we've got is this Chila do I name the cat Chila I forget miso no the farm oh I didn't name anything Chila that's so weird normally I do Tonkatsu Farm and Miso and then Pu wher
e's Pu Pu come here Pu come on Pu come on Pu one last ride around the farm tomorrow we'll do one last ride around the town say goodbye to everybody oh my god I can't handle this I can't handle this oh Pu you're a good boy Pu you're a good boy Pu you're a good boy okay my wife Leah you you you you supported me through so much wow wow wow a measly 399 wow I just I wonder what's gonna become of this save file like if I'm gonna come back to this as a comfort stop it you feel in your heart somewhere
somehow Grandpa's beaming with pride the legacy of Tonkatsu Farm is eternal a rumbling sound was heard in the distance what does that mean what does that mean what is that what is that Grandpa oh my gosh the birds approve aw does anything happen with Grandpa's statue grandpa's shrine I don't think so aww that's so fun I'm so glad that they did that I was like oh I feel like it's kind of you know anti climatic there's no Celebration but that was so lovely it was so Stardew of them to do ah my gos
h you guys I'm not ready C'mon Pu C'mon Pu C'mon Pu C'mon Pu C'mon Pu let's go Pu C'mon Pu C'mon Pu C'mon Pu it's okay Pu we're gonna cover every inch of this map you and I Pu come on let's go Pu we're gonna see it all Pu you and I you and me we're seein the world Pu see it everything Pu man this is this is wild this is wild who can we see who can we see anyone out and about who is that who is that who is that okay we've got we've got what's his name what's his face Kent I understand Kent I'm go
nna miss you Kent sort of not really sorry we've got Sam I just remembered I need to change the strings on my guitar okay I'm gonna write a note on my wrist so I remember to do it tonight oh I have to make little reminders I feel that same let's go see Krobus let's go see Krobus Krobus I'm gonna miss you most of all Krobus on Fridays I stay silent as a sign of devotion to Yoba oh I never got the return scepter well well oh well I'll see you later Krobus till next time till next time til next tim
e mayor Lewis are you in here he is look at his statue too everyone seems a little happier on weekends don't you think I'm on the job 7 days a week though mmm mhm mhm Pierre is it just me or is there a cold draft in here what Caroline don't you think Abby will look better with her natural hair color no no I don't are you much of a chef Ken if you have a kitchen and some recipes you can cook some useful dishes goodbye Gus goodbye Gus look everybody's out you guys they all come to say goodbye to u
s hello I'm starting to feel kind of old same oh my gosh I'm glad you have less work to do in the winter it must be nice to have a break huh I don't know Haley I don't know I don't know anything anymore Penny Mom's been complaining ever since Joja Mart closed down I think it's good for her though maybe she'll drink this Joja Cola now oh my God you guys let's see Elliot are you going to Ginger Island today I hope not no okay hello Elliot I've been doing a little indoor exercises since it's I'm ju
st too cold to go out okay Elliot sorry if it's a little humid in the cabin what are you doing you doing jumping jacks and your pea coat Elliot God damn oh my gosh who's who's left who we got we've got the we just saw the wizard but we've got the the librarian I mean museum guy Gunther bye Gunther our collection is so good we did that all by ourselves Clint hello Clint I'm too old to do anything exciting anymore all I have to look forward to is years and years of sweaty hot furnace work that's v
ery fitting of a last thing for you to tell me Clint just complaining me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me that's what he said okay where's Pam Pam here or she at the bus stop okay she's at the bus stop oh hello weekends no different than any other time for me have I told you that George and I have lived in our house for over 30 years oh it's a long time to be in the house here's the kids who I love so much you're always so nice to me Miss Ken Dad seems weird since he came back I w
onder what happened to him he doesn't play with me anymore okay Vincent see you later okay no one's here Abigail is anybody in the community center oh Evelyn is oh who's this Maru hey Maru thank you she's just sitting on a little cushion her and Evelyn oh that's so cute oh and this is Jodie hi Jodie yeah this I forgot about all of the community center too man oh man the work we put into the community center oh okay we've got Robin we've got Demetrius we've got Sebastian we've got Emily we've got
Abigail we've got Willy William got Linus got bird bird boy oh they're all here hey I've been daydreaming a lot lately you wanna know what it's about well it's a secret okay Abigail our house is in such a beautiful area don't you think everything still looks fresh after this day that's so funny yeah girl I do think let's see if seasonal nitrogen levels could be modeled by a piecewise function oh sorry I was analyzing data and I didn't notice you there you never notice anything Demetrius Sebasti
an's not here oh let's go talk to Adventure Guild boys I love them oh and the dwarf dwarfy boy dwarfy boy so long it's dangerous in the mines why don't you bring a few things from my shop to ensure your safety you are so cute you are so cute I'm focusing on this task to keep from crying again hello Gil come back when you got something to show me can I just talk to you no okay well nice to see you what was that Marlon what's his name I think it's Marlon okay so now we've got to see Emily we've go
t to see Sebastian and Willy can't forget my boy Willy there's Emily hello how do you put cook bean hot pot I like that dish quite a bit I have some do you want it here oh good where's Sebastian Sneaky Boy Willy it's like everybody came out the right to the right spot the right time I try to fish as often as possible but it's not easy when you got a shop to run I feel tell me about it alright Sebastian where oh and Alex we didn't talk to Alex no no no I think we did do we talk to Alex I don't re
member was Alex in the group that went to no I don't think we did talk to Alex okay let's see Sebastian schedule in Sam's room okay he wasn't in the kitchen so I think he is in Sam's room yep there he is is hello Sebastian I like winter but I do feel bad for all the cold animals out there yeah that's a sweet thing to say okay Alex Marnie we didn't talk to Marnie or Shane have you been to that strange tower west of my house one time I heard it yeah that's where I had my heart broken just now well
what about it okay regular schedule goes back to his bedroom stand by his dresser leaves his house to stand by the dog kennel oh there he is hello Alex I guess it's interesting that some people are totally different than us you know I don't always understand why others the way they do but that's fine okay okay and then is I almost called him Sebastian there he is oh and Pam perfect I've grown really attached to Marnie's chickens that was a nice last thing to say Shane thank you that was sweet P
am isn't responding okay Pam what is this oh that's fun that's fun okay let me make sure we got everybody oh Leo we didn't talk to Leo and Linus but that's it we got everybody else Leo and Linus got Marlon got Gunther got Qi we didn't do the desert but that's okay who's birdie oh Birdie's from the from Ginger Island right right Linus and Leo hello goodbye I'm a little embarrassed to ask but do you think Jas would ever like a guy like me or am I too weird aww haha who cares I'll figure it out som
eday Jas will love you Leo you'll be the boy off the beaten path that Marnie will shake her broomstick at thanks for stopping by I was actually feeling a little lonely this morning so have you discovered anything interesting in the mines oh tell me about it Linus tell me about it that was everybody you guys and it's 8 pm and I'm gonna cry and I'm gonna go gonna we didn't go in the forest let me go to the forest just we've been everywhere else but the forest I just gotta go to the forest I just g
otta go don't ask me any questions I gotta go we went everywhere else gotta go to the forest just a little peeksie little peeksie oh we did go yesterday I guess but still goodbye Marnie's cows goodbye you should be inside not out in the cold goodbye Leah's house where is hat mouse goodbye hat mouse oh do is there a is there a specific house for what is there a specific hat for perfection elegant turban chef hat let me see oh you can get golden eggs and golden chickens whoa the summit is an exter
ior region located north of the railroad whoa that's what the rumble was I think whoa let's go check it out let's go check it out while we still have time wait north of the railroad that's so far so far let's go to the summit let's do it let's do it we've hit our peak now it's time to go to the summit oh my gosh and then I think you can get a concerned Concerned Ape hat that's amazing and then what else the statue of perfection how come we didn't get the statue of perfection cause I interacted w
ith the perfection tracker so weird maybe I have to do it afterwards the day after oh I probably have to do it the day after huh okay that's fine let's go to the summit oh no you know okay we're just gonna sleep and we're gonna do both of those things tomorrow cause we got no rules okay it's the last one we got no rules we got no rules it's fine it's fine it's fine you guys it's fine gonna get all the perfection things together C'mon Pu C'mon Pu let's go on an adventure our final adventure okay
summit hat perfection summit hat perfection anything else golden chicken I'm okay with the golden chicken I think we're fine with that here it is here it is whoa whoa whoa there's so many things I literally didn't know about whoa I get to be here with my wife my bestie wife hey Ken it's so beautiful up here I was just thinking about the last six years we've been through a lot together haven't we we've been through a lot you guys we've been through a lot but look how far we've come look how far w
e've come I think we both found what we're looking for in this place why is this so apt this is like exactly what we've been talking about I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here with you me neither you guys me neither hmm what is that Krobus I was about to cry again but look is that Krobus just flying through the air is that the dwarf oh my god it's so cute I've never seen this is that the wizard what the witch aww oh the fairies aww oh my gosh I love that wait this is amazing why didn't I
know this existed uh uh aww the dog ding ding yay white chicken Brown- (gibberish, overwhelmed by cuteness) Raccoon bear white chicken brown trash raccoon trash was that it I don't know blue chicken void chicken golden chicken duck rabbit dinosaur white cow look at the squirrel goat the bunnies the birds pig sheep froggies I think the frogs are my favorite little little flurrying animal ostrich this is so cute and so special you guys we got all the fish yes the mermaids yes sardine tuna anchovy
puffer fish rabbit trout small trout bream perch carp oh my gosh lava eel glacier fish lobster cockle stingray aww it looks so cute there Blue Discus Glacierfish junior I never did get those ones son of Crimson Fish Miss Angler I didn't get those ones bye Mermaid the slimes the dust sprites the bats stone golem wilderness golem grub fly shadow people ghost carbon ghost duggies I love the duggies lava crab rock crab iridium crab squid kid eww I don't like the squid kid skeleton skeleton mage met
alhead spiker bug mummy big Slime Serpent Pepper Rex God those Pepper Rexes Lava Lurk Hothead Magma sprite Magma duggy Magma Sparker false Magma Cap Dwarfish Sentry Putrid Ghost Spider Blue Squid no I don't want it to end that was so fun go through all the crops go through all the dishes that was so nice it's been a long road you challenged yourself to reach the summit I did what an accomplishment we've been watching every step of the way and you've made us very proud ah oh my God that was like
the best ending to any video game I've ever played in my life what the heck Pu I'm just gonna stand here with Pu man Pu you and I have been through a lot man Pu I wouldn't be here without you Pu man oh man man oh man that was so special and I'm so glad I've never seen that before in my life because I just simply didn't think like I thought I was just gonna go stand up on a mountain and like look out with my wife I didn't even expect my wife at first oh my God that was so sweet oh wow wow wow I f
eel like that perfectly exemplifies like the love and care put into this game you know what I mean like the sentimentality behind that message with the grandpa and just like understanding how much time goes into this to like get to perfection like it's just such a sweet such a sweet message oh my God I can't oh that's so sweet okay let's go to Ginger Island let's get our hat and let's get our statue of perfection oh my gosh you guys I can't I can't I can't I can't do it C'mon Pu Pu you're coming
with me C'mon Pu C'mon Pu okay now do we get it Yay yay it's so cute oh so cute oh I love it I'm so excited hey guys hurt me all you want I'm on cloud 9 to the 'canoes I hope it doesn't cost money I don't got that I spent all my money's on stuff and things so hello hello oh okay I was just hoping that worked but it did that was cool yay wait I want to put it on look I'm Concerned Ape I'm Concerned Ape yes look at me oh my gosh I love it I love it alright Pu it's time to go home for the long res
t for the long long rest wait why am I here take me home country roads my heart like my heart literally has not stopped aching since I I I saw that wine in the chest it's a hard one folks this is a hard one I will be crying tonight crying myself to sleep C'mon Pu come back here okay y'all okay y'all okay y'all okay y'all okay y'all Pu and I saying goodbye signing off for the last time oh my gosh say good night to Pu good night Pu you've been the best boy any farmer could ever ask for Pu you've l
iterally been the best I love you so much Pu everyone say C'mon Pu in 3 2 1 C'mon Pu and Miso you were amazing even though I forgot to water you sometimes most of the time this house was great Leah you were great everything was great I'll catch you in a second I'm just going to sleep then we're gonna chitchat oh my God you guys I've explained how much this playthrough has meant to me and thank you for bearing with me through the tears and the emotions and again for the few people that are like w
hat the hell girl this is this is been a over 3 year experience like that a weekly experience of mine this has been part of my life literally part of my life for over 3 years part of my weekly routine for over 3 years communicating with y'all chatting with y'all in the comments chat with y'all about things we're all thinking about things just I'm thinking about sometimes has been part of my routine for three years I don't know how I'm going to live without it I really don't I really don't but as
I have talked about with y'all like because this has been such a part of my life for this many years in this long almost as much as I've just been creating content in general a change in pace is very much needed and I'm just so grateful for this experience we've had together and I'm also excited to see like what comes in in its absence in its absence cause nothing lasts forever nothing lasts forever but the community will always stay the same and will always have something to bring us back to e
ach other always always always and for those of you that just use this as background you can the the episodes will be up until I am in the grave okay and so you can always replay them and I hope you get a little joy out of replaying them still and I'll still be doing you know gameplay videos on my new channel on my Cozy K Games channel and I'm very excited about that having the time in the week that I don't spend on Stardew is gonna be insane just I don't know what life is like in in that routin
e but I am gonna take that time and spend it doing gameplay videos for my main channel in due time I think a little bit of a pause is definitely needed for me but in due time I'll I'm gonna start similar videos just more gameplay of other games maybe they'll be a playthrough in the future we'll see when there's an update on Stardew when that comes out we'll definitely play it on my new channel I'm sad it ended this early but I'm also happy that we kind of got our we got our ending kind of in the
perfect time before the new update we can leave this on a nice simple note just right where we all know the perfection to be right now you know and we can just explore the new update uh on the new channel uh together in just another in another way in another in another life haha goodbye my lovers goodbye my friends no but that's I think those are all the logistical updates just like anything in a similar vein to this playthrough you're gonna find on my new channel and I'm always chitchattin you
guys I'm still here all the time I'm on Twitch I stream on YouTube now I'm always vlogging it's the same energy you know most of the time so I appreciate you supporting me and whatever this playthrough meant to you I am so glad and humbled that it meant anything to anybody and I'm so grateful for you that it's meant something for you to keep watching and make it your comfort watch to watch every week that means so much to me and to all the the people who've been here this is the beginning I see
you I appreciate you I always always get excited to see you in the comments to the people who have been here and have never commented I see you too cause that's me when I'm watching YouTube videos I see you I appreciate you you are a part of this community and it wouldn't be the same without you here and again like I always say to all the new people I love you too I'm so glad you're here I'm so glad you caught up with us to all the people in the future watching this video this playthrough catch
ing up on it I'm proud of you for getting through the whole thing and coming to the end and I know this is probably just as meaningful to you in the future it is for all of us right now in the present truly truly I know I've talked a ton about community before I talk endlessly about community but community is just so important and it provides so much value and fulfillment in our lives and this specific community just means so much to me it's such a safe space and I hope that it's felt the same f
or you guys I hope that you've Learned things about yourself just as I have in the past three years yeah that's it I'm not gonna do Cozy Korner this time around because all of you every single one of you have contributed something so special to our little Cozy Korner the way that little hashtag has grown and just like seeing you guys develop and and honor your interests and things on that hashtag has made me so happy and I hope you keep using it so that we can keep the community alive just a lit
tle bit you know in little ways cause I'm gonna I'm still follow the hashtag I was still keep looking at it keep up to date on it and for the cozy friend of the week so corny the corny is the cheesiest ever you all are the cozy friend of the week this week every single one of you thank you so much for watching all this time literally couldn't fathom how meaningful this has been to me so believe me and it really has been and everything happens for a reason everything comes in and out of our lives
for a reason believe in yourself trust in yourself follow your heart I know those are the cheesiest cheesiest things you know cliches ever but I like truly think about them and implement them in every single step you take in life because I wouldn't be here if I didn't truly believe those to my core and truly follow those to my core you are the only person who knows who you are deep down what you love what sparks joy what moves you you are the only person who knows that deep down and if you don'
t know that yet keep searching keep searching keep searching cause it's there and so you are the only person who can put yourself in the path of those passions and those interests and the things that move you you're the only person who could do it you are the only person and if you don't who will no one else can do it for you so I don't know why we're ending on an inspirational note but I love you guys so so so much beyond words literally beyond words Eddie is cooking up a lovely lovely little h
ighlights reel from the past 3 years that'll be up on this channel at some point in the future I love you guys so much stay cozy cheers bloop Dew Dew Heads Forever I love you stay cozy bye
