
Lichen: The Mysterious Love Child of Fungi and Algae

Go to to get a free trial and 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. A useful principle in the story of life is that you should never underestimate algae or cyanobacteria. They’ll just always manage to surprise you, and more importantly, to remind you that everything you have comes down, eventually, to them. Shop The Microcosmos: Follow Journey to the Microcosmos: Twitter: Facebook: Support the Microcosmos: More from Jam’s Germs: Instagram: YouTube: Hosted by Hank Green: Twitter: YouTube: Music by Andrew Huang: Journey to the Microcosmos is a Complexly production. Find out more at Stock video from:,_1899_-_Accademia_delle_Scienze_di_Torino_0155_B.jpg SOURCES:\_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr\\_dat=cr\_pub%20%200pubmed\_Simon\_Schwendener\_1829-1919\_and\_the\_Dual\_Hypothesis\_of\_Lichens This video has been dubbed using an artificial voice via to increase accessibility. You can change the audio track language in the Settings menu.

Journey to the Microcosmos

11 months ago

This episode is sponsored by Squarespace. Go to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. A useful principle in the story of life is that you should never underestimate algae or cyanobacteria. They will always manage to surprise you, and more importantly, to remind you that everything you have, ultimately comes down to them. Do you like oxygen? Well, take some time to thank a cyanobacterium. If their ancestors hadn’t gone a little haywire with their
photosynthesis and set off the Great Oxidation Event billions of years ago, we would not exist. But you don’t even have to look back into history to see the influence of algae and cyanobacteria. Today, even algae of the smallest size have a tremendous impact on our lives, both good and bad. On one hand, they translate sunlight into food through photosynthesis. On the other hand, they bloom in waters and release toxins that can wreak damage on the organisms around them. But the real reason you sh
ould never underestimate algae or cyanobacteria is because at their core, they are organisms that seem to just always find a way. They exist in super salty waters, in ponds, in hot springs. Though, these are of course aquatic organisms, and so you might think of their adaptations as restricted to watery environments. But what has made algae so capable of existing beyond those boundaries is their willingness to use other organisms as a means to their own survival. At times, their symbiotic relat
ionships sound absurd, like the species that makes a home out of sloth fur. But our favorite example of the creativity that algae and cyanobacteria approach their relationships with has to be lichen— that combination of fungus and algae, or fungus and cyanobacteria, that attaches to trees and rocks and anything else that sits around long enough. The concept of a lichen appears simple enough. There’s a fungus, which has an incredible capacity for spreading and decomposing, but no means to make it
s own food. And there’s the algae or cyanobacteria, fully capable of making their own food, but in need of some help getting around on land. The result is called a dual organism, made up of the fungal mycobiont and the algal photobiont that takes on the spreading qualities of the first, and the colors of the second. Fungi and algae can meet and work together in ways that actually don’t result in a lichen. The distinct structure that we associate with lichens comes down to the thallus, made up of
distinct layers that reveal the different combinations of the organisms that make it. The thallus is what allows lichens to survive, keeping the organism alive in dry conditions so it can tolerate extremes in humidity and temperature. The shape is generally a function of the fungus, which starts to weave its body into the appropriate layers as soon as it comes upon algae to team up with. At the edge is the cortex, where fungal cells are thicker and close in contact so they can form a protective
structure. And beneath, it keeps a more fibrous and loose mass of hyphae, a scaffolding structure called the medulla that the photobionts layer themselves on, dividing and creating their own algal layer that’s large and green and positioned to access the sun. That layer of cells tells us a little bit more about the organisms inside the lichen, though only under the right conditions. A dry lichen is typically gray. But with water, the fungal gray clears up, revealing the color of the photobionts
inside the lichen. In the case of algae photobionts, you’ll typically see a bright green color. But when there are cyanobacteria, the hues vary from dark green to black. Now lichens have to actually stick to the thing they are stuck to, and they have a few ways to anchor themselves onto surfaces. Some have a structure called a holdfast that extends as part of the thallus, a bit like a peg that is very good at holding on to things like rock. Our lichen here though uses a different type of struc
ture called rhizines. These are threads that come from the medulla or lower cortex, creeping out from the lichen like roots, only they do not have any capacity to draw in nutrients. They are just anchors. Now from our perspective right now, there’s nothing controversial about this partnering of fungus and algae. We look in the lichen, we see signs of both organisms, and we boil it down to a simple exchange of protection for food. This ancient relationship brought algae onto land and into place
s so different from their watery origins. But our understanding of lichens as not just one organism, but two is actually relatively recent, going back only to 1867, when a Swiss botanist named Simon Schwendener presented his work at the Swiss Natural History Society. He’d been looking at lichen under the microscope, just as we are now, when he considered the possibility that the mass of hyphae he was looking at belonged to a fungus, wrapped around algae. His contemporary lichenologists did not
agree. Sure, Schwendener was just one of multiple scientists who had noted a resemblance between the parts of lichen, and the bodies of fungi and algae. But that was just a resemblance, it seemed to the lichenologists at the time. In their defense, they did not know that a dual organism could exists, They did not know that there was a symbiosis here How could they, when the word symbiosis hadn’t been invented yet? Schwendener had more reasons than just appearances though. One challenge that lich
enologists repeatedly came across was that it was impossible to grow a new lichen from isolating either the spores or the green cells growing within the lichen. But in 1877, a scientist named Albert Bernhard Frank came up with the term “symbiosis.” The organism that inspired him to come up with that word? Well of course., it was lichen. Frank was one of several biologists intrigued by the possibility of Schwendener’s hypothesis, this idea that organisms could live together, not just in an enviro
nment, but in one entity. Now with time, lichenologists came around, and people only uncovered more examples and nuances around symbiosis. But that does not mean that we actually understand lichen. They remain challenging to cultivate in a lab, and we’re still understanding whether the symbiosis we’ve reduced to a simple meeting of two organisms might actually more complex—whether it can involve other species as well. Perhaps there’s a way to describe lichens and the world inside of them that
we just don’t know yet, a word that, like symbiosis, will reveal something new and remarkable to us about our world. The way we talk about science and knowledge sometimes makes it feel like we’re done, that science is a static set of all of the facts in the universe, because it is a lot easier to talk about the things that we know than the things that we don’t. Of course it’s hard to talk about the things that we don't know, because we don't know them. But our world is always there, containing
the information that we want in everyday occurrences that are sometimes hundreds of millions of years old, we humans just have to figure out ways to ask the questions that will actually give us answers. Thank you for coming on this journey with us as we explore the unseen world that surrounds us. And thanks to Squarespace for sponsoring this episode. Squarespace gives people a powerful and beautiful online platform from which to create their website. So whether you’re looking to create an on
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rd work of literally millions of people from the very first microscopist until now. I'm so glad that we get to make this show. And if you want to help us out, you can do that by going to If you want to see more from our Master of Microscopes, James Weiss, you can check out Jam and Germs on Instagram. And if you want to see more from us, there's always a subscribe button somewhere nearby.



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I used to teach the 5th-grade science class how Alice Algae met Freddie Fungus and they took a Lichen to each other. Thanks to recent studies I can't do that anymore without explaining what a throuple is


I actually read that recent research proves that a lichen always has one species of alga and two species of fungi. I was surprised nobody noticed in, you know, some 200 years, but I can't see it in these amazing images, either.


You know, I've really started to take a lichen to this channel. The writing is excellent and Hank is such a fungi!


I remember a chance encounter at a park with a fellow sitting on a rock looking over lichen. "Nice day, what are you looking at?" He told me about the symbiosis of lichen. I'd wondered since how integrated the cells were, thanks for showing such!


The level of quality this channel brings to every single video is just staggering.


"We don't know the tings we don't know". Equally profound and disturbing at the same time.


I remember when my local council in England proudly announced that someone had discovered a new type of lichen on a pavement. Sadly, during analysis it was noticed that the ‘lichen’ smelled faintly of mint and was actually chewing gum!


I’m just reading through the comments, and this channel has the sweetest fan base <3


maybe lichen is kind of like what life was on earth before it got more complex. Similar to how we eventually somehow captured mitochondria and integrated it, there was probably a time when our ancestor organisms were still just symbiotically coming togther.


Because they can both photosynthesize and break down minerals for food, lichens are one of the first lifeforms to recolonize after disasters like forest fires and volcanic eruptions. Scientists use the appearance of lichens as an indicator that an ecological area is recovering


If this is who I think it is narrating, thank you SO much for a) slowing the narration down and b) laying off all that redundant text. Much more relaxing this way…thanks again, excellent content as per usual.


I developed (ha!) a love affair with lichen when I got a camera with a microscope setting, that lets me take incredibly zoomed-in photos at extremely close range. I discovered an entire garden of lichen growing atop one of the old wooden fence posts of my mom's garden. The closer you get, the stranger and more beautiful they are. And of course, they also frequently play host to my OTHER favorite microorganism, the tardigrade!


Our perspective on the world is always limited by the language culture uses to describe it. It's like Godel's incompleteness theorem, there will always be true things about the world that stand apart from language, the framework we use to explain it to ourselves. It's the task of poets and visionaries to create new models, pushing the language of understanding right up to the boundary of what's speakable


your narritives and visuals give me a sense of peace while fueling my curiosity in a way no other channel has been able to achieve. i come here to relax and learn about little tiny guys, all while wearing my cozy microcosm crewneck which goes harder than any other sweater i own


Funny, I was thinking about lichen recently. Haven't washed my car in a while and there's something reddish growing on the roof. Was thinking of sending samples of it to James, if he's interested


What I don't yet understand is how a lichen is formed. Is it a fungus that meets an algae and in a kind off wedding for the lichen, or is the lichen something that produces spores that grow new lichen?


The photos were amazing! You should make posters of them!


I’m lichen this channel! So great. Keep up the good work!


I wonder to what extent lichens prepared the early Earth for green plants and animals, adding oxygen to the air and breaking down rocks.