
Local Plan

SLDC's strategy lead specialist discusses the importance of planning and why you should get involved in the new local plan making process.


4 years ago

In this video we're going to be looking at how our local plan will affect your life and the place where you live. We're starting our new local plan process, which will make South Lakeland an even better place to live, work and explore. You might think of rules and red tape when thinking of planning but it's often about working together to protect beautiful areas, to deliver new affordable housing, to create cycling and walking routes and new open spaces, and to ensure that new buildings fit in w
ith their surroundings. We do this by preparing a local plan. The plan allocates sites for new homes, workplaces, recreation and community facilities. The plan also contains the policies which we use when we decide whether to grant planning permission. Creating a local plan isn't easy as many things have to be considered. We need to think about the needs of our communities for new homes and jobs, protecting the environment, transport links to new development, flood risk and the efficient use of
land and using brownfield sites. Over the next two years we will be talking to people about a new local plan, we want the local plan to be everyone's plan not just the council's. We need to hear your views and we will keep listening to you throughout the plan making process, so how can you get involved? To begin with, read the information on these webpages, if you have any questions let us know. There will be roadshows as the consultation progresses, come along to these events. Or you could talk
to your parish or town council about preparing a neighborhood plan. Planning is about the future, planning is about people and communities. Now is a great time to get involved and make sure your voice is heard.
