
lookin' for Steam Deck, Cyberpunk, Half-Life & DOOM Secrets - Talk Shows & Podcasts

My Merch: My E-Mail: Twitter: Twitch: Patreon: Discord: lookin' for Steam Deck, Cyberpunk, Half-Life & DOOM Secrets - Talk Shows & Podcasts 2021-07-16 7:18PM lookin' for Steam Deck, Cyberpunk, Half-Life & DOOM Secrets 00:00 Talk Shows & Podcasts

Tyler McVicker Archive

2 years ago

that morning [Music] me [Music] oh me [Music] oh [Music] hi everybody uh tyler mcvicker here world's worst adult world's best tyler mcvicker uh i hope you all are having a good day um i it's okay i was able to get uh one of the first pre-orders for um the steam deck and it seems like the world steam dick steamed dck seems like the world is enamored by the steam deck um [Music] and what's interesting is there's not a whole lot to say about it just yet we pretty much just have the information that
everybody knows about at this point that was announced yesterday um my reservation says q122 i don't think i've seen a reservation that actually says december so who actually is to get theirs in december is has yet to dawn on like i have no [ __ ] clue um just got paid have a sub thank you rakov for the 37 months holy [ __ ] i'm not even that old anyways not even long dick johnson and he had a [ __ ] dick tyler mcfricker yeah so um the stream deck seems to be a global trend right now on twitter
which is interesting so valve definitely has come up with something that people uh seem to connect with which is cool definitely uh different than their last few choices yeah what about him i don't understand emergency maintenance yeah he did i know what are you i'll send him the maintenance guy's number yeah how you doing guys give me a second sorry how do i check my contacts on my ipad yeah so what we're gonna do by the way is make a list of information that's not super publicly known like th
e m.2 slot thing and and all that one sec [Music] um now i don't have the number yeah i'm looking through my contacts i have mur i have merle dandridge's number but i don't have my maintenance guy um merle's the best yeah we're gonna get her on the show again soon uh yeah so what's interesting is gabe newell was asked through email about the m.2 slot and he stated that even every model has an m.2 slot on it regardless of if there is an installed m.2 ssd and it's a 2203 sized m.2 drive which is s
mall it's not like just like a normal m.2 drive that you would you would purchase looking at it now let me let me look this up 2203 m.2 ssd it's 22 30 not 2203 thank you sorry yeah those are the tiny little laptop drives right and so for a 512 gigabyte drive it's like 200 bucks actually no here's a king spec 512 for 73 dollars but i don't know king speck for a western digital it's 200 bucks for samsung it's 250. yep what get up okay can you take over i don't have a shirt on that the drug lab he
understands why we don't want to move he's like oh yours is better than ours and they're next door neighbors but you know how we pay extra because they remodeled everything they're not that's what the money they went to something which is it was only like an extra 40 bucks a month no i know it feels like that would be the smart thing to do but apparently they already know that they're moving the landlord does so he's just like not giving a [ __ ] which is dumb but they are in the process of movi
ng so did you ever text sarah back she never texted me did you ever text sarah okay she's probably in a crisis situation right now so hello hello hello i don't have it i thought i did i don't not even long dick johnson and he had a [ __ ] long dick no i thought i did too any chance that the steam deck will ship outside the listed regions also hope you're doing well tyler yo any chance the steam deck will be shipped outside listed regions yes but um not anytime soon the valve index just started s
hipping to australia like last month so but yeah so gabe newell stated that even the 60 each because it's the same motherboard across the across each the range of of the lineup um every model has that m.2 slot and for a 512 gigabyte 2203 m.2 drive 2230 it's well for a good one it's kind of expensive it's like 200 bucks but it it's saying you can get one for 80. i wonder is there a one terabyte model no it seems like 512 is as high as that goes for that size of m.2 drive so it's not a rip-off bec
ause for a a good m.2 drive of that size it's 200 bucks you know but it's not a pci express lane m.2 drive i think 2230 is technically a sata based interface i'm gonna have to look into it but it's not it's not the same as a normal m.2 drive whoa hello hello thank you for the 18 months thank you very much um now that said the question i have them is the 64 gigabyte model even though it's ee eemc or whatever it's like nand flash burned onto the board is that nand flash chip gonna be on all of the
m and then they just kind of skimp out like is there two different sources do you know what i mean you can yeah you can get a normal mdot true drive for very cheap this is not a normal and let me show you it's not a normal m.2 drive it's a special tiny little thing this is what the drive looks like right this is a 2230 m.2 drive this is the kind of drive that it runs what you're thinking of is what everybody's thinking of when you say m.2 which is the you know the the gumstick looking thing and
those are like those are the hard drives everybody uses nowadays because they're really really fast this thing not the same this is not the same as this these are two different storage standards that are technically called m.2 but look at their plugs they're they're different interfaces they're they're technically entirely different things uh but we just both call them m.2 for some probably just because of the interface key e can technically be pcie yeah but we don't know we don't know they say
that the 512 model is super fast and it's faster than the 256 gig model but what i don't understand is in what way you know like how you're just buying the same drive interface like are you skimping out on the 256 gig bottle and it has like a worse uh uh director chip or whatever it's called i forget what it's called i don't know i don't know every ssd is faster as it gets bigger because of how the controller works oh valve lists nvme that has to be pcie do they actually straight up list nvme th
ey do they do that means it's pcie it'll be gen 3 because it's running zen 2 but it does say nvme on the site you're right you are right that does mean it's pcie that doesn't mean you could run a graphics card off of it but it also means there's no storage so you'd have to run the games off of a micro sd card which you and i both know trying to run a triple a game off of a [ __ ] micro sd card you kidding me are you kidding me i don't think emmc is going to be like a removable drive i i would as
sume it's like a soldered piece of of nand flash you know well okay so why would you play triple a games because they're advertising it to be able to be played aaa games on you know what i mean they're advertising it is something you can do that in their their their marketing material they show people playing things like doom eternal right so it's like okay why would you do that because valve's telling you you can do that they're playing [ __ ] jedi fallen order so i don't know but a micro sd ca
rd like how fast are those really micro sd card speed let's give benefit of the doubt and talk about like classes i personally can't wait until steemos 3.0 is available they haven't updated the site yet but i want to play with it so bad thank you very much for the 15 months my headphones must have died can i run these while they're plugged in and charging there's a video of someone running tf2 on a micro sd card that stutters like crazy well again how fast of a card are we talking about you know
and also they say it has a high speed slot again yeah what the hell are they talking about there needs to be more information listed on the technical specification side of things but it doesn't really matter because they're sold out all the way to [ __ ] 2023 or something like people want it so it doesn't really matter the slot supports up to uhs one uh one has a minimum write speed of 10 megabits theoretical maximum transfer speed of 104 megabits a second okay so maybe it won't be that bad it'
s not sold out for me in the eu it says i can still get it in q1 now they are up to uh s3 on according to the website i'm looking at so i don't know what's going on with that but yeah so there's this email from gabe newell um that's being thrown around uh i forget who was the one to get the email answered but somebody asked gabe about the slot the m.2 slot hi gabe will the ssd and the steam deck be user replaceable or is it soldered to the motherboard i don't really like sd cards for fast memory
and i would like to upgrade the ssd if possible i did some googling and i can't find anything on the topic it's a 2230 m.2 slot apparently unsoldered because of like do you really expect valve to solder the components out of the board what would be funny is if we get our hands on it do a disassembly and it's like just standard laptop ram that's replaceable and a very easily replaceable m.2 slot or something q1 2022 is wave one as far as i can tell also um reno i don't know if reno are you [ __ 
] with me here before i show this is this real i mean i can just check my [ __ ] self huh yeah that is real um so the half-life alex store page added this weird lambda thing when did they add that the hell why would they do that they did that yesterday did they do that with any other half-life games let's see half-life one no half-life two now okay well it's just alex mike moraski has confirmed earlier today that chapter nine of the half-life alex official soundtrack is coming out tuesday pretty
cool must be some kind of optimized for stream deck branding i think but it's a vr game that's a vr game but what if it wasn't yeah what if that's half-life x i should really put some music on so as of right now it seems like the only extra information it seems to be it what i'm confused about i don't know it's interesting there's some cool things happening related to it but at the same time it's you know like i don't know it's gonna be a while before we see anything hit me with that resonance
oh you know it there are one terabyte 22 2230 drives oh yeah there are okay huh that's interesting so they do make one terabyte drives for that is it possible to connect any type of vr headset to the yeah yeah it is and so obviously that's something people are going to be testing out three clicks philip calculated the uh gpu to be something like steam deck more like stream deck for 13 months uh something around an rx 550 or a 750 ti which is uh not great but that is technically possible to play
like beat saber um you could probably play like beat saber or super hot or job sim you know so i don't know we'll see what we'll see what happens we'll see what happens um people are gonna try and run vr on it i'm instead gonna be more interested in attempting to run like the big aaa games that i care about on it well modding it you know optimizing it finding the right settings et cetera et cetera and making videos about that um yeah i mean like the thing runs at 800 p 1280 by 800 1610 which mak
es it significantly easier to run any of these games right at 60fps so you're gonna get weenieway how much do you think valve's do you think phelps measures are gonna be enough against scalpers to an extent i like the there's a few things they did that in concept i like uh in execution weren't great the whole checking how old your account is to limit when pre-orders can go through is very smart but at the same time it was telling people that had very old accounts like matt wood who had a day one
steam account their account was too new so it was not put through properly but it's like using trust factor to figure out who gets into it first i don't know it's an interesting idea um i'm gonna go on ebay right now and type steam deck and see what comes up i really need to put music on let me put music on oh man all right steam deck fifteen hundred twenty five hundred two thousand eight fifty thousand a thousand oh god any completed listings though people spent a thousand dollars people have
spent a thousand dollars on a pre-order yep i'm gonna keep using steam os because that's that's what people are going for so i'm thinking about you know what my next steam deck related video could be and there's not enough information out there to do one so i might wait a day or two uh before i start writing um yeah i don't know i i i i'm interested it's gonna be cool when it when it's in our hands you know it's interesting to see valve do crazy [ __ ] and this is definitely something [ __ ] cra
zy it's taking the the the gpd esque devices and really polishing them up really legitimizing it this thing's been in development for a very long time i remember years ago i was hinting towards the valve console um this has been something they've been working on for since 2018 at the at the at the earliest of my knowledge of it so it's cool that it's finally coming to fruition um it's definitely not the only uh it's definitely not the only piece of new hardware that we're going to be seeing from
them anytime soon um you know but not even long dick johnson and he had a [ __ ] long dick with valve did on index steam machines any high hopes with the steam attack fifty five sixty ten fifty well i don't i don't know again if any of that those calculations are true it's not really possible to to know for sure what else is coming from valve hardware well another vr headset uh an updated index is one of them and then there is the the valve console like the valve television let's see if i can c
onsole a picture of it real quick i had a picture of it they've been working on a steam box alternative like one made in-house for a very very very long time and you know then you got steamvr uh steam controller 2.0 so we'll we'll suit uh tyler i've heard rumors of bci being in the next headset i've heard the same rumors yeah well you know there's that whole thing of valve using bci to play test their next vr game right it's not new they've been doing this for a while so you know what are you go
nna do that's that's kind of what valve's interested in gabe newell lives on a yacht a super yacht uh with valve did on index steam machines and other paths to i uh hardware do you have any high hopes for the steam deck um no i don't know well they said what you're what you're asking is are they going to support it long term and the answer to that is i don't [ __ ] know man i don't know i don't know that's excellent question and i don't have the answer not even long dick johnson and he had a [ _
_ ] long dick do you think steam could become a serious competitor against the best was owned by any other company absolutely but it's valve so no what i find most intriguing of this whole situation is that valve was able to build and maintain glyph with the two dollars you good are you good are you are you good are you okay i'm worried about you um how did they maintain a partnership with amd amd of all of all companies [ __ ] amd how did they added valve maintain a partnership with amd whoa ye
ah thanks for the tier one valve can't even maintain a partnership with some of their own employees amd huh not even a long dick johnson and he had a [ __ ] long dick is the rumor that the next steam controller would be vr track still a thing yup i did see that molly carroll left valve that's why all the good ones leave we lost casey last year cassie murphy last year molly's leaving now we lost jeep so many people are leaving we lost chris remo [ __ ] don't worry doug lombardi and greg coomer ar
e still there they should make a new headset quest two levels of accessibility yeah well uh you see where the patents are pushing is it's two different directions and maybe we end up with two different models a standalone and an index two but at the same time it's like but then it's valve so i don't [ __ ] know molly carroll was steam steam business development and according to many people i talked to one of the best it's sad she left maybe valve is just buying defective silicon that didn't make
it to a series s kind of like nintendo was doing with old tegra x stocks no no i've heard from many different sources for years that they've been working on their own unique soc this is a unique chip yeah these are the van gogh chips exactly have you seen valve's new job post it mentions advanced game consoles yeah yeah they're working on a tv unit they're working on a standalone vr headset they're working on a different vr headset they're working on a new steam controller they're working on a
[ __ ] ton of hardware it's not the question of if they're working on it's the question of what will they be able to ship the handheld was not what i thought they were going to ship first so casey left valve no casey ackerman is still there and in fact she's been running all the promotional material and all the community outreach for the steam deck compared to doug has nothing you can tell if you're on the valve press email list when you get a valve press email you either get a really well writt
en email fully with a press kit on dropbox with a lot of information where you get three sentences in very small font with cheers written at the end take a guess who does what if casey ends up leaving valve it's all but like that it really is that bad there yeah all the rumors are true casey ends up leaving within the next two or three years there are people that if they end up leaving it's it's immediately apparent that it's just getting worse there and those two people they're two people it's
casey and it's kelly klein community management pr shoop queen soup queen if either of those people leave anytime soon it's it's terrible there a unique amd chip is better off than is better than off-the-shelf intel chips because intel chips and gpd is like 300 or something this is a 15 watt chip this is a 15 watt apu that runs comparable to apparently a 1050 you think there'd just be a mass exodus at valve it's happened a few times already chris remo lives in london right now i don't know it's
a 15 watt apu that runs doom eternal yeah now these are this is a big win for both windows 11 requires a tpm module to be installed do you think steam deck will have one i have no idea what's up with valve's love for track pads i don't know it's existed for like over a decade at this point any informations about the docked version no people are making comparisons to the 1050 are only looking at comparing the teraflop rating which in reality doesn't matter yeah it's true does it run jim eternal a
t 30 or 60. we don't know and seeing that sfr is open source now and this is an amd chip i'm just saying there's a lot of there's a lot of of potential in this pr in this there's a lot of potential here you know seeing how quickly these are selling means one of two things one valve made like 50 of them or people are really excited for this we'll see it's kind of lame that the dock is sold separately it's because the dock isn't dumb yet did you see the vsr vrdl on github no i didn't you know i've
had this this gnawing thought in the back of my head what if what if all of the insiders got confused and this steam deck was the switch pro the whole time what's going on with citadel nowadays they're working on it man they're working on it it's as simple as that i have no interest none in the oled switch because i play my switch on tv 100 of the time if it was a pro that did the things everybody thought it would do then of course i'd be trying to get one uh how many people at valve are surpri
sed by the excitement over the steam deck i have no idea but i would expect quite a few are like oh wow okay what do you think about the fact that valve making anti-cheat work with proton oh huge huge the problem is their anti-cheat needs work as it is right now you can make it work on any operating system but as it currently stands vac is not protecting people from cheaters as much as it needs to be in terms of both cs go and team fortress 2 it's pretty bad right now why would valve choose ips
instead of an oled valve loves ips because of the subpixel rendering [ __ ] it's the same thing they did with the index they love sub pixels somebody at valve hardware loves lcd sub pixels they just they love sub pixels oled can be rgb then i don't [ __ ] know probably cost i don't know then i'm not a hardware engineer i'm a dumbass from ohio all right uh have you considered gabe is just talking about an earlier dev kit with regards to the m.2 slot no gabe is not that dumb i understand the quest
ion i agree that the question is a good one but in this case absolutely not he is not that stupid would valve ever take the steam deck layout and make the steam controller 2 that yes they totally would you know they're the people that made this controller right where is it where is it is it over here ow i forgot oh there it is valve made this valve made this valve made this is your tv and oled yes it's an oled it's got hdr it's 4k tyler put some pants on i did they're different than yesterday ga
be disassembles his steam deck ev1 every day do you like nintendo series mario kart yes i do it's a 60 hertz television it's not a 120 hertz panel i wasn't spending the extra 10 000 or whatever it was why didn't they show some why did they show so much portal in the advertisement though because it was their last game that'll be able to run on the damn thing it was the last game made at valve that will run on the thing simple as that that's not true csgo but donut underlords artifact yeah but nev
ermind they don't want people to remember that it's the last one they want people to play dota 2 will run on it dota 2 doesn't work with controllers that well but it has track pads i don't know why they're showing portal 2. stop asking me questions why did the engineers in the ign interview say they aren't replaceable that's the question no [ __ ] clue it also has a touch screen ah it has a touch screen oh wow i hurt myself wow i mean they love portal they love portal 2 over valve oh we're the p
lace that made portal 2 and i'm over here like you're the place that made the air exchange [Music] i think in today's day and age portal 2 is more known than half-life yeah everybody knows portal you kidding glados is in cyberpunk hugo martin wears an aperture science shirt all the time half-life wasn't cyberpunk but not as much as it was with portal like they got ella mclean to reprise her role as delamane in cyberpunk pavel sasco just wrote no life 3. wait glados is in cyberpunk oh i'm so glad
you asked everybody's gonna be mad at you because y'all know what time it i is they were just worried everyone would order the 64 gigabytes one if they knew about the m.2 slot but after orders today they decided i'm kidding i'm kidding i'm kidding no they're they re-recorded ella mclean yeah no it's brand new audio yeah they didn't use archival audio they re-recorded everything is there an m.2 slot on the 64 gigabyte version yes there is can just anyone get on the valve press email list or is i
t an insider thing it's an insider thing does hugo martin like half-life i never asked him i don't know i don't know that's a good question ask him next time yeah i will i might get something lined up for when uh horde mode comes out i was talking to some people about that the other day tyler is it just ellen mclean or is it her reprising the role of glados in the game guys it's glados it's straight up glados like it is actually glados [Music] yeah you got the edge glass on the high-end model i
don't know why they would do that just for the high-end model though it seems like something that'd be good for the whole range but i mean i'm not them i don't know why they do what they do [Music] doom 2016 has a lot of half-life 1 vibes oh yeah oh yeah i completely agree with that yeah yeah it probably is a bit pricey i agree that it probably is a little pricey yeah but you know doom 2016 does kind of remind me of um yeah that's a good point it does kind of remind me of that the half-life one
what did you think of the portal mod for half-life i haven't actually touched vr in weeks i haven't played it yet there's a lot going on on the uh mod side of things and this aperture vr mod looks [ __ ] insane but i guess the thing keeping me from wanting to play it is the fact that they went with the portal 2 theme it's all very portal 2. you see i would have played it immediately if you made it look like portal 1. in fact i'll tell them that needs more portal one less portal two oh look at th
at my my simp worked on it what have you played lately half-life alex team fortress 2 and cyberpunk wow it's like we're brothers or something what else have you played lately oh dungeons and dragons dark alliance no i didn't give you a coffee early to play with me no i didn't do that at all where's fallout 76 i know you play fallout 76 where's it at you having on bethesda launcher what a dumbass give me 600 bucks tyler what is your predicted price range for valve standalone vr similar to the ste
am deck 200 bucks each 200 bucks more just add 200 bucks so it'd probably be like 800 it'll be more that it'll def like there's no way they can hit quest price range but it'll be a much better unit than the quest without a doubt so i don't know so um i'm working on a couple of videos you guys want to hear about the videos i'm working on you ever played the mass effect trilogy no i've never actually touched any of them have i played through the witcher 1 not yet not yet right now i'm playing witc
her 2 on and off for a little bit so i'm working on a video talking about press five if you've seen my either my team fortress 2 modding video or my cyberpunk 2077 modding video yeah so i want to make that a series and i've already been working on mod lists for a couple of games those being doom 2016 doom eternal fallout 76 red dead 2 and prey um and i'm thinking about doing gta 5 but that one is super overwhelming um so yeah i'm gonna be doing a mod list for prey because some unofficial tools a
ctually just came out uh and some interesting mods have come out for pray 2017 and i might give the game another play through like my eighth playthrough because some really interesting ideas are coming out of the mod scene though uh tyler talk about nekopara okay how many hours do i have in nekopara i've got 19 in this one don't they better be i've got 19 in the other one and i've yet to play volume 2. it's something that elektra and i do so you know alexa and i like to play honey pop and honeyc
am studio together sometimes nekopara was our thing back in college yeah you're never gonna get to watch uh you're never gonna get to play hentai games with a with a wife you're gonna play honeypot too uh we've already played isn't that out i'm pretty sure we've already played it scroll faster okay kill the bitrate can you play that proteus half-life map there's a proteus half-life map somebody made half-life and proteus it's gonna be very loud i don't remember my username and pat username and p
assword it's a [ __ ] first person shooter what do you mean username and password [ __ ] [Music] so [ __ ] stupid does valve care about vr i don't know ask them so i showed it during e3 i don't remember my mental health medication is absolutely [ __ ] with my memory all right oh um honey we're playing at 144. what is auto simulation well let's turn it on office complex yes g'day tyler good night snarl sneeze i'm quite chuffed with you here it's office complex everybody is there no crouching in t
his game oh huh yeah that's that's that's that is office complex wow this is well made is there no way of getting back there and that's why you gave me the shotgun that way no you hit a new way yoink office complex still confuses me to this day brett johnson made most of office complex the guy that's been talking about half-life development on tick tock lately and he and i have been planning something the last few days he's a cool guy he's got big ideas for the community which is nice you know a
fan of that [Music] um i will say um brett um you know brett seems very open to different ideas of content that we could make together one of his big ideas i'm probably not allowed to talk about which is fair you know but with that said i hope um i'm capable of helping make happen if that makes any sense [Music] you're gonna get weenie whack yo after valve push the steam deck splash screen like eight times would you like to see another half-life game pre-combine era yeah i would actually that w
ould be dope i'm of the belief that half-life 1 has the best game play half-life 2 has the best atmosphere and story half-life 1 the half-life 1 has better gameplay half-life 2 has better everything else i don't know there's just something about that era of fps where they were just starting to figure out storytelling and they still held on to a lot of the uh sensibilities of you know quake and doom and stuff i don't know i love that era you know that's your quake twos your unreals your sin your
blood too no one lives forever return to castle wolfenstein athletics episode one is kind of boring i agree man this is such a well-made custom map like i have forgotten a few times that i'm not just playing half-life because of how well the atmosphere has been captured in these tools like i know like obviously it's not half-life but they did whoever made this who made this can i alright well whoever made this you did a fantastic job this is probably the end right because i know there's a level
load wait did you make all of office complex in one map oh i watched sandy peterson on youtube [Music] yeah they got james paddock to do the midi soundtrack right those guys are pretty good for boards those guys are pretty good stand-ins for vorts it really is the whole thing of office complex that's so cool attention all units we are pulling out we have now arrived at the black mesa research facility ah dude your mission is to clean up the mess left by the science team there are also tasks conf
ining and retrieving agent freeman back to the surface further details will be provided upon landing who are office complex is my favorite chapter by the way i've been very open for a very long time that office complex is my favorite half-life 1 chapter and i have a feeling it's everybody's favorite and that's a bull squid i guess one thing that brett that i can say that brett pitched to me uh brett johnson halfway one mapper half-life one level designer was that he wanted to play absolute zero
the beta mod and critique what they got right which i think is a genius idea and i was immediately on board you know he's like what if we play like a beta recreation map like mod and i say like what they got right and what they got wrong and we like we like critique it like dude that's just such a [ __ ] cool idea dude he's like i'll only be able to do the maps that i personally worked on you know which is most of the early stuff and most he actually did a lot of zen too apparently maybe i shoul
d yeah [Music] wow they really did attention to detail on this level is insane that wouldn't be a stream it would be it would be a youtube video edited after the fact that's that yeah i think when you deal with professionals it's always a good idea to give them the ability to pull out effectively you know if they end up saying something stupid it's just when they're live they're always going to be a bit you know you know they'll always be a little on edge and so it's good to be able to give them
freedom to you know be loose and if they don't like something that was said they can say it during the stream like uh cut that you know obviously i don't always let people have complete final cut privilege but it you know i play it by ear if there's a person that's that's worth giving up final cut privilege like hugo martin uh you know the the first level designer ever to join valve kind of a big deal you know i will say i knew invasion was cancelled long before they announced it because when i
was editing together my interviews every single time hugo brought up invasion they requested it to be removed and i was like oh okay so while i was editing through all the different hugo martin interview episodes i always got notes back that they wanted the invasion stuff cut which i was like oh okay would i give final cut privilege to todd absolutely [ __ ] not he's he's a very good interviewer interviewee excuse me a fully fledged horde mode is cooler but they haven't they haven't even talked
to prote at all which i actually think is kind of [ __ ] they really should like if you're taking an idea from the community you know that's popularly done by one guy consult the guy let him work on it give him a chance you know as soon as they announced that i was like oh [ __ ] protay got a job and i sent him a message like oh dude what's going on he goes i have not been contacted so many people have asked would i ever do an interview with mcmill edmund mcmillan oh javier oh yeah i [ __ ] lov
e binding who the [ __ ] doesn't like buying of isaac i love super meat boy i love basement collection i thought legend of bumbo was pretty alright i haven't played the card game i'd love to play the card game but i haven't played the card game is that teleporting in is that what that was supposed to be that was dope oh my god the attention to detail man again whoever made this props [Music] hmm it's funny because i've played this level like a thousand times i'm dead i'm dead i'm alive i'm livin
g ah i actually backed this on kickstarter there's only there have been very very few games i've backed on kickstarter pillars of eternity bloodstained ukulele and this i think three for four is quite good is this proteus no it's half-life the impossible lair is very good but i didn't back the impossible lair on kickstarter i backed ukulele on kickstarter these ladders are just as janky as half-life ladders attention to detail no you people don't give that one a chance because of the first game
it's just it's like a rare made donkey kong country game it's like dkc4 or something it's really good yeah but again ukulele yeah is that it is that the end it's at the end of the level so it might be the only level oh make that one a little more obvious make it a little more obvious that i'm not at the [ __ ] end of the level [Music] man the power of this custom level editor though what's the question anyone outside of the well-known people that you'd love to interview i don't know what you mea
n by that i want to interview musicians and game developers that's pretty much it did they do anything for the g-man sighting no office complex is the best [ __ ] level in the entirety of half-life would you interview martin lawrence no sorry i would not interview martin lawrence i can't hold on much longer all right now it's over only found fifty percent of the secrets damn that was awesome that was awesome who made that you're gonna get dr feel good here's a wonderful feeling [Music] he's done
unforeseen consequences and office complex the reno just tipped two hundred dollars i wasn't even paying attention he's gonna be your frankenstein why'd you give me 200 bucks reno i didn't see the message i didn't hear the message because it doesn't alert me when i get alerts anymore reno put your message in the thing i gotta figure out why i don't hear my twitch alerts anymore let's see what else do we got here hottest these are the hottest maps pro dm2 here's more payment for the gpu all righ
t cool yeah we still got to talk about that let's play one more of these these are cool all how do i oh search options okay cool i don't care what it is let's do least downloaded this is the least downloaded map on proteus slumber interrupted slumber interrupted is actually a dope ass name for a band i want this this is fine oh you see they're showing me a gun and i feel like i can get it but i can't get it i got bullets i got oh goodness gracious [Music] all right pro tip just hold the buttons
down i had no idea [Music] yes i i get it my slumber was interrupted yeah i have no [ __ ] clue what the blast from the past thing is supposed to be at this point i'm positive i was positive it was citadel related but who [ __ ] knows anymore i'll have to ask next time i talk to mike i'll have to ask about it which the way that mike works is you kind of need like a good reason otherwise he's just really [ __ ] busy that was the whole level a doom 3 style short map one minute okay well that was q
uite short um search options let's do oldest the very first custom map spoilers for proteus holy [ __ ] this is so good oh my god that was amazing let's do it again if citadel doesn't end up being the blasphemous past do you think they've canceled it yeah i got the secret guys i found it i found the secret that was i love it are there really duke nukem maps search duke no you said duke all right let's look at the highest rated search my god no way no way guys are you ready we're gonna play citad
el oh my god it starts on an elevator experimental research site gamma oh my god it takes citadel and black mesa that really is a blast from the past oh my god it's the city it's the citadel thank you thank you destroy the magma tubes you got it dude do you think cinderella will be fully playable in vr yeah um oh the blasted valley new new area new half-life area the blasted valley that's so cool do you think this is the quarantine zone after they nuked it do you think this is the quarantine zon
e after they nuked it is this a secret oh yeah they nuke the quarantine zone that's my prediction 1200 by 800 1280 by 800 display we gonna play 1200 by 800 display we gonna play 1200 by 800 display we gonna play we gonna play hey we gonna play we gonna play today hey hey 1285 800 display 280 by 800 display we gonna play hey we gonna play today do your best do your best death strider sound um [Music] guys did you know hugo martin likes movies more than video games it's true 800 display hey hey 12
00 by 800 display oh thermal processing west this totally is a half-life inspired map like it's obvious but at the same time i like i like taking the [ __ ] out of it like that or the piss we don't take the [ __ ] out of things no can i put my [ __ ] in my steam deck hey can i put my [ __ ] in my steam deck yay can i put my [ __ ] in my steam deck hey can i put my cop in my steam deck hey doc the cop in my steam deck hey doc the cop in my steam deck today hey hey stop the cop in my steam deck he
y stop the cop in my stink gabe the steam deck may have a 2230 m.2 slot but will the steam deck support any external auto masturbation devices so that i can play along at home with my hentai games because without the immersion nekoparo just isn't the same they added socketed 2230 m.2 modules not intended for user replacement on the tech spec page all right somebody explained to me why it wouldn't be okay to use or replace those drives because it'll get gabe angry because if you do that they won'
t make another half-life game if you do that they're just gonna make another artifact do you want another artifact yeah you're a dumbass i know where's underlord season two we thought you forgot about that i didn't okay well now you have to die oh dang ah beans beans i brought up the game i spent a lot of money on ah beans boink boink hey all things aside this game's fun it's like doom you can quote me on that you can put you can put me on the store page tyler mcvicker aka formerly valve news ne
twork quote it's like doom morty morty i turned myself into a doom clone morty rick i don't want to kill you i'm a [ __ ] you morty [ __ ] you uh we're i'm gonna make you kill that you need to kill the demons [ __ ] you morty [ __ ] you oh rick i don't i don't like this ah [ __ ] [ __ ] you morty [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] you rick i i deserve better oh no you don't [ __ ] you morty oh [ __ ] you rick [ __ ] you morty oh rick i don't like this rick oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] you morty morty [ __ ] you rick
we're not the same now that we're written by a panel of writers and not a person with a with a with a vision [ __ ] you morty we sold 70 episodes to adult swim morty 72 episodes morty rick and morty 72 episodes 100 days oh rick the show really feels soulless now [ __ ] you morty i'm gonna keep talking about my [ __ ] and balls uh justin roiland's really overworked didn't he uh [ __ ] you morty we're gonna make him crank out as many sitcoms as we can eight eight thousand sitcoms justin royal and
eight thousand sitcoms oh i feel bad for him rick on the next episode of rick and morty rick enslaves justin roilands to continue cranking out stories about his cool ass adventures i really just want him to spend time with his dogs rick [ __ ] you morty [ __ ] you do you have any idea how much money i make on hot topic t-shirts every episode has an inside joke that can be turned into a hot topic t-shirt oh rick that really seems like out of the spirit of the show have you watched it lately morty
imagine to imagine a lecture having to listen to all of that and now you understand her pain i do bits all the time and she hates it but then she does fits all the time and she loves it her favorite bit is punching my butt and saying last night the bit being she's gonna make a shiv out of glass and murder me with it anytime i say something even remotely disrespectful and it could be something as simple as like you smell she'll just look at me and go you trying to die tyler gets his ass slapped
oh yeah y'all never have a cute gamer wife slaps your ass but i do i also have a 3080 ti an oculus quest 2 a really big tv and a really successful youtube channel she's actually trying to kill you be careful oh i know i keep i keep a gun under my pillow i would never once ever try and hurt her but if she wants to kill me that's that's her prerogative man she's she's a woman she can do what she wants i need a god mode cheat for cyberpunk because i am stuck so we're going to download a god mode ch
eat for cyberpunk because my rebalance has made the johnny stuff almost impossible to play because you don't have access to healing items or grenades or really anything that i've balanced the game around so i'll [ __ ] you up punk no yeah so um something i've been working on and i've shown this off in the past there's there's a few videos i'm working on there are two big videos for cypher cd projekt red and cyberpunk that are left to be made um this is the one that's closest to being done it's c
alled what is still broken in cyberpunk and how to fix it yourself and it is how many pages is it now 15 pages of bugs and how to fix them uh 15 pages of issues that i've run into while playing the game i'm going to generally talk about them uh the thing i have to do still is put links to mods that fix these bugs when there are mods that fix the bugs so that's cool um and then there's the uh the alleged future of cdpr which i did release part of my work on uh a couple days ago which is this vide
o pavel stylish boy sasco talks future of cyberpunk for two hours which is a uh pavel sasco is the lead quest designer of cd projekt red um he live streams every sunday playing cyberpunk taking questions from the community and he'll take any questions regardless of how heinous and like edgy or just trying to start drama type questions they are and he'll answer them legitimately and you know cyberpunk's lunch was [ __ ] it's not people like his fault though and we all know that and it's you know
people like him are the ones that get the most [ __ ] for it do you know what i mean like it's obviously executives pr department marketing and and upper management that are at fault the people that are they're just pouring their hearts into forced six work six day work weeks to get this game out they they deserve much better anyway so i watched through each stream is three and a half hours he's done 12 of them so far i watch through all of them uh and cut together every time he talks about the
future of cdpr cyberpunk or the games industry in general uh and after i edited all those together i then made all the timestamps for each individual thing he talks about uh this is a really good source for information on the future of cyberpunk uh but there are other sources so those are the two videos i'm working on for cyberpunk still which is this one this has it's still broken how to fix it and then the alleged future of cyberpunk and cdpr so those are the things i'm working on right now um
i'm also working on uh updating the mod list the ultimate way to play mod list um i looked through there how many mods are on the nexus right now which i can't show you because there are always naked bodies on it um all right i turned the adult files off um there are uh about 2 000 mods if you include the adult mods i looked through all of them again yesterday um and added a secondary list of mods that i need to organize into this and then go through it and be a bit clearer on the rebalancing g
oing on because i'm i'm combining mods to make an overall uh difficulty rebalance um so but another cool mod that uh came out was the flashlight mod that i was really wanting and then somebody just came out with a uh uh a web slinging hook shot uh uh grappling hook mod which i've yet to try and i'm not gonna be putting it on the list until the developers consider it finished uh but that's in development and then somebody is making flying cars uh actually i can show you that somebody is in the pr
ocess of making flying cars like working flying cars which is really [ __ ] cool um let me see if i can find it yeah here it is so it's still in early development um and there's no flying car models yet but they've essentially taken the the cars system and rebuilt it to allow for effectively driving like it's an av still very early in development there's a lot of stuff obviously that needs to be done for this to be usable but um yeah they're working on flying cars pretty dope so cool um so there
yeah so here's that grappling hook mod i was telling you about this just came out i've yet to try it uh because it's super duper early um but that's dope the thing that i want modders to have the ability to do is incorporate these into the inventory systems the upgrade systems so like this grappling hook would be like it's like a cyberware of some core like like an augmentation from the ripper dock of some sort the flying cars would have to be found and bought but as they currently stand they'r
e just buttons like okay i want to fly a car okay i want you know what i mean um let me show you my current build for cyberpunk that i've been working on i've not played the terrace in the bob master level yet no and i will get to that [Music] i will get to that when um when i start work like legitimate work on uh i think i'm gonna call it refining the gameplay with a hundred mods in doom eternal because i'm gonna make a big ass mod list because there are some absolutely incredible doom eternal
mods that need more attention do you know what i mean but no i haven't had time yet i've been i have been just absolutely enamored with this all right let's see if god mode works um these are all my cyber engine tweaks mods i have installed right now and then there's this okay so bod mode toggle all right let's see if it works because with the with the balance changes i have installed oh yeah it works okay cool i can just get through this i've died like a thousand times in this if you get shot w
ith three bullets you're done and all of these enemies have um automatic weapons it's impossible and so that's a problem i'm trying to communicate to the mod developers that are rebalancing things because the rebalance mods make the johnny uh you know the johnny's overhand flashbacks impossible to do this turret is impossible so that's why i had to enable god mode because i just i couldn't [ __ ] get through it so i'm trying to figure out like because the rebalances absolutely destroy johnny's a
bility to fight because these enemies are balanced to v as she is when you go into this and my v is like level 30 or level 25 or something are people even listening to me or is are people just sick of hearing about cyberpunk that fov though oh yeah let me try son of a [ __ ] actually i forgot while we're here i should limit the fps to 60. your voice is smoothing is soothing tyler talk about cyberpunk all you're all you want though i know nothing about it i recommend uh getting cyberpunk dab dab
dab dab when 1.3 comes out i'll probably miss we'll talk about it in the video i would advise you not to disturb her what'd you do to alt i prefer to work on a project thanks for the three dollars tyler i'm sorry i couldn't have my sorry it's okay no i love johnny's gun holy [ __ ] there are some excellent excellent johnny gun mods that i'll put on the list my favorite is it just gets replaced with with the straight up blade runner gun by the way in this version i'm letting all the timers go out
to see what happens because there's always differences come on don't do this [ __ ] johnny the hell are you doing are you still rolling this is all we can do now my man show people the truth i dislike that even if you don't push the button he still [ __ ] kills him give me that choice give me the choice you know but they don't we gotta go forgot while we're here johnny she's dead she's not she's past the black wall well spit it out before you burst thompson what happened to him dunno never work
ed together again maybe because you whooped his ass to make yourself feel better i mean i guess they shouldn't i guess it's okay that they don't give you choices in the um in the silver hands stuff sorry my testicles were uncomfortable because you're not silver hand it's a flashback know it's not v oh the game crashed whoops i don't know what i did but the game did just crash [ __ ] did you guys know i love video game controllers like a lot how far back oh good right where i was guys i love vide
o games so [ __ ] much video games are so good never even told me half that about all really any examples i don't know that you were a couple that she wrote soul killer that she's dead how the hell is she supposed to help us now as a ghost she's not dead managed to escape this is probably awful on the bitrate all these little dots fled into the net when'd you find out when she made contact a little later and what'd she say that she was a captive in the arasaka subnet but they couldn't hurt her a
nd she told me not to come looking for i wanna buy cyberpunk red the books and just read them what why this one time she wanted me to just let it go because enough people had died for nothing already so what did you do got my hands on two thermonuclear charges oh yeah massive spoilers by the way voodoo boys think they know where she is beyond the black wall where nobody can touch her brigitte's prime to go there break through just to contact alt talk to her too much for our little pro a moment s
ure felt like more than a moment so a good chunk of johnny's life and alt it is possible data connected to old are linked to a strong memory trace in the construct very strong these memories must have evoked a powerful emotional response then projected onto your consciousness emotion yeah plenty of that construct what kind of shapes it in enough data is uncorrupted to convince alt it is authentic what the hell does that mean so did it work yes we extract the necessary fragment of silverhand's an
ger we are ready now to make contact with alt first we must dive deeper the concept of this is kind of hokey but the the visuals of it are so [ __ ] cool she will be the first so actually you've got no idea what imagine this in vr oh but we will nose don't tease me these shapes i'm seeing wild unfettered ai searching for a passage i held up my end of ordeal your turn before you pass through that wall i want johnny's psyche removed we will not pass through you will take the code to the other side
[ __ ] you might have guessed this this runs at 800p with sfsr uh medium to low settings this will run fine on the stream deck just [ __ ] watch especially with some optimization mods that i'm currently commissioning i don't got much for options do i ali all right bye i didn't even realize these other guys we're back here oh my god such a cool look yeah i am commissioning some stream deck specific optimization mods for some games i like yeah ruji give me terminal doom 2016 red dead 2 gta 5 and
this maybe half-life alex we'll see alt fallout new vegas will run fine yeah [Music] we have nothing to do with this network my god look this is i love this part man this game is nuts it's really you what happened out there couldn't just take them out that watch was well prepared this time gotta be mostly the [ __ ] what if rasheed and the voodoo boys i was forced to purge them that watch was exploiting their bbs purge you mean they're dead all of them not actually going to feel bad for him are
you brigitte what does she want from you in exchange for johnny that i guarantee her and her clan's safety beyond the black wall and what did they want to find out there the corporation-controlled net is now nearly as unstable as it was before the black walls creation so okay i just i realized there's a massive choice that i took so the first time i played i killed there's this quest that you're sent to take out the animals in a mall in pacifica the animals is a gang you do that and then you run
into this guy like a corpo guy he's like whoa whoa whoa wait wait wait we can work together they're tricking you and my first time i killed the guy and we went through this and me and brigitte started talking to alt and got the information we needed this time i let him live and because of that alt killed everyone from everyone that helps me get here huh huh okay to fight on our side when the time comes damn it i brought that watch here agent i dealt with must have slipped me a tracker then let
him right in switch things up on the slide replacing the voodoo's virus with his own brand probably how they got to you it matters not the entire subnet was destroyed alt you pulled us out of there that mean you and us we're okay everything's chill i have recognized your but i do not know why you are here so you can pay me back for getting you out of our socket tower v this is old the best net runner night city's ever seen alt this is v you need to save his life as you can see johnny's got it al
l thought out but there's the question of what you want i haven't gotten the call yet no network propaganda do you see me as a demon who requires a pact signed in blood got no clue who you are now know a little about who you were and johnny that he was important to you well i'm no one so i'm asking what's it gonna cost i cannot help you can't or won't can't to attempt to do so i would need access to more advanced technology so lemons jesus um yeah so there's apparently a quest in the game where
if you go to a specific clothing store in the corporate plaza and you spend an exorbitant amount of money over time you're contacted by someone and it starts this secret quest line kind of like the dark brotherhood so i had a dream taking a nap today about that that i was playing and i i was thinking apparently in the dream like oh i wonder what the quest line is for the junichi store the juninji store and in my head the quest line starts with me walking by a junichi store somewhat an alarm goin
g off police going around it somebody bursting out getting on an av or like some kind of like atv that flies like an av and he started flying away and then fell off the thing and dropped and died then the police apprehend me thinking i was the guy that jumped off the thing because as it turns out the person who committed that crime looked identical to me and the police didn't realize that there were two different people until they found the body and this whole quest plays out in my dream relatin
g to this drug that's getting popular on the streets that that pulls your brain back to like like an infantile state to allow you to just completely zonk out and the drug having some like unintended side effects for users of specific cyberware and the drug itself being a natural piece of material that allows a user to hack into your cyberware and control you and then it turns out that that drug is being manufactured by a corpo ring in order to be able to pull specific people they don't like off
the streets and also get a hold of merchandise from other opposing companies and it was all this dream i had and i woke up and i was like [ __ ] and i wrote it all down and like there was this point where i was talking to a police officer an ncpd officer whom while talking to me like stabbed me with something like pricked me and injected my body with something and i pass out and i wake up being commute like communicate they're like injecting me with them it was just like this whole [ __ ] quest
played out in my dream and i woke up and wrote it all down and i was like oh my god but it turns it up the explanation was because i spent so much money i would be known to the people and like be a bit more trusted by the people so they like cyber they like put like you know chrome on a person to like make it look like me so that i was like trusted by the the people at the store because they think i'm some big high spender so they are a bit yeah the version of me that dreams is far more creative
than the version of me that is awake and sentient interesting brigitte claims she alone could help me you played too much cyberpunk i have 121 hours in cyberpunk why am i not surprised fine so how about makoshi that advanced enough for you if i could gain access to mikoshi it would cease to exist good we can work with that we'll get you inside mikoshi and you'll help the deal best runner night city's ever seen can't bust into koshi on her own i am a well-known threat there they have a layer of
black ice with my name on it literally kind of like a custom-made prism jumpsuit i refuse to be caged in there ever again what can you do for me exactly with the soul killer resident i love vivid dreams [ __ ] love your dreams take take uh take melatonin to help you get to sleep your dreams will be far more vivid oh yeah love it sometimes they'll be horrifying though but when you get a good dream that's also incredibly vivid it's the [ __ ] best it's the best i love dreaming more than living and
i have a good life dreams are the best i love dreaming dreams are the best i love to dream i am whenever like stories or media tries and do does stuff with dreams i always [ __ ] love it i love inception i love that episode of adventure time where they explore the i love that episode of spongebob where they explore the different dreams i love dreams dreaming is so cool construct of you then disentangle your neural network from johnny's i shall then inject your engram back into your mortal form
so you'll save my life but flatline me along the way your consciousness mural engrams will be recorded as data the rest will cease to exist oh that one rick and morty episode is pretty good yep i did not grant the program its name but soul killer does precisely what it promises to do christ i don't want to listen to this [ __ ] v just hops back into his body right nothing changes everything changes you know this well rights we got a plan but how will you reach mikoshi i've created armies that fa
iled to breach it they were children of the net there's your problem we're banking on the human factor we'll crack a window slip you into makotion johnny uh embellishes in case you hadn't noticed you don't trust him which is fine but you have my word we'll slip you inside mikoshi while keeping you out of harm's way i believe this human factor and i have things in common so we agreed yes i dream that i'm at concerts of bands i love playing songs i've never heard all the time and i never remember
those songs but they're always pretty good i always dream new coldplay music that is good like real acoustic sad stuff never just you and me no that will not be possible poor johnny so i made a bad decision more fitting in runner [ __ ] had it come jesus christ they're all dead as much as it tickles me too we got a delta right still got mr crumps left jesus christ they are all dead are they gonna flip out on me are they gonna attack me on the way out thank you for the sub because my last playthr
ough they weren't that i just walked out and it was fine they are all dead that's insane man this game does have choice pavel's not lying when he said the choice is a bit less telegraphed to the player i'm scared oh and i don't have enough oh god i'm not going to be able to hack these people if they're they do attack me oh oh yeah [Music] [Music] all right so the voodoo boys are going to be angry at me for the rest of the game thankfully they cut like 90 of pacifica [Music] i have a mod that let
s you cycle grenades with the push of a button excellent mod that'll be added to the list [Music] future dlc though oh yeah future dlc is totally just going to be hey let's finish up the stuff we couldn't finish in time totally let's also make some of the stuff people thought the game was gonna be again wait for the video like the video is gonna be [ __ ] great to be honest this is a lot cooler of a situation than just walking out there we are [Music] by the way i think we all know oh placeed is
a boss battle no [ __ ] way oh no yeah i made the wrong decision here dude when the game has all of like the next gen patches for the graphics and overall stability with all of the content in the dozens of free dlc and multiple full game expansions holy [ __ ] like obviously when my videos are done i will be taking a break from the game you know and i'll be moving on to other stuff but when all the expansions and stuff are out oh my god oh my god it's gonna be nuts and then when cyberpunk onlin
e comes out the seed is a boss that is nuts how you can just miss entire boss fights in this game [Music] there he is all right what's he do [Music] oh i'm locked in oh oh goodness [Music] oh wow really skilled netrunner this one [Music] oh goodness gracious what is that what is that wait he has attack drones [Music] all right he's done he's gone what is this what are these attack drones oh my god what's gonna happen look hey look see that [ __ ] those cuts you're watching a story on the ahri so
ccers or narrating porn gee aren't you funny look around look what they've done to this hood whatever you got to say say it got something eaten at your code that's clear been trying to learn how you're wired this whole time to know who i'm dealing with thought you were just unlucky at first but i kept watching and finally realized what your problem is you're a dirt boy from haywood who found the guts to walk a few extra blocks from home you're a dick you know and you're a [ __ ] maybe we'll fit
together after all you seem to know a lot about my past well seeing flashes of your past just like you've seen flashes of mine honestly i'm scared of the day i'll start seeing your memories as my own [ __ ] if it's a two-way street i'll somehow have to live with the fact that i led to sean best me [ __ ] me over so listen will will i notice a change or is it one of those things where i wonder why i ever feared it worst thing you can do to a human rip their identity out of them that's all i know
how you find life under my skin well most things are either too big or too small not to mention the cluster [ __ ] that are your hormones and the lag between sight and touch infuriating when you take a bite of pizza takes ages before i know you [ __ ] burn the roof of your mouth plus used to be five minutes wouldn't pass before i had a fresh sig in my head now i'm itching for nicotine getting used to it i guess but it's no [ __ ] picnic can you just tell me what you want what you really want a f
ixed version of this on the steam deck and i can see cdpr optimizing some settings for it your goal is to bury our saga demolish it mines to stay above ground seem pretty clearly defined both actually aligned pretty nicely too you need mikoshi to save your life that done i can burn it to the ground don't say anything okay i'll tell you why i want to destroy our osaka but i'll only tell you once want to hear it i saw a corpse strip farmers of water and eventually of land saw them transform night
city into a machine fueled by people's crushed spirits broken dreams and emptied pockets corpse have long controlled our lives taken lots and now they're after our souls might be right i can't really argue with you there v i've declared war not because capitalisms are thorn in my side or out of nostalgia for an america gone by this war is a people's war against a system that spiraled out our control it's a war against the [ __ ] forces of entropy understand do whatever it takes to stop him defea
t him gut him if i got a kill i'll kill if i need your body i'll [ __ ] take it no i think the hairy color i picked is awesome take a sick you got it i also put them in a suit you still don't see it but you will one day oh on scale from one to six i'd say i'm sitting at a strong six by the way that's a bug you just said that that was a bug that i've reported but it's so [ __ ] annoying the de la main quest in pacifica for some reason on my save file misses you won't shut you down v won't stop ta
lking to him over and over and over and over again it's so [ __ ] annoying and now the quest doesn't even show up so [ __ ] annoying so uh there any question marks i've been doing this thing where i make sure there are no question marks but then i don't do any of the gigs there's one because i want to see just how long the gig list can get look at that all right so we're going over there closest fast travel points probably here really appreciate it if you didn't make this difficult if you've bee
n waiting give this mod a shot with uh give this game a shot with my mod list my updated one which will come out with my next video somebody should make a mod where npcs can be seen with umbrellas when it rains i'm using darker lighting with geo engineering in the flashlight mod correct and for geo engineering i'm using all custom cycled uh with optional extras and wet road when cloudy just got the uzop job colt it's not letting me put a vehicle down that's weird why isn't it let me put a vehicl
e down did i change the vehicle button without knowing it yeah the bugs ruin the immersion factor that the game can really get into you sometimes there it is yeah that was weird also i have an improved uh in-car pepo vb perspective mod installed which is really good somebody recommended cyber drive which is a different vehicle handling profile i don't like it i like drive it like you stole it something i wish the game would do is allow you to get phone calls when you're sitting in your car becau
se as soon as you step out and you're near an area where a job takes place hey listen there's this chick an nc badge you too much for our own good top brass tossed her into the loony bin i'm gonna need you to bust her out so you're american shining chrome specs attached be in touch that's illegal yes but it's all done in your eyes it's not an actual phone all right let's see are there any jobs that i have yet to register not looking at side jobs because those fail most of the time man there's a
lot of side jobs this game has so much to do and they cut so much of it so it's like what was their original goals you know they removed so much from the game and yet you know like oh my god all right that's pretty much it let's do a side let's just do a random side job is there one that makes it like the cars in half-life 2. no nah i can't say there is all right let's north side jobs little china jobs corporate plaza japan town north oak downtown wells springs glen vista del rey where's kabuki
this is kabuki yeah yeah yeah yeah this is the exploding dick side job which i don't really feel like doing kabuki in little china wait is this the exploding dick we'll figure it out oh don't use gta fast travel when you're in a car it glitches out ah [ __ ] i forgot oh wow did it fast travel me in my car and killed somebody because of it yes it did okay all right hold up look at how much cool [ __ ] you can do with my driving mod what is this side gig i'm about to do oh is it a cyber psycho oh
[ __ ] terrorist activity all right we leave those stay on the list i'm not doing the cyber cycles and stuff yet the ncpd got a call about a cyber psycho and actually sent a patrol this time but it's been a few hours with no report back either those cops got scared and bounced or anyway could you check it out for me much appreciated thanks regina something i love about the game you can go and visit those fixers like they have offices they have places that they work all right so that was that one
i forget how world scaling and enemy scaling works i am taking a look at the guide here real quick the further out from the beginning area of the game you get the harder the enemies are and even though base game balancing makes the game just [ __ ] way too easy uh that concept is still taken into account with um you know it's still taking into account how it how it how the game works you know how the balance works this is a cool guidebook they talk about some content in it too not as much as th
e day one build but still wow oh my god there's so much looking at the book makes you realize just how much [ __ ] stuff is in this game i love this game this game is so [ __ ] cool oh this game deserved better this game should have come out a year later all right whatever i i can't find it it's a good book super cheap because nobody gives a [ __ ] all right let's see here have i found all the cyber psychos there's 17 of them i've defeated one one we'll sort by name one two three four five six s
even eight nine ten 11. oh goodness there's five more i haven't found jesus christ all right let's look at some side job locations that i don't know about like that one gta fast travel is so [ __ ] cool such a great [ __ ] ah play this game seriously i'm having a really hard time getting into the witcher series this game is so good all right is this a cyber psycho thing nah doesn't look like it what is this ah it's one of these it is not mine it's one of those nope we're not doing that yet tryin
g to build my character in a specific way for this video all right none of this bye don't i make the game look really good what are you doing i'm perfectly satisfied with my appearance thank you very much sir please stop you'll do [ __ ] what you deaf he asked you to do something politely chill the [ __ ] out it's just an scsm please just leave me alone do it for your mother i know helen's very worried about you the [ __ ] how you know mama hey catch you later thank you vee boy i was scared to m
ichael i stood there silently brandon things the humiliation say since we've been through so much together i guess that makes us best friends that calls for a discount thanks brandon don't worry you deserve it you're one tough cookie and yet so nice not to everyone i couldn't be mean even if i wanted to especially to you can't speak ill of the dead right wait what you're not supposed to be here and yet here you are like a glitch in the system or a demon coded by a brilliant netrunner you know wh
at demons are capable of rightly how did you know that surprised lots of people come to me so i listen to them and learn how they talk i got your name once or twice and pieced together the puzzle not bad for scsm right uh how about we'll talk later all right catch you later brennan ah such a cool game what is this what do you want i think the map was getting all [ __ ] because brandon was scanning me because that happens when you get scanned welcome to jinguji ah look who it is what a lovely sur
prise i'd almost forgotten that pretty face and what a pity that would be welcome back to our little oasis of elegance now what can i do for you today maybe a little upgrade hmm sequins are back you know i'm not ready for this not ready for that i didn't read my messages i should be reading my messages let's check my messages regina yeah i never got a message i need to read these shards i need to read the shorts so many shards so many shots game has so much this game has so much okay so not that
one let's try that one and i will run there oh assault in progress let's see if this is out of my level range boink hey it's out of my level range yep see that's what happens with my balance mod if you're out of the level range you're just one shot they wanted you they want it to feel more like a a a an rpg well you got it there you are level you are level you are level gated what is going on over there what's up tyler how much how you doing you know what you got a bunch of garbage cool here ta
ke an arsenal cool [ __ ] off did they fix the bug where you can slow-mo yeah the slo-mo span dodge bug thing yeah there's a mod that puts it back in if you really want it hello nice wait a minute am i just going back to the same [ __ ] side job i've already looked at let's see am i a dumbass am i are we sure what's this it's never been up here that guy's playing a game no this is probably a cyber cycle stock sucking suits what's going on what is this [ __ ] you looking at nothing to see here mo
ve along okay wait what's going on here this is your first day in night city what's it [ __ ] look like get out of here piss-hand from what i can tell your guy's a mid-level manager and the corp won't let this slide they'll pull the data from this asshole's biomon and find you and then they'll shoot you you think i don't know that [ __ ] corporals walking around like holy cows in a two-piece but i ain't letting them go no [ __ ] chance i'm not asking you to what i want is for you to let me finis
h the job yeah and what's in it for you nothing this is how i unwind all right let's go boys take care of yourself officer what whoa all right and now i walk away hopefully not failing the damn quest all right well all right everybody love you guys peace and air grace i'm gonna peace out i'm hungry got poop i wanna take a bath soak in the tub you know work on my mod list work on my info list for the stream steam deck peace love you
