
Make Money with Sports Betting | The Ultimate Beginner guide for Smart bettors (2024)

You can turn regular gambling into investing instead. Betting Pro Mikael shares the 5 steps to get you started! RebelBetting customers made a combined profit of over €8 million in 2023! You can make a lot of money too, by frequently betting on overpriced odds. What are you waiting for? Start now and try for free: #valuebetting #2023 #investing #howtomakemoneyonline #howtoprofitonsports #rebelbetting #secondincome #sportsbetting #surebetting #arbitragebetting #evbetting #becomeasmartbettor #smartbetting

RebelBetting - Turn sports betting into investing

11 months ago

In what job can you consistently make over a thousand Euros each month, working only from 30 minutes to 1 hour per day? Without having any prior experience at all, and you can work from anywhere. You don't even have to leave  your house if you don't want to. Hi, my name is Mikael and if you only  watch one video from Rebel Betting, make it this one because, in this video,  we bring together everything you need to know in order to start making  money with sports betting in 2023. It is possible by
turning sports  betting into investing and that's what Rebel betting has been  doing for the past 15 years. So, it's been taking up advantage  of two high odds from bookmakers. In this video, we will take  a look at a five-step program of how to start making money  with sports betting in 2023. So, the very first step is to open  accounts to a couple of different bookmakers. The best-performing bookmakers in last  year, for example, were Bet365 and Unibet. It varies which bookmakers you're allow
ed  to use based on where you're from. So, it's good in the beginning to open  accounts to three to four bookmakers. After opening accounts to a couple of  different bookmakers, we want to choose our bankroll and make the first  deposits. So, for our bankroll, we want to use a sum that we don't  need for the couple next month. So, then once we've chosen the bankroll, we can spread  this bankroll to couple different betting sites. Third, we will get a RebelBetting license. Once we go to rebelbett, this  is the page we will see. Once we scroll down the page a little bit, we will see a  comparison box between two types of licenses. So, we have the Starter license  and then we have the Pro license. The starter is really good when starting out.  So for those who have smaller bankrolls and they want to try out the product first.  It's good to have the starter license. If you want to maximize your returns from the  get-go, it is better to have the Pro license. Number four, we start. Af
ter getting a license, this is the view you get next. So on the left, we have overpriced odds, Value bets. This is how we make the money. And once we go down the page to options there on filters, we can plug in what bookmakers we have right now. So any bookmaker listed here, you can add. Basically, the more bookmakers we have listed here, the more value bets we will see and the more money we will make. So, when starting, the default settings  are perfectly fine. We don't need to change anything
from the default.  We can just start betting. Number five, we keep betting, and in  a matter of a couple of months, we can start expecting returns. So, this is game for  the long run. It's not get fast rich. It's just getting daily wins many times a day. We get a small edge in every bet and we need a lot of repetition in order for that edge to be transferred to money to us. With these five steps, we have turned  betting from gambling into investing. I really appreciate the time you took to  wat
ch this video. If you have any questions, any comments at all, please let us know. You can send us an email; you can give us a comment. I really appreciate the time  you took to watch this video. I'll see you at the next one.



Hello good day, please for a stater who doesn't have that amount to pay to be licensed do we have any other terms of agreement to be licensed


Hi, is that possible from Belgium ? Or limited to UK or USA ?


Hello there. I paid for value betting starter a few days ago and I really had a good experience for the first two days. But unfortunately, I have been getting value bets that have different odds from the bookmaker odds and that has drastically affected my progress. For instance, rebelbetting will give me a game with odds of 1.98 but when I navigate to the bookmaker, the odds will be 1.70 or 1.69 etc. The resultant is that I am experiencing a loosing streak. Is it a technical issue on your part that can be fixed? Because I cannot continue staking blindly.


Can I use only in Greek bet companies ?


Can I use rebel betting in India


Can I start with 500£


I recieve an email from youuu I really need a answer for maaa question!!! Are u there for responding???


What bank should I start with to make 1500 per month?