
Marfan Syndrome Mnemonic for USMLE

Marfan syndrome is an inherited connective tissue disorder that affects a person's heart, blood vessels, and skeleton. It is caused by a mutation in fibrillin-1, which is located on chromosome 15. Marfan syndrome has a number of characteristic clinical findings, such as marfanoid habitus, ectopia lentis (ectopic lens), mitral valve prolapse, and aortic dissection. Learn about Marfan Syndrome with Pixorize's visual mnemonics and memory palaces. Part of our Autosomal Dominant Diseases playlist for the USMLE Step 1 and NBME shelf exams. Subscribe for More: Study Interactive Image:


5 years ago

Mar's Fan = Marfan syndrome dominant auto (truck) = autosomal dominant quinceañera dress = chromosome 15 dress fibers = fibrillin-1 marfanoid habitus lens subluxed up mitre hat = mitral valve prolapse aortic dissection



This has become one of my favourite channels on youtube amazing


I have become so hooked to your explanation with amazing, easy to remember illustrations, that i search for it before i read about a medical condition. Thank you so much.


I love you Pixorize! You have made Medical the easiest for us!! Magnificent work!


Mexican med student here, loving your content so far, thanks!


Literally, this channel is AMAZING. Thank you!


Explaination of Lens subluxation was clear I'll remember it for long time.


Good job man, I like how explain about subluxation upward/downward. I have seen that on an exam before


This channel has made learning fun and easy!


you have excellent content and you are doing a amazing job. subed.


You are very very amazing in explanation please keep on this your imagination & job unique 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


You deserve more and more subs


P.s. If you could make vids about vitamin types ((like A,B,etc,,)) That would be AMAZING 😍😍


You deserve more views for your hardwork.. Man... Unfortunately such creativity when poured into useless shit gives 100× better response... Don't lose heart


Thank you so much. Love from India.


More and more videos are needed ☺️☺️


Amazing...Thanks for turn details easy too remember




how can be a person so talented like that THANK YOU so much for making learning easy and funny 😍
