
Marine Education Advisory Committee Meeting - December 9, 2020

Caroline Jaram: And so I've got a six year old and a four year old and they love Kyle and they love the marine education center.

VOM Village

3 years ago

mm-hmm hey rob uh just a heads up the video function is disabled for me at least hello everybody hi hi i don't know if you heard me hey ann it's peter uh i think the video functions on the panelists are disabled [Music] can you hear me yeah yeah i can hear you hi peter how are you i'm doing well thanks happy holidays thank you happy holidays to you too is unable to start video let me fix that thanks rob uh is there we go hi hi hey carolyn hi hi so i had a bit of trouble getting on but i'm good n
ow that's okay i hate oh yeah i look like i'm in the dark i'm in a different part of my house i got booted from our office um it's okay yeah i know how that feels yeah it looks like i'm in like a dark corner i am in the dark this meeting just occurred today hello everyone hey henry how you doing hi peter nice to see you too yeah thanks hi anne hi carolyn hi henry hi we will do uh we'll do introductions in a bit and here are obviously our two new committee members yeah hi caroline hi henry i am i
am we won't ask them to take notes today peter i can't take notes today a little less than a week ago and i don't even know where i am in this house oh did you move wait where did you uh i i'm palmer i'm on 708 palmer so i'll take notes today thank you i sent my notes yeah okay i made a couple of minor edits and then sent them around everybody else okay i know i was um missed packing when i was doing the notes and then it was uh i'm sorry i think they're i think they're fine no no i didn't even
i just put my i should have said additions i didn't mean oh okay i didn't mean it like that it wasn't my best note-taking skills last night they were nice and concise yes uh let's see i'm probably gonna um i'm gonna type them up while we're talking though my schedule has been just as i'm sure others too it's like the ability to have zoom meetings it's just hey sarah hi it's just constant i'll have seven hours of zoom meetings a day so you man's someone's gotta work too it's what happened actual
ly working like i get that that's trust me it's work and i'm tired after it but it's uh just desk time has become a thing of the past it's bizarre or it's not that we're always at our desk right but being able to just work on something it's like it's crazy it's crazy and i was pulling one of our boats out of the water this morning of course the battery was like totally zapped so i had to jump it and i got it out of the water before the snow kicked in which is nice hey brandon how are you good go
od thank you so i don't i i'm going to put everybody on start broadcasting through the villages youtube oh sure that's great thank you thanks for the heads up too i haven't heard from doug brendan i think you were you mentioned maybe talking to him about thursdays if you haven't yet no big deal or wednesdays do you know if he's joining though uh i don't think he's showing me because this time it's still the internal company meeting which he cannot get out of so yeah i think we're going to change
it so that'll be one of the things we do today is great talk about a better time uh so who else victor's not going to make it today um sorry our trustee can't make it today victor's pretty good about making it but he had a i think there's a trusty meeting in 320 which is probably kept him so other than that are we missing anyone else i don't want to start too early i think we might be good to go this is carol is she joining us oh shoot all right come on thank you yes we're going to miss i was m
uted so you let me just ramble on yes we need kyle too i'll text her i also don't think well today it's kind of kicking off some new members coming kind of kicking off soon a new year see today is more maybe a planning i don't think we'll take up the whole hour today so if we start a little late um not the end of the world i really do my best for our new committee members to make sure that we don't go over an hour um and if possible it's nice to end a little bit early but definitely do my best [
Music] so my screen keeps freezing up is anyone is that just me or i'm fine sounds mine yeah mine's okay you seem fine [Music] for some reason i'm not able to live stream on the villages youtube but um this is being recorded so it'll probably be posted up there in a day or two so just you know be mindful this you know is going to be out in the public sort of thing noted thanks so is anyone from the town gonna be no vic victor's not i think victor's typically here but he's not gonna be able to ma
ke it today i don't think we're gonna get dan necessarily today we usually do have victor sometimes we get mayor murphy coming in too but typically it's been victor and dan i think it might be us today because i think they have another meeting that's going over at the same time so that's probably why we don't have a victor and then murphy and dan i think they have a v very important meeting regarding the planning department yeah but just so you two know typically we have nation usually dan and v
ictor and every now and then mayor murphy joins too victor is technically our trustee liaison let's get started um why don't we get started like i was saying um so welcome to the december mecac meeting um i don't think we're gonna take up the whole hour but let's just dive in now um i did text kyle just so people know i'm sure we'll hear back from her shortly um and thanks for sending the meeting minutes around um people that were on the meeting last uh last month do you have any comments i put
some track changes in um editions in i should say brendan sarah anything else you wanted to add or adjust uh the notes look fine by me it's okay they looked all right by you too all right good sir thank you we we used to vote minutes in but we actually don't officially have to but we do this just so our new committee members know we just make sure that everyone's on board with them that's on the meeting and then um send them over to sally so i'll send them as is to sally and they'll be final and
post it on the website good and we'll go back to print i'll take notes today so committee members i want a moment to thank um and sarah's going to talk to but to thank some of the committee members that are kind of rolling off the board um first we have eddie eddie wasn't able to serve for a very long time unfortunately the pandemic kind of sidetracked him um but while he was with us he was a pleasure to work with he's definitely going to be coming off the off the committee and then jim desmond
too uh caroline and henry do you know jim desmond catherine desmond no no i didn't know him they're very active in the village they have a deep appreciation for long island sound the environment um jim just has you know he's got other other things that we're taking up some of his time so he'll be rolling off too but he had been a long um term committee member um and they were really with sarah um definitely with sarah the desmonds really are why there's a marine education center in the village
of mamaroneck so sarah and the desmond's kind of got this whole thing moving um and that was sarah how long ago was that i really don't remember it's like 10 at least 10 years ago if not maybe longer right i don't think it was ten years eight i think i met with you all like maybe seven or eight years ago when i wasn't working with save the sounds when it was an idea yeah we were just starting out anyhow they really got the whole thing going so i just wanted to say thanks to jim and if you see hi
m around town just say thanks jim um and then sarah sarah's i won't talk for sarah but sarah's gonna be rolling off the um advisory committee too sarah you said you had a couple words you wanted to say oh i just wanted to to say goodbye i'll be around and um yeah it's a it's a good it's a good um it's a it's a good uh you know history that i mean it started with a a little closet and and a few little little tanks yeah it's pretty good is kyle coming today or i i haven't i texted her i haven't he
ard from her i hope she will but you'll stick around through the meeting right sir yeah and then is um i would just wanted to know so jim's coming off and and um and then you you you're taking my my place or just uh or that no i think they're just i was reappointed as was anne and um so we're staying on and then brendan and doug who's not with us will stay on and we have uh two more joining so there is one more there will be one more open space that we could potentially fill we maxed out at um s
even did i do the math correctly i think so yeah i did we maxed out at seven so i think we'll be able to take on one more person in the future if we want to if we find that it's a need that we have um so thank you sarah and we'll see sarah around it's not like she's disappearing no i'm i'm uh pretty active at the library so yeah i'm giving up on community service but no very active so then why don't we go around and introduce ourselves tonight um brenda uh peter can i interject for a second sinc
e you were talking about the the committee list i have a roster from sally and i have you for seven people this was this the roster that was approved at the um annual organizational meeting on monday okay i have brendan i've got henry doug eddie edie yeah eddie's not gonna eddie's um expressed that he needs to come off the committee for business reasons so then there's you uh ann and caroline okay so eddie i have to let um sally know his gun is coming off yeah please i i had emailed that too um
and he had emailed me so if you could let her know and let the trustees know that'd be good and that we do have a position then for person thanks rob all right so while we do uh so brennan and i and kyle met um henry and caroline but i don't think you've met ann so and you want to we'll just do a full around the around the committee and you want to do an introduction please yes i'm sorry i'm mostly new because i have workers leaving it's a little crazy but i um my name is anne scar i was just re
appointed to serve the committee again i live in the village and uh it's really great to be part and active with the marine center and any level that i can help support or provide to the committee that's pretty much it and i'm not sure what else we're supposed to you want us to say peter no that was good no that that's it that was great just okay introduce yourself and interests that's that's all good brandon how about you nice to see you uh both again uh brandon lewis um been on the committee f
or two years now uh live uh on the waterfront here on guyon creek so obviously uh anything to do with the ecosystem around here is very important uh to me and my family so i look forward to working uh again with the committee and also with our with our new members welcome aboard and uh i can keep mine kind of brief because i know brenda and myself too but peter linderoth will save the sound um the one non-village of mamaroneck resident that's on the committee they made an exception for me the ou
tsider but feeling more and more like an insider um i do work in the village and work very closely with a lot of the municipal staff and the trustees mayor too so it's kind of my second home in a way i've gotten to know it really well i love the village and the harbor it's amazing harbor it certainly has its challenges but it's also got a lot of great history and um it's got a lot of good stuff going for it as well i i direct the water quality program and save the sound so i oversee most of our
if not all actually our water quality monitoring efforts and then also do a lot of advocacy work legislative kind of helping out with our legislative and legal team as well and this is a great fit i have an education background before i worked at save the sounds i worked for non-profits doing education work museums curated a couple exhibitions and one of the things that i think i mentioned at the committee fair i managed the um bruce museum seaside center for quite a few years and worked there a
s a naturalist so i have a pretty good amount of experience with this kind of size environmental center i also worked with maritime aquarium so larger places as well but really just love being on the sound and education's fun so it fits in with what i do would save the sound but it's also just a personal interest of mine and i'm really happy to be on the committee and happy to have you both joining um why don't we go to caroline next please hi um nice to meet everyone i'm uh caroline jarham so i
've lived in well we sort of moved from the city to larchmont originally when my son so about five years ago and my son was sort of just almost a year old and then we moved to mamaroneck shortly shortly after that so um we lived just up just up from harbor island on mount pleasant avenue and say i've got a six-year-old and a four-year-old and they love kyle and they love the marine education center so whenever we go down there we always have to stop in and say hi and i've just i've we spent a lo
t of time there and when i found out that there was like an advisory committee and we i thought it would be a great opportunity to sort of give back and try and be involved and support it i think it's a great asset to the village i really do it's um it's really it's been fabulous for my uh my kids have loved it and everyone i've told about it loved the program so i'm looking forward to being involved and supporting however i can thank you and i've heard i've heard you and your family definitely
frequent the marine education center so that's that's outstanding obvious from the accent isn't it sort of a giveaway henry please yes thank you everyone um good afternoon my name is henry davis i'm also a village of mamaronic resident and i'm very excited to be on the committee and to help in any way that i can that was one of the main reasons why i wanted to volunteer i'd like to give back to the village in any way i can i do have an education background i work in higher ed i work specifically
in research and social research and also grant writing so uh in any way that i can be a resource for others i'm all for it i also have two small children um one goes to central and you might see him in the background he does peek his head out a little bit um but um yeah it's i feel like it's really important to and in any way that i can serve the committee i'd be more than happy to thank you yeah great thank you henry um and a little bit later in the agenda but not too far down we're going to t
alk about kind of queuing up projects for the upcoming year looking forward to some preliminary not to put you both on the spot but some preliminary ideas you might have um for projects we can kind of collectively work on and maybe some things you could bring to the table too um before we do that unfortunately i don't know if kyle's going to make it she's got a track record of attendance but she might be getting caught up with something um just looking at the agenda we talked about changing the
frequency moving into the new year so we typically have met once a month which i i feel and and the committee members is probably a little bit much for the amount of work that we do um brendan made a really good point and that we start meeting every two months so our next meeting will be in february kind of following that kind of uh it's in the agenda it's tentative tentatively scheduled for february 10th but i really we're gonna need to move the time so we'll we'll go to meeting every two month
s um and if we need to meet in addition to that we just have to give you know a notification to the village i'm sure we could hold special set whatever um or even side meetings like subcommittee meeting but wednesdays if four have worked pretty well for people but um doug one of our our members um we really want to have at the meetings um can't make this time so does anyone want to throw out a time or two that works well for them and then we can kind of do a quick kind of check of calendars it s
hould be a recurrent for me the only way i can really make it work is like first monday or thursday so i always know and then i can send out um calendar holds for everybody so it just is there for you but for me i have to schedule it in advance the best i can we don't we don't have to set it right now if there's something like to use i personally have filled out so many doodle polls in the last six months that i i don't know if i could handle another doodle poll um there's when to meet and some
other tools but um i don't know brandon you tend to know what's going on with doug in general do you you guys kind of work in a similar yeah at times i think outside of like you know quote unquote business hours would probably be the most appealing um i hate to push everybody into the evening but if you know we do like a 5 30 or 6 o'clock i think that would have a higher hit rate i'm not animally familiar with doug's schedule obviously but i think that probably is the largest deterrent is it's t
aking place during business hours air quotes yeah i'm okay with meeting um and it to that point it might make sense to just meet at six to give people time let me get that in the notes are our new board members ann uh and ann okay with that yes i'm fine with that i would six o'clock that sounds great i wonder i wonder um if we could just stick with the second wednesday because we've been holding that for a few years now and just move it to like six o'clock yeah the day is no problem for me at al
l so i like that why don't i see how that works out with doug and then um there may be another meeting at the um at the regatta i mean you've got to find out that's a good point especially when we can start meeting in person again when they have a tree committee meeting i think you're right but i thought it started at seven no i think it's just five uh let me check the village calendar we're talking about i'm sorry we're talking about february well the second wednesday of every month at 6 00 p.m
second wednesday we'll just check every month of every month at 6 p.m uh that seems fine i mean you're usually on the second wednesday of every month at three the planning board is at seven um but we have a we have a handful of um zoom accounts so i i mean i would just run that past sally to make sure that she thinks it's okay but i think it should be fine okay i think sarah's point was maybe someday we'll be able to meet in person again um and if that's the case we might not you know it might
be a little tight with the uh regatta right but there's are there other meeting room spaces that uh committees use i think there are the regatta has two meeting spaces one large one and one small one and then there's the um the cf the courtroom at 169 mount pleasant um which is pretty good that's a pretty big space um but i imagine that the planning board will be using that space if you know if and when the in-person meetings do start up again the planning board would probably use that space at
seven o'clock so we'd probably be fine in the regatta at six all right yeah why don't i touch base with sally and see if we can lock in 6 p.m um for the second wednesday every other month not the quickest type so give me a second all right good all right and so i it was a couple years ago we talked about you know divs and projects that the committee could get involved with um kind of work through some of those um i thought it was a pretty help storming kind of thought we'd bring that up now espe
cially since we're about to go into the new year and kind of cue up some projects that might be good for this year um and even you know areas that don't involve these three things that are listed in the agenda being advertising marketing comms which um just so our new members that's usually brendan and doug speakers adult learning has been anne and then education has typically been me sarah and jim um education in itself gets was pretty broad we talked about doing some standard connections and a
nd such but it seems like special projects actually should get lumped in there as well um so why don't we start from the top and then caroline and henry please feel free to jump in because it's nice to have some new blood and kind of just bring some new concepts to the table for projects that we can just queue up today it's not like we have to go into great detail on them get them on the agenda and then start thinking about like ways to approach them starting with marketing and comms though i've
been in touch with brendan one of the projects that's come up on the agenda is a nutrient bio extraction project using sugar kelp so if that didn't make any sense it's using seaweed to take in and out of the water and save a sound is involved in a pilot for new york state i've been talking like yeah it'd be great to get everybody out in the winter um i guess what i meant by that is more like february once the kelp is actually growing a little bit more but i shot brendan um and thank you for fol
lowing up with me brendan i shot you the um kind of blurb from the save the sound newsletter on the project um just so you have a general idea of what we'll be pitching and and i think i mentioned to you too we'll probably do a press release so when we do that i i'd love to get you in touch with our communications team and then we could do like a joint press release which i can't see why anyone on our end would have any issue with that it's kind of a project that i'm overseeing i can just sugges
t it i'm sure we'll be in good shape but it kind of leverages both of our like village comms and then save the sound coms and we might get some good reach and it could be fun to get the press out and to get brendan out he said he'd like to get out with kyle myself and um we're working with marine services which is a western sito which is also in the harbor so we're able to go with a local outfit for the moorings and the buoys for the kelp lines it's going out by hen island do you both know where
you know where an island is i think right so hen island's outside of the harbor it's kind of like it's where milton harbor and mamaroneck harbor come together before you go into the open sounds kind of at the end of both channels and it's uh it's this great community of people that have you know homes out there they've agreed to give us access to their underwater land rights and that's where we'll be running 100 feet of this seaweed for a nutrient extraction project which is beneficial in lots
of ways and i won't go into super detail now but just to be clear i'll get you in touch brenda with the comms team and we could we could work together i'm sure on getting some press out there and kind of doing something with the mec too i'd love to see that kyle's not on now but i'm sure she'd be up for this kind of look at some education programming around the project and see if there was something that could fit in with what she typically teaches at the center great yeah i look forward to talk
ing to the thomas people we can put together a plan pretty quickly i think all this stuff yeah yeah it'll be good i think they'll appreciate how you know we have an extensive team but it'll be nice to bring someone new into the mix to local so marketing and comps too so i forget where we left the uh the train it's just been on my mind to do it but remember we talked about getting like signs up at the platforms and people aren't i know people aren't really well some people are some people aren't
the train kind of whole thing has been important now obviously because we're not looking for a lot of foot traffic what do you think about that brendan is that something we should think about kind of getting into play you know i think um there is probably inventory right now with ridership being down so if we get in we can get in i can give another whirl uh on contacting with the agency that mta contracts with um so yeah you know i think it's one of those that died a little bit because no one wa
s getting back to me frankly because why would they give away stuff for free if they're still trying to fill inventory uh but yeah let me let me try another round with uh with the mta's advertising agency if not we can look to leverage people to see if they might be willing to donate quote-unquote inventory uh that they have uh for for our cause i think that would be good and then was there something else you were i apologize i don't have the notes in front of me i think there was something else
you got where someone was thinking about donating some uh that was trained train based sorry you broke up there i couldn't a couple meetings back you had mentioned the potential like uh someone had offered to donate some marketing space was that for the um the train platforms and the mta or was that a different project yeah no no that that was more of a wish if we could find people to donate uh inventory for the platform great so yeah let's look back into it you know hopefully with the vaccine
coming out maybe by next season um and people you know being responsible maybe we'll have a little bit more of an open center for the general public again it'll really benefit you know if we put some places up it's but you know it'd be good to look at it for next season all right anything else on marketing and comms that you think might be lined up we talked about press bringing in more press maybe with this project in other ways anything else for the upcoming year we're looking at uh i'm lookin
g at things uh kind of along three matrices if you will uh event based uh coms trend based coms and personality based coms and the event base is like do we get a new screw down to you know the the water robot if you will that's kind of like a neat little interesting story trend-based stuff is if there's anything related to kind of environmental issues all up and down we can add our voices as a short town um and then the personality stuff you know we've we've got a great asset with with kyle so a
re there things that we can do to help augment you know the great work that she's already doing um and with the press already so those are the kind of three things that we're looking at and formulating an overall kind of comprehensive plan for the rest of the year so we'll uh develop that a little bit more finite as as uh as we launch into the new year nice yeah that'd be great let me get that in the notes um and then for our new uh for our new members so brandon you don't you didn't meet doug y
ou'll meet him in february because we'll make sure we do it outside of regular business hours he's yeah and i was raising my hand just regarding the marketing i brought up at the last meeting when you come off a 95 there's no signage zero that sign that was always there on fennimore is still not there so um is there something we can do or who we could speak about getting that up unless you think it doesn't matter no i liked that sign a lot actually i think it came down because i see it all the t
ime coming back up from where we um do a lot of our work in the bronx uh who would we get in touch with it will you reach out to dan sarnoff and and kyle specifically kyle yeah and maybe dan sarnoff and just ask about that signage yes i think you mentioned it came down for a short amount of time or for an interval of time because there's something else that was happening at the harbor but you're right it's been a while and uh it could be beneficial to get it back up there i i think the new villa
ge manager changed that whole i mean so i think there was a consistency of desire because all the signs are changed all over the place it says you know clubs and and uh harbor and etc and all the signs when he came in he he changed everything so i think he'd be the person dan would know that too but so email jerry dan and kyle jerry danning you want me to do that i'm sorry my computer is freezing i'm gonna get the technical issues resolved by next meeting that's okay yeah if you could please you
could put me on there too um but jerry jerry dan and kyle together and just asking about the sign and you might want to just say you know being an advisory committee um we advise if it would work to get it back up there at some point it was a very visible sign um certainly thanks ann for bringing that up so advertising mark is not really my thing but henry and um caroline you want to weigh in a little bit on that i wonder if communication um just uh henry i know you've worked in the um kind of
the social data realm and besides the grant also mentioned kind of like surveys and things like that and when you mention that fair i think i brought it up to our committee actually at the last meeting i think that could be a idea to survey our um when we have the ability to again like you know maybe on the site survey but then also follow raise do you have any thoughts or recommendations to kind of increase user experience at the same time that we do you know one thing that i do have experience
in is holding online focus groups and um if there was a way i mean that also ties into advertising and if you're trying to get people's feedback but i find that they're very useful and they're very helpful especially to see how to communicate effectively to people um in one of the projects i did there were it was very surprising that you know the organization that we were working with thought they were really getting all this information out to people and most people said well i'm not really on
social media i'm on you know i'd rather just see a sign or a flyer you know they looked out more for that word of mouth so we found that you know it's having these online forums really do help generate ideas especially learning people's habits and in regards to how they view something how they view the center um how they view um you know effective communication what speaks to them so maybe even hosting an online forum um of of townspeople village you know villagers to see what they would be int
erested in or their perceptions so i mean that might be one way to uh to have a you know a detailed plan or to get one in place yeah that sounds like a great idea what was the terminology i heard the online forum but what did you say before that oh um i feel like it's a quiz um let me see i i focus like online focus groups focus groups yes okay yeah online i love i i like yeah not a quiz at all it just you said it i slipped i think that's a great idea um and one that we could definitely do you k
now via zoom i'm sure the village would be happy to help let what i think we probably have to but we'll use their account webinar kind of structure that's something you'd be up for working on absolutely i think kyle would be on board too seeing that it's you know looking to improve and kind of just get an idea of the perception of the center as a whole that would be great so you you'd recommend that over like kind of a standard traditional kind of like fill-in survey um or online survey or do yo
u spend those like as part of the process i would actually do both i mean i'm used to mixed methodology so i find that the sometimes a focus group will even inform the survey so um i i would say not one or the other but if you can do both uh that's even better get that in the notes that'd be a great idea you know any organization really should be looking at ways that they can continue to to grow but also just figure out how people perceive them i think that turned out that was an important point
too like how do people see this place now and like where do they see maybe it could go that'd be great i i think not to speak for kyle but i think she'd be up for working with this committee on something like that that'd be great especially if you you know you have a field of expertise you can kind of help guide the process that would be incredibly helpful nice now it's a good time it might tie in with that but i know the um the education center is very focused on like uh education for children
which is great but i wonder if like if there's a a market for it or if people want to if you could start introducing like adult education like through the village like maybe i don't know to get people involved in citizen science or just educate the adults because like i know my kids really love it but sometimes i'm like oh that's really interesting and like you know i want to sort of do it too and i don't know if that might be a good way to get um more um more adults just involved with the vill
age and looking after the sound and sort of interested in that and the marine environment and how we can sort of protect it and sort of move forward with that but that might be something you know with the so with the focus groups and the sort of surveys if there's a need for it or like maybe it's just a one-off on a saturday i know kyle's already pretty busy with her education efforts with the with the you sort of with the kids but i think that's a fantastic fantasy um and then the other thing i
i know she sort of works with um the westchester children's museum and um and some of the preschools and things as well but i wondered if there's any i mean this is a lot of work for one person maybe we need to you know like anyway um but i wondered if there's any uh interest or might be a good idea to try and link up with the school district i don't know how that would work like being linked up with it very much yeah oh okay so she does already okay i didn't know that yeah okay yeah she does s
he has kind of set programs with certain grade levels and oh okay great yeah i don't have them off the top of my head but um for school programming i mean you're right she's one person and she does have volunt volunteers and interns and such but she tends to be she does a great job across the board so this isn't like she's doing a good job here she's not doing a good job here but i think the adult education element in itself is something where this committee has chimed in about in the past and s
omewhere where we could help just because she is one person um and seeing that we're we like to all think we're adults at least we're all adults um we can kind of maybe volunteer our time to help with that specific type of effort yeah um i love the citizen science yeah go ahead i don't think it would need to be sort of like a you know weekly thing or anything it could just be it's something that happens a couple of times a year like on a weekend or something that you just sort of invite people d
own and get people more it doesn't need to be an intensive like onerous tasks necessarily but yeah oh i i would agree with you a hundred percent um one of the things we're talking about and and maybe you could you could work with ann on this and we're going to get to it in a moment i actually put what you were talking about in this section on speakers adult education um is just having like one or two speakers a year geared for adults um and that's something we were working with something with a
professor for a researcher actually from woods hole um and it turned out that he had been kind of a it wasn't working out for scheduling purposes brandon's going to be touching basically i don't know if you've done that yet brandon with a friend of yours a professor at was it lamont at columbia no no he uh he's up at the university of new england oh that's right so i traded noticed him he said he's gonna check his calendar over the next couple of months he's got some big papers and stuff that he
's working on but he was receptive to it yeah so maybe that's caroline somewhere where you could work with ann i'm sure and i'm just not gonna say no and you guys can kind of work and like get so brennan's got an idea but also just kind of scour around and look for some other speakers trying to keep it somewhat long island sound focused if you can and of course long island sound i mean the atlantic ocean is connected to long island sound and so the east river and it fits and so is the hudson so
you know in some ways you can kind of look at it in that way and go through sorry my dog's barking at the ups he's my fearless guard dog we've all been there but um it could be a good idea so maybe we don't need to chat about it in detail now but maybe touch base with ann um and then you two could talk about lupine brendan because he's working with this one speaker but let's get like three or four maybe on a list and then start seeing what sticks and we can schedule one or two of these a year is
one more than we're doing now right so i think it'd be great to get one in yes sir um i was going to mention this um so and that's that that's all i'm going to say but the uh there's a seaweed company they actually grow seaweed this is uh started by a korean guy who uh really was trained in career and he's brought the stuff back and he's he anyway he has makes a product from it but he's also doing seaweed in long island sound and he has uh his his um he's based in uh he lives in california but
his his company is based in boston and he said he'd send somebody down or i'm sure he would you know be willing to do anything virtual about the whole seaweed what they're doing with it yeah that'd be great right and then caroline also we could connect you'll have my email and you know we could work together but the seaweed it's definitely it would be great to learn more about i think that would bring a lot to yeah it does i don't know if anyone chimed into the webinar murphy did i sign a webina
r with some seaweed specialists and i gave my short little five-minute talk on our pilot that's queued up but um i think that could be a theme to try to work with in the upcoming year um and kind of bigger picture it can make for a great food source um it could be used for agricultural products like macronutrients on agricultural crops like in upstate new york so get the nitrogen from the sound get it back to the upland and you're kind of removing nitrogen and you get the cycle going um so i mea
n it's going to have it's it's picking up a lot um i could help get speakers for that one too dr yaris dr kim um and then green wave uh is kind of the connecticut although they work in new york too the connecticut kind of small farmer set up for seaweed um they have that big operation on the thimble island wolf relatively big operation in the thimble islands um so sarah if you could send your contact over um it's not professor kim is it uh no it's not professor kim okay yeah so send that over pl
ease and uh i think would be good professor kim sounds korean as well i think he is well yeah and professor kim's at uconn stanford and it's he focuses a lot on nutrient bio extraction with seaweed um the thing about seaweed is you got to really make it like it's it's not quite the same as talking about like sharks or talking about like something like it it's fascinating right you got to get the right speaker in there um to make it kind of captivating i guess you could say it's really fascinatin
g stuff though so sarah um please send that over would you please send it to um anne and i don't know if you have caroline's email address yet but send it to and to start and we can get kind of get this list of potential speakers going yeah how do you all feel about file sharing that's one of the things we haven't really done and i won't go out too far to say what we should do because i don't know what the village allows but um i think it could be helpful to set up like a dropbox or a google dri
ve um i'm fine with either one robert how's what's the village's thoughts on setting something like that up for sharing folders in a committee i think it's fine i mean uh as long as your meetings are you know out in the open and um you know we're being [Music] shared like this you know there's i understand that there's like nitty-gritty detail-oriented stuff about file sharing and about you know people contacting folks and you know what not but and i'm certainly not an authority on this this typ
e of topic but i i think it would be totally fine i mean other committees have to get work done and when you have to share files with each other like yeah it's a reasonable thing okay good we can get a final answer on that but um and i appreciate that thank you i think we need that i'm surprised we haven't talked about that in the past for things like a growing list of speakers and it's in one central place and people can just add to it um and whatever wherever else it may go from there are ther
e any preferences i mean i know i don't think we have any federal employees here they have trouble with uh dropbox but i could do google i know like i know um the rec department many times uses we transfer um the one that that's the one that comes to my mind uh immediately there are a couple of other ones i think google docs is sufficient we're not going to be you know we transfers like for really big files and i don't think we're ever going to have massive files that we're going to be going bac
k and forth so google drive google drive is kind of good too because you could set up and we could i i believe i don't want to go too far you never know with municipal boundaries but i think we could set up like uh uh mecac at gmail and just use that as the gmail account linked to google drive and then like let the village have all the you know cliff in the i the director of i.t for the village cliff yeah thank you i would just run everything past him to make sure that uh he he gives like kind o
f the final okay on these things blessing i got you it approval for a mec ac i think that's going to be helpful i'll do that c-a-z-e-s wait how do you spell his last name again c a z e s yes that's right all right great i'll do that i'd like to go back for a second i thought um caroline's idea about like an adult education program is actually kind of really neat i think it's a fun potential thing for for adults um i know we're not supposed to mention the fundraising word here as part o
f our official duties uh but i do think there might be something that we could do with the friends of that you know could raise money while also educating so um you know just just something that kind of came into my mind because i do think it's a wonderful opportunity it could be a another wonderful opportunity to activate some additional levers for for the center well said always careful right let me get that touch base with friends of the mec to incorporate how about we just say to incorporate
their efforts with this one can i jump in on that one too when when we were running it just as a volunteer group of volunteers when we were we were running um different themes during during the weekend people would come down and all of a sudden they'd completely leave their children looking at fish and go follow a leader you know walking around doing a tree walk and and you know there's a bird walk on once a month and then there was a big connection with the there's that little house in the the
first school that's right there on on the post road and walking to that and then i mean the whole thing was to combine the the historical aspect of the village as well as the marine part of it but people just loved it and uh it just it emptied the center whenever we we had we had a couple of these and um it was very successful sarah how could i get that in the notes kind of a historic program for adult right historic history oh it was really more than natural history use the word natural histor
y because it is very interesting to know about what you know how how the those harbors were dredged and and all the rest of it and the historical society had has a lot of photographs of of the harbor before it was the way it is now and they were willing to to to you know put some of them up in the rec center and in the you know in addition i'm not saying that that they wouldn't love a walk on the on the beach or you know a marshwalk or something in fact oh but i love that idea i think that's gre
at and the nice thing about something like that is it's more covet friendly too honestly where you could get people out the main smaller rsvp list maybe but um and do things like that and get people doing kind of fun activities in a safe way that's that's a good idea i know i'd go i'm i love the history i don't i'm i know a specialist on it but going back and look i mean like director shipyards itself has a pretty and like that kind of general shipyard history of the harbor not just director i d
idn't but just the general use of the harbor like by the navy and other it wasn't i mean it's got a pretty deep rooted history in shipbuilding and and having like large draft vessels come in um it's still it's still it still does yeah yeah of course um so yeah that'd be great maybe we could even get some of the shipbuilders to talk a little bit during it too be fun thanks sarah john pritz who is the chair i think he's the co-chair of the mamaroneck historical association is the village historian
um his uh contact information is up on our website okay one sec give me give me the name again john johan pritz p r i tts and his his mother his mother was uh gloria right i don't know about his family history oh well yeah his grandfather was head of the wpa that did all the dredging of the harbor wow so he's very much the amazing resource of yeah yeah he grew up with it yeah and there are a lot of people who knew gloria very well i i think she's probably dead i was working with her uh when whe
n when i that's how i got the information that i have about about the harbor there's a wonderful photograph of the of the beach in the t the td bank uh as you leave mamaroneck it's a fabulous photograph of old old memory back when it was a marsh or what back when it was a marshmallow it's when it was a the first beach that's not not the way it is now it's quite quite great wonderful bathing suits with the i'm sorry i'm talking too much oh come on it's good leaving you with all sorts of ideas i j
ust i just put in john's email address yeah thank you can i put that in the notes that we're publishing or is that a no i'm going to put them in here it's probably a website it's a vomit it's a vomiting one yeah it's publicly available on the side yeah perfect thanks a lot thanks rob you're chiming in here today it's been very helpful that could be of some help yeah good so why we're on the subject of that would it be good to ask john maybe to do a talk yeah of course you know and then leading i
nto it i mean i wasn't sure are we still pausing until worry can not have to so she paused up right when she said pause there didn't she there you are hold on yeah we lost you for a second there anne um are you saying a guided talk like on the at the harbor itself oh she froze up again i think that's something caroline i think that's something you should talk with anne about and this adult and then this adult kind of stuff you guys could plan something like that looping kyle of course um but yea
h i mean it's about winter not that i mind trudging around in the winter but it might be good to do it when it warms up a little bit yeah no absolutely when it warms up i mean i'm i'm thinking we'll do something when it's warm warmed up yeah like late spring early summer is a great time for something like that i would think yeah definitely okay yeah so i'll make i'm gonna touch base with cliff on making that google drive and we can start kind of getting these things in a shared reposit like area
and then adding ideas like that to this adult learning section i wanted to just emphasize what caroline said too about what henry mentioned with the focus groups and the surveys we can all think about like what we think is going to be interesting and we should go ahead and pursue that but i'd love to see those come off the ground sooner than later to kind of help guide us in this kind of newer offering that the center could be doing um and then like really tap into what the community's interest
s are um and the mec i see mec communities interests so i'd love to maybe by the next meeting um henry you could give us like a little bit of a your suggestions on scheduling and some other such points so we could really make it happen yeah maybe do focus groups do like three-part series about programming and about perception so i can come up with a draft of that and a couple of questions send me structured questions for the focus group just to see if it's worth uh following up on yeah i think t
hat would be outstanding i will be but i think for all of us to see it would be helpful kyle too so yeah if you could work a little bit on that for the next meeting that would be awesome just the general structures of them carolina and you're both going to touch base on kind of adult speakers we still would love to do something in the winter don't get me wrong we want to make sure we have plenty of lead time so if it's brennan's contact great if it's a different one maybe the the professor seawe
ed specialist sarah brought up great but you know maybe start talking about that again and seeing we would do it via zoom via like a webinar like you know that's obviously how we would do it um and then let's give ourselves at least a couple months i would suggest for advertising and to let our team really get the word out um but shooting for something in february is certainly doable i would think um but since we won't be meeting again until february i'd really and i'll do my best to help encour
age that too but just start talking about it soon and then we can try to lock something in all right great um that kind of covered education did you have anything else on adult speaking learning you were thinking caroline no no not not right now but i'll give it i'll give it a bit more source okay great yeah that that'll be that's going to be a good facet i think of the center um anything on other business people want to talk about before we wrap up for the night no all right so i i took meeting
notes this time around so i'll get them out and they definitely have some next steps for people to kind of pick up on um we'll do our next meeting i'll put it in tentatively for um 6 p.m on that same day so please go ahead and mark your calendars off 6 p.m on um i think it's the 10th and then i'll touch base to sally to make sure that that's actually something the village is good with with their general scheduling um and welcome welcome on board and looking forward to kind of kicking off this n
ew year with uh some new faces sarah i know i'll stay in touch with you it's not goodbye so um i just want to say thanks again oh i'll see you again no interested i might not resign oh okay all right i don't know if she submitted her resignation um sounds good sarah you're always welcome to attend by the way even if you're not technically a a committee member you can still attend the meetings i think anyone can come in and then we can up like move them to a speaker yeah all the meetings are post
ed on the village website and um you know that's kind of like the public url sorry i have a daughter who's yelling in the background um but they can all you know people can log in and um you know they're listed as an attendee but then whoever is the i.t person that's assigned to this meeting can bump them up to be a panelist yeah so sarah i'd really encourage you to check in on uh and you're welcome to contact me and be like hey i'd like to come in and talk a little bit or you're welcome to join
anytime sarah so thank you thank you thank you thank you let me save these notes so i don't lose them um i just want to say thanks everyone um happy holidays happy happy happy holidays happy holidays everybody thank you thank you bye
